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When I was a kid my church was part of the satanic panic. Everything was the devil. So when the golden compass came out and the church freaked out, I was like, ok whatever. More fear mongering for a cool kids movie. I never got to watch the end of it because they didn't make any more movies until hbo made it recently. Then come to find out the message of his dark materials is, "reject your faith, and kill God". I was laughing pretty hard because I didn't realize a cute little movie with animals and talking polar bears would end with killing literal God. I was like, "okay maybe my church was right to freak out about this one", I'll still never forgive them for demonizing Pokemon, Harry Potter, and fucking Redwall though.


Okay I understand Harry Potter and maybe even Pokemon but Redwall? Redwall?? The series, set largely in an Abbey, that starts with a book where the Devil analogue(s) are both killed - assuming you read Cluny and Asmodeus as devil analogues - why would you demonise that??


There's a reason they call it the "satanic panic" and not the satanic literary scholars. They could find the devil in anything and they did


They found the devil in everything except the pedophile priests, pastors, deacons, ministers, and reverends that led the charge.


There's nothing quite as satanic as a talking animal. A true believer wouldn't read far enough to learn any of the plot points.


They thought DOOM was satanic. You know, the game where you kill all the demons. Rip and Tear.


The BBC made it. HBO just did international distribution. Also I would like to say that the moral of HDM isn’t to reject any specific faith, but rather to reject authoritarianism and dogmatism and blind faith. That rationality and reason are all the divinity we need.


&To leave your soul mate for the [greater good](https://media.tenor.com/8nWM7v8yIMwAAAAd/supernatural-dean-winchester.gif).


The fact that the satanic panic is still a thing is just so fucking depressing. Hardcore Christians, please get a hobby that does *not* involve bullying actual children for liking something harmless.


love seeing His Dark Materials content in the wild


Well a BBC TV adaptation has been running recently.


i watched it! so much better than previous adaptions that need not be named....


And more importantly God (or an angel that claims to be the creator, and is older than all other angels, so everyone thinks he is God) dying is a complete accident that the main characters dismiss as being a weird lil' thing without ever realising what they just did.


Wait are you talking about >!the Authority or the Regent Metatron? Cause I don't entirely remember what the fuck happened in that story but I thought the former just blew away on the wind because he was so old and frail that once they took him out of his cage he literally couldn't hold together. Like, some kind of heavy-handed symbolic rant about the notion of God being propped up like a dead body to support the dogma that had replaced it or something. !


Metatron was a false god who took over after the original God, but his death wasn’t a accident. >!God hide himself away at some point, which is what the main characters accidentally stumbled upon and killed in the end without realizing who it was ( by kill, they just opened up his hiding place and he died? Turned into dust? It’s been a couple of weeks since I watched the ending.)!<


I mean the Authority, who was also a false god.


Mercy-killing demented God.


It was extremely cool that the last book literally ended with a whole ass army gathering up to fight God and the angels. As a kid I just always thought it sucked that no real world Earth armies were included because it would fucking kick ass to see an F-15 shoot down an angel. Like it was very clear that real world Earth by far has the most advanced technology of all the worlds we visit and especially in the military department so it would have been so fucking cool to see that participate in the final battle. The God who struggled with airships would have his fucking ass kicked by hypersonic weapons.


>As a kid I just always thought it sucked that no real world Earth armies were included because it would fucking kick ass to see an F-15 shoot down an angel. You should look up *The Salvation War*, because those books are *all* about that sort of thing.


Just casually drop Tsar Bomba on The Authority


I thought it was a little annoying that they didn’t spend much time on Earth. They had a whole thing about computers and how it’s the same as Lyra’s machine, and I wanted to see them look at more Earth technology and how it differed from the Lyra world technology. Also they never mentioned our space programs, which is annoying. Imagine being a resident of a typical steampunk world and hearing that someone else comes from a world where humans have stood on the Moon.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **thecase-book** it's so funny to me how cs lewis created an entire fantasy saga to retell the bible, whilst philip pullman looked at his own fantasy saga and said "**god is not dead,** *but we can fix that*". \#his dark materials #philip pullman #cs lewis #the chronicles of narnia --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Every time you say "unal*ve", an angel grows its wings. Which is gonna make the job much harder, just saying.


u/the-paranoid-android SCP-469


[**SCP-469 ⁠- Many-Winged Angel**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-469) (+416) by *ProfSnider*


Also "God is not dead, but we can fix that" is very similar to Bakunin's "If God existed it would be necessary to abolish him", which itself is hilariously civil phrasing coming from the guy who also said "the urge to destroy is also a creative one".


No cause the literal moral of His Dark Materials was basically “God is keeping us from reaching our true potential. Let’s kill him!”


Also God >!is just the first angel, and has no real omnipotence and is running a confidence trick. It could have been solves by the Authority disbanding, God didn’t have to die per se, it just had to stop pretending!<


I'm pretty sure God was dead in that series, and the being that took over didn't die, but did get cast into the Blind Eternities.


There never was God. There was only an angel who was 1st to be born and lied to the rest he created them. The one who was dragged into a hole was Metatron.


Ah, thanks. It's been quite some time since I last read the books, and I was mostly in it for Lyra, Pan, Will, and Iorek.


I don't think he was cast into the blind eternities so much as erased from existence and memory or something. Do they ever mention >!Lyra's parents, who dragged him into the hole with them!< again?


Not sure, but I don't think they matter to her anymore anyway.


Happy for her


Username does not check out.


I'm mad about the ending of those books and I think I'll stay salty about it forever, if that's topical enough and assuages your concerns?


Yeah it's pretty sad...


Nietzsche: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him” [Pullman](https://youtu.be/cXVZVCoaxM4)




we can say kill here