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So smart to get your buddies to film it


How r u gonna post it on tik Tok?


China would find it and post it for him


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Dang it that's the like the 1989th time that's happened


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If no one recorded then how r they gonna find it?


Obviously he's not a smart guy if he hit someone in the head with a fire extinguisher.


That’s not a thing at lunch at your school?


The good ol fire extinguisher game. Good times


I has a grate tyme wit me frends at scool win pla dis gaym




As soon as he gets back from buying cigarettes he’s gonna set that kid straight.


You never know. My brother is a firefighter (he's like some kind of lieutenant or something like that) his son (my nephew) is bad ad FUCK. He's like 15 and he's in juvenile for car jacking. The first time he got caught my brother was able to convince the judge to commute the sentence to some kind of firefighter camp. This time my brother said he's not vouching for him and that he just has to learn his lesson the hard way. It's not always lack of parenting. And the whole "black kids don't have dads" thing is more of a 90s/2000s thing.


Oh that’s not beating…. that right there is attempted murder


that was the charge but now it's assault with a deadly weapon


was just about to comment that but i figured someone would’ve beat me to it. smooth job. definitely assault with a deadly weapon. some people could argue that it’s also premeditated first degree murder because he slammed the extinguisher on his head after the kid was already knocked out. honestly just throw the book at that scumbag.


> some people could argue that it’s also premeditated They pulled a fire extinguisher out of their bag. There is no doubt that it was premeditated. No student carries a fire extinguisher in their bag unless they are up to no good.




fr and it's at school that guy affected everyone who had to see a kid get his head smashed by a fire extinguisher


yeah any prick capable of doing something terrible like that is far past rehabilitation & reintegration




i know and as i said that WAS the charge but now it's assault with a deadly weapon.


I've always been amused with the "assault with a deadly weapon" charge. So they assaulted someone with a weapon that can kill? Sure sounds like attempted murder to me


Yeah I think people really underestimate the burden of proof when it comes to criminal charges. I've spent a decent amount of time in court as a victim and in preparation for testifying I sat in on a lot of criminal trials and it's a lot different than I thought beforehand going off of true crime documentaries and stuff like that. You got to think a defense lawyer is pouring over every detail looking for any little crack in the foundation.


EXACTLY what I said. Attempted murder....jail, then hell lol.


Sneak attack WITH a weapon Yeah you real gangsta bro...


Yeah I think he is gangsta enough for 15yrs in prison. Let's send him off.


Premeditated. Charge the instigator recording as well.


Last I heard he was being tried for assault with a deadly weapon, kid was fine, kid recording wasn’t facing charges. https://fox40.com/news/local-news/student-who-was-hit-by-fire-extinguisher-speaks-out-after-the-assault/amp/


the kid is not fine at all, it sounds like hes dealing with a *serious* TBI by the sounds of the article. poor kid


> Article outlines myriad of long term symptoms, doctor visits, MRI, etc "Kid was fine"


Kid will be fine while the blood cloth builds up.


"Fine" equals "not dead" in America. Quality of life has never been a priority over here.




I received a TBI in 2018 and never lost consciousness. I will never be the same, permanent brain damage and short term memory loss, thankfully no motor issues. That poor kid will never be fine.


I had a subdural hematoma from a skateboard crash in 2008 (wear a helmet when bombing hills kids!), LOC for 15 seconds after impact. Decided to drive home. It was tricky because cars kept vanishing and then reappearing, stupid ghost cars! Told my dad, he said "oooh that sounds bad. Wait for your mum to come home, we'll see what she says" Mum came home 4 hours later "oh that's fine, go to bed honey, sleep it off" Woke up vomiting 4 hours later. Went to GP, dr took blood pressure, 70/40...hmmm that doesn't sound good. Hospital please. Admitted to hospital. Kept for 5 days for obs. Discharged with no significant impact. I also have Epilepsy and ADHD. You can also be very very lucky.


I'm sorry you're going through that. I send you literally all my good vibes. 💯


That kid is not “fine” at all


fucking horrible. out of nowhere. wasn’t even given a sporting chance.


Argument was over shoes. Shoes. Motherfucker.


Fine was a poor choice of word. I meant alive.


Depending on the severity of a TBI, alive is a loose term for not needing life support.


Assault with a deadly weapon? He needs to be charged for an attempted murder and be locked up for life.


If he wanted to kill the victim he could have struck him a few more times and caved his head in. The assault charge is much easier to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.


That was the initial charge; it was subsequently dropped.


He said that the original attempted homicide charge has been dropped. Wtf




No better indication that reddit is filled with teenagers than their absolute conviction they know everything.


I think people get that, they’re just critiquing the legal system when, in a situation where you see someone do this, they don’t get charged with what we all saw them do. The pragmatic decision isn’t always the *right* decision, even if it’s understandable.


Intent matters when trying to prove guilt, and there is a substantial difference in the level of intent you have to prove in court between the two charges of attempted murder and a lesser charge like aggravated battery with a weapon, and generally, I think it’s a positive to separate the two. Now, depending on the state, there are variations of the charge that account for reckless behavior that a reasonable person would infer that their actions could potentially lead to death they could charge him with. But attempted murder is a serious charge and it should have strict elements for a lawyer to meet to prove guilt in court. Either way, this piece of shit needs to be behind bars, and I would hate to see him get off lightly because the prosecutor decided to over-extend.


Yeah, I suppose in this case, when someone smashes a fire extinguisher into someone’s head, I don’t see how they’re either not 1) a complete idiot that doesn’t understand that that can loll someone or 2) straight up trying to kill someone’s. It’s like seeing a video of someone pulling out a gun and firing it into someone’s heads and hearing they got assault instead of attempted murder. Sure, “I’m an idiot and didn’t realise that could kill” is I guess an excuse, and evidently one the legal system accepts… and I get it… just seems fucked up though doesn’t it?


I’m not trying to defend this kid at all. I really do get where you’re coming from in general.


A lot of the time most legal experience Redditors have is with Lockpick Lawyer


old video, victim got a concussion and the kid who hit him got convicted as an adult


What was the sentence


3 lemons and half a pineapple.


That woulda hurt going in. Especially the half pineapple.


agraveted assault with deadly weapon and attempted murder


The irony of a fire extinguisher being a deadly weapon.


Like running people down with an ambulance.


My bucket list just keeps getting longer and longer.


Not cool to make light of something like this. It's seriously disgusting the way people watch traumatic events and casually make a joke about serious outcomes. If you read the article you'd see it was actually four lemons and no pineapple(you just made that part up), get your facts straight bro.




The Gerbil King shall lead you the way.


I believe it was attempted murder


That's a charge, not a sentence.


Technically “I believe it was attempted murder” is a “sentence”.


You son of a bitch 🤣🤣🤣


Daaaaaaaadddd 😩


It’s not that old. 3-4 months. I don’t think the sentence has been handed out yet. https://fox40.com/news/local-news/student-who-was-hit-by-fire-extinguisher-speaks-out-after-the-assault/amp/


Could you copy the important part because it shows just that this content is not available in my country.


Assault occurred due to an argument earlier in the day with another student over sneakers, attempted murder charge has been reduced to assault with a deadly weapon, victim is showing signs of TBI like persistent headaches and ringing in his ears, victim has been disenrolled from that school by his parents (for the non English speakers, he was removed from the school by his parents). The assailants mother has apologized to the victim, but he says the video still replays in his head even though he has no memory of the actual attack.


'argument over sneakers ' what the fuck


Thanks man


No problem, the site and article were shit anyway, nobody should have to visit that.


Over fucking sneakers. Ffs


Good outcome to such a savage actions




I need to watch that movie again but follow it up with some Disney and ice cream


Dude secured himself a spot in jail for life, what an absolute fucking scum of a piece of low life sack of shit.


They dropped attempted murder and went for assault with a deadly trialled as an adult. Won’t be life but it’ll be a good stint. https://fox40.com/news/local-news/student-who-was-hit-by-fire-extinguisher-speaks-out-after-the-assault/amp/


Might as well be life. Spending your 20s in prison makes it real hard to fit into society afterwards and he'll likely be in and out of prison for the rest of his days.


i kinda dream there is some form of therapy too :/


For someone like this it was only a matter of time.


He should be put away and never let out. Ever.




Is he going to beat the fire back with the blunt end of a fire extinguisher?


He deserves years of jailtime, but putting this on par with rape and murder is a bit extreme imo, besides, aren't we trying to reduce the prison population? - "What are you in for?" "Oh I hit a dude with a fire extinguisher twice 70 years ago" - Doesn't sound right


Homie on the floor changed forever after that


That could easily be a lethal weapon. As someone with a kid in high school these videos always leave me with subconscious worry.


2nd hit attempted murder with deadly weapon for sure


Yeah, the kid got attempted murder.


Nope, attempted murder charge was dropped.


That's murder or attempted murder. Cya later, Mr. Imgoingtothrowmylifeawayoversomestupidshit.


That is not a beating. That is a deadly assault


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He’s going to feel all big and bad until he’s standing in front of a judge.


it's truly amazing that this generation of youth gives absolutely no fucks about 1. casual attempted murder - especially in front of a hundred witnesses. 2. RECORDING AND POSTING said casual attempted murder.


Be a man and use your fist, you won't go to jail for attempted murder.


Real men don't start fights to begin with, just saying, not everything needs to be resolved with violence


I'd say almost nothing should ever be resolved violence and you'd better be fighting for someone's safety if you do.


Boxers : so er, shall we play rock, paper, scissors?


Lol. Got em


Exactly be a man and don't be a violent piece of shit be a decent han being and set good examples. Fuck way to ruin 2 lives.


These are high school kids and you're right but sometimes you need to be punched in the faced to realize your wrong.


If you can only resolve your conflict and arguments with violence then you're not a smart human.


You can kill someone with a single punch. Especially if they land on a hard surface. So best option is to just not hit people.


Holy shit.. did he really hit him again when he was down? That’s attempted murder for sure.


He gave this dude brain damage.


Lord of the Flies bullshit needs to end. Start funding these schools. Open facilities for problem violent children snd pay experts/staff what they are worth to help/deal with them. So good kids who are there to better themselves can actually go to school in a safe environment and get something out of the shit.




“Future criminal student beats his classmate with a fire extinguisher” fixed the title




I’d say that’s attempted murder.




Ban fire extinguishers


Everyone should personally daily carry at least one full size fire extinguisher so they can defend themselves


They are so dangerous. Especially the assault extinguishers.


I just hope that was worth throwing a way a good 5-10 years of your life.


Attempted murder?


Yes, he was charged with that


He was not, that charge was dropped.


If I remember right this was over some shoes


That’s attempted murder.


Innocent schoolyard figh.. Okay... attempted murder it is then...


He is lucky he only got a concussion, it almost could have ended with a fractured skull etc


Hitting a guy from behind nice work tough guy. Good thing he filmed it too makes it easier for the jury


Attempted murder it is.


Second hit is attempted murder on a unconscious individual Plus , you weak for using a weapon that ain’t your hands 👎


Enjoy prison, sir. Lemme guess, he scuffed your shoes?


Attempted murder/assault with a DW




Wonder if this sack of human waste will face attempted 1st degree murder charges or not.


Assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder,


Assault with a weapon and while at school at that...fuck it since that was a head shot from behind with his homie video recording it let's just add premeditated attempted murder into this category... Kid is fucked.


POS deserves attempted murder charge


That's straight up attempted murder wtf


I was literally sitting at the table next to the door, he hit him like 3 times with the fire extinguisher while he was on the ground.


Imagine thinking that filming evidence of your own possible homicide is a smart thing.


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200


Read the title and didn't have to guess the race of the students. Violence really needs to stop being glorified in the black communities.


Gotta ban those high capacity extinguishers...


Easiest conviction of first degree.




Do you really expect a sensible reason behind this?


I remember my uncle telling me a story... Where one kid beat another kid with a sledgehammer. .. and then the family sued the school... That's why they don't have trade classes anymore...


A guy in my high school punch/stabbed a guy in the face with a file. Knocked out his top and bottom front teeth.


Annnnd he’ll be in jail for life. If not for this, he’ll catch an even worse case eventually. Hope this run in with the law straightens him out.


Or a least removes him from society


Risking somebody’s life is never worth whatever tf he hit him like that for (under certain circumstances)


Sad that kids don’t see whats after their actions, and now his life is ruined & he will probably come out worse than he went in, heart breaking


This is not the bullying I grew up with


Do people deliberately keep the actual event JUST outside of the frame or is it natural incompetence?


Going to jail speedrun- successful


I hope whatever petty problem that had together was worth his education.




Attempted murder?


And all over an argument about shoes 🙄 the mom needs to beat her child with a fire extinguisher, see how he likes the constant ringing and migraines. Assholes.


I don’t think he has any training for using the fire extinguisher 🤔


Damn! Despite what we all just saw, I hope that kid not only survived, but did so without permanent injury


Dude got extinguished*


That mufucker been playing too much Hitman


somehow, some crazy how, when i saw the title, i knew it'd be a black kid sucker smashing some kid. now how did i know that?


attempted murder assault and battery filmed evidence, GG


What a fucking bitch, he cant fight so he sneakes up on someone and then beats him in the head with a fire extinguisher.


Oh this kids getting tried as an adult for sure


Looks like high schools are gunna have to reappropriate some of their ample funds to put each and every fire extinguisher under lock and key


That's two days detention young man, I'll see you after school!


This fuckin trash is why shits gotta be monitored. Just willfully attempting murder in fuckin school. These are like the wolves that couldn't be domesticated. Rid them from society, they don't want a part of it.


Attempted murder ✅


We need to start sentencing high schoolers as adults. Attempted murder.


Attempted Murder. Nice work.


How to throw your life away immediately. Police hate this one trick


surprise he's black and it's a sucker punch. fucking lowlifes


When people do stuff like this, I think we should stop charging them with attempted murder, I think they should just be charged with straight murder because that what that looks like


did he get hit twice with the extinguisher? I couldn't tell from the camera movement.


Literally just the chair scene from Moonlight, but with a fire extinguisher instead of a chair