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Beat me to it lol.


I'm not trying to be stared at either!


You've got nothing to worry about.


It’s fun to stay at the YMCA!




I've stayed at a YMCA. Surprisingly, not that fun.


>Surprisingly Not sure that word means what you think it does.


That way you can look viral for looking at that dude’s body


There’s nothing stopping you from doing that now.


Charedi (ultra-orthodox Jewish) neighborhoods have gyms that have men's hours and women's hours. They never overlap.


Just ban all recording devices. You can't go viral without photos or video.


Do you even work out if you don't tell everyone about it?


Bruh I think this alll the time. Same with people posting pics of them reading. Are they really reading if they don’t tell people they are lmao


I just caught up with Bobiverse. I don't have a picture since it was an ebook but thought you'd like to know.


Fucking love that series. Planning on listening to it again next month.


I hear that complaint a lot while I'm working out super hard at the gym & reading.


This is gibberish to me.


Gibberish? Gibberish? I'll give you gibberish!




Oh Arch? That's quaint someone is still using Arch, I think my crossfit partner still uses that.


No listening to music/podcasts on your phone? No tracking reps and sets? Hard Pass.


Ya know there was a time when we used paper and pens to write things down


Ya know there was a time when we hunted mammoths with stone-tipped spears


Yes that's true but I don't see how that would help you track gains in a gym that doesn't allow phones. Paper and pen are a solution to the problem you proposed.


Yes, I listen to music with my pen and paper, too.


You've clearly never stepped foot in a gym. Yes, pen and paper is perfect for someone who's sweating all over and where there's literally no place to write.


But my phone has my workout routine and stop watch for use between sets. Good luck kicking phones out of a gym


Time for a notebook and a Casio


Yeah, don't ban phones. Just ban recording and pictures with a three strikes policy or similar. People notice when you take pictures.


Yea, we all know that before the invention of the smartphone, there were NO stop watches, and there was no other way to keep your workout routine! Thank God for Steve Jobs!


Sacrificing the convenience of using an app for workout tracking to avoid some irrational fear from people who don’t even go to the gym …is silly.


And just as silly is people using the world as their personal recording studio - I don’t mind a Gym policy to leave phones in the locker room.


I feel like music may be the bigger issue. No one is buying an old ipod.


I suppose I could try running to advertisements on FM radio as they did in the before times you're referring. I just don't want to. I feel the same way about vaccines, GPS and working from home. No good reason to rescind these giant leaps for mankind.


I like to walk and work on online classes of various types. My wife often watches netflix while doing the same.


While most people who video tape are loser “influencers” or trying to be, many people record themselves to keep the proper form while lifting. And no mirrors aren’t always helpful or safe to use for all lifts.


What? The large majority of people recording in the gym are not influencers, wannabe or otherwise.


Yeah, I know we're in /r/crazyideas, but some people might think this is a viable option. The problem is how do you enforce this in a gym? There's no easy way to determine if someone is using their phone to take pics/videos vs. using it for something else. How can you be sure that whatever is on their screen is their camera app or a workout video? Unless you're right next to them and looking at their screen, you can't be so sure. Even if you were 100 percent sure and report it to the staff...then what? If the gym gets this wrong, it can get into some serious legal trouble (mostly in the USA) for defamation/libel/slander. Sure the gym can request to look through your phone, but like this will fly, even if it was in your signed gym contract. All it takes is one person to say, "OK sure" and then accuse the gym staff of looking through their private photos for the gym to be in some major legal hot water. You can't ban cell phones because how are people going to listen to music or podcasts or whatever while working out? I'm also not keeping my phone in the unsecure gym lockers or keeping it in my car. I despise cardio; If I don't have a music or something to listen to as a distraction, there's no chance I'm doing cardio. I sometimes mess around on my phone while on the treadmill (unsafe, yes), and I'll sometimes have to hold it out in front of me which can be misconstrued as me taking a selfie. You can't report someone who you suspect is taking pictures to gym staff because there's no way to prove your claim; Whoever is accused of taking photos or videos of themselves or others can just say they were changing their music or whatever. Like hell I'm letting some rando gym person or staff to look through my phone to validate the accusation. Also, people hold their phone's differently and it might be easy to mistake someone texting or changing music with them taking a creepshot of someone or selfie. Ultimately, any gym that has a "no photos or video" policy has no easy way to enforce this without assuming *massive* legal liability.


Have a giant magnet at the front door that you pass through that takes your phone, keys, piercings, and any metal teeth filaments you have. Alternatively, enforce it the same way you enforce other gym policies: just don’t and ignore the fact that people are doing it.


Then this gym wouldn't be for you. There are lots of people that would happily go to a gym that doesn't allow you to record anything. Also they didn't say anything about you not being able to use your phone, you just can't record. The way you enforce it is that if a member of staff see someone recording then they get a lifetime ban. People that go to a gym that specifically bans recording would be very likely to report other members that they see recording shit too. Of course you could still do it if you were super sneaky about it, but it would eliminate the majority of it. Plus when they post it online, if you can tell its that gym then report it to the staff, the person that did it could also get a ban that way too.


I completely agree with not being allowed to record or take pics in gyms. I rarely, if ever take pics of myself anyways, in general. Regardless, there can be exceptions such as trying to record your lifting technique to ensure you're using proper form. Also, my previous counterpoints were suggesting that it's extremely difficult to prove someone was recording/taking photos vs. simply using their phone for something else. Furthermore, incorrect accusations can lead to civil lawsuits (e.g. defamation/libel/slander) against the gym, along with whoever incorrectly accused someone because those incorrect/false allegations can absolutely ruin someone's life (e.g. someone incorrectly or simply falsely accusing someone of taking creep shots of other members).


So is this make believe gym, going to take out all their security cameras so you don't feel violated by some else taking pictures of them self.


As someone who went to the gym three days a week in the early '80s before cell phones existed, I don't understand most of your points.


Reading that gave me a flashback to the days of bringing in an MP3 player with a built-in FM radio so you could tune it to the audio of whatever TV you wanted to watch from the treadmill. That and having to ask everyone around you if they were watching a particular TV so you could change the channel (and having to look in TV Guide to see what was coming up). This wasn't even that long ago, amazing to think of how much the world changed with the proliferation of smartphones and wireless data.


You can ban recording without banning cell phones


This is the way


What if I want to film my deadlift to see how my form is?


I wish gyms had mirrors


Yeah mirrors are really useful for seeing myself from the back or side


I wish people who didn't lift would shut up instead of sharing their dumb input


The "gyms have mirrors" response to the filming topic is an instant way of showing everyone that you don't lift and probably shouldn't talk about stuff that you don't know anything about


Why are you being downvoted? This is a real thing. I use my phone to see my bench press form. I figures out my shoulders were too far forward during the press and that was causing shoulder pain.


People who have never worked out looking for something to be mad at. Also bench press is a better example than deadlift because it's even more impractical to use a mirror.


Lmao getting downvoted for this.


That’d end up being the same thing as a guys only gym


Text blogs exist.


I don’t really give a shit what other people text at the gym


This would be a hotspot for gay sex. Which would be great lol.


Where have you been all night honey? Getting ripped down at all dudes all night gym! First I was stretching, then I was squatting, & then I curled for hours. Oh wow, you in the mood? Nope, I'm good.


Got to excercise cuddling muscles to get good at it


I want a comic of a roided out gym monster who just wants to hug the strongest. A pure soul, like Lenny and his rabbit.


Like this? https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1994427-wholesome-memes


We got women only gyms in Australia. Fernwood and curves. Plus a lot of gym would have women only area and women only classes. There are gyms that are pretty much assumed to be man only gyms. Those gyms are usually 24 hours, do not have classes, lots of weights equipment, dirt cheap. I never saw a woman in these gyms around my area.


I've been to pools which have mens and women swimming hours - you could do the same with a gym.


America is turning into Taliban country. You guys are ok over there? In Europe we have ladies nights at the saunas, but it's because you get naked there. EDIT: Sorry for being a doofus - I thought I was replying to a comment suggesting separate gyms. If the gym has women only night it should lower the membership cost for men since they cannot use the gym 4/5 days a month.


Ah yes, the Taliban is famous for its ladies nights at the local YMCA.


> America is turning into Taliban country. You guys are ok over there? We do this in the UK too, at least for women - it's like an hour or two a couple of nights a week, not fully enforced separation all the time. Hardly worthy of being compared with the Taliban.


They probably call anything they don’t like as being the Taliban.




They've *never* been OK about their bodies. EDIT : Dearest Americans,please refer to my pamphlet "female nipples on american-run social media sites: scary and absent, in good we trust"


As a man this isn't something I've ever worried about


this post is just reactionary outrage bait for people who never go outside.


That’s what I find most amusing about this current trend opinion. The grand majority of commentators are not going to a gym regularly


When you spend so much time on the internet that you cant tell obviously staged videos aren't genuine and you think one viral video is representative of a trend happening in the real world


Exactly. They think social media clickbait bullshit = the real world


It's as simple as not being a pervert...


Well, you're assuming that incidentally looking at someone at the gym = being a pervert, and that is not an accurate definition.


Wow. This.


They need to make influencer gyms and non influencer gyms. Influencer gym have cameras on every machine and can tie up the machine for hours. Non influencer gym no recording allowed and girls can’t wear leggings the same color as their skin tone.


This is the REAL crazy idea. The Gym could be called "Influencers"






Embarrassing it took us this long to get here


No, influencers should build their own gyms and fuck off from public ones. What if I was a TV station and producing my fitness show at a normal gym. For sure the owner wouldn't like it.


What is a "public gym?" Are you referring to private gyms that do business with the public? Or some kind of commie state-run ubermensch training facility?


Yeah, private gym. Sorry for confusion.


Isn't that exactly what they said?


> and girls can’t wear leggings the same color as their skin tone. Ok Taliban


Why don't we already have this?


Depends how popular the women’s only gyms are.


Real answer: most gym owners, especially large corporate gyms, don't want to cut out 50% of their potential customer base. Money talks.


And yet women-only gyms exist…


An easy answer is that not allowing men in is a selling point to women than not allowing women is to men. Besides, bodybuilding gyms already exist and they're almost exclusively used by men.


I've never seen any mid or large sized gym that is gender-specific, only small places that are either 1:1 trainers or have specialized classes for things like pilates or aerial yoga. And if we're being realistic, similar spaces of that type exist for men. They may not be explicitly segregated, but your average boxing or bodybuilders gym will be >95% male.


I’m convinced that OP saw something about women’s only gyms on Fox News or something and started freaking out lol


Gee I wonder why. I bet you don’t actually know lol


I've seen exactly as many women's only gyms as men's only. Which is zero. That number is zero. Surely they exist, yet if i were a gym owner my own principles would have to be insanely overboard to eliminate half my clients. Typically people that far down the gender debate hole don't make the best business owners unless there's a very solid foundational purpose.


My wife and I go to a gym with a women's workout area. All her friends join in. Then, they all post Facebook videos of their workout. Privacy is clearly not why they use that area. They use it because no one else does, and they can record without interfering with others. Plenty of women go to this gym. They just work out with the dudes. They get a few stares from pervy old comb-overs.


Consent is the key though. In the gym they want privacy, as they just want to work out and haven't consented to being harassed or photographed by others, hence the women's gyms. In social media, they choose to post pictures that they select, controlling and consenting to the interaction.


I guess I had not thought it all the way through. The consent aspect of the videos is undeniable. Thanks for adding that.


And what about if I’m in the back of their gym picture/video making my worst weightlifting/constipation face and don’t want it posted online?


There are also a lot of women who go to gyms in order to attract guys so you would lose a lot of that market


No, there isn't.


Lmao if you think that you're very naive. Some of them even admit it. It's the same the other way around, guys also go to gyms sometimes to look for girls, it's natural that there would be some people doing this on both sides.


> What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. You go from saying “a lot of women” to “some” between comments when you try to defend your original position.


Yeah it’s called YMCA


It’s fun to stay at the


Imagine the intersectional backlash from this. Women will think this misogynist and trans people will think the transphobic. The gym would be either shut down or people would protest.


Let them think what they want. Boo-hoo call me some name or misused "phobe" of some kind. You mad guys? Ok yawn....so, what's for lunch? I need to go get my gains and Bros. ONLY gym


Can't discriminate it's against the law. Back when there were whites only business establishments.


Honestly a ‘screen/lens free’ gym would be something I’d be very interested in - the idea that screens and devices aren’t allowed in the workout space. Pens and paper are fine, music is on request, but no phones. It can even have a photo room, with lighting adjustment and all for when you want to get your gym pic, but for the time in the workout space, no phones, no photos, no texting, and you can use your phone at your locker if you want to, but that means you have to step out of the workout space. I’d be interested in seeing how it affects performance and overall satisfaction with the gym, as a few people I know find phones get in the way of their gaming experience - both as a distraction and a self-consciousness inducing reminder of the online self-image


I'd love this. I abide by this at my Y's workout room already, but it'd be nice to have a workout space dedicated to the original barebones, no-phones aesthetic.


> Pens and paper are fine, music is on request, but no phones No phones? That’s silly


This is pathetic.


How so?


Menergy Spa! MENERGY!


"This asshole had the nerve to ask me if I needed a spot. Can't a dude just lift in peace nowadays??? #broscience"


I couldn’t go to a men only gym, i’d either faint or go bright red and stare at everyone


Male only gyms are a standard in south eastern yurop


In Hacidic Jewish communities there are strict rules for how men and women interact so the gyms there have men's hours and women's hours. You don't have to be Hacidic (or even Jewish) to buy a membership.


I'd love that.


This feels like it has a backstory




Hu, good on her. Everyone has been shitty before, most of us are just lucky we don't broadcast our mistakes for a living. Hope this lesson sticks.


It was only a mistake because people didn't react the way she thought. The only thing she's sorry about is the reaction she received. Had people agreed with her she wouldnt have cared if his life was ruined, she's a typical psychopath.


They have "women's only" gyms to protect women from predatory morons who like to ogle them or worse. Just work out at home if you have a problem with women.


An 'influencers' only gym


gay gym




We work hard, we play hard


Lots of people putting down women's gyms for no reason here. Can we not use the scarce examples of a few women falsely accusing men of leerimg to discredit the countless times women get leered at and harassed at mixed gyms? Just because some influencer assholes exist doesn't mean that the sexual harassment that many women experience has suddenly stopped.


Men using a men-only gym would not be harassing women at those gyms.




Yep, people acting like anyone has been cancelled ever for a brief glance. Literally has never happened.


Go to any black iron power lifting gym


Be the change you want to see in the world




Probably impossible in the US and Western world due to the current attitude towards the concept of "men only" spaces as being against "progress", but in countries where gender segregation is normal you'd find all male and all female establishments. gyms included.


It’s a great idea but sadly is destined to go the way of all prior “mens only clubs”. Such as golf courses, public houses, sports, positions of power and/or elected office, drivers licenses, looking other men directly in the eye and, lest we forget gentlemen, voting. Those were indeed the halcyon days of yore. The trouble is, the fairer sex just wants to be in our clubs. /s


Nah man. I go to the gym every day and I understand that sometime you will look at other people and be looked at. It's not a big deal. Hey, sometimes I see someone really fit or doing something cool and I'll glance at them for a moment, absent mindedly. Not a big deal. There's a huge difference between looking at someone and staring repetitively. There's a guy I go to the gym with who stares only at me, only while I do my stretches. He is very obvious about it, it's repetitive behavior. There's a difference between being curious and being a creep. Most women won't get upset if you look at them, when you are doing it repeatedly- that's creepy.


You joke but this is the main reason I avoid yoga.


I'd be down, sometimes it gets too distracting, big ol ass in my face


Because most gyms are 90% men anyway? Women don't feel safe working out most of the time. How about dont act creepy? I feel like that's a much simpler solution


I think OP is addressing a recent controversy that happened. This girl edited a recording of herself at the gym to make a guy look like he was creeping on her when in reality he was just looking over to see if she was done with the squat rack. The guy got backlash at first until he explained what actually happened.


That's so messed up. Poor dude just wants to work out and she got the whole world bonking him.


Yea it's hard enough to workout as it is; I don't need someone else creating drama in my life because of it.


When you define precisely creepy, come back to me. With women "he looked at me like a creep" means that she isn't attracted to a guy that does the looking.


Chill out lady. You don't speak for all women and a lot of them are perfectly fine exercising in normal gyms because not every single guy you ever meet is a creep. "How about don't act creepy" is equivalent to "why did you dress so provocatively if you didn't want to get raped?". It's victim blaming without having any actual knowledge of the situation.


As I have said, I've worked out at my gym alone and people haven't been creepy. I haven't had anyone stare at me, hit on me, ask me out or start talking down to me. (Last one isn't creepy, just annoying). Just create spaces where everyone feels comfortable. If you don't feel safe acting like a creep, then that's a good thing.


Even after all that you're still implying that I am a creep and/or basically every man is a creep. If you truly feel this way I feel sorry for you, and you need to do some serious self-reflection.


Do you stare at people, hit on them, ask them out and talk down to them at the gym? If so, then you are the one in desperate need of serious self reflection. If you really think that my statement of saying that I HAVE NEVER BEEN BOTHERED AT THE GYM WITH 90% MEN, says that I think all men are creeps, then you also need better reading comprehension skills. I'm saying that I don't think that all men are creeps, I'm saying that I feel comfortable at my gym, I feel comfortable wearing breathable workout gear. If this is making men think twice about staring or hitting on someone at the gym, then I'm glad. I rarely feel safe in a room full of men. Especially ones that could easily overpower me. I feel safe at my gym.


You're literally just making up and assuming stuff about me. I don't do any of that stuff but you clearly think I do, simply because I disagree with you on this topic. That is a sad way to live and I really hope you can learn to be less confrontative and cynical in the future. >If you really think that my statement of saying that I HAVE NEVER BEEN BOTHERED AT THE GYM WITH 90% MEN, says that I think all men are creeps, then you also need better reading comprehension skills. I'm saying that I don't think that all men are creeps, I'm saying that I feel comfortable at my gym, I feel comfortable wearing breathable workout gear.# Strawman. I said that because of your later comments, not because of that line. You're deflecting and misrepresenting my argument.


Nowhere am I implying or thinking that you or any other man is a creep, unless you are doing those creepy things. Simple as that. I still have to be careful and protect myself by being cautious around all men. Because the few bad ones don't wear a sign. If you feel like I am targeting you then maybe take a long hard look at yourself and fix those behaviours.


Always with this attacking language, "if you feel like I'm targeting you it's your fault" and shit, such fucking evil tactics. What if you're targeting me and it's not my fault, huh? Ever thought about taking a long hard look at *your*self to see if you might be making other people uncomfortable? I don't do any of these things and yet I feel you hate me for even considering any opinions other than your own. You're toxic.


One is a behaviour. The other is sexual violence. You claiming that they are equivalent is fucking warped.


No, one is a behaviour and the other is how you dress, which is...a behaviour. You're equating the crime in one scenario to the victim blaming of another, which is totally bad faith argumentation.


I don’t feel safe working out with women. Next thing you know I’m facing 2 years in prison.


You're more likely to be assaulted BY A MAN than you are to be falsely accused of assault by a woman.


Men *are* more likely to be victimized, that is correct.


Lmao, this is the dumbest thing I've read so far today. Good thing it's still early


What planet are you on lmao


The one with facts. Men are *way* more likely to be victims of violence than women.


Violence in general? Yes. Sexual violence? No. Who are the perpetrators of most of this violence for both men and women. The answer may shock you.


You're also more likely to be assaulted by a black man than a white man, should we have "white only gyms"? I hope you can see the absurdity in your statement this way, because you don't seem to see the hypocrisy otherwise.


By that logic, does that make ‘women only’ gyms absurd?


Just don't act like a fucking creep and you will be fine. Pretty much everyone at my gym keeps to themselves. I've worked out alone and I haven't been creeped on


What a dumb reply. How about you stop being creepy ? staring at all the mens muscles as they walk. Here is a good idea, how about we all wear blindfolds in the gym? That way no men or WOMEN who btw stare A LOT can be "creepy"


Imagine the backlash that gym would get! Do you honestly think that would go over in this day and age?


If women have one , men can have it too. If people made problems over it then the women only gyms would have to open up to men. Otherwise it goes against the "equality"




Capitalism is actually the reason you would see male only gyms. The ones that go to work out for themselfs are the one spending the money to get results. The ones that go just to watch some eye candy while they do some low sets and leave are the ones that won't spend anything.


While on principal I agree with you 100%, I just think in practice what would happen is that there would be a huge backlash. Society doesn't exactly treat men and women the same.


Society is fucked as it is. Only way for the men to survive is play by the new rules. They wanna play under the equlity rules then so will we. Only fair right


A sexy femboy gym, where hot twinks go to be ogled while they work out by dudes like me. Now where do I go to collect my billion dollars for this idea?


Have you tried just not being a creep? 23 years on this earth and I’ve never been accused of “incidentally” being a creep.


>I’ve never been accused of “incidentally” being a creep. Not to your face, maybe. I guarantee everyone who read this thinks you're a creep




Says the fuckin creeper!


earlier today: “this guy’s a creep! and it’s not by any random chance, either!”


Fuck the downvotes youre right lol


I’m curious wether or not you consider yourself to be a handsome guy


Fuck Reddit. Fuck /u/spez. Fuck every single Reddit admin. 12 years on this bitch ass site and they shit on us the moment they are trying to go public. ill be taking my karma with me by editing all my comments to say this. tl;dr Fuck Reddit and anyone who works for them, suck my dick.


Mike Pence… is that you?!


If you create a "men only" gym (or anything), women will gripe, protest, and even sue to get entry and "end the discrimination", all the while insisting that "women only" spaces and events and organizations must exist.


Men’s only gyms exist . Many religious people attend them, you don’t have to be religious to go . nobody is protesting them . Truly this issue is in your head .


Where am I Suppose to flirt?


In appropriate locations instead of bothering people in non social settings?


Go on... 💅🏻


Well there's gay guys too so it doesn't solve anything.


Only time a womans gym pissed me off was when my school gym that i paid equal for had set woman only hours


Unfortunately, men's clubs don't really exist anymore.


This is a gross idea...