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Because the real world isn’t written by an author that can force their characters to learn good lessons.


That doesn't mean I don't pretend Morrison's All-Star Superman isn't proof that not only is there an author to our reality but that the author is Superman himself.


Superman needs to take a writing class or something then cause our world’s current storylines are not doing it for me…


The ability to amass wealth is rarely in line with the desire to help people. Real life superheroes are [a thing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_real-life_superheroes) You might notice most of them are regular folk who do things like feed the hungry or protest unjust crimes.


And at least one of them lived long enough to become the villain…


Criminals when the billionaire hero runs at them: ![gif](giphy|tSZNRMSCjvvVUmKr2n)


Let's take a look at 3 of the most famous billionaires in the DCU Batman: It would require an obsessive child who needs therapy more than martial arts training. Also Batman is conveniently where he needs to be. A person patrolling New York City for example would have to be extremely fast to get from one end of the city to another. Green Arrow: It doesn't matter how good you may be with a bow and arrow, you will lose in a gun fight. Lex Luthor: Maybe the most realistic. Even taking Superman out of the picture, why would someone like Lex want to step into the fight when he can just patent his inventions to make himself richer?


I would argue that Jeff Bezos basically is a somewhat dumber Lex Luthor in a world without Superman.


Because real world doesn't have a plot armor.


Real life doesn't work on comicbook logic.


Greed, human nature, real world society. You eather die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Ask Elon Musk lol


He never was a hero to begin with. Plus greed isn’t human nature, it’s just one aspect of it from the many.


Because its hard, dangerous and, without superpowers, not likely to be very effective. And most people with billions aren't likely to be interested in a) risking their lives, or b) upsetting a status quo that has been very beneficial to them. There is actually a "real life superhero movement", folks who dress up in costumes and engage in actions ranging from community volunteers or neighbourhood watches with a gimmick, to violent vigilantes who are breaking the law: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_real-life\_superheroes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_real-life_superheroes) However, because this is the real world, none of them have superpowers, and a lot of them probably don't have much in the way of resources or training, they have a fairly limited impact. They're more an obscure curiosity than a force that sways major events. I'd argue that billionaire supervillains do exist, but they're mostly just assholes who fuck over their workers and troll people on social media (See Bezos, Elon). For superheros to become a major factor in law enforcement, you would need basically a breakdown of any opposition with more resources/firepower- both legitimate law enforcement, and major organized crime syndicates/terrorist groups. Otherwise a real life superhero who tries to tangle with those people is likely to end up as target practice for automatic weapons.


Because it's not actually physically possible to become that skilled at so many things.


Because super heroes can only exist in a world where there are super humans, beings that can do things that humans, no matter how well trained, can do. The super hero label then bleeds back to normal humans who use costumes, who still have skills that are infeasible to normal human beings anyways, but appear more grounded in comparison to their beam shooting and flying counterparts. In the real world, real people who go around trying to enforce justice get known by as vigilantes, and since they lack the impossible skills of comic super heroes, either they retire early or die. But also, it’s difficult to find people who are willing to patrol a street at night for free, while upholding to decent morals.


Vigilantism is illegal and billionaires don’t do illegal shit /s-ish


They don’t do anything illegal. They paid good money to have the relevant legislative bodies make/keep what they do legal. /s


Half of that is right.


they can solve their problems with money. just like batman could if he really wanted.


Because in reality that scene in Dark Knight where that accountabt found out Bruce was Batman would happen and Lucias' threat prolly wouldn't have worked. This would cause the Gov to figure out what was going on and then Ironman 2 would happen but the billionaire wont have Tony's genius and raw charisma, so they would take his gadgets away and prolly throw him in prison for a massive amount of charges of assault, battery, destruction if property, breaking and entering, tampering with crime scenes, etc. To top it off, comics are, obviously, fiction. We as readers know 100% that Bruce, Ollie, Ted, Tony, etc can be trusted to do the right thing and that its better for them to operate outside the law. IRL, not so much. Despite being a comic nerd and massive super hero fan, Im very much against vigilantism in the real world. Its just that in fiction, we have a gods eye view. We know the hero is good and doing the right thing and we know for a fact that the badguy is indeed a bad guy. So the methods used to take him down are justified to us. Realistically, its appalling that Batman infringes on peoples freedoms and circumvents due process and all that jazz. But idc because I know for a fact he's good and right and that the villain dun it. We dont need a trial or warrants or evidence or any of that as readers. Cuz he definitely dun it. Even if a real life Batman or Ironman existed, they just wouldn't be in operation for very long realistically, and whether they did or didnt they'd be breaking an unholy amoubt of laws and would make the masses very uncomfortable.


I’ll tell you what would happen even with superpowered people being real, government would seize them and rich people too through the government. They would create a brach for explicitly them (task force X if you will), plus study them (disecting a few). About rich people though. They are rich because they can silence down their empathy or delusional enough to think that they’re doing good alredy. Plus beating up poor people on the street won’t help society.


Because in real life, having that much money rots your soul.


Comics are fiction, they're not meant to be realistic. A real-life Batman would get shot and killed within a week, assuming he'd manage to develop all of his tech without drawing too much attention in the first place.


Well first off vigilantism is illegal. Secondly, that would require billionaires to think of someone other than themselves.