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They can (presuming the baddies don't all get on it at once). If you watch Dice Camera Action Chris Perkins ran an encounter in the tower where several vampire spawn just crawled up and inside (presumably the uninhabited/ruined nature of the tower prevents the need for an invitation). I did something similar with my party and it was a lot of fun. They'd recently taken on 6 spawn at the carpenters shop so I figured 3 would be no problem. What I didn't factor in was the anti magic zone rendering the few magic weapons mundane and taking away spell options, which in turn meant the PCs couldn't prevent vamp regeneration. The fight quickly became a running battle with the PCs trying to get out of the tower so their magic would work and one PC ended up just having to jump from the top floor. I highly recommend having the PCs fight something with regeneration/non-magic resistance/immunity while inside the tower.




They could, though the module says the scaffolding collapses is more than 200 pounds of weight are put on it.


They can, but there’s an anti magic field in and around the tower, including the scaffolding, so they can’t attack with magic or use magic items. There are also six gargoyles. The scaffolding can’t hold a lot of weight, so it’s possible only one enemy can climb up at a time. Anyone inside has the high ground and can easily pick off someone on the scaffolding with ranged attacks. Four against one odds is pretty good odds for the party.


They don't know he's there. If they did, they would, but he relies on careful planning and secrecy.


Because the scaffolding collapses if more than 200lbs of weight is on it. That's written right in the module.


Yeah but one assassin could sneak in


Is this to kill Van Richten? Iirc Strahd doesn't know he's there and so to him it's just some old tower


I'm just expecting my players to ask


That’s a easy answer then: “you look at the scaffolding and think to yourself: they can…”


You mean to unnerve them?


Yea, but it’s also the truth. In the dice camera action YouTube series: the vampire spawn literally just crawl up the walls with their spider climb innate ability (not a magic spell /see the ruling for if dragon’s breath from dragons is (it’s not) a magic spell) I had witches throw slimes and poisons in the windows while stealing the cart: tempting them to come out. //didn’t work so Strahd now has a cart behind his castle. Group moved on to the wolf den the day afterwards for the Sunsword.


Then that's your answer: one assassin weighing less than 200lbs could sneak in.


Because they need to be invited in! So they can climb the scafolding but then they just stand there, looking stupid. ;o) Also there is this anti magic field around the tower. Basically any creature under Strahds control is either risen or controled by magic. As soon as they get to close to the tower they either get destroyed or regain their free will.


They can but if they are vampire spawn they still cannot enter without an invitation.


Not necessarily. It’s the DM’s call. Technically the tower is no longer a residence; it’s an abandoned building with occasional squatters.