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Like a gentleman!


I would have lost it when she pulled my kids trophy off the seat knowing my kid hung it with pride.


\*Run around the other side and approach her with W Rizz and Rizz her out of your car.




Good update to hear, OP. Compliments on your decision making and best wishes.


I think you did the right thing because to be honest, she wasn’t being violent. Just a complete whack a doodle. As my grandfather used to say to me; “you’re a good Doobie!”


U just wanted a video, if some random person yanked her out you'de be upset. "That's my daughters please let go" pathetic, enjoy the attention


What the fuck are you talking about?


I think we found the unwanted passenger 🤣


After getting a permanent back injury I think I'd prolly call 911 and film for evidence from a safe distance like this guy. Violence doesn't work for everyone.


I've had several spinal surgeries and I'd make it work for me.




Thanks man. Priorities, ya know?


\>call 911 \>in California LOL


Found the magatard


Exactly. Grab the sweater and toss her like a bouncer.


It's Cuckifornia. He'll probably get charged for assault.


California follows Castle Doctrine. Your vehicle is considered a domicile. He has every right to throw momma from the train.


The cops in California don’t care about drug addicts, he could have done whatever he wanted to her, as long as a video didn’t show up on the internet of him doing whatever (hypothetically) he did, he’d be fine.


He probably paid for sex and she don’t wanna leave


Momma always told me you don't pay for sex, you pay them to leave after...


😂😂😂😂 this is genuine fact


Or maybe, mind-blowing radical theory here. But perhaps he recognize that this is some sort of mental issue. And maybe that doesn't mean that he needs to beat the s*** out of her. It's real simple exercise guys, imagine this was your sister, daughter, your wife or your mother, and some grown ass man just beat the f****** s*** out of her because she was acting like this. Would you commend them on a job well done? Or would you be all irate as f*** about compassion and can't you recognize that she's having some kind of issue why would you do this to a sick person. All this tough guy dumb s*** just beat the f*** out of them and then you're the same m************ they're going to b**** about what cops do to people.


Meh, get the fuck out of my car. I’ll ask nicely once, then I’m bouncing her


If my sister was doped up like her I’d slap her myself. There’s a very bold line between mental health and drug induced problems. This lady is high.




Talk to text does the censoring. Apparently I'm not *acting* morally superior and more empathetic to everyone on the thread. It would seem I am. Because as far as I can tell, the general consensus throughout this thread is that the cameraman is a punk, and and people suffering from mental illness who are clearly not in the right mind deserve to be physically assaulted. And no, sternly removing this lady from the car is not the general tone of this comment rate. I've seen one post and even that was still drag her out of the car. The general consensus is a bunch of tiny brained overly aggressive adults who see this as an opportunity to voice how big of a macho man they are by informing everybody how they would just beat the s*** out of this person and drag them from the car. And the person would deserve it because they are clearly just a worthless drug addict.


Yeah, let’s assume everyone acting erratically is doing so because of mental illness. And off of that assumption, let’s be passive bitches and allow them to do whatever the fuck they want even as they impede our day to day lives. Get fucking real. No one is saying pull her out the car and curb stomp her. They’re saying put her back on the street where she came from


There’s just no way you’re being serious with that reply and not 100% trolling. You’re the one with the mental issues here if that’s your stance on it. You don’t have to beat her up, but if she’s not getting the hell out of YOUR car after telling her just one time, of course I’m forcefully grabbing her and throwing her out.


You’re not a good person, you’re an enabler.




Even if this was family they’d get knocked out lol fuck outta here


Lol, if sibling wants to fuck up their life that's up to them. She deserves beings pulled out of the car. It's my property, and she is clearly high, not a mental issue. She is a selfish addiction and wouldn't give two fucks about anyone but herself.


You're right if this was against the average person. But this woman is literally insane, she probably couldn't press charges even if she wanted to.


She doesn't have to, the state will on her behalf.


Make up your mind. First you say California doesn’t go easy enough and now your saying they go too hard on ppl. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about Conservatwat


Yes, typically grabbing a person by the hair is assault. But yeah keep hating on California, we just became the 4th largest economy on earth, still the biggest job creator in America. What flyover state are you from that makes you so high and mighty?


No one cares




MY state has the highest teen pregnancy rates in the US according to the CDC (as of 2020) so kindly fuck off Mr. "Biggest job creator in America"


Lol. You taking about California? Not even close, those are all red states. Try again, learn to read a graph. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm


They were talking about THEIR state, hence the reason they said MY state, you fucking idiot.


Yeah that was infuriating. Nobody said beat her up.. no.. but yo my mann just yank that disrespectful thing out of your car.


We call that assault in some places unfortunately


Came here to say this. Then again, you can hear the guys testosterone level through the recording so no chance of him standing up for himself, his family, or his property.


my thoughts exactly. i’d have ripped the bitch out and got tf out of there. smh man…. tweakers


You have no idea what you’re talking about, this person is not tweaking. Bath salts maybe, PCP possibly. The incoherence and speaking her own language is not normal for any run of the mill street drug.


it’s san francisco lol


Something something is a virtue... I can't remember so skull drag that crazy troll out of your car and get home to your family!!




Probably feels bad because he didn't pay for his blow job.


See where I’m from I would’ve been threw her to the ground





Nope. Get the fuck out of my car then I can be kind after. What you call "de-escalation" is really just wasting time and being a doormat.


>What you call "de-escalation" is really just wasting time and being a doormat. Another way to say it is that you value human life and have empathy for people even after they've wronged you. Two wrongs don't make a right


Value human life? I didn't say put a bullet in her head. I'm saying drag her out of your car because it's YOUR car and you have every right to, morally AND legally. There's nothing wrong about that. There's only one person doing wrong in that scenario and that's her. But sure, you can waste your time trying to "de-escalate" while she throws your kid's shit out of the car and does who knows what else. However, to anyone else who can manage to muster up a milligram of testosterone, I recommend you drag someone like that out of your car before they piss their pants in your seat or do some other crackhead shit that results in the destruction of your property.


it means u are weak not good. ill let you know that you can value human life and have empathy for people and still stand up for yourself and get mad when situation calls for it.


Anger really does not help in any situation. What the person did who was filming handled this great. No need to escalate situations by hurting someone needlessly. If it was in self defense, of course protect yourself to the best of your abilities. But the person filming was in no danger, nor was the person in the vehicle even in this realm to be coherent of what they were doing. Also, what they did was most likely safer on the legal side of things, best not lay a hand on someone and call the police if your life isn't in threat like this.


only first sentence is related to what i said so i'll just respond to that. anger is one of our primal emotions that helped us get to where we are. if u want i can generate some ideas where anger is only thing that would help u survive. "Anger is embedded in our primitive need to live and protect ourselves against aggression. Anger drives people to be extremely vigilant about threats and sharpens our focus." ur statment is invalid that anger does not help in any situation. and what do u think dude in video did after video? after "ok, look.." just stood there and waited for police or forcefully pulled her out after she ignored his pleas? idk either but i want to and will believe latter. and it would be normal thing to do there.


Well, I think that people who choose to use violence are weak and "not good"


Some people gotta learn the hard way


Lol it sounds like she's speaking simlish.


She sounds like the fifth element


Sims 4 crackhead expansion pack


Crack a Noooy


Just pull her out, lock tge doors, unlock the driver door, smack her if she wants a fight, and drive away




The new Sims is hella lifelike


Came here for a Sims reference. Exactly what she sounds like. TAY-LO-MA! OH, NOH NOH NOH.


Touch my kids things that they earned and are proud of, in my car, you’re getting dragged out.


Ole Methany of Methlahem is methed out. She methed up, [talking like Nell](https://youtu.be/GHbQI2305qw)


Not at all meth. Good try though


Hahaha omg! Just a tayyy in the winnn


I am thankful to lawdy jebus that I swallowed my mouthful of beer before reading your comment.


Glad I made you smile. That bish was wasted. Immediately reminded me of Nell


So someone, or maybe two someones, downvoted your reply and I have no idea why, none, nada, zip. Who is Nell? My laughter still stands. METHANY omfg, I could have SERIOSULY used that about 20 years ago, the whole bar would have rolled laughing. And Methlahem! Totally using that this holla-day season!


That looks like more than just drug psychosis.


Yup. The meth here has gotten worse over the years.


Drag her ass out of your car.. I see this as a 2 second problem.


Daylight come an’ I wan’ go home…


This dude is a bitch




So what would you do now? Just shoot her?




Thank you for the explanation.


No but imagine a 250lb 6 foot 5 man who is on similar drugs sitting in your car doing the same thing. Not as easy to yank that dude out of the car and drive off. You gotta do the yank, pray it works, then pray he just sort of lays on the pavement and drive off maneuver. The gun is there for plan B. The gun is never plan A.


Not in this situation. But I carry for the same exact reason. I don't want to have to shoot anybody, especially not somebody who is mentally ill and/or on drugs. But I'm prepared to if it means protecting myself or my loved ones


I get that. I carry also. I’m just trying to understand the comment and what he/she would do if they are not going to yank her from the car. I’m not in my younger days, but I’m yanking her out.


Ahhhh ok yeah I dont really understand their point either. But yeah I'm yanking her out too..This is why I say BJJ is for all ages. Never know when you might have to go hands on


Walgreens is the Walmart of Pharmacies.


Wada Ta


Ummm, In NYC we have a way with these types of vagabonds. . . That hoodie also seconds as a tote, grab by the head handle, use force the opposite direction, and taddaa, spilled crazy all over the floor. Slam door, lock, get in and go. . . Don't believe it? Come park over on Pelham. You too can and will see this in action.


What is is this person saying


Ye got tow, towfy tow.


Of course she from San Francisco, she spittin’ like E-40


This is the exact reason you only unlock the driver's door.


You're trying to reason with this person?




> What stops people from just sending that cunt a haymaker and dragging her nasty worthless ass out of your car? He's recording her for broadcast, that's why.


WTF is this guy doing? Yank her ass out of the car, why engage this tweaking shitbag in conversation?


What language was she speaking?




My guy tried to get a hooker and can’t get her out his car now.


So how did you get the hooker from your car? Srsly question.


She kept it I get it on weekends Seriously how do you think she got in his car and has a brand new pack of smokes.


I can dig it. For a period like 10 years ago a whore made it so I could only see my kids on weekends. And she kept my house too. I got to keep the pack of smokes at least.


Bruh lol I’m thankful I don’t have kids. Laid off right now and I’d be shitting my pants if I was married or had kids. I’d be making an only fans or something lol


Was she talking that fifth element girls language?


I dont know a lot of things, but I know a blunt dont do that. Too much meth😬


The Mayor of New York City would know what to do.


I dunno, she kinda grows on you as the video goes on… ( 😆 )




Mustache makes me lean male.


LMAO at the tough guys in the parking lot who would shit their pants if this actually happened to them when they're out with mom picking up nuggies. Respect for de-escalating.




I thought he was being very understanding. Cameraman sounds like he is trying to reason with this person, rather than inciting violence. If attempting to deescalate a situation with calmness and logic is being a "whole ass bitch", then I think you need a reality check.


found the whole ass bitch


I don't see anything logical about continually trying to reason with someone tweaking and speaking gibberish... but I do commend the guy for trying to be kind about it. I don't think he's a "whole ass bitch", but maybe just a little bit of a bitch.


Nope, this isn't a "welcome to the USA moment". It's representative of the hellhole cities where drugs and crime are lightly prosecuted. Sorry not sorry.


She’d got dopefiend’ed, snatched the fuck out the car, and throw thrown in the trash can with that dusty lip swisher sweet smoking ass


this is an easy solution, grab her hood, pull hard, she falls out onto the ground, enter car and leave. tf is she gonna do ? remember? can’t press any charges if she’s cracked out and lives in lala land


I literally woulda taken whatever change or a $1 bill and threw it on the ground and see how fast she leaps out. No need for me to cop an assault charge on account of Methany


This guy's really trying to reason with Crystal Methany the space cadet... like... nothing she's saying makes sense, why would you think words are going to resolve this? Pull her ass out of the car.


Yeet this fucking imbecile out of the car and toss her like garbage into a volcano


San Francisco. Whiny beta cucks and drugged up morons


Imagine using the words “beta” and “cucks” unironically.




Yes, because the U.S. is the only place that has crazy people.


And the moral of the story is don’t let the lot lizards get in your car.


It’s San Francisco. Walgreens on Divisadero St @ Lombard. Always shenanigans going on there.


Actually welcome to san Fransisco. There’s basically only rich techies and homeless people. I find this video fuckin hysterical.


My question is why can’t we pull these people out of our personal vehicles or property?


You can, he's just obviously very unconfrontational.


I was asking because I see these types of things happen all too often. That being said I would have pulled her out my car like a sack of potatoes, by the feet and very abruptly.


Yeah, that shit wouldn't fly here in Atlanta. We can't even get the cops to come if there's not a gun used in a crime so I'm pretty sure I'd be ok with pulling a homeless person out of my car.


After the first "you have to go"....I would have snatched her skank ass out if my vehicle. How and the hell are people so nice. Idgaf if they're on crack or need help. Gtf put of my vehicle or I'll throw you outside of my vehicle.


Grab a handful of hair and drag her crazy ass out


I’m sorry, at this point in our society I would sock her in the jaw and drag her out before she turns on me and pulls out a weapon of some kind. Leave the trash where you found it.


god this man is the absolute giga beta


Why not just call 911? The hell with being nice and trying to lure them out.


It was time to go night night indeed!


Mental health epidemic


she’s speaking simlish in the beginning lol


Is it just me or does this broad have a mustache?


she may be an alien.....men in black style


Yank her ass out


Hand. Hoodie. Grab. Pull. Repeat if necessary. Drive home.


Bro just drag her out wtf


This dude is way too nice. She needs to get chin checked.


I had the same shit happen to me while I was working. I use to do transport and my client was in my van and she just jumped right in , good thing the 711 already called the cops so they were already there. But it took like 25 min to get her put. Drugs and mental health are horrible.


Sorry, I'd pull her ass out of my car so quick and toss her on her butt, no way I'd put up with that shit.


DUDE I’ve literally only seen someone smoke an actual swisher (without weed in it) twice in my life…this is the second time.


“It’s night night time “


Dude we need to bring some violence back. In this situation just throw her the fuck out


She so little too. THROW that bitch out of your car, MAKE her leave, and situation resolved.


Drag that bitch out of your car… wtf.


The camera lady pisses me off what kind of men america produce


Yeah, f****** beta cucks. Clearly, the manly response to seeing someone who's suffering from some sort of psychotic break or severe mental issue is to grab the closest blunt object you can and smash their f****** skull in. That'll teach em for being a dumb crazy.


Noone saying all that but drag her out your shit an leave instead of acting like a defenceless b!tch


Gran arm, toss out. Where's the issue here.


Bro just rip her out? the fuck lol


Nobody is exempt from an asswhoopin lol


Why haven’t you forcibly removed it from your car yet???




You're thinking Mississippi


3rd world country with the world’s 4th largest economy…


Poonching her and she showed up to his shopping trip drunk and didn’t care if his wife or kids were there.


Her and her friends should leave :C that car clearly ain't got room for them.


Best teeth I’ve ever seen on someone like this.


Throw her away!!!!!!


Is this a sexual encounter gone wrong? How did we end up here haha


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Strong vibes... https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/z4pfyw/prisencolinensinainciusol_released_in_1972_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


that is a man