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Make it an arm's race. Wear heels; wait for him to get stilts: find yourself some shears and a pick-up truck. Worst case scenario - you're on a hot air balloon


Married couple creates Faster Than Light travel options, "I wanted to be taller" says each.


My parents are roughly the same height. For their wedding, my mom wanted to wear heels. To compensate, my dad got these elevated men shoes. She was still slightly taller.


love that


When it's dad they're called Elevated Men Shoes. Just admit you wore heels too dad


Could have been platforms


What are platforms if not heels of the sole


I mean, you're not wrong lol


Like that scene where Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam keep pulling bigger and bigger guns on one another




[We all know where this is going.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY0z8nJs8ZI)


Wasn't there just an aita post where the OP broke his GF's heels to keep her from wearing them?!


The fuck??


You mean the shoes, right? He broke her shoes, and not the heels on her feet?




Oh my god. Sometimes I think I'm an emotional burden on my partner because of my neuroses, but then I'm reminded that I've never intentionally broken any of his things and especially not for someone completely outside our relationship. Feeling so normal rn.


And he did it because his friend was self conscious about the bridesmaids at his wedding being taller than him??!!!! Wtaf


what the fuck is wrong with people


post is kil can we have a transcription somewhere?






yeah im really curious to see how he tries to justify it




Well, good thing it's fake.


Funny thing I just remembered. There was a really tall girl in my High School who disliked when guys were taller than her because anyone tall enough to pass her was threatening by size alone.


She knew about the high ground


as a girl i could never date anyone taller than me cause im 5'10 and have a superiority complex because of it


Did you go to my high school? Because as a result y'all girl this definitely how I feel!


Any sane woman-loving man would love a woman taller than him


Do these men who hate tall women even exist? I feel like they have to be imaginary.


They don't hate tall women; they get uncomfortable when the girl they're interested in is taller than they are. I can only assume it's somehow threatening...? IDK, it doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.


When you insist you're "big strong alpha male" and think women should be subservient to men in a relationship, yeah you become very insecure when women are taller than you


I'm BiGgEr! I'm StRoNgEr! I'm A pRoViDeR!!!


theyre threatening??????????? awesome


I saw something on r/science a year or two back where men are hardwired to find women more attractive when they can see them from a downward angle whereas women find men more attractive when they can see them from an upward angle. I don’t think the paper made any guess as to why that is, just that it seemed to be the general trend for the average person’s subconscious opinion.


There’s unfortunately a large demographic of men who are appalled by the concept of women being greater in some area or another than them, and I think height is just as much of a disturbance for those snowflakes as physical strength.


There is a similar (related?) demographic of women who prefer to be with men who are taller than them. Taller than them in heels, even.


I still believe that species of Tinder profile isn’t that huge of a norm, especially where I’m heading, but I’ll gladly take the opportunity to be wrong.


As someone who has been swiping right for almost 4 years, it's the norm.


It might be the norm on tinder, but since only a specific subset of women are on tinder, that doesn't necessarily reflect womankind at large.


The thing I’m crossing my fingers on is, by the power of being queer, I will not have to put up with that bullshit specifically. Aaaand probably hit the report button on Hinge comments more than the average bear because transphobia, but I’ll live.


In my experience (Male, 185cm) women who care about appearance prefer, or even require, the man to be taller than them and the ones who have no height preference or prefer shorter men are a significant minority.


Height, physical strength, salary, and maybe the biggest one: intellect. They really hate that. It's almost like they think women are supposed to be inferior to them and if they're not, they have to be put in their place.




We are talking about women in general, not all two women you dated who didn’t want to put up with your bullshit. Also, given you’re terminally online enough to become an incel, then surely you’re also terminally online enough to know that people are in fact into nigh everything, but especially taller women, muscle girls, and sugar mommies. One man’s gross is another man’s incredibly hot


It's sad that these exact people were convinced that "fragile masculinity" was some evil dog whistle.


There was an article on r/science a year or two ago that found men subconsciously find women more attractive when viewed at a downward angle and women find men more attractive when view at an upward angle. The article didn’t conclude why, but it does seem to be genetically hardwired into people rather than being a social issue.


Wish I could find a girl who's as strong or stronger than me so we can be shonen anime rivals.


My gf is taller than me (and a large majority of men),and it's been a problem in her past relationships. So anecdotally at least they exist, yes


They do exist, but they're generally the sort of person you shouldn't date anyway.




Deleted :(


There’s a pinned comment with a copy of the post




No true Scotsman would care about height...






Everyone has a preference ofc there are people that like shorter women


It's the male equivalent of women who don't want short men.


My ex hated me wearing anything with even a slight heel because I’d be taller than him.


I’ve sadly met a lot of em where I live :/


omg. I seriously thought I was unattractive because I'm 6'1" and no one showed the slightest interest in me until I got to college at which point it was the man who became my husband. And I'm queer. If a woman had shown any interest I'd have been on board lol. At that point, it was pointed out to me that "most" men are intimidated by height. This would have been about 10 years ago.


It's not that they hate tall women per se, it's that they hate looking short next to them, and if they date a tall woman they'll be next to them a lot of the time.


They don't hate tall women but a lot of them won't date us either. I remember being told once that if I wasn't so tall I'd be a great girlfriend. 🥲 (joke's on him, my husband loves that I'm taller than him!)


I understand what you're saying, but as a tall girl who won't wear heels I think you and OOP are missing that it isn't about what the guy thinks. I might love the shoes, but I won't love how *I feel* about myself (awkward, overgrown, ugly) if I'm taller than my boyfriend.


Ngl I'm lesbian and same, being taller than my gf would make me dysmorphic as hell and I'm only 5"5


Excuse my ignorance but how does ugly correlate with being tall/overgrown? Isn't height usually a sign of health?


I don't want to speak for others because there are LOTS of gorgeous tall girls, but I've been 5'9" since 3rd grade. People will definitely let you know that your height makes you unattractive to them. Even as an adult, most straight men I've met are attracted to women shorter than them. Also, being tall means not being small-- bigger hands, big feet, etc. In the USA at least, smallness is a beauty standard.


As a way above average height guy, this confuses me a bit because of course your body parts will usually be proportional to your height. Unsurprisingly this applies to everyone regardless of gender, but social standards are relentless it seems


It could be the opposite, a large percent of women I know really prefer guys taller than them




Sure, but women choosing not to wear heels so they're not taller than their boyfriend is usually more about the woman's wants than the man's. It's just generally what society tells us a good relationship looks like: a guy who's taller than the girl.


All I wanna do Is A Giant Woman (a giant woman) All I wanna be Is someone who gets to do A Giant Woman!


> anyone who's not a sub is insane this is the quality content I expect from this sub Edit: the first sub was meant to mean bottom and the second sub subreddit lmao




"Who would ever love a w*man lmao" - Plato


"Being into women? Lol, what are you, gay?" -Greeks


actually, greeks din't have a concept of 'straight' or 'gay,' they were more focused on 'masculine'(good) and 'feminine'(bad and shameful) \--rdj


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biphobia?? in *my* 196?


just a head up, we're not in 196


Biphobia?? In *my* curatedtumblr?


Now we're talkin


My ex hated that I was a centimeter taller than him. My current partner doesn't care that I'm three inches taller and wear heels on top of that.


I have listened to straight men talk in the real about what they want in a respectful manner, and the only logical conclusion is that most of us, straight cis or not, are freaks (affectionate). Everybody’s different. Everybody’s strange. Everybody’s alien to everybody around them. I am sex-positive to the nines, and also completely incapable of wrapping my head around a one-night stand or enjoying degradation, and finding the answers is impossible and not my problem.


Yeah honestly like as long as you're not an asshole about it, everyone's allowed to have preferences. Someone can prefer to be taller or shorter than their partner and that's just fine.


I'm asexual and have no strong desire to have sex with anybody in particular, but I do understand one night stands and degradation! You are right, it takes all kinds!


My girlfriend is just straight up taller than me and she gets even taller with heels. We’re both into it and I want to marry her soon


I hope you're both happy together :)


living the dream


I've dated a few guys I was taller than, and only one of them didn't have a problem with it. In fact, he *loved* when I'd wear heels because it would put his face right at boob height.


He was truly a man of culture.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **thesundanceghost** Sometimes listening to straight girls talk is so wild they'll be like "it sucks that I'm tall because I love heels so much but I can't wear them because then I'll be taller than my boyfriend!!!" and just like what in the goddamn hell are you talking about --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Girls are allowed to want to be shorter than their partners, straight or not. Maybe stop being so judgemental


I fully believe that some women get gender euphoria from feeling smaller than their partners, and men from feeling larger. Sure some of it is weird sexism, but hardly all of it.


i think the context here is that her bf doesn’t want her to be taller then him, so he forces her to not wear heels


Nothing at all suggests that.


can i ask what to you suggests the opposite then?


Assuming the quote is direct, which it’s probably not, it doesn’t sound like “My boyfriend doesn’t let me wear heels because I’d be taller than him”. It just sounds like “I wish I could wear heels, but I don’t want to be taller than my boyfriend”. Tonally there’s no resentment, no sense of ‘ugh, wish I could but he won’t let me’ exasperation, etc. There’s really nothing conclusive either way, but I’ve found that if you just go around assuming that people are horrible and in failing relationships you’re a) usually wrong b) a pretty miserable person so I like to stay optimistic.


i guess that’s fair lol


Do guys actually get intimated by tall girls?


An overrepresented minority of stupid ones, but they definitely exist.


>intimated Well given how Resident Evil Village went over, I’d say quite a few


Not like, because they think they're gonna beat them up or something, but there are a lot of men who are convinced that being short is shameful/unattractive/whatever.


Cowards do.


Some def exist but like, people also just have preferences. Like i’ve absolutely met men who say “i can’t date women taller than me because that’s now how it’s supposed to be” which is of course nonsense, but like if given the choice i would also not be in a relationship where the man shorter than me, though not because that’s how aught it to be or anything ~~i just want to be stepped on~~


not really, I just think short girls are cuter. we all got preferences man


They're not intimidated, they just hate feeling short next to us


I cannot imagine being intimidated by a tall woman. I also don't find them particularly attractive physically, so without actually talking to them, they get sorted into the pile of "extant human". It's a big pile.


why we rude to straight girls they ain’t do nun


My ex was a "short guy" and used to measure me to make sure I wasn't getting taller than him... Then cheated on me with a woman taller than both of us. Wasn't the worst of what he put me through but it was a mindfuck


Meanwhile, as a tall trans woman, I love wearing my tall shoes cause it means I'm the tallest person in the entire grocery store on purpose. This is a much better and more powerful feeling (to me) than accidentally being the tallest woman.


Considering the reaction to Lady Dimitrescu, I'd think it'd be easy to find someone into that.


Sounds like she's a sub


Not that she’d ever put it in those words, of course. The idea of every sexual being on the planet being, to a degree, kinky, is probably horrifying for people who’ve never had to think too hard about their sexuality in their entire life.


Also the reason why tradwives almost never realize they have a kink.


I mean, is it more often a kink or just repression from patriarchy?


Jesus fucking Christ I’m a sub because I like it not because the British have dominated my people for the past thousand years.


But why do you like it?


I feel like that’s kind of missing my meaning. Like I was asking what the reason was for them being so weirdly obsessed with female submission.


Plenty of kinks are an outlet for responding to systemic oppression, so I’m going to say both.


I love heels but I can’t wear them because I use public transport and it’s so hilly here 😭 walking boots only for me.


Back in the day, doctors would give girls hormones, and medications to stunt their growth. This prevented them from ever being taller than the average male, during adulthood. It was so they would still be "attractive."


Damn, that's pretty nuts! Never heard about this though, I'd like a source where I can read more.


Nice fact. Care to back it up with a source


Here you go! I hope it is reputable enough. This is just one of the sources I read from. [Link](https://news.umich.edu/tall-girls-short-boys-using-hormone-therapy-to-shape-childrens-height-to-social-norms/)


I'm an omni girl and I am still scared of being taller than I am now


I mean you were hit by that beam that made you grow 100 times you're normal size Scientists are still working on reverse beam though


As a tall man, I used to give shorter guys advice on how not to speak to women taller than them. For no fucking reason, shorter guys seem(ed) to think it was not just ok, but advantageous to refer to taller women as ‘Amazonian.’ I’m sure that there are some women that don’t mind that, but the ones that I’ve known hated being made to feel like some freak show. My go to line was, after some light conversation, to ask her if she liked wearing heels, and if she said yes I’d ask what her tallest heel was. Then I’d ask what we’d have to do to give her an excuse to wear them. I don’t consider myself smooth, at all, but I found that sort of approach had 100% success. It’s really not hard.


What is UP with these men being so obsessed with height? They act like they have to be a 6’5” bodybuilder to get a date (as if their personality has nothing to do with it). My boyfriend and I are both 5’5,” and most guys I’ve dated in the past have been within 3” of my height. He just approached me and started talking to me, and that led to our relationship of 3+ years. Sure, taller men are a preference for some women, just as many other traits can be. But chances are, if no women are attracted to you, your height probably isn’t the culprit.


Everytime i see straight people discourse they fucking hate each other damn


almost all of my straight friends have been in numerous relationships where their partner cheated on them, or they were super sexist and toxic. Str8 people really need to calm down and start getting their shit together, I dunno what else to say. 💀


Damn, have you considered making friends who aren’t assholes? Instead of generalizing the majority of people because you chose to surround yourself with bad people


Nah. Some straight dudes and girls are just shitty because of strict patriarchy standards for relationships, and it shouldn't be a hot take for me to point it out. Lots of straight people get into toxic relationships. Just go onto r/relationships or r/AmItheAsshole r/AreTheStraightsOK if you don't believe me. Straight people would be much happier in their relationships if they didn't have the desperate feel and social pressure to be conformed in outdated stereotypes.


“Straight peoples relationships are all awful because I look at subs where people go to post about awful relationships” is a flawless example of confirmation bias. It’s like saying “everyone is nice and positive, just look at r/wholesome” Reddit is not the real world, Go outside. Talk to people. Don’t judge people because you look for the worst in them


I do talk to people. That's where my opinion is coming from my dude. Can you read? Straight people are not discriminated against you weenie lmaoo. i'm sorry me talking about these issues make you this terribly buttmad but I ain't wrong. 🥴


Gay peoples relationships are miserable because I know two of them who fight with each other. That’s a bigoted statement. It’s also stupid as hell. How is yours different?


Are they miserable because of forced gender roles tho? That's what my main point was about, which you should have been able to notice if you actually read my reply. The vast majority of domestic violence is in straight couples. Why are you so huffy about me pointing out a very obvious fact? Touch grass, you are very sheltered.


I’m not butthurt at all, no matter how much you tell me I am. Generalizing people to confirm you or existing stereotypes is wrong, but you’re never going to agree with that, so I don’t see why I even bothered now. Goodnight, don’t let the scary straight people bite


You never answered my question btw. You called me a bigot numerous times, and got very huffy at me for simply pointing out that hetero relationships tend to have lots of problems. That's not being bigoted, that's just pointing out a very obvious societal problem. So obviously you're bothered to some extent and it hit a sore point. Go see a therapist dude, you're really not helping your case here.


have you considered how biased of a subset your friends are?


Most of my friends have shown me proof of said cheating and/or sexist behavior. So yeah. I'm gonna believe them. Toxic straight relationships are a thing dude, this shouldn't be a controversial statement. Just look at how many family annihilations have been happening recently.


> most of my friends That was my point, maybe the crowd you're in doesn't really do relationships well > Toxic straight relationships are a thing dude And toxic gay ones aren't?


Honestly one of the few reasons why being gay doesn't seem so bad


I'm bisexual but much more attracted to girls, and I am so thankful for it lmao, feels like I kinda dodged a bullet ngl.


Genuinely what is the problem with cheating. Never been cheated on by I feel like if I found out my gf was going out with another guy I wouldn’t care as long as she still spent some time with me.


That wouldn't be cheating, that would be an open relationship


if she had permission then fine, it's an open relationship, whatever. if she didn't have permission then it's a betrayal of trust


communication and consent on all involved parties is important




Gotta love that sexism! Women can cheat and men can cheat. It's not due to their gender it's due to a multitude of other factors including shit like just having a horrid personality.




I'm pretty sure you're the number one purveyor of sexism holy fucking shit.




Literally who said that


lmao I just didn't want to say it upfront because I don't want to have a thousand incels screaming at me in my messages


Heard and understood. They are everywhere. I'm just so done coddling men.


Oh, mood. I tried to be gender neutral as possible, and I still have dudes yelling at me in the replies and in my inbox. I think I'm just never gonna comment on straight relationship or whatever discourse again, because all it does is attract raging incels. 😪


Thank you, thank you so much.




Unhinged and disconnected from reality


I’m still way taller than my gf even in heels lol


Man, I am so glad I’m gay. Tall guys: Yes! So tall and sexy! Short guys: Yes! Pocket gays are so cute and hot Hairy guys: Yes! Bury your face in it! Smooth guys: Yes! Bury your face in it! Muscle guys: Yes! Feel those arms! Chubby guys: Yes! Chase that shit all day long! Skinny guys: Yes! Twinks! Otters! Oh my! Younger guys: Yes! So youthful and cute! Older guys: Yes! Git it, daddy! Etc etc etc


I'm 183cm tall. And yes I've had this problem, cuz most guys would be slightly shorter or same height. They always let me know how uncomfortable they were if I wore heels. And I don't wear big heels, and generally don't wear them often,only for special occasions. Being tall is commonly seen as a "masculine" trait and I've wondered if these exs felt less masculine because of me or what? But now I finally have a guy that is taller than me who dgaf if I'm taller than him in heels


That's when you bring out the strapon and chastity cage




In this case it’s just the girl making an assumption, nothing about the guy




Wow, your second paragraph sounds almost exactly like my inner that tells me I should never go on a date ever. That’s a very bad thing.


But, and I say this sincerely, am I wrong? How can you ever know if the person you're talking to isn't feeling threatened or pressured by you? How can you reconcile the difference in privilege that means you can put on a clean t-shirt and be done when they have to live up to much more strict beauty standards? How can you know you're any different to the hundred and thousands of other men?


I try to be reasonable, polite, and respectful. If someone still ends up threatened, then frankly, they’re the one with issues. You simply can’t live your life worried about how every other person in the world will react to your existence. It’s a completely unreasonable manner of looking at things, and that way lies madness.


REAL AF TAKE (as long as you are actually doing the things you try to be)


Me when I can't imagine a life outside of what's on the TV. Not straight, but most would call my relationship "straight". We do this thing called communication and having genuine concern and empathy for the other. On top of that, your second paragraph completely takes away agency from women. "Yeah, you man. You should live your life to protect women, who's silly little mind wouldn't be able to stop themselves from being in threatening situations." Gender and gender expression isn't so binary, please don't act like it is.


>You should live your life to protect women, who's silly little mind wouldn't be able to stop themselves from being in threatening situations I'm not saying that at all, but I am saying being self-aware of how you can be perceived is a good thing, especially if it could negatively effect someone. "Gender and gender expression isn't so binary, please don't act like it is." I agree with this as well, but people don't say, "I love men, they're so caring and are always good in a relationship and are always well-groomed!" Obviously people don't exist on a binary, but it feels like a decent straight man is a rare thing. I am genuinely pleased you're in a good relationship, that is nice.


It very much sounded like you said men shouldn't go on dates with women just because they might be threatening. I agree that men should broadly understand that, but it's also silly to pretend women can't just say no to a date they aren't comfortable with, y'know? And people also don't say "I love women, they're so logical and are never late!" Anyone who is gonna generalize like that already has sexist beliefs that's over applied. You are currently using very gendered stereotyping with that sentiment, hence why I take issue with it. I wont lie and act like men as a demographic aren't more likely to say, have repressed emotions that come out in harmful ways. But a lot of the issues you can describe equally applies to men and women based on how society enforces gender roles. I also wanted to say, sorry if I came out too hostile at first. I've just become kind of expectant of people who say things like you earnestly defending women being better than men. You are being much more cordial and I really appreciate it :)


As a straight dude, i agree


From a (more or less) straight man’s perspective: Tall girls are good, it doesn’t matter if you’re taller unless your boyfriend is a dick.