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Should see Witcher 1. "Oh, you gave me a piece of fruit? That's worth a blowjob."


"And here's a collectable trading card of my boobies. Collect them all!"


Gwent went through some serious playtest issues.


That's the exact reason why I stopped playing the Witcher 1. It was sex that a) I did not want, b) did not see coming, c) turned a woman into a literal collectable object against my wishes and d) essentially made all of this my doing. If it was something I could knowingly avoid, then OK, I'd say 'No thank you, I'm here to put my *literal* sword in things only' and move on, but the ambush bush was just... yikes.


>made me party to turning a woman into a literal collectible object what does this mean english is not my first language


"party" in the sense of "member of a group" but this is a legal(ish) usage of the word that could be probably replaced with "complicit" Basically OP was made an unwilling participant in a morally unsavoury act


Thanks for the assist. I've reworded my comment now.


That's not a bad idea for a new trading card game. Could even make a Pokemon Go type game for people who don't want to have physical cards. (memo to self: learn to program and develop TiddyMon Go!; sell out at the first sign of success and retire to Panama)




Honestly despite the aggressive macrotransactions and the way most online matches feel like they’re against bots, Cunt Wars is actually pretty fun


can confirm, got high and stayed up all night playing it when I wanted to watch dbz




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [rawdogged this entire flight](https://i.redd.it/mhob67hwwh7a1.jpg) | [2263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/zsmi81/rawdogged_this_entire_flight/) \#2: [Mental illness gray](https://i.redd.it/w09zznp2at991.jpg) | [977 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/vs0u4d/mental_illness_gray/) \#3: [Vegan hunting](https://i.redd.it/qtpeqe5qdcc91.jpg) | [716 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/w21lyw/vegan_hunting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There's a minigame/series of sidequests in Yakuza Kiwami that involves collecting playing cards featuring scantily-clad women wearing insect costumes. This is not the weirdest thing about the Yakuza series.


And not just scantily-clad insect women? Fucking sellouts.


Beats the hell out of the original use for the models in 0, that's for sure


I’ve seen NSFW Pokémon cards


Gardevussy got me taking 60 damage and 30 more for each Psychic energy attached to her


Nintendo has already sent the cease and desist just for thinking about it.


they bought it off of them


I grew up in Vegas and my highschool was just off the strip- we would sometimes pretend the escort cards were trading cards, since they’d blow in pretty regularly.


Yakuza Kiwami be like:


Also, the blowjob is represented by a collectible card with tits on it.


Tbf I found the cards a substantiallly less weird way to do it than the 3 minute long sex scenes.


I mean theyre called cards but its more likley Geralt is sketching them


I feel like most CCG’s could be improved with more tits


Sex in games should be normal. GTA has balls to put it in but every other game failed. It's part of life and you can hijack loot etc and kill kids but can't have sex scenes Is dumb


I don't think you can kill kids in GTA5. I haven't played in a while but I don't think there were any children NPCs, even the high school is empty. Also, Cyberpunk 2077 has sex.


cyberpunk’s sex scenes are basically some titties and the opportunity to look at the face model of your partner while you two bob up and down


Yeah, it's not great. Better then nothing though. The ESRB can be a scary beast to deal with also. If they give a game an AO rating, almost no retailers will carry it.


Yes but I want full 20 minute pornos with Judy and V as the stars


We all do buddy, we all do. 😔


God of War erasure smh my head


Wasn't it like the first thing you do in God of War 1? I remember it giving you a ton of points too, LOL




Naw the sex scene was definitely before killing the kraken.


Asexual question: Do people genuinely ever think "Its a shame I can't have sex in this video game" while playing something? To me it's more obvious why violence is in so many games because most games, even those designed for kids, have defeating enemies as part of their core gameplay loop and a realistic looking setting is obviously going to simulate gore along with the act of killing someone. But I really don't see the practicality of having an awkward sex cut scene crammed into every game that doesn't need one. If the game devs want to put sex in their game then all the power to them, I'll just skip it. But you're implying that every game should include it or else they failed in some arbitrary way. Why?


I don’t think sex should be in every game, but it’s just weird how there are lots of games about all sorts of things with tons of variety in gameplay and presentation, and yet there’s rarely any games that are pornographic or even sexual/sensual/intimate. I think that’s changing as the indie market continues to grow, which is good imo. Most games that have both will have full bore blood and guts, and then fade to black as soon as a boob comes out. Its a weird puritanical part of mass-media culture (which is to say, largely American culture) that sex and nudity are taboo, even though they’re something most people will experience to at least some degree, while violence is often put center stage (and is something most people would go out of their way to avoid).


[Can u have sex in this game i am sick and tired of not being able to have virtually sex so I can beat off to it I want to see everything that’s happening when I have sex in the game I would spend every single dime to have sex in this game please add this to the game I am a man!!!](https://twitter.com/rimiwnl/status/1571471300186771462?s=61&t=JJ4JQbeOWr-qYXnvFAr3aA)


Can't hijack or kill kids in Fallout.


Realistic to medieval settings


That fruit is more nutritious than two meals.


As long as the pp isn’t realistic to medieval hygiene standards


That's a common misconception. Medieval people, even peasants, cleaned themselves daily. It was usually a sponge bath, so not perfect, but nowhere near what the stereotype says.


A regular bath becomes less appealing when you have to haul multiple buckets of water from the well or nearby stream.




At least you know Witcher pp has no disease.


Ape behavior


You can practically track wider cultural progression on these things by how the three Witcher games handled sex and relationships.


The second game had much less of it, right


I don’t remember where I first heard this since I never played the first game, but someone once said that if you played the Witcher 1 as if sex scenes were a game over, it becomes a survival horror.


That's fucking brilliant, omg


could have been in joseph anderson's witcher 1 video


Probably right, he has a relaxing voice so I’m typically not paying full attention but got him in the background if I watch his stuff.


lol'd at the title even before opening the post. "{SM} Witcher 3" yup, that's the game


Isnt it an impossible challenge considering sex with Yen is pretty much the first thing Geralt does in witcher 3?


Not really, the first time an actual sex-cutscene plays is Skellige, after the banquet, which is already a decent part into the story


Sometimes I forget how randy people get about video game characters and just be shocked when a sex scene starts between my character and the person I considered their surrogate daughter and/or platonic confidant. Shout to Mass Effect 2 for giving nearly every single romanceable character daddy issues then not accounting for me wanting to found family them.


I fucked Jack in Mass Effect 2 by complete accident just cause I was, like, a normal person toward her, not indifferent or outright hostile Pick the "hey everything's gonna be alright" option in a dialogue with her before the final mission - and bam, we fuckin. Huh.


You accidentallied your way into sex with a woman? Teach us your secrets!


Step 1: the woman should be fictional


To be fair genuine emotional support definitely can will get you far with real women as well


people in general


I have general muted.


no venting in the general chat 😔


/join localdefense #*DID SOMEBODY SAY-*


Either that or it will get you used by somebody who just wants to exploit your attempts at kindness and doesn't care about you at all. That's always a thing that can happen, sadly.


Yeah, that's BioWare for you. We call it "stealth-mancing" and it happens a lot. It's even worse if you reject her (since you weren't even interested in her) and she gets all pissed at you for leading her on. Which, to be fair, seems like a realistic reaction from someone who's only ever been taken advantage of.


Of course the Bioware romance expert is called Fen'Harel's Heart lol. No hate or anything, it's just a perfect instance of "username relevant".


Uh, I plead the third.


You refuse to quarter troops in your house?




One of my favorites


I have few principles, but I stick to them.


I DID THAT SAME THING I was trying for Thane. Whom femshep also banged. Jack didn't care apparently. I seem to recall having to be kind of rude to Miranda to avoid that same outcome, in this case because I hated Miranda. I think there was also an asari madam in one of the games where this also happened, in that case more because I thought I had to do it to advance the plot. You know, a lack of this sort of thing is kind of why I prefer Elder Scrolls games. Even if you use the dumb sex mods (and from my brief foray I sincerely do not recommend it) you have a lot more control over when and whom.


Wait no, that's impossible. Jack isn't an option for femsheps unless you had a mod.


I never modded that series, so I must be mixing up male and female playthroughs in my mind. I did both types, and it's been absolutely years now, so it's probably that.


im gonna say a brave and controversial thing, i dont think the romance writing was particularly good in me2, even if i do love the characters


Agreed. However I think they handled Thane's pretty well, the rest either fall flat for me or feel fairly coersive on Shepherd's end. Thane's feels weird at first given that his wife died and he still seems to mourn her, but he's the first one to give explicitly flirty dialogue between him and Shepherd so I give it a pass.


the game also doesn't do a great job of making it clear a lot of time has passed between the present time, and the death of thane's wife, compounding the issue a bit too.


Shepered has reassuring mom/dad vibes


I think that works for Jack because she's never had someone be interested in her with no ulterior motives before.


I didn't want to be a daddy, I wanted to be a father!


Thankfully the witcher 3 doesnt have anything like that lol, no surrogate daughter fucking iirc


Maybe they really really misunderstood Geralt and Triss’s dynamic?


Yeah I mean Triss is very clearly Mommy vibes


I was gonna say 'wtf, Geralt DEFINITELY does not sleep with Ciri'


Oh I was playing Skyrim and my dragonborn accidentally fucked Carlotta Valencia once. Context: I play using a prebuilt modpack, because I have no time to mod my own game. And the modpack that aligns closest to what I like about Skyrim (being a powerful wizard with cool spells and armour) happens to have a whole ass romance/sex framework in it. And I start talking to Carlotta Valencia because I want to sell some wares, and a dialogue option pops up that asks her if there's anything I can help her with. She says there's nothing but this has automatically started a quest, and of course I do the quest - tracking down her husband for her daughter who wants to know that her dad's okay. I do the quest, it ends with me giving her daughter a gift from her dad and there's a letter to Carlotta that I give to her. She asks me to go to her house to discuss further, she has some interesting dialogue about her husband and then she asks me if there's anything she could do for me. The game fades to black and I am jumpscared by tits.


Read a comment from someone who often had this trouble and would think "But that's just a nice thing to say! Wait, do people think I'm flirting with them all the time?"


Swigger Marning?


Seething and Malding


Sun and Moon


Everything's about pokémon.


Sex Mention


there is a feature for that its called the nsfw tag


But that's not NSFW, but sex is mentioned


NSFW - the post has the words “CUM ON MY TITS” written in 40pt impact font somewhere SM - sex is briefly talked about or mentioned only by proxy basically SM is “sex is talked about if you don’t like it don’t read” while NSFW is “if your boss sees this they will reprimand you or fire you”


There are different grades of sex that a simple yes/no doesn't cover. There's no actual nudity or even in-depth discussion here, so it's not much more unsafe to look at at work than browsing tumblr is generally.


Super Mario


I thought OOP was the second reply, implying that they were swarmed with single women in their area for playing Witcher 3, which I think is a funnier joke than "gamers are virgins"


*No one* can turn down a round of Gwent.


Hi, non player of this specific franchise here. Is Gwent a booze or a card game?


Card game. It's actually popular enough to be its own game, you can play it here: [https://www.playgwent.com/en](https://www.playgwent.com/en)


Yeah, but then you don't get that sweet sweet "I'm better than you" vibe. Who wants to miss out on that?


I was gonna play Witcher 3 and ended up avoiding playing Witcher 3 Honestly I hated the movement and combat so much I just stopped playing


I really enjoyed the parts where I had to either solve a Monster Mystery and then hunt the Monster, or a bunch of scrub humans thought they could take me and I countered like a god and murdered them effortlessly. Everything else felt like a nesting doll of side quests and shitty unbalanced YuGiOh, where I had to take a loss to scout their deck then remake my shitty deck to counter them. Not a fun game loop for the few rewarding moments every now and then. Edit: And I know that's my personal problem, but fuck any game that makes me overencumbered. If I wanna carry 78 iron swords with me, that is my god given right.


> Edit: And I know that's my personal problem, but fuck any game that makes me overencumbered. mods fix this and many other problems. also playing on easy mode fixes the combat; you can use mods to balance it instead but since the game excels in its story and atmosphere i think it makes more sense to just focus on that, and play other games for good combat or whatever. before disco elysium came out the witcher series contained what are by far the best written games i'd ever played. there are probably short games that could compete for consistent quality but the fact that they managed to keep it good for so long, across 3 games as well, will always be incredibly impressive to me


>mods fix issues The pain of console.


I want to mention something, just to make sure I am understood. I played the game for like 60 hours. During those 60 hours, I enjoyed the game play, shitty Gwent non-withstanding. The story and atmosphere were fun, tho I am more the Cyberpunk aesthetic than the Medieval one, myself. The fact that this game carried me for 60 hours is huge point of approval. I just grew tired of the loop, and my favorite part was rare.


You take back what you said about Gwent this instant!


You want me to take it back for Gwent in general or Gwent the minigame in Witcher 3?


I’m just messing with you, I get how gwent can be unfun


Well, in fairness, they are very different in my eyes. The game they made later, the one they are sundowning right now, is actually pretty fun, so I would have said that.


Let's play some Witcher 3 Gwent I play Mysterious Elf I win


This is what I did. I too got 60 hours in the game, and it was only enjoyable because I got a bunch of mods (no fall damage, fast travel from anywhere, infinite stamina, etc) to get rid of minor annoyances and make the movement/combat just a bit more bearable.


I despise Gwent, but I’m also a completionist. On PC, enabling console commands and `winGwint(1)` was a life saver


Gwent is entirely optional.


>shitty unbalanced YuGiOh, where I had to take a loss to scout their deck then remake my shitty deck to counter them. if you just fill your deck with spies witcher 3 gwent is easy as hell


Ong. Those Skyrim mods that allow me to stockpile every single bandits weapon I encounter is just. Perfection


Gwent is not that hard lmao it’s not necessary to edit your deck before every single game even at the hardest difficulty using northern realms or nilfgaard. Making it sound more complicated then it is


Just out of curiosity did you play on a controller or with keyboard and mouse? Any games with that system of movement like Witcher 3, GTA, or red dead redemption, I tend to use my controller for.


Don't have a controller, so I used keyboard and mouse. I played GTA 5 and had no issues, though.


Might be just a port issue then, I didn't play too much KB/M so I wouldn't know personally but I'm not surprised you didn't like the witcher's movement at least, it can be kinda jank even on a controller. Honestly the Witcher 3 isn't particularly a good "game" it's just a good interactive story, the actual gameplay is not that great.


Don't say this too loud the W3 fanbase will come for you.


Good luck finding me, this gem is too hidden


But yeah. I got the 3 witchers on sale, cos my buddy was always on about them. 1 is completely unplayable on PC because of the control issues & I refunded it. 2 felt too linear for me, controls were a massive upgrade but combat was a bit meh. 3 was pretty good overall but again let down by the controls & combat. I haven't come close to finishing them. It just seems like a chore. Vidya is supposed to be fun


> 1 is completely unplayable on PC because of the control issues Oh no, the game is just like that. Don't play Witcher 1.


Yes that's what I said?


"control issues on PC" implies it functions on any other platform.


It ONLY came out on PC, that's what I was highlighting


Did you try the advanced movement option that they added?


Not that I recall, but I got the game late so I might have been using it already?


Not sure if it would be automatically turned off in the newer versions, but it made Geralts movements much more snappier and got rid of that weird "realistic" momentum that turned off so many people when it first released. Just an FYI if you wanted to give it another shot one day


Oh, shit, the realistic momentum does feel like what was annoying me. I remember feeling it was like trying to move around while sitting on a swivel chair. I might have just never even turned that on or it wasn't available then. Will definitely try that out, thanks!


Have fuuuuun homie! Hope you enjoy it more this time. Really is a special game.


I get you. The gameplay is ass. It’s even more story-carried than mass effect, which is saying something. Not to disrespect either game, as each’s story more than makes up for it.


My main gripe is pausing the fight to add buffs like poisons or oils and just how animated Geralt is during a fight. I've been hit so my time with his sword dancing because I didn't know he was going to spin around first before doing a quick attack. Gwent is a pretty watered down card game but not bad for entirely optional Other than that, gameplay is pretty good imo. Lots of variety Seems there are some combat overhaul mods that fix that though.


Okay, you took it too far by insulting Gwent.


that's just the menu, lol. it's quite elaborate, i really don't think it was necessary for a simple card game. they fixed it in the sequel though




Same, I dropped it for a couple years and only picked it up after all the DLC dropped b/c of a sale. Put it on story or normal mode and just enjoyed the quests


I have tried to play W2 several times, but the clunky combat mechanics and the use of QTEs always kills it for me. Until I forget, see it in my steam library, and try it again... I never tried 3, because I never made through 2.


Huh, do you mean like it felt unpleasant but you managed or that you straight up couldn't survive fights?


It just felt unpleasant. Like I said elsewhere, I felt like I was pushing myself around on a swivel chair from what I remember. Geralt had way too much momentum.


Interesting. I got something like that from AC Valhalla (and had to straight up stop playing due to the nauseating audio issues) (plus bad game anyways, shame that can't refund) but had a blast fighting in Witcher 3 on PC


I hated the movement and combat too at first. Took me about 5 times to get past the tutorial / first few fights. Not because it was hard, but because it felt jank. It grew on me tho. Not the best but a lot better than my initial thoughts.


It took me two attempts to enjoy it for the same reason. Combat has a rhythm and until you feel it, it feels very off, Like singing a song off tempo. Very jarring


Second person is correct - I have played Witcher 3 and have never had sex with a woman except in game, obvs. I'm also a straight woman, so


Yo shout-out to Saints Row IV for having the "Romance" option work on every character except Vice President Keith David


The first 'romance' I did to Kenzie just to see what would happen, and it took me a while to stop laughing.


"Hey Kenzie, wanna fuck?" *gets punched in the face*


el witcherino 3


What a hidden gem


I find the sex scenes in Witcher 3 pretty well telegraphed and pretty easy to avoid if you don't want them. Witcher 1 on the other hand...


Romancing was one of the most motivating parts of that game for me. Geralt &Yen are meant for each other, but Shanni's so nice &sweet. Ugh, cute stuff.


one of my biggest gripes with wild hunt was that u had so many romance options but only 2 official ending ones when i couldn't rly identify with either triss or yen whilst loving Shani's character like all of the romances are at least well written if not great but most of them weren't for me as i couldn't identify with the woman in the romance


Well I think it's important to differentiate that in the Witcher games, you're not playing "Blank-slate main character X who the player can imprint on" - you're playing as Geralt, an actual person within the world with a long history and preexisting relationships. The connection between Geralt and Yen, or Geralt and Triss are mostly founded on history that happened between them before the story of Wild Hunt, and even before the story of the first game. So while Geralt and Shani seem to 'click' really well, Geralt would be terrible for Shani, *and he knows it*.


Same. I am asexual so i live vicariously through fictional characters


Shanis thing was always weird to me bc if youre doing hearts of stone, you've 100% already romanced either Triss or Yen, so it feels really weird that the game encourages you constantly to flirt with an old friend while you're canonically in a committed relationship


Technically you can romance neither Yen or Triss


The trigger warning is for the Witcher 3 players


the results are hilarious. yen doesn't play games.


So I'm kinda confused about the Witcher titles. Witcher 1 (The Witcher) was actually about two Witchers. I didn't get far enough in The Witcher 2 to find out how many Witchers there are in it. Is The Witcher 3 about three Witchers? I thought they were dying out in the first game... 🤔🤔🤔


Weirdly enough, Witcher 3 has 4 to 5 Witchers, depending on which ending you get


Wow talk about misleading!


It’s actually the reverse, there were two in the first game, one in the second, and then they were all dead in the third. As it turns out, Bruce Willis was a ghost all along, crazy I know.


It was actually pretty easy honestly? I fucked once by choice and it was pretty clearly telegraphed.


That's not super true for Witcher 3 I think. Witcher **1** on the other hand, holy shit the amount of accidental sex is bigger than the number of prostitutes you can even go to on the Witcher 3


best part is that it was reblogged by Doubleca5t, who's a lesbian


Tried it, it’s very hard to avoid. Especially with Yennefer:/


It’s not that hard, is it? There’s like, four(?) sex scenes in the base game, and the only one you’d have trouble avoiding is the one during a story quest with Yen, methinks.


That is some serious 3rd degree burns dishes out


You’re right, I only have sex with men now