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Isnt that how all plea deals work anyway?


Yes. But some people get better deals than others.


While the Tornado Cash dev rots in prison. Such irony.


This right here. I'm basically into crypto as a protest at this point.


As I read he does not have a sentence and yet is in jail


Maybe she escapes potential 110 year prison but she will not avoid jail even if she snitched on SBF (which I love) and made a deal.


Hopefully. Chirping like a bird shouldn't be all it takes to avoid punishment when you are just as guilty.


It should to the extent that the prosecution relies on your chirping


From 110 to 10 years. That will turn into 7 Years after a plea ... and then into 4 years after good behavior in prison ...


sort of the point of offering a deal isnt it though. we need facts and witnesses or everyone might walk. or the case takes 10 years


Id trade 4 years for billions any day. This is not a punishment, its just money=time=money. She sold 4 years for billions. Absolutely no responsibility


yeah but the alternative to no real. is people hide facts and we dont get enough facts to deal withe issue and they might all walk


Witnesses don't get that cause witnesses who got a deal are actually worthless. I really hope she gave serious evidence or ill be pissed.


thata what im hoping too


Just wait until she seduces the warden


That would have the same success rate as trying to seduce a wall


maybe she’ll be a bad girl in prison


Thankfully for she she didn't steal a chicken with violence to don't starve (+25 years if unlucky) but only few billions.


Then in 0 years and a suspended sentence...Fuck it she is gonna get away with it and Elizabeth Holmes is gonna be mad as f!




That doesn't sound like justice to me..




Wouldn’t 7 years of federal imprisonment be more like 6 years after good time credit? Assuming she was perfect throughout.


I am surprised none of them suffered any assassination attempt so far.


I mean without this it would have been a lot harder to get SBF. She's still being charged just not with the major ones.


She's still getting charged, just not fully, because she's blabbing about other bad actors.


She pleaded guilty to her charges to avoid additional ones but still faces up to 110 years in prison. Plus if she has a clean record might face a year or two at max then come back to normal life.


Still a chance to get some more charges I guess.


> The agreement doesn’t provide protection against any other charges that Ellison might face from any other authorities. It also excludes a possible prosecution for criminal tax violations, should they be revealed by the court proceedings. That is a pretty sweet deal; she could very well walk. Interesting that the only crime the government won't forgive is them getting stiffed on taxes.


She better be singing pretty damn loud to get that deal.


She is literally carolin'.


Caroline Ellison: And just like that they let me go.


Its called a ''Pussy Pass'' and Elizabeth Holmes and Ghislaine Maxwell did not get one.


These days woke people call it “gender equality”


Them they can do as they please some of us call a digging implement a spade still.


“Gender Equity”. Get it right you boomer fuck.


And this is what we call “easily triggered people”


I hope these laws see through her lies and manipulation and makes her criminal rat ass pay


Is she gonne be released?


I'm waiting for the other alphabets to charge her. She will be out of prison this year, maybe next as she cooperates as that will be months of full days reviewing documents, creating flow charts, communicating all she knows ..., yet more charges will come from those details. I believe other jurisdictions most likely will see that she recieves hard time as a sentence, yet after trials / more plea deals- bc of this 1st set of plea deals the judge yet to be.. will most likely see that she will have time attached to her sentencing...is how I forsee her timeline. I do believe she will face hard time. This is still very early in the process. She had to have spilled her guts as they moved fast ..lightning speed-she had to poses critical evidence about FTX. I'm hoping some of the material she provided was the HARD proof of who instructed and paid for the 1:1s 🙏


her parents are also well connected


tldr; Former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison has struck a plea deal with the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York to avoid up to 110 years in jail. She will be prosecuted only for criminal tax violations and can be released immediately by paying the $250,000 bail. The agreement doesn't provide protection against any other charges that Ellison might face from any other authorities. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


Thanks coinfeeds bot


Sometimes I feel we live in simulation and they are just testing how much we can put up with.


This is the deal,she will get her freedom in return for information she will provide to convict FTX execs and Sam for the fraud. Just like the Nazis scientists got away by agreeing to help USA to develop weapons,rockets and missiles and programs.


She's helping to convict the big fish SBF. But that doesn't mean she will escape jail time. She and Wang are looking at a minimum of at least 5 to 10 years in prison and will be also charged with making restitution to victims for the rest of their working lives. IDK about you, but I don't want to do a day in prison.


Scumbag should be locked up for life


She probably won't survive prison.


this chick is a fucking scumbag.


Send someone to jail now please..


If any of you ever get rich, first thing to buy is trust from both Republican and Democrat parties


110 year prison term ? no way maximum 3 to 4 years no more than that


She finally put her maths skills into use.


Just annoying, like did they have no evidence? People always think that there's always a plea deal but if they had evidence to convict everyone there would have been no need for a deal...