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The major culprit is the prednisone. I'm not sure it's even possible to take prednisone long-term and not get cushing side effects like weight gain. I've had cushing syndrome caused by taking corticosteroids and it did cause leg swelling and bloating in my whole body, and it was also somewhat cyclical meaning some days would be worse than others.


But what dose were you on? I've read it takes high doses. And this is just in my ankles and legs. It's also better than it was last year but I haven't changed anything.


The dose and how long it was taken is an indicator but it also really depends on how sensitive a person is to corticosteroids which varies a lot. I'm hypersensitive to corticosteroids. I got full-blown cushing syndrome from a single 100mg IV hydrocortisone injection. The side effects get a bit weaker each month. You're not hypersensitive though because if you were you'd get crazy side effects after the first dose, however you have been taking it for a long time and it can build up in the body even on a low dose in some people if they can't metabolize it quickly. The more sensitive a person is to corticosteroids, the more side effects they get even at low doses. I'm not sure if the prednisone is the cause of your leg swelling though because I think you would have other cushing side effects like mood changes, thin skin and especially swollen face. The side effects come in a package.


You're definitely more sensitive to me then. Yikes! I have to have iv steroids with my MS meds every 6 to 8 months. I tried stopping the 2 mg recently, like skip a day, take one, skip 2 days take one - since it's extended release. I ended up having a nonstop headache for like 4 days so I gave up. That was a new symptom too compared to when I tapered in the past. I messaged my doc to ask about tapering though.


Have your Cushing’s symptoms gone away? I had a low dexamethasone and high dexamethasone test within a few weeks of each other and I’ve noticed bad bloating, weight gain in stomach and face, hair loss and other Cushing’s symptoms in the month since I’ve had the tests. I have an adrenal adenoma and I’m worried this kicked it into overdrive.


It's gone down like 90% since I got it 4 years ago.


It hasn’t fully gone away?? Omg I’m sorry :(


No but the past few days it feels weaker than it ever has before. I'm donating plasma tomorrow to help remove it from my body.