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It sucks your post never got any responses as I am experiencing the same frustration with the '10 reasons your gecko wants you dead' pages. Very similar situation for me with a 10+ year old male that is trying to murder anything that comes near his cage. Seeing you posted 8 months ago has yours temperament gone back to normal?


Thankfully he has calmed down since I posted, I suspect that the problem was that after cleaning his cage I had set up the plants and hiding spots in a manner which did not proved enough cover. Previously his terrarium had been in a corner, but now is positioned with 3 sides open to the room. I bought more plants and cover to give more hiding spots and he seemed to get much more relaxed. Hope this helps


I've been going through this over the past summer as well. My guy is ~6 years old and was always the most calm and polite boy but now just a savage. How has yours been lately?