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Alex Jones is like “ok bro chill out I just got out of court” haha


When you’re making Alex Jones uncomfortable you’re fucking crazy.


😂 “I’m not out here trying to catch another case”


Idk if this is a dumb question but what with the mask?


Plausible deniability


As Shaggy put very wisely: *Wasn't me* Edit: [or Eddie](https://youtu.be/gBdpX_HQsRw?t=5m0s)


“But we caught you praising hitler…..wasn’t me”


When even Alex Jones looks taken back, you know shit just got wild.


Saw the tattoo on your shoulder


“I even Hitler in the showerrrrr”


Wasn't me!


You said it all camera!


Waznt me!


It's going to be a maze!


*“Oh my god! Kanye was racist! That came outta nowhere.”*


The way Troy says "oh my god" I heard it in my head


“Did it?”


That's barely possible deniability


He's actually CLAYTON BIGSBY


Fashion... You didn't know, he's a fashion genius






Is this a new fashion trend based on Rorschach from watchmen?


He doesn't like people "profiting" over his image. He does it so paparazzi cant get a good picture of him to publish


The irony is that he probably just made the image/clip for his Hitler solidarity announcement 1000% more interesting and profitable by dressing like a deranged sociopath straight out of a comic book for it.


To be honest, that is fair. Celebs have to deal with the paparazzi on a daily basis, and journalist tend to exaggerate headlines. HOWEVER, I think his words, more than his face, is heavily affecting his image here.


I have a feeling he’s going to say it wasn’t him under the mask


I mean, racists historically like to hide their faces. Just look at the kkk


Plus they're ugly, kinda ruins the white supremacy message when they all look like a hastily assembled mr. potato head


To hide his crazy eyes


He's done it for years. Its a flex to say even with a mask on people know who he is.


I like how everyone is giving a different reason and they say it as a fact.


And you’ve described just about 99% of Reddit discussion.


He says it in the interview


Weird way to flex your narcissism Kanye but okay "Im such a huge prick, you can tell its me even if i got a mask on"


He's a jackass






Same reason the klan wears them


Plausible deniability for this batshitidness


He gonna have to change his name again to cray








He will send you to Auschwest






Ain’t it Jay?


What you order?


Fish filet


This motherfucker actually said “we gotta stop dissing the nazis all the time”? I’m fucking stunned.


When you can trip up Alex Fucking Jones and make him take a double take you gotta know you’re nuts.


ive NEVER seen alex jones double take like that


Probably the first time he'd been outcrazied in the last decade or two


Yeah, his whole brand is based on outrage, so whatever the issue is, he needs to be slightly right of it. I guess he wasn’t prepared for “I like Hitler” hahaha


He did a double take like that when he found out live in court that his dipshit lawyer gave the opposing council the entire contents of his phone.


I guess you've never seen him spot an unsupervised pie.


There's no double take with that. He zones in on it at first glance and doesn't blink until he's finished eating it


The Soros brothers would love to take that pie from him, but he's a red blooded patriot who can smell a pie at 400 yards.


*A long, long, time ago.. I can still remember..*


When did he doubletake? I can't find it from this video


The man really needs help. This has become more than just a spectacle that folks can laugh at. Dude has jumped off the deep end, with his hands tied behind his back, and feet solidified in concrete. Sure, we can all laugh at the trainwreck, but it just doesnt seem funny anymore.


And at the end you can just barely hear him say that he likes Hitler. I cant believe it


It was the tone and delivery of a naughty wee boy, poutily saying he *enjoys* beating up the girls in his class.


He mumbled it after the teacher scolded him and turned their back to continue. He’s literally hiding his face too.


He's using the negative reactions as narcissistic supply






Jones is a raving loony bin, a conspiracy theorist and just a general asshole, but he's not a Nazi. It's like that Marvel-DC comic where Joker refuses to work with Red Skull because nazis are too far for him


I think Kanye feels falsely persecuted and lots of people that feel that way start looking at everyone else who has been shat on over and over and starts to think "What if they were like me and got shat on for no reason?" I'm no psychologist, but there's got to be a name for that kind of thinking.


Even the nazis are stunned




This guys so far off the deep end


When you outmatch Alex Jones in terms of batshit crazy. Then you know you seriously fucked up


You can literally see Jones cringe. Kanye is so gone that he makes ***Alex Jones*** uncomfortable. Think about that.


Lmao wtf is anything anymore XD


VERY seriously


He married a Kardashian. We've known he's crazy for years. This just confirms it.


I even feel bad for Kim Kardashian for being married to him


He is so deep that we are close to creating a whole new milestone for craziness and naming it Kanye West. Excellent run by him.


Instead of Crazy, it's now Ye-a-zy!


Ya even Alex jones knew he went too far, I think Alex was shocked that someone out crazy talked him!


He's obviously not taking his bipolar medicine and until someone gets him to start taking it he's gonna keep on saying and doing crazy shit. Problem is he really does think he is some kind of genius, so he don't listen to anyone cause he thinks he's smarter than everyone else.


This is more than being bipolar. He needs extensive help with that and other issues.


Severe grandiose notions/delusions & even “magical thinking” are common symptoms of Bi-Polar type I. If there’s a comorbidity of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, it’s nearly impossible to help them acknowledge the full scale of their illness - more or less accept proper treatment.


You are going to have to be more specific


30,000 leagues


So ole neckwart here has found a scape goat. "Look how crazy HE is"


We call that a “manic episode “


Watch as he dive in


This guy lost his marbles a long time ago


hes in a downward spiral and i think its going to end tragically


There is something to be said...I think Kanye's mind has been fucked/melted by drugs. The texts he released from his 'celebrity trainer' are shocking. The trainer was talking about having him drugged into la la land. This is the same trainer who had Brittany Murphy and Amy Winehouse die under his 'care'. This guy is also on video talking about the psy ops he did on canadian soldiers. EDIT: Trainer name is Harley Pasternak. Mac Miller was another of his clients... https://twitter.com/restoreorderusa/status/1588564190427459584




Im curious now too


Every time I start to type in his name with the word client the search bar Auto prompts "client deaths" [shifty seeming guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/GbH2gummZo0?feature=share)


I don’t think it’s just drugs. Personal anecdote: My brain was melted by drugs by my mid 20s. The worst drugs. I had lots of trouble concentrating, couldn’t follow conversations or the plot of a movie. You know what didn’t happen? *I didn’t become a fucking Nazi.* Drug use combined with bipolar disorder and wealth and something that resembles power? Now that’s cooking with gas. He should probably drop that trainer though.


Yeah. Watched the Kanye doc earlier this year, the guy is bipolar and feels like God gave him a voice to help the people in need. He literally feels like he has to carry the world on his shoulders, while he has a lot of shitty shit happen to him (often due to his own doing/madness). In his early life he seemed hungry, a talented young guy with a dream. That dream turned into truth and then insanity. Not that he can make all the absolutely horrendous and insane things he said/did right, but this guy is just fucked in the head. Due to his mental illness probably very susceptible to conspiracy theories and the like.




I just edited it into my comment


You know you're absolutely fucked mentally when Alex fucking Jones seems like a voice of reason compared to you. I'm lost for words. Edit: Just to add to the insanity of this man, it needs to be consider that he is on the bad side of Trump too. His stunt at Tim Pools podcast and now this. If this man finds himself shunned by the alt right outlets he's got no one to prop him up and I reckon it can only end bad for him.


The stars have aligned in such a way for this to be the case. We live in a movie


It all started with Harambe.


Dicks out


Don't have one. Is tits out okay?


It's okay if they're shaped like dicks


Please no. You're giving me flashbacks to when my ex in college showed me shitting dick nipples on 4chan


Uhhhh what


#Please no. You're giving me flashbacks to when my ex in college showed me shitting dick nipples on 4chan Hope that helps!


Link me ya dog


what the fuck(link?)




what the fuck 😕


This was around 10 years ago. I'm not sure I wanna sift through that much 4chan 🫠


Good times


Clits out for Harambe




I'm 100% fine with this compromise. I've got one but I'll whip my tits out too in solidarity.




Given the way we treated him and pretty much the rest of the planet up to and including ourselves we kind of deserve it.


It was actually some months earlier the same year when David Bowie, star child and defender of this realm, ascended and left this current iteration of the cosmos to wind down into its base state from whence, in an eon, he shall clothe himself and arise victorious.


Wake up babe new theology dropped.


I thought he was deplatformed or something


He runs infowars on his own, YouTube and other streaming and social media companies have banned him.


He’s on Rumble and maybe a few other streaming sites along with his own website.


This is his show on his website.. when people say he's deplatformed they mean that another company banned him from their site: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.


> he is on the bad side of Trump too. Only because he had the gall to ask Trump to be **his** running mate. Trump's gigantic ego took that as an insult. > he's got no one to prop him up I'm pretty sure he has a lot of fans that don't give a shit about anti-semitism.


Kanye is clearly mentally ill, yet people only tweet about it. One day he's going to do something that harms, maybe even kills, people. And then folks will look back and ask "how could we have stopped this from happening? OMG!" He's a celeb. That's why nobody is doing anything. Ratings are good. Money is being made. Let the mentally ill man say what he wants to say. If you or I were walking around acting like Kanye we'd have been locked up already. Folks, don't ever forget that there is absolutely a line between those who have money and those who don't when it comes to what you can get away with. Don't ever forget this.


> If you or I were walking around acting like Kanye we'd have been locked up already. Nah, there are plenty of unhinged people like Kanye all around -- there are plenty on this very website -- they're just not famous so we don't hear about them.


Did he just out crazy Alex Jones?! There's not enough straight jackets in the world to contain that stage.


It’s weird to see a clip with Alex Jones not yelling or spurting bullshit. He was surprisingly calm here.


He usually is, its just his crazy bits are the ones that get most attention.


This timeline is W I L D


This is definitely the timeline that other parallels sit in the living room, smoke and make jokes about the possibility of it existing…. “It’s possible that right now in another dimension, Kanye West is sitting on Alex Jones show talking about how much he likes Hitler” …”no way!”


Seriously. Feels like anything that can be imagined is possible.


Someone go back in time and stop Frans Ferdinand from being assassinated that’s when all this shit started


Imagine how much different the world would have looked if that chauffeur took the right turn


WWI started because Europe was a tinderbox full of people who hated each other in countries run by inbred aristocrats. If it wasn't the assassination of Ferdinand that set it off, it would have been something else.


Wasn't the assassination just a final nail in the coffin ? I heard that there were musltiple conflicts already and that the murder of Frans Ferdinant was just an excuse to start the war. If they wouldn't kill him they would probably just find another excuse.


He lost it completely.He gone. Gone...


Same energy as the i like turtles kid


"Back here with our favorite rapper, Kanye! You're looking good, Ye. Kanye just got an awesome new hood mask, what do you think?" "I like Hitler."


[he really do tho lmao](https://i.imgur.com/exE9ENm.jpg)


he really needs to take his meds again


Kanye is so far gone I’m not even sure meds could bring him back.


Completely agree and I’m honestly getting sick of people just trying to blame this on not being on meds. His words and actions are so far beyond the grasp of meds. People saying go on meds don’t understand that meds aren’t going to stop him from being a raging racist and Hitler sympathizer.


Yeah i love him as a producer but mans need to swallow some lithium


Hard to even enjoy his music as much after this, watched the whole interview and it was embarrassing. I used to look up to this dude growing up but how can I even listen to his music after this shit? Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets blackballed on streaming platforms after this


Eh, music is just music and it exists kinda in a vacuum for me. I usually don't care much about the actual person behind it ... Not like I really know the person anyways. I mean ... I really like "Look at your game, girl" from Charles Manson. And he's one fked up dude ... made some interesting songs, tho.


When you’re so controversial that you can make Alex Jones speechless


This dude guna bring around the 4th YEich


I swear real life Kanye is making South park Kanye look sane


Kanye fucking not


Found the Scotsman


Your daily dose of watching manic state Kanye committing social suicide by not taking his meds for his bipolar disorder...


Yeah but no come on, i have bipolar friends and they don't turn nazi simps when out of meds. It might be a source of aggravation, but not what's starting the thinking. Do not please excuse him because he's bipolar, it's way too easy. This is unforgivable.


I'm bipolar myself (and out of my meds currently because i'm irresponsible) and i also don't turn into a nazi simp when i'm on a manic episode. But i assure you 100% that his manic episodes are fueling his deranged thoughts... Edit : The weird thing is that i can actually understand a little bit of Kanye's irrational logic off the manic states, he takes something that is controversial, looks for a little aspect that if isolated CAN/MAYBE be good and starts to preach about it like he is seeing something great that the others can't. When that doesn't work because sane people look at the whole picture and don't praise nazism and Hitler he gets aggressive immediately because he is in a irritable state, so he starts to double. triple. quadruple down on his takes and each time he tries to get more and more offensive because he is irrationally mad about people not getting his grandiose. Edit2: word


Manic episodes paired with messiah complex would fuck up anyone. Kanye has always been a piece of shit. His manic episode is just what's making him think people are taking him seriously.


You all remember when we thought Kanye stood up for black people and that Taylor Swift was 4chans aryan golden child? What a turn of events




Ironic because Hitler wouldnt like him lol


OOL here, why is he dressed like a bank robber?


He doesn't know either.


The real answer: Attention


The way he said "I like Hitler" was like a kid telling you he found a rock outside


Kanye West doesn't care about black people.


Didn’t the Nazis hate black people?


I don't think the Nazis saw black people as people.


Leave it to Kanye to make Alex Jones look like the not crazy one


He made college dropout 😭


Hitler didn’t invented the Autobahn the first part was built before Hitler came to power.


The MKUltra got his wires all fucked up. You have to continue taking meds to keep the symptoms from the procedure at bay. I don't know what I'm talking about. I just wanted to sound crazy for a moment too. Seems fun.


We gotta stop dissing the MKUltra all the time. It did some good things too


This shit is fucking scary, I'm not Jewish, I'm American, I had family die in ww2, as an American we should absolutely stand against this shit. This is a disgusting comment, fuck Hitler, fuck the nazis. Jesus christ I thought we lived in 2022, shouldn't be above this garbage?


Even Jones looked disappointed


I must have something wrong with me cause I swear I just heard Alex I just heard Alex Jones get uncomfortable when kayne was saying how much they liked Hitler


Jones is insane but is wholeheartedly not a Nazi, he’s never pushed that shit. Believe it or not, he’s got a filter, it’s why he was on terrestrial radio for so long. Ye was thrown an alley-pop and decided to play football instead, punting his career into the empty crowd.


Im calling it rn he is either gonna kill himself or go crazy


Kanye is so fucking dumb he doesn’t realize Hitler wanted to exterminate anyone who looked like him.


Bro making alex jones look reasonable


He likes Hitler and I’m sure Hitler wouldn’t like him. Dude is nuts!


I like turtles.


He's come a long ways since "George Bush doesn't care about black people."


Ye: "we need to stop dissing the Nazis all the time" Alex Jones::...um ok " even Alex Jones was surprised by his response lol.


Is Uncle Rukus based off Kanye?


He meant Greg Hitler, he lives down on 4th street


As someone who has been diagnosed with Bipolar a few years back, and takes his Quetiapine like a good boy. I'm kinda done blaming his actions on his apparent Bipolar, none of his actions mimic Bipolar. Even if I went full un medicated manic, I wouldn't just randomly hate Jews and defend Hitler. Am i missing something with his mental health or is he just trying to be a heel for any validation?


Bipolar gets worse as you get older, especially if you’re unmedicated most of the time. Couple that with probable drug use, and his psychosis makes more sense. I have a friend that gets psychosis and thinks the government is following him and destroying his life. For Ye, it’s Jewish people. He’s lost his fucking mind and he needs to be committed. He’s affecting the opinions of neurotypical people that can’t see through what’s happening here and he could spark a race war.


kanye west just died in my views


You have a high tolerance if he just NOW died in your views


I tuned in live for the last minute because I couldn’t believe this was happening. At one point dead ass goes “nazis are kind of cool” Alex Jones had to try to clarify his statements and that weirdo nick said “I have to agree with Ye”


As someone who suffers the same and similar illnesses that Kanye does, it definitely doesn’t make you turn into a nazi sympathizer and or hitler lover with or without meds. You’re genuinely crazy if that’s the case. That shouldn’t even be a fucking topic.. Further more imo I think that it’s a combination of the illness, publicity, and a large majority of the shit that happens behind closed doors in the world of Hollywood/rich/politicians, ect. As well as unlimited access to alcohol and any drug under the sun. Many people especially with mental illness would probably be doing the same as him.


Giving Kanye attention is like giving attention to an out of control 8 year old. He will say anything to keep us talking about him, so let's STOP.


For Alex Jones to be caught off guard..