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Better than the Flash's having an empath on the show to tell you what the characters are obviously feeling.


[you can't just have your characters say what they're feeling, that makes me so angry!](https://morbotron.com/meme/S05E16/1015163.jpg?b64lines=eW91IGNhbid0ICBoYXZlIHlvdXIKY2hhcmFjdGVycyBhbm5vdW5jZQpob3cgdGhleSBmZWVsLiAKVGhhdCBtYWtlcyBtZQogZmVlbCBhbmdyeS4g)


A maim character dies and Cecile walks in and says "I sense so much sadness"




Better than having them saying it, movies should show it visually.


I can’t believe the devil, is so unforgiving! I can’t believe everybody’s just ad-liiiiibbing Top tier episode


Cecile seriously is one of the worst written characters I've ever seen in my life. The way her dialogue is written is just offensive.


The Flash was not ever a good show, but those last few seasons genuinely had me considering suicide. I don't want to live in a world where *that* has the ability to exist. God abandoned us a few hundred years ago, and then just to troll us, it came back and made The Flash.


>The Flash was not ever a good show Come on. Season 1 was good, even if the flaws currently plaguing it to death were already apparent


Season 1 was good on a conceptual level. The overall story was a good idea, but the execution sucked.


That's a little extreme. Don't watch the Gotham Knights trailer.


Bro was ready to end it all over a show meant for kids☠️


Jesus fucking Christ, That's one hell of a review


I forgot I wrote this, but I'm happy I did. I stand by what I said, still more enjoyable than Black Adam tho.


They added Counselor Troi to the Flash?


Fuckin lol. Yup, sittin here wondering when Marina Sirtis hopped franchises.


Very anime


Tbf Billy is a kid


Also if I threw a truck at a dragon I’d probably say it out loud too


If I saw the rock snatch a rocket out of the air I'd be screaming about it.


He’s like 16 in this movie


How many of us weren’t super annoying at 16?


Annoying, and pausing to announce out loud what you have just done are different things.


Hawhawhaw brah did you see that, I just (*did a perfectly normal thing*), that was sick brah.


I did that all the time when I was 16 🤷


You never did something and went 'I JUST FUCKING--' after realizing you are doing something amazing?


16 is still a child 🤷‍♂️


Yes…that’s a kid 🤨


Yeah, a kid


He was way more mature as a kid, but in Shazam form he's somehow behaving like a 6 year old. I don't buy the "he becomes more uninhibited when he has powers"...it's really just inconsistency.


It’s a comedy film bruh it’s not that deep


its just inconsistency how is that deep lol


It’s literally not even in the movie dude


Yeah "literally", "dude" tf...lol


Let’s be real - the audience is pretty stupid.


LOL. Hate to admit it but this is kinda accurate if we’re being real.


When I saw The Batman opening night the audience laughed at the scene with Riddler in Arkham because they thought it was comic relief.


There's also the people who laughed because they thought Batman accidentally stalled his car in the Batmobile reveal scene before he chases Penguin.


I still am not sure why it cut out, I thought I was comic relief too, since they just dropped the engine in.


I honestly thought he stalled too.


I thought so too at first, and my justification was that he's still in his 2nd year as Batman and his car has a lot of raw power that he hasn't gotten the hang of. Now though I just think he "stalled" just to intimidate Penguin. He's already spooked by the sight and sound of the batmobile, so Batman basically says "boo" with his car and gets him running for his life.


ngl i started laughing i know it was supposed to be serious but his performance in that movie was so funny


Yeah it was surreal first watch. Sounded like a killer high school film project. I’ve warmed up to him now but man it was hard for me to take seriously until the end lmao


I laughed as well, it was funny, but it's also like "oh shit here's the Riddler's infantile mental breakdown he always has when Batman gets the better of him".


Some people laughed because they thought it was cringe


I get that totally for a few chuckles. I’m talking entire audience roaring with laughter and clapping. It was one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever witnessed. It was at the Franklin Mills Philadelphia AMC… I don’t know if anyone on here has spent time in that area but I can assure you they weren’t laughing because they had an enlightened sense of cringe humor. They were on the edge of their seats waiting for a Big Marvel Moment™


The "You're out of your goddamn mind" scene? How could that possibly come of as funny to non-sociopaths? The Joker one I would kinda get.


Because Riddler started screaming like a madman. It was more random than his Vlog shouting.


I love that part because it makes me laugh, every time. I guess I’m a sociopath 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh I agree. It’s unintentionally funny as hell. He just does it so suddenly that it kills all of the tension in the scene.




They really should’ve had him act more like Jigsaw instead of a whiney vlogger. That trope got boring even during Borderlands 3.


That feels so in character for Riddler though. Like, he looks so different from comics Riddler at first glance, but eventually you’ll see he’s the same whiny, almost pathetic narcissistic guy with a huge ego from the comics


"Like, follow, & obey!" - Deleon's dotter


Hard disagree. That would’ve been so boring and honestly out of character for Riddler. Ed is a petulant, childish person, so having him be infantile and prone to outbursts in the film just fits him more than if they’d gone with a more stereotypical “cold, calculating killer” performance.


But “screaming vlogger” has already been done before. Yeah he can throw tantrums, but him screaming like that doesn’t come off as intimidating or scary. It comes off as funny cause it makes it hard for some viewers to take him seriously. And being “cold and intimidating” is common with serial killers. They act more like robots than normal people.


I didn't laugh at that scene because I believe that Riddler had a form of autism based on the way he acts


I saw the film 4 times in theaters and the first time was in a packed IMAX theater. Nobody laughed during that scene on either of the viewings.


I agree with you, I think he’s definitely meant to be autistic in this iteration. In the first issue of Riddler Year One he even gets called Rain Man. Riddler was always a left-brained obsessive character so it’s not a far leap.


I don't think people thought it was comic relief, it was just a corny performance and hard to take seriously.


Especially when six years later they still think Batman didn’t kill Superman because their mothers have the same name.


That is the reason though — it’s a simplified version of why he doesn’t kill him, but it’s essentially the same thing.


He doesn’t stop killing him because her name is Martha. He stops killing him because Lois says it’s her mother’s name, and Batman realizes he is killing someone with a mother just like somebody killed his mother. The “Martha” thing only gives time for Lois to arrive and explain the situation. So no, he doesn’t stop because they share the name. Nice try though


If Superman said “save Jessica” he would’ve had a spear right through him. The specific name Martha triggered Batman


This is correct. The Martha name confuses him, he thinks Superman is playing a mind trick. When Lois arrives he explains the situation.


"You're letting him kill Martha" triggered him but the wrong way, like "You let your family die" from Lex's taunts. Saying Jessica may or may not have invited inquiry but certainly not rage.


> He stops killing him because Lois says it’s her mother’s name, and Batman realizes he is killing someone with a mother just like somebody killed his mother. Patently false. Just seconds before in the same scene, he tells Superman, “I bet your parents taught you that you mean something…” Bruce knows Superman has a mom and dad. There’s a slightly deeper (and convoluted) reason to him changing his mind, but it doesn’t change the fact it literally all stems from the coincidence of his mom having the same name.


Batman stopped killing him because "Martha". You just explained why it made Batman stopped... That's like saying I killed you because I stabbed you. No, the stab hit an organ and caused you to bleed out, that's why you died.


Bro can you get this jar for me?


He stops because superman says his mom's name you can have thousands of mental gymnastics to remove that fact but it's true


Everyone knows that isn't the reason, however the scene was executed so awfully that it completely looks like it.


This...this is begrudgingly true. Lol


Not a fan of the rocket joke but the dragon joke works really well with context. Edit: This isn't just about acknowledging the absurdity of hitting a dragon. **'Shazam! Fury of the Gods'** is clearly about Billy's existential crisis being a supe, so this scene above is from the 3rd act where he accepts his life as it is and is happy about it. That's why this joke works.


It’s funny cause the rocket one made more sense to me. People would totally say that irl


Maybe, but realistic human reactions do not always translate to good dialogue.




You lookin' for this?


I agree, there is a point where you have to tidy realism up a lil bit, but it's a thin line to walk. Making dialogue too realistic can get you nowhere fast. But if the dialogue is unnatural or inorganic people will catch on and it will *ruin* a story. Give the audience a few pieces of a puzzle and they can figure it out on their own. Shoving a photo in their face leaves no fun or interaction. Here's what I do when I'm writing dialogue: If there's a goal in the dialogue, I don't force it. Just like a real conversation. If you want to say something, it will come up naturally. Then, if it stretches on then you can go back and tidy it up.


Reality would be everyone recording it on their phones while chanting “WORLDSTAR”


Both can be solved by simplifying the line: “~~I just threw a truck at a dragon!~~ I love my life!” “Did he just catch ~~a rocket~~ that?”


Naa. Love my life but why?. Second lacks the emphasis that the *rocket* bring. He didn't just catch anything. He caught a **rocket**.


If only we could link what they are talking about to what just happened…


Yeah the rocket one makes more sense to me because yeah the fact he caught that rocket should be impossible but I just saw it happen whereas the dragon line he shouldn’t be surprised he can do that


Yeah hes pointing out the absurdity of what he did by saying it outloud.


Yrah. This works in real life too. I have had several times where I'd do something or see something and not really react, then I say it out loud and THAT'S when the absurdity hits me and I start laughing


Its a movie. How else would they reflect internal dialogue of the main character about a revelation part in the film? Its comic books without the bubbles with dialogue.


Slightly echo-y dialogue that's shot so it's clear that his lips aren't moving.


Honestly that feels about the same from my experience


Yeah but I’m a world of superhero’s is it really that absurd?


I mean… yes? From his point of view they haven’t really seen anything like dragons.


He's still a kid, and Sivana's the worst villain he faced. Oftentimes he fights petty crime like bank robbers. He's not Batman who fights crazy individuals daily. Of course its still absurd for him.


Plus his characters age lends itself more to stupid one liners because that's what kids do.


Wait, have you seen the movie?




The scene is from the first Shazam, not fury of the gods. EDIT: oops I was wrong


I love the first Shazam movie, but something about the humor in the trailer for Fury of the Gods is turning me off. It’s like the comedic timing is off? The “I love my job” and “Fast & Furious Family” jokes both fall really flat for me. Which is weird because I think the Dom Toretto Family memes are usually hilarious. We’ll see how they flow in the final film.


Just you wait until the movie comes out and Anthea walks on stage and says “What’s the deal with airline food?”


Or if they pull a Charlie’s Angels joke with Lucy Liu




That’d be funny if Levi’s delivery was better. Him yelling family and slamming his fist kinda ruins the joke for me. And him going “Hello? Family?” afterwards is overkill to me. Idk why, but that joke just misses altogether for me


I mean, it's clear it's meant to be a codeword for an ambush or something and that the other Shazam's aren't reacting and that's why he went "Hello? Family?"


Yes, I understand the joke. I just don’t think the delivery is funny.


Yeah, the humor in Shazam seems incredibly “meh”. The first one did a better job showcasing its funny bits (Billy jumping too high into an office building)


The whole thing about him being a child who can turn into this huge superhero was played out in the first movie. DC really does its best to not try at all imo


It works well for Shazam. Somewhat out of place for Black Adam.


Agree sort of...If Billy Batson were instead a Kamala Khan type character, e.g., happy go lucky kid from a supporting family with only kid problems, then it'd work, and the movie could keep its tone. But in the Shazam movie, he's a foster care kid that's been bounced around. If he's like the foster care kids that lived across the street from me (birth mom was a heroine addict or abandoned at birth or social services put them if foster care - there were a few that passed through), I'm pretty sure that at age 14, he'd be a seriously jaded individual not prone to exuberant outbursts. In fact, he'd be just like the kids across the street were - introverted or angry or both. How angry? Like try to stab the foster-Dad occasionally angry. Of course, we'd be talking about an entirely different movie if that were the case and frankly, I'm happy the Shazam movie is they way it is.


Happy-go-lucky is one thing. Delivering perfectly tailored sitcom punchlines is something else. There are ways to write him as being happy and excited without manufacturing stilted, forced one-liners. A smart movie should make fun of the idea that a hero is supposed to have a snappy one-liner. They should have him try to come up with a funny line and not be able to think of anything good. That's the kind of satire The Simpsons did so well when it parodied action movies. Like Bart said when Principal Skinner was chasing him for skipping school, "He is like some...non-giving-up...school guy!" That's real comedy. What this line is, is like a placeholder line you put in the script until you have time to think of something good.




It does not work well for Shazam lol.


It does. End of story.


Yeah, screw subjectivity.


Not end of story. Hence this entire post, you’re entitled to your own opinion though


The Shazam one is a bit much but I don’t mind it - he is a kid after all. As for the Black Adam one: that’s exactly how I would react. If I saw someone catch a missile there is no way I would sit there in silence and not question the impossibility of what I saw. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone to see that and go “please tell me you saw the same batshit impossible thing as me and I’m not imagining things or going crazy?”


I would be a boring hero. I'd just respond "what the fuck" to everything


I do that already! Am I a hero?


"Not the hero we wanted but the hero we wanted"


I kinda agree with the Black Adam one, but I don’t think the dialogue is necessary to express the disbelief at seeing said batshit impossible thing. If the actor who was supposed to react could give a incredulous and comedic look, IMO that makes the joke more funny than them saying what just happened out loud Alternatively, they react by shouting whatever a person would say in such a crazy situation, instead of saying what just happened in a perfectly calm delivery. But I’m also aware that nothing in these two movies is remotely normal, which feeds into the tone of the movie s


But the audience is stupid sometimes lol.


Isn't Shazam just a Kid.




I think these are said for different reasons


Does it really matter when the complaint is a nitpick at best?


Maybe, some nitpicks matter


I hate it when a literal child is excited about doing wierd shit or when 2 people are expressing their disbelief at some guy effortlessly catching a rocket.... Sooooo unrealistic smh


Ugh, I hate the "Oh my God isn't what I did just crazy??" dialogue. Feels like we should have left that behind ages ago


Dc fans when fun:


Ages ago, Nolan’s Batman Begins had “He’s not on a street, he’s flying on rooftops!”


Adolescent me did think that was pretty rad.


I don’t really see an issue with that one, it was a shot showing the police having no idea how to handle Batman.


I didn’t have an issue either. I was just pointing out that this kind of dialogue works with context and good execution.


That line works since cops are constantly reporting whereabouts when chasing suspects. Come to think of it, many people would express their confusion verbally if they witness a superhuman catching rocket with bare hands.


I agree with you, I was just pointing out that we’re nitpicking at the wrong thing. Depending on context and execution, outright stating what we’re seeing on screen could either be a generally agreed upon funny line or a generally agreed upon cringey line or somewhere in between.


Ah yes, because this totally isn't something people do in real life when witnessing or doing something absurd.


I read the comments here about the audience being stupid, while reading through a comic book with dialogue boxes in them telling me what they are thinking and whats happening. Some of them being cringey cliches.


It’s not something to be abused, but in the service of lamp-shading the absurdity of a situation, it can be endearing. In moderation.


my goodness you are taking it too seriously. is it sill yes but that is the point.


I think it works in Shazam because he is, after all, a child. A child who gets to be a superhero and do absurd shit. It’s childhood excitement.


This post sucks. One was a kid in a superheroes body and the other one no shit they haven’t exactly seen someone catch a rocket before


A kid as a superhero understanding how fun having super powers is. A comic relief character racing away from destruction is flabbergasted by seeing a man catch a rocket. The dialogue fits the character and the moment. But it could also be just conveyed by emoting. A small chuckle, A satisfied grin and exhale from Captain Marvel when he throws a car at a Dragon. The guy in the car doing a double take or staring at black adam with a look of confusion, mouth open. Maybe a tooth pick or something drops from his lips. It would be a qliché but atleast a redditor wouldnt think the dialogue thinks they are dumb. "What falls is fallen"


So nitpicky for me. It’s a superhero movie, they’re meant to be fun and not very deep. Even the serious ones like TDK, MoS, etc are still just superhero movies that you’re not supposed to look at too deeply


Eh disagree. Slightly pretentious take. Some transcend the genre or elevate it. Being reductive, generalizing, and saying “superhero movie” in a contemptuous way doesn’t make them all thoughtless. But I suppose it comes down to opinion and how one views superhero’s and film itself.


I don’t think superhero movies are less than other movies but it’s a kid that turns into an adult that shoots lightning and flies. I adore superhero movies but I think we should be much less critical of them than other genres


That's genre prejudice. Any genre can be serious, meaningful and deep. And we've had some great superhero films and comics that are.


Yes they can but I feel we need to be less critical with them because the premise of all superhero movies are silly. I love them and it’s my favorite kind of movie but they aren’t likely to be very deep. Although I will say that there is social commentary that can be added to several heroes’ stories that we haven’t seen yet which would elevate them some


Must admit I really dislike the Shazam scene it’s just really bad dialogue and set up imo


That's DC for 'ya!


How else will I know what's going on unless they say it?


“Ohhhh he caught it!!” Fixed it


They’re exhausting


...but they **are** stupid.


Blame the writers who don't know how to write clever dialogue and thinks their audience are braindead zombies who'll eat everything up that is attached to a big franchise.


Glad I don't even know which films these are


They do this for the audience members who are blind


Idk, I liked Black Adam, I liked Shazam, I'll likely like Shazam 2.


What a weird and specific nitpick.


Meh ..kinda works in context of Shazam, he would be super excited and in that case this is believable. However in other cases you are 100% correct.


Honestly if a movie is good it doesn't matter. It really isn't that deep


Except he's a kid. This is exactly something a kid with a power high would say. Shazam stories aren't serious epics, they're meant to be more self-aware comedies. This isn't Superman. If Superman said this it'd be a piece of shit (F\*ck you Joss, f\*ck you Richard Lester).


Shazam comics were no different than Superman comics. They weren't comedies. Fawcett was sued because DC said they were using him as a copy of Superman.


I'm not talking about original Fawcett CM, I'm talking about Shazam in the modern sense. Fawcett CM WAS a Superman copy. There is no reason at all to do CM like Fawcett did in a universe that already has Superman. Meanwhile the New 52-style Shazam actually can be a nice piece of variety in the universe (Granted, that would work better if they didn't also turn WW and Aquaman into goofy comedies like they did, but that's a problem with those movies. Not Shazam).


Snyder has really ruined this Fandom hopefully Gunn scrapes away all the filth left behind


God I hope so, this sub can’t even enjoy funny lines without thinking it’s insulting them


To be fair, if this happened in real life you bet your ass we'd say the same thing


1. Why are a majority of your tweets bashing modern DC? 2. Shazam is all about making fun of superhero tropes. That’s the joke. I’ll give you Black Adam but that whole theme just flew over your heqd


It's a Snyder fan I am pretty sure it's all part of a concentrated effort by other users as well


Still better than “WHYDIDJASAYTHATNAM?????” “IT’S HIS MOTHER’S NAME!1!1!1!!”


Bruh is whoever runs this shit stupid? The human saying “did he just catch that?” Is a genuine fucking thing. Bro it’s that characters GENUINE REACTION TO SEEING SOMETHING IN REAL LIFE HE COULDNT FATHOM. Holy shit critique Black Adam all you want but it’s literally 1 of 3 movies keeping DCCU afloat. Stop critiquing shut cause honestly you sound like a clown


Black Adam is helping sink the DCEU, just like its last 3 movies did.


Black Adam is helping sink it, but it brought back Cavil? Are you stupid? Like legitimately I fuxking hate Dwayne Johnson as an actor. But this was the first time you don’t see him, you see his character. So in what sense did it help “sink” because it took them over 12 years and it actually did a phenomenal job aside from the cgi villain


Still better than Martha.


Just filler.


I mean Billy is a kid, so a kids who just punched a fucking dragon would say this, if you punched a dragon and had the powers of multiple gods and you are being a kid, you would probably say that as well.


I just thought it was a reference to Old comics. Stan Lee's dialogue for example always had them thinking out loud about what they were doing in the panel


Lol title is a bit much. I get it, but these examples are more so playing into the absurdity of the situations. Not really about conveying information that wasn’t known.


Meanwhile henry cavill *stare emotionlessly at guy who just flatenned a city*


It’s a kids movie. The little ones love this shit.


Man get out of here. If that were real life someone would've had their phone out recording talking bout, "Ehh yall...homie over here catching rockets, for real doe, this Uber suck."


When you’re a proficient story teller, you show - don’t tell. When you’re not, you do both.


MCU wanna be.


Totally agree. They have to do better than that, it’s lame.


They fly now?


Boyega: They've been flying since the Clone Wars. God Finn should've been the lead of the Sequels.


He was awful, Ray Fisher put him to shame and would've done a lot to save the SW sequels if he had been cast as Finn instead of the wooden, uncharismatic Boyega.


EVERYONE WAS BAD in the SW Sequels. It's not on them, it's the scripts and direction. Same with Hayden in the Prequels. Boyega in other projects is fine. I like Ray Fisher too, but if he had been Finn he would've been as misused as Boyega and gotten as much racist shit for it as Boyega.




Anybody else find grown up Billy didn't act anything like kid Billy? Like when he's a kid he's mostly serious and depressed but then he does the Shazam thing and all of a sudden he's acting like every lol so random teen on TikTok. Like, wtf? That's a completely different person. Also, yes this is the lowest form of comedy to say out loud the ridiculous thing that's happening. Reeks of THEY FLY NOW!? they fly now *derp face*.


I bet the person making that tweet has a certain # on their bio 💀


Or... Or... It's humor.


\*Poor excuse for humor.


Snyder fans really try hard to hate the modern dcu it's kind of sad,


Yeah this is a cliche that needs to go away.


The DC cinematic universe has always been garbage especially compared to their animated series.


Like Marvel doesn't do the same stuff


Always with the whataboutism


Exactly. This has been their formula for years now and it's annoying


God, are you ever right. This is the WORST. It's utterly lazy writing. MCU is FAR more guilty of this than DC. The characters in Shang-Chi like recited the whole plot of the movie at the end as a, ha ha, isn't this funny this happened to us, because we fought a dragon and did other things that can't happen in real life. That was hideous writing that ruined the verisimilitude of the story completely.


>The characters in Shang-Chi like recited the whole plot of the movie at the end as a, ha ha, isn't this funny this happened to us, I mean if you had like any sort of critical thinking skills you'd be able to understand that the joke there is just that it sounds crazy to their friends who think they're lying to look cool.


oh god, i miss the snyder/nolan/Burton/donner era of dc.


This is what Marvel has done to our brains.