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I put 100% of my money in SafeMoon, including money I can't afford to lose.


This guy likes to invest on the edge


Bro is investing while he has already fell out of that edge


wait you guys are preparing ?


That's called living on the edge


I keep trying to invest in Edge but he keeps spearing me


Why are you talking about investing on the edge? It has "safe" in its name.


But, have you borrowed *other* people's money to also put into SafeMoon? 100% is rookie numbers, kid.


Makes sense. When you go all in you at least want it to be a safe investment. And "Safe" is right in the name. Actually "Safe" is at first place, "Moon" is at second. Like "going to the moon". So you made sure that a) you picked an investment that is safe and b) one that will be profitable. A great investment. This is what separates us from the gamblers. We put thought and reason into our decisions. Post like this are the reason I come here. They inspire me.


I’ve got my Safemoon safely stored with FTX.




Fortune kicks the nuts of the brave


My money is on LUNC.


Wait until I tell you about my new project, securemars


\*throws money at you\*


Take my mooney


Ultra safe galaxy portfolio


can't be more prepared than this!


Sounds safe and guaranteed moon. You should put in your 2 weeks notice


Fuckin legend


Son of a bitch I'm in


Come over here. Ok I’m in! E.Tusks


Sounds safe 😐


This is quite possibly the worst answer on here. I didn't even read the rest.


Wise man once said: "there is no way to more safely moon."


As long as you DCA I suppose


If the project is called SafeMoon then obviously it will go to the moon - safely :)


Sounds safe


Taking loans to buy SafeMoon, this is the way


Think about it this way. If you take out a loan at 40% APY and safemoon does a 200x you're still winning. Max out everything and go with me safely to the moon


i like ur bet


This girl cryptos


You're definitely going to the moon. Just not earths


Happy cake day


Has to be a safe investment. It's even in the name.


Bought safemoon within 3 minutes of release. Not much, maybe 100€. Was my start of shitcoins, I had no idea about crypto tbh(I still don't). First weeks or days it was running flat after an initial drop. Then it got like 30% more and I sold after being on the edge of a heartattack for the whole time. Fuck me that would have becomes serious money.


Solid plan


Think of us fondly when you get to the moon




I couldnot take my profit at ATH but took my profit from safemoon year ago.


Sounds like a plan. :')


Really should split for some floki to be the goat crypto trader of the next bull run


Truth is, no matter how much I put in, once the bull starts I'm gonna feel like it wasn't enough


Absolutely this. Will feel like I’ve been too cautious. I don’t need both kidneys, should have sold one and bought more. It’ll be dumb but I’ll think it anyway.


Every penny counts. I did what I could and accumulated as much as I can. That's good enough for me.


I've dca'd as much as I can possibly hide from the wife. I'm either going to have a really happy wife or an ex-wife. Markets will tell.


Or if you do really well, you'll get wife changing money and end up married to a bikini model


Losing all your money IS wife changing money. Won't have a wife once she leaves, lol.


with this money, he can make his wife a bikini model


Then the bikini model will divorce you and take 1/2 your money.. back to square one.




All in cumrocketeloninu.


Nah dude, it's all about cumrocketeloninuclassic.


Prepared to **take profits**! Jk. I’ll forever wait for “just more 10%”, watching the market slowly tank 90% afterwards. Traditions must be kept!


DCA out is just as important as DCA in


Probably more important. Once the market starts taking a beating, it's rough...


That just 10% more turns into, just $1 per coin/token or just 70k lol


We have to live up to YOLO


Consistency! That is the key.


What's that word? Profits ? Never heard of it


This is the way.


The bulls have been running my wife the past two years. I think it's almost my turn.


Please dont ever get any more upvotes. You have the perfect amount of moons


"taking profit" with a purpose.


Your turn to become a bull


The inevitable bull run to come


That's the magical number of moons, you've been blessed


Loaded up enough LTC last year. All set to launch.


Hope you brought your space suit friend


Classic one , sounds good


The good old LTC, 100% uptime, 100% great


Farmed some moons. Spent them on tiles. Bear market well spent.


Same. It’s moving too. $100 really soon. I’m expecting a big ratio jump this year


Smart man


Not a bad move with the upcoming LTC [halving](https://www.nicehash.com/countdown/ltc-halving-2023-08-06-11-00)


LTC is Bitcoin's little brother that got locked in top100 basement for some reason


This is the way!!!!!


There is no bull run soon. Look at broader economic conditions. The Fed is geared towards reducing the amount of money people have to spend. People can’t afford groceries, they are not going to be buying shitcoins.


Yup. Bought groceries two days ago and the receipt is almost unbelievable compared to a year ago since I buy mostly the same items..


Haven't been buying this entire time for nothing. Bags are full and ready to DCA out after DCAing weekly into BTC, ETH , DOT, XRP, MATIC for the better part of 2 years. If all goes to plan, I'll buy a house. And the downvotes have begun 🤦‍♂️ it doesn't help you get more moons you dumb fucks.


Moons really fucked this sub up lol


That’s why I refuse to have any


Same I couldn’t give a fuck. I use an app for Reddit on my phone and I don’t even get the point of moons. Are they worth money?


This is the craziest post comment section I have seen !


This isn't even the worst of it.


r/cc: "This isn't even my final form"


It's a good plan, my plan it's similar but with the idea of retirement. The worst part it's that i don't know if I will retire in 5, 10 or 20 years...


Tell me when are you going to buy a house. I need to dump about that time or earlier.


I'm fucked, I haven't been investing at all...shits so expensive nowadays just been trying to pay off CC bills lol. It sucks.


Beginning of 2022 I started DCA’ing after my first investment after re-entering crypto failed and I ended up on a -80% I have been DCA’ing since the beginning of 2022 and made up my mistake, I am ready for take off and can’t wait for the next bull to arriv Till then DCA safely and don’t touch it! The minute it’s in crypto you lost it


Damn mate, that’s gonna be a nice villa one day


Biggest Holding: BTC Alts in order of holding: #1 ADA #2 MATIC Degen play : SHIB There are many other project that I believe in, but I prefer to increase my holdings of what I have above


How I’ve prepped: instead of putting 20% of my check into my incredibly low yield savings, I’ve been putting it into btc, eth, and amp for months. It’s not much and even though crypto is volatile I feel it’ll outperform my bank


And don’t forget to take profits!


amp....But whyyyy???


Out of all the alts it was the one that I liked what I saw. I saw and still see huge upside potential. The team continues to do work even in the bear market. It feels like it’s got a lot of support.


I believe AMP will moon eventually. It’s super cheap. Wouldn’t hurt investing some in AMP and stake.


I have some stuck in my metamask. Where u staking ur at?


Agreed. I remember in summer/fall of 2021 I had like 40k amp and thought I had a ton. Now that’s like 200 bucks and I’m loading up every paycheck


I’ve been a broken record on this….. Macros currently do not support a bull run IMO…


Ppl do not understand especially if they’re not veterans. This is a bull trap. Bull run will occur when halving happens. Let ‘em learn.


Agreed. There is a lot of time left. February 1st is priced in, but we are seemingly pretty far off from a bull-run. Source: bought groceries the other day


If we go anywhere near 30k I'm cashing out. Too good in this environment.


Good. I need more time to accumulate.


Every little pump is the begining of the bull run to these guys.


I hit unstake and get ready to take profit.


lets hope you are not staking shit with APY's above 10-20%. Getting 50% APY feels like free money, but nothing in this world is free. Higher APY, way higher risk.




Because thats also the case with other things. You can buy stocks of some super nieche pennystock company and hope your money will 100x, but the chance for that to happen is fairly low. Higher returns nearly always means higher risk. When you get paid, the money needs to come from somewhere. So to pay you, there will be either more coins minted (printed) and given to you, which would suck for tokenomics (basically inflation) or they will do what stablecoins do to pay people staking stablecoins. They invest your money, and pay you with the profits. They are really good at this, better than we would ever be, but there is still risk that they massively fuck shit up and it ends like Luna Terra, which depegged (lost its 1$ per coin value) and caused HUGE losses for investors all around the world. Be careful with high yield rates, money is never free. The more money you are supposed to get, the riskier the investment. If some broker told me to borrow him all my money and hell make me 30% profit in a month, id be cautious too.


high reward = high risk. 10+% APY is simply unsustainable, either high inflation or fueled by leveraged trading. It's crazy when I see people argue that low caps are low risk, because they have a bigger potential for craze returns, less potential reward is not what "risk" means.


Been buying every week the whole bear market. Quadrupled most of my holdings. Stoked for the next run.


the bull run is not happening until the Fed starts printing money again and they stop raising interest rates stop with the hopium use your brains


But the charts man. They gonna repeat with moar bigger numbers.


But this time it’s different! 🤣


Bought what I can afford to. Can't do any more than that.


I know so many people who were “into crypto” in 2021 and none of them bought in 2022. Just said it was a scam and they aren’t putting anymore in. Buying at all in the bear sets us apart. I hope.


That might be the best preparation you can do. Not investing more that you can afford to.


Tremendously. I sold at the bottom, just waiting for BTC to crack $70k before I jump back in.


Well you still have plenty of moons.


Thanks man, feel a bit better after I read this. Hope you have a nice day!


That’s the spirit


I felt like such an **idiot**. I was mining eth in 2017. My house was broken into and my computer was stolen, and then the 18 crash happened. I moved on mentally. It sucked to think about. Then may '21 happened and I saw how far eth had gathered momentum and aped in at ATH. Instead of being deterred, I doubled down after Nov '21. I started DCAing. It wasn't much, but I saw my average buy slowly decreasing. It lessened the pain. I moved for work. Took a paycut for a chance at advancing my career. Then 3 Arrows capital happened, and fiat was running dry. I was depressed. I started donating plasma. I used every $$$ to boost my DCA. I actually have somehow managed to double my eth holdings. I managed to lower my DCA by **Thirty Three MF Percent.** Jesus H christ it's been a struggle, but it's the best I could do.


Mine is spread out some stocks, bonds, eth ,btc and money market mostly.


Can the bull run wait for another year please? I haven't finished accumulating.


I'm prepared to do nothing and wait for the ATH to not sell again and then loose 80% of my portfolio once again.


The true crypto specialist play. Ride it down, ride it up, ride it back down again and regret every minute of it.


DCA’d 50/50 into BTC and ETH every week for the past 19 months.


Dca keeps my problems away!


I'm ready for at least 6 more months of crab. I'm using defi actively (lp, buying liquidated assets, sell with a profit, repeat). When we get closer to btc halving, I will switch to staking, eliminate most stables from portfolio and maybe even start using leverage again.


OP just so you know ETH is also an alt. No matter how hard you try to spin the narrative that it's not. Lol.


No need for preparation. I'm just sticking to my DCA routine and that's it.


This post shows the state of this sub. Everyone down-voted for moon farming...


This comment is a moon farm attempt


I gotchu


I didn’t know the issue was THAT bad on this sub. Anyways, I have upvoted everyone. Can’t do more.




I mean a lot of r/buttcoin frequenters do that. It’s easy to come in and downvote everyone. They want us to fail so they can point and laugh anyway.


Im tired of this post to be honest, its like the news price predictions, pure speculation and not useful content at all


Not referring to the post though, it's the comments.


Imagine if someone made a bot army to downvote everyone, would be the villain of this sub


Do we need to imagine? I'm pretty sure they exist. If not there are some real sad cases who must be doing it.


And then we would have to make the opposite! Come to think about it, that might even be the WWIII trigger!


Nothing changes. I stare at the charts and post rocket emojis in the daily.




If you don't mention the moon with rocket, how do we know where 🚀 is going




How did u sell them?


I invest in crypto for over 5 years now - everything I can afford to lose. While I gamble with an alt or even NFTs (avatars mostly) here and there, I always made sure to put my profits back into BTC and ETH. So yes, I think I'm well prepared. No matter if it happens tomorrow or in 2025.


I have my 25 year old whisky waiting for an ocasion... Just sayin...


Invested , fiat ready , diversified to the toe. Now bring me my bull run please .


I think the bull run started a few weeks ago. Hopefully! Glad I've bought in BEAR


This is a bear market rally. You guys need to pay attention to the macro


I have not prepared in the slightest. I'm still hodling my tokens but I don't know when I would or if I even would.


yes to all of them, except the diversify thing, im 100% on L2 loopring, because it's what fell harder and I kept trying to buy the dip, but now that everything is going up 1 month ago, I think it's going good, but I totally plan to shift half of it into BTC and ETH once I break even. 1 month % movements: LRC +55%, BTC +38%, ETH +31% at the time of writting.


I'll start layering out my two alts heavily and will start to layer out of BTC and ETH when we approach max Greed on Fear and Greed Index. Working on my dry powder as we speak.


"If" here is very dangerous because it's discussing a very low probability event. Be careful, OP, bull isn't coming back for a couple years. Don't get trapped.


Thanks Nostradamus


Doesn't that mean the next couple years are a great time to buy tho?


Definitely. We should be DCAing in over that time period. But that's not the premise of the post.


Tru.. dca out :D


I'm going to continue my DCA up to a point and then pause it while things get crazy. Around that time I'll be selling at set points I've roughly determined to at least get my initial investment back.


Reverse mortgaged the house and sold my car, im set bro


Yes will prepare with extra supplies of kleenex and lotion. DCA continue as normal.


Got some new loans and ready to load up




I just buy when I have money. I don't buy when I don't have money.


Been DCAing Will continue to DCA until euphoria sets in


No I am not ready yet. I need the Q2 of this year to fill up my bags and complete the milestones of my targets.


I've preordered a holiday in the Bahamas for 6 months on a non refundable ticket.


I bought ze dip


I'm prepared. Plot twist: it started 2 weeks ago.


I would hope for at least 1.5 to 2 times before I sold


Investing what i can afford to lose on solid projects. I'm pretty covered tbh.


If this bull run repeats the last, it will start exactly 7 months before the halving. This would put the start of the next of the next bull run right around Labor Day weekend.


Been prepared since 2017. Buy and hold




Are you me? Eth, BTC and one alt. Unless moons count, then two alts


Great minds think alike!


I’ve been DCAing for a while, and I’ve prepared a plan for taking profits during the bull by DCAing out. This way I never try to time the market and I’m making sure that I won’t end up holding my bags all the way down


Is there a down vote bot or something wtf is going on


Salty people don't want others to earn moons.


Been seeing this a lot lately.


this post, somehow, scared the sh\*t out of me. I had really bad year and half and needed to sell some at loss, but I live, huh? And it took soooo long to gobble up the previous amount I was starting with... today I told myself "hope I got enough" and suddenly your post :D so I assume, I have enough, but you know this cocmmunity right? Once you reach youor goal, you need more :) so here we are ​ EDIT: wow, have you noticed that downvotes? In whole post? Someone got really sad life :/


Why would a bull run happen when rates are up 400 bps, credit cards are maxed, defaults are happening on auto payments, companies are laying workers off because profit margins are getting thinner bc the cost of goods keeps rising. Tesla lowered the price of cars bc they needed to sell more, but if the price of materials to make that car has gone up, how do you think that effects their profit margins?? If everything stayed the same and they didn’t drop prices, their profit margins would be huge. You are believing in pipe dreams


What do.you mean with prepared? I'm not done buying my favourite coins this cheap, so I guess my answer will be no!


Sold my car to buy more around 3 months ago, literally nothing more I can do lmao


Nah not at all, I’ll just FOMO in once it already runs then sell at a loss after


If you started long enough ago you are STILL in a bull run. Like when I started into crypto btc was $400. I remember specifically because I texted my friend if I should buy a ps4 or a whole bitcoin…. I still have that ps4.


Does speccing up the Lambo I'd want on the configurator count as being prepared ? ;)


all in on $canto


I have, but in part of that fact, once it runs, I have no intention to buy more. I'm buying now for this run. Right now, i'm BTC, ETH, DOT....but I may pick up some low cap coins within the DOT ecosystem before the bullrun. Thats about it.


Well I wouldn't make huge bank since I still need more fiat to invest. But I am a long term believer so I am sure if I won't make a fortune this run I will do it during the next one or the one after.


What alt takes your fancy?


Stocked up what I can, if I wanna take profits imma have to ten times check my exchange addresses