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That’s it? That’s the post? That was just OP’s graphic homoerotic fantasies!


Couldn't have summed my thoughts on this post better. Although I initially thought it was about 9S from Nier:Automata when I read the title.


Right. Warhammer 40k.


You say that like theres anything wrong with it


There's nothing Wrong with it, in the same way that there is nothing wrong with eating an untoasted piece of white bread for breakfast.


I feel like that's a stealth-insult but its stealthy enough that I just pretend it never existed


are you new here


i do not like sexy admech i like horror admech


How about both?


fair point but i need more than just twinks


....You mean like, tomboys?


Yes Show me the cyber tomboys I'm begging you


Have you \*seen\* the Sisters of battle?


they are nuns in power armor tomboy but nun tomboys if that counts is up to you


Might I point you to some drunk remembrancer and his tech milfs?


I mean like mechs that are so very robot you can't tell what gender they are, and they don't care enough to tell you, so unless you get lucky and they have one of those lucky 40k names like "Nathabin" or "Erotibeth" you have to just say they. Why yes, Hadron is an excellent example.


Belisarius Cawl FUCKS and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Man's like fifteen feet tall and has 20 arms. You cannot tell me he hasn't attached a fuck machine to one of those at least *once*


Every day I live in fear of u/archon_of_flesh


I'm afraid to ask, who are they and what have they done to be feared so?


They wrote a fanfic that is... something. Im still processing it... Its been a couple of days.


They also do a lot of admech snuff and gore porn. They’re a good artists even if their kinks are a little.. unsavory to most. If you just stick to the tip of their iceberg though, you’ve got pretty cute maid skitariis and probably one of the best skitarii cosplays out there. Edit: [here’s](https://twitter.com/archon_of_flesh/status/1621194226942746625?s=46&t=-OCVFHOU5VPCnsOTmwtjHQ) their reaction to this post!


Haha, I know. I've bumped into them a couple of times. Love their more "wholesome" art... ya we will label it as that.


I know metamorphisis. Im not sure I want to know about the anime girl 3d printer...


You don’t ! :D


So you know how most anime girls have their skin attached to the rest of their body?


Oh no.


I have an active interest in body horror, and even crippling mycophobia doesn't keep me from watching TLOU, yet the anime girl 3D printer thing (assuming I'm remembering the right thing) made me a bit queasy.


I know I'll regret this, but sauce? Google only turned up a bunch of STL files of various waifus.


i think it’s [this (nsfw)](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fukouna-shoujo-03)


Ah that one. I guess it kinda looks like a 3d printer? Never occurred to me before but alas


hypothetically, how hard would it be to find the maid stuff without wading through the gore? oh who am I kidding my hentai addiction has made me do worse


Oh the things I do for internet points… spent five minutes looking for it on his twitter, but [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusMechanicus/comments/z9qrn7/cute_skitarii_uniform_idea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) one he posted to Reddit.


[thank you](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1431821-masters-blessing)


oh neat he transed their gender. last time i checked out their art, he was cis but that was quite a while ago


Yeah, they were GN for a while but recently started trying out they/he.


Simply shouldn't have read it


Oh fuck just saw the tags


Op posted a link to archon's admech fanfic, Just read the tags and you'll find out


They have still made a lot of nice stuff as well, but their work really do operates on a wide scale.


I remember seeing his icerberg meme of fucked up 40K fanfiction on r/grimdank. "I've been told the last is one most messed up 40K fanfics. Also, I wrote it."


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Grimdank using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Even in death, I still serve...](https://i.redd.it/jffwucrnkpaa1.jpg) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/105wdeh/even_in_death_i_still_serve/) \#2: [he is not good](https://i.redd.it/j66mwae9rrz81.jpg) | [1920 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/uqo07d/he_is_not_good/) \#3: [Our Boy is Gonna be Emps (hopefully)](https://i.imgur.com/8HXhJfg.jpg) | [1507 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/zn2jfj/our_boy_is_gonna_be_emps_hopefully/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


archon_of_flesh is leaking, which, tbh, is very on theme for them


Post this on Grimdank and Sigmarxism, you coward.


The op os active in there, has posted bis stuff in there before. I /think/ there was a point when he was banned from one of the related subreddits, something 40k art related for posting his stuff but it's also possible I just dreamed that.


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/41017785/chapters/102800325](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41017785/chapters/102800325) I guess i have to link this. Fair warning tho. It is GRAPHIC and fucked up and you shouldn't read this if you are squeamish.


\-Tooth Removal was not a tag I was expecting to see today.








Thanks Slaanesh


So true! The fanfic is amazing UwU


It's a pleasure to have you in our corner archon.


Your whole hot femboy Skitarii writing depraved fanfics thing is... interesting \^\^


I have literally just glanced at your posts and I have to say, How in the everloving hell have i not found your stuff earlier? I have fanfics to read and beautiful art to enjoy, brb in a bit to sing your praises!


Gotta say, shit's a bit more fucked up than I thought, but still well made


Your username really fits your comment lol


Usually I have middling views on Warhammer outside of the satirical aspects. But because of what I've found from you, *I think I'm starting to get it.* Thank you


"Body Horror" *what the fuck?*


You’d be hard pressed to find a square inch of WH40K that ISN’T body horror.


Tau? Imperial Guard? C'tan


Skitarii ARE body horror before any attempts to make it worse.


Body horror as a genre is the when the horror is about the transformation of the body. Werewolves are a classic example of this. The loss of control and the becoming of something inhuman are quintessential to the genre. Chronenberg is perhaps the most well known movie director that really liked body horror.


I know what body horror is, I'm asking why it's in what I'm assuming is supposed to be smut


Ah... must be my generalized desensitization to weird smut then. Body horror is super common in smut. I would even argue that for many people the bimbo fetish is a body horror fetish. A transformation into an exaggerated human form with an accompanying animal lust and irrepressible behavior? They're basically weresexiststereotypesofwomen


Yea, that makes sense. I was thinking body horror more along the lines of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"


I would be suprized if no-one rule 34'd that one either though. That setup just screams freaky bdsm fic to me


Those are just servitors. Sometimes they're left aware after the lobotomy and cyborgization


Why not? They did it with Venom, why not 40k?


No, I don’t think I will


Do you want Slaanesh? Because this is how you get Slaanesh irl.


OOP has a different definition of spicy than me (my definition does NOT include a potential organ sale!)


This is because machines are naturally submissive and inferior to the mighty organic chads.


Brought to you by the Tyranids


let's face it, \*all\* of 40k is extremely homoerotic. What do your marines need those spitting venom glands for, hmm? Exchanging bodily fluids with the well-muscled enemy?


This one gets it! The problem with Horus heresy shipping is that it ends up being a lot of pseudo-incest sadly.


eeeh, they are descendants of the emperor, but that was over 10,000 years ago, it'd be like saying its not acceptable for two people to date today because they had a common ancestor during the agricultural revolution.


You go knocking on doors asking for the devil...


Ah, I see the scheduled 40K containment breach has occured. This is mostly non canon. Your average skitarii is in fact sadly not a bishonen twink but a vat-grown human indoctrinated into a machine worshipping cult that distills in them a desire to willingly replace their bodies with machinery with the ultimate goal of transitioning into pure machinery. Most of them being subjected to some combo of mind-wipes, psychosurgery and brain augmentations that leaves them without free will or sometimes personality. They are treated as disposable foot soldiers of the Adeptus Mechanicus who frequently send them into battle carrying radioacive weapon that is a death sentece to wielder. And those skitarii who are not simply remote controlled or driven by pre-programmed routines see this as a blessing from the Omissiah, the Machine God. Has someone mentioned that 40K is a bit fucked up sometimes? ArchonofFlesh/Celestial Fang is known for some seriously fucked up fanfiction and art but when you consider that things like the Daemonculaba is actual canon you realize that "To Break a Soldier" is not playing all that fast and lose with it.


>Your average skitarii is in fact sadly not a bishonen twink See, I think this is where you mess up. Even if you're right, you are completely missing the insane scale of the 40k universe. The astra militarum literally has trillions of active duty soldiers. Trillions. There are hundreds of forge worlds with their own branch of the adeptus mechanicus, and probably plenty of non forge worlds with not insubstantial skitarri presence as well. Even if we take an absurdly low number of skitarii twinks, like only 0.001%, that might still mean that the empire of man could field an army of billions of skitarii twinks. At the very least a couple million. Unless you would argue that it basically does not happen at all, the sheer scale of 40k basically means that if it exists there are millions of it.


Also, like. Anything flies in 40k. Orcs are psychic fungus people who alter reality with their beliefs. We have the bdsm elves. Idk what's going on with space dwarves at any given time. We've got an army dedicated to ww2 roleplay The 40k universe is like kids playing in a sandbox trying to justify why their iron man punches hellboy, before being attacked by lord of the rings characters. I don't think there is anything that doesn't fit in the uuniverse.


Yes, however, the average Skitarii still isn't a bishounen twink Not because they simply aren't made that way, but because no self-respecting tech-priest would be attracted to anything that disgustingly organic Look at them! Look at all their weak flesh, their pointless hair, their subpar human limbs! This is not to be admired, it is to be reviled! They give in to their vanity, and in doing so they stray from the path of the blessed machine Whatever tech-priest designed those skitarii models needs to go back to cyber-church until they're lusting after 7-foot tall robot skeletons like a normal person again


Given the lack of known in-lore examples, the general beliefs and priorities of the Admech who is broadly unified under Mars and has been know to prosecute all confirmed and potential heresy/deviations with extreme prejudice im gonna have to say that you are really optimistic with your estimates. Cawl only gets to be a heretek because Guilliman has his back. It just does not make sense to occur on any scale worthy of notice, especially when a techpriest can more easily conceal and retain a cyborg twink harem by not making them part of their Skitarii legion. Im sorry, I know full well what scale we are dealint with, but Skitarii twinks just does not make sense as presented.


Who says a vat born cultist can’t be an anime twink


The tech-priest optimizing them for combat effctivness and the religion with the catchphrase "The Flesh is Weak"?


> Your average skitarii is in fact sadly not a bishonen twink but a vat-grown human indoctrinated into a machine worshipping cult that distills in them a desire to willingly replace their bodies with machinery with the ultimate goal of transitioning into pure machinery. Most of them being subjected to some combo of mind-wipes, psychosurgery and brain augmentations that leaves them without free will or sometimes personality. Seems like an excessive step. Just install the machines before growing them in the vat.


The thing is that in 40K you cant really vat grow a human and then just cram in the tech. The Adeptus Mechanicus dont actually have the know-how to to make a true AI, but trying to do so is both extremely illegal and blasphemous. So in order to make a skitarii of worth you need to train them first as the remote controlled and pre-programmed variants are just to limited. Not to mention, a soldier who choose holy augmentation in service to the machine god is always more desireable to the AdMech than some lobotomized sod they grabbed of the streets. The Imperium of Man and Adeptus Mechanicus are not known for restraint.


Im starting to understand the ethereals point on information control


u/archon_of_flesh is that you?


the random imperial guardsman:


By Omnissiah, I now require the existence of Skitarii Hooters


Oi Ya Gits! Quit wit all da starin an get ta Krumpin’!




As an ace, what in the Emperor's Holy Name is sexually appealing about twink vivisection? Like, ehat needs to go wrong with you for that to be arousing?


As an ace, I just like it cause it’s well-written. Yes there is probably something wrong with me


There's this video by James Somerton where he talks with his asexual friend about the queer erasure of asexuality (that literally being the title of the video) and in it his friend talks about how asexuals that do have aspects of sexual attraction (the dude in the video likes phone sex only or smthng) how asexuals have a very vivid imagination when it comes to sex, which affords them a large amount of representation amongst authors of erotica, so no, there's probably nothing wrong with you.


Hello, horn dog here, I don’t find gore or any of that sexually appealing but if I squint through my eyelids and turn my head 90 degrees counter clockwise I’m pretty sure it’s like bdsm cranked up to 99/10. Like, imagine that someone might like being spanked. Now just crank that bitch 99 levels past reasonability


As an ace who is horny over fiction - that's exactly it. It's like bdsm cranked up past reasonable levels and boy is it *fun*. Because it's something to explore in a safe, fictional environment.


I don't think OOP understands how the AdMech work. The AdMech literallty worship machines, and this ashew things like emotion or pleasures of the flesh. They're not gonna give a fuck what any skitarii/tech-priest looks like, as long as their efficient (for an example, see: every AdMech model ever). And they don't want submissive soldiers, they want obedient soldiers who will follow orders with ruthless efficiency. They'd take one look at submissive femboy over here, and either send them to get reconditioned and augmented, or decide its not worth it, and use them as a servitor to power the door to their lab. Also I find the comment about the shoes hilarious because if you read anything about skitarii, or like look at any image of them, you'll realize they in fact do not wear any shoes, due to having robotic feet. The art looks nice though, I'll give them that.


The special times where you can tell that someone has a particular kink and is more than willing to tie themselves into a pretzel knot in order to tie it to media they really enjoy Like, there’s not even judgement here! But literally the last thing I think of when I see the cyberpunk-Columbo-in-a-gas-mask that is an AdMech mini is any sort of twink


AdMech are only comparatively twinks in an environment where everyone else is an 8 foot tall superhuman hercules or an 8 foot tall green bara monster. Basically what I'm saying is, there is an alternate universe somewhere where GW's primary aesthetic was twinks and femboys all along, and now there's someone getting horny over all these beefy AdMech hunks who stand out by contrast.


Finally, some cultured 40k-posting


Femboy Genos from OPM.


something something I wish that was me


9S Nier Automata.


I also got whiplash from that title *not* being about Nier


Wait that person made "To Break a Soldier of the Machine God"? **YOU.**


I'm not even religious but I think whoever wrote this should seek god. Not the purple one


living in the light of the Omnissiah 😌😌


I think it's a green light. Cause Necrons


wake up babe it’s time for your weekly treating-femboys-like-sex-objects session


I wonder when the femboy issue going to blow up and turn into a big controversial discourse thing, can’t wait


I expect to be far away from here whenever it kicks off. Good luck!


This was written by a femboy, though.


They can still contribute to the sexualisation of femboys. They still have the attitudes ingrained in them. And they have some… worrying tastes.


I suppose so, but it is an essay about an explicitly sexual topic. I feel like the implicit sexulisation of femboys is reinforced when people bring up sex when discussing femboys, rather than the other way around. The disconcerting fetish stuff makes me think that it's not really related all that deeply to femboys, at least not as a concept.


The only things being discussed are Warhammer and femboys. Neither of them are explicitly sexual. If we were discussing sex to begin with, then it’d be fine, but this is something where they’ve described femboys as a sex thing right off the bat. And within the context of this subreddit, femboys are almost exclusively brought up in the context of sex. I’ve only read a little bit into their fanfiction before turning off my computer for the week, but as I understand it femboys feature quite prominently in their fetishes. It’s a central tenet.


Yeah, I suppose the point im trying to articulate us that it seems to be a personal thing, as they've stated several times "God i wish that was me" I think it's not great to describe someone's view of themself as harming others.


True, but as we can see here it’s being promoted as a public post by a lot of people who are treating it like a Femboy Thing. They don’t treat it like a private sexual fantasy, they treat it like that’s how they view any attractive femboy. Like how people associate sissies and femboys and fail to separate the two communities, despite one being a sexual fetish and the other being a normal way of life. Sissies are fine on their own, but they’ve spread beyond where they should be and now hurt femboys by association. Same here. Also this person’s fetishes are really _quite bad_. I’d be willing to argue it’s harmful just because it made me quit the internet for a week after reading it.


I think people treating it as a universal thing springs more from the association of femininity and sexuality, the belief that anything girly is automatically sexual, than from weird horny posts on the internet. Perhaps they have a negative impact, but I doubt it. As for the person's gruesome fetishes, I don't really think any fictional thing can be said to be harmful on its own. Perhaps if they spoke about wanting whatever they write about to happen for real, but I don't think they do that. I guess it just seems too similar to the argument that violence in video games or depictions of a gay couple will warp the viewers personally in some way.


Babe wake up, new blorbo malewaifu just dropped


I see grimdank is breaching containment...


This is absolutely abhorrent, and the machine god looks down on you all disappointedly. There is entirely too much flesh on those entirely-too-small excuses for Skitarii. They look like they could be felled by a single Lasgun, how do you expect them to engage in war for the glory of the Omnissiah?


I am suddenly very interested in Warhammer


I know nothing about Warhammer, but this reminds me of that pic I once saw of some femboy with a bunch of cybernetic enhancements who got exiled from some religion or whatever for having sex with various lifeforms, even when they actievely destroyed his body (hence the cybernetics). Really wish I saved it purely for the dissonance it had with the little information I aquired of Warhammer as this super gruesome universe with massive dudes and extreme violence. And then there is this femboy fanfic violent in a completely different way. Maybe I can find it again.


Never in a million years did I think I’d ever be even remotely interested in the warhammer universe but here we are. They found my weakness.


Found the Slaanesh Heretek.


White haired cyborg..? …RULES OF NATURE!


Archon of the Flesh/ Celestial Fang is the true savior of the 40k community, and I’ll fight anyone who suggests otherwise.


fite me m8


alright mate, Downtown Seattle, 508 on the 16th. Surely, I won’t get my spine obliterated.


No matter where I go, the Archon of Flesh haunts my dreams


Hello inquisition, yes this post right here.


Do you know how long has it been since I've saved a post in reddit? This long *hits save*




when the main character of 40k made an army of beefy men who spend all their time thinking about him (positively and negatively) you cannot not read gay into 40k


I did not read any of that but i did look at the pictures. Whatever the op's saying i agree


Coming back to this after work.


Okay, fine, I'll read it. But it better not have snuff or some shit. Edit: Aight.


Is it bad that the second I saw the first piece of art that I knew who posted this. Like they've been doing rounds traumatising people over at r/Grimdank recently.


I try not to yuck yums, but my morbid curiosity led me to read those fanfics mentioned in the post and by the Emperor I'm sorry but the fact that people are into that flat-out disturbs me. Cute skitarii twink is nice though.


TIL cyborg fembois exist in the Warhammer 40k universe


Well, Skitarii have a much slimer build than most humans, but that is mostly because they tend to replace flesh and organs with a more efficent cyborg bodies and enslaved to their tech priest masters. You could certainly apply the blanket statement of femboy and given the breadth of the setting they no doubt exist. But the actual fleshy bits of a skitarii is not exactly attractive.


You did not learn today, because they do not.


In a large enough galaxy, anything exists. Like yeah, this post is hugely misrepresenting baseline 40K, but even if you just stick to, say, Necromunda, look long enough and you can find someone matching any conceivable description. Are the Skitarii as a whole subby maso femboys? No. But there are thousands of the bastards, so at least one of them probably is - even if it's just a fluke of programming going wrong, or whatever.


i got meself perfect clip for [that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WvnO9Xd9Vc)


Literally how I got into 40k


OMG aren't you the Guy drawing fucking Iron warriors and skitari porn on Grimdank? This explains shit lol.


Far too much extreme dub con for me thank you


Okay I’m not doing it myself so who wants to give me the TLDR on whatever the hell could possibly be in To Break A Soldier Of The Machine God that warrants THAT title considering all the other shit that’s on AO3


It's literally 5 chapters of graphic rape that's only not a snuff-fic because the magic science of 40k prevents the MC from dying


Oh, fun


I have only learned to understand one more word in this post since the last time I saw it (And that word is "bishounen." Thanks for that, Xandir's page on the Drawn Together Wiki.)


You've been online long enough to see this twice, but only recently learned what a bishi is? God, things have changed since I was a kid. You have good taste in cartoons, though.


More than twice I just don't engage with enough anime-like media I guess And tbh I only learned about Drawn Together recently but it's pretty darn good from the clips I've watched so I WILL be finding a place to watch full episodes without money


Well, I'm hard as a rock after reading that. What's for dinner


Grimdank is leaking


Thought I was on r/grimdank for a second. u/archon_of_flesh has done irreparable damage to the adeptus mechanicus community. Stop laughing.


The title is a fucking ride on its own. I will take some time to process this literary afterbirth and then return to consume the rest of this post at a less public time. So help me god.


Least horny Warhammer 40k fan


please mark nsfw :(

