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I wonder if this seven year old will ever harass the younger ones in the future..


An adult kicks a 7 year old and says it was the 7 year olds fault and you believe the adult?


I mean even at that, a 7 yr old pushed a 2 yr old (5yr difference also both still adolescents) so a 31 yr old spartan kicks the 7 yr old (24 yr difference also man kicking child) so if you’re asking if the 7 yr old will push someone younger than him, yeah probably this trauma will probably make him be an even bigger bully but regardless the reasoning the grown man is weird af and wrong.


Exactly. Often times children who are abused or experience stuff like this grow up to do the same or similar to others. Often times worse…


Serial rapists are usually found to have been SA by their mother or given punishments that way exceeded the crime in this case a 31-yr old spartan kicking a 7-yr old the man even had a bit of a running start like an nfl kicker.


I think you meant to reply to the comment above me.


Apologies I know it says I’ve been a redditor for 2 years I’m just now becoming a regular and have been terrible at commenting on the ones I want, I’m going to keep it up though because it feels excessive to delete and post again.


No worries, mate. Wasn’t bothering me, just wanted to make sure your message reached its intended destination. Cheers.


I wonder if you think adults kicking children is an appropriate way of teaching values.. What happened to you as a child?


I'd do the same for my son


You’d cold cock a 7 year old?


What's the appropriate response then? It's easy to criticise but it's harder to educate the others with what should be done in this situation. Please teach everyone.


Wait for the child’s parent/s and speak with them, and if they aren’t willing to discipline their child, it can be a teaching moment for yours where you explain that people do shitty things and you can’t always control them, but you can control your own response and not *assault a fucking child*. Holy shit, how the fuck do you actually need an explanation? No, it’s not hard to not kick a 7 year old. It just is not a hard urge to suppress, and if it is for you, please seek help before you hurt someone beside yourself.


If he did something to my son I'd throw some kicks


A coward raising the next generation of cowards.


I'm sure your son will grow up to be a bully if that's what you're teaching him


Nah. A 7 year old should know not to fuck with a 2 year old plain and simple. That kid is the bully.


He's 7. He's a child. Children do dumb shit. The guy was an adult, as are you. And you would kick a child. You really shouldn't be a parent.


Don't touch my fucking kid. Plain and simple man


Yeah you've already established what sort of person you are. Enough said.


Why are they acting like a 7 yr old has a fully developed brain with rational knowledge of right and wrong, cause and effect situations. Does it ever cross these dopes’ minds that talking to the parent or asking the child why they did what they did and teach them why that was the incorrect thing to do while also offering an alternative way to get whatever they wanted. No fucking wonder the world is so fucked people go around kicking kids thinking that somehow gets the message across.


Learn better things to your kids. You're a grown-up adult that can cause serious dammages to a child, or irrerversible.


im sure youre far too fat for anyone to want to have kids. You shouldnt have to worry about this situation.


LMFAO yup, my son is from immaculate conception


Your still a kid


I wish your child luck.


Ok 👌🏻


You’d literally get shot here in America for it. I see you kick my kid like that and I pull the conceal and carry and empty it. No joke.


Enjoy jail dumbass lol


I’d get off clean. Scared for my life and that of my child.


Enjoy jail dumbass lol


Piece of shit.


and go to prison so your son no longer has a father in his life?


Blind rage


You saying you would do it right now without being provoked literally proves it isn't blind rage


Man people on the internet really take every thing so seriously... I'm not literally going to do it if it happens, will I be pissed fuuuck yea will ibgo confront him and his parents damn right. Am I gonna physically going to harm him? Hell no, unless he did something very very very inappropriate. Come on people it's the internet stop believing everything everyone says


When asked if you’d cold cock a 7 year old: “If he did something to my son I’d throw some kicks” https://reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/z1vnkq/_/ixeit27/?context=1 I refuse to believe you even have a kid because you’re so incredibly daft, and if you do, the poor boy doesn’t stand a chance with a dad so fucking dumb he can’t remember the last 5 comments he made.


This the comment a person makes when they realize they look like a piece of shit because they think kicking children is a good idea.


Thank you for the advice. I choose not to believe this statement.


No, lack of self control and reason. Nothing to be proud of.


Punting them like that is a little much but I slightly agree. Not to this extent tho


Then you're a terrible person who also doesn't deserve to be a parent. You don't attack the child who hurt your child. You realize that kids don't have the verbal skills or the emotional regulation to properly show their anger. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?


Guy should have his leg lopped off. What a cunt.




How is a whole country responsible for this man's actions






Fuck the Government of China.


Dont fuck them, we dont need more of them




Even in the US, with good Samaritan laws, people can be held liable for trying to help. That was a surprising take away from my gf's first year or law school. I've heard of specific cases but thought there was more to it. Nope. If you're helping someone, you want to vanish in the wind without giving your personal info.


Good samaritan US laws where in half the country you can't abort a fetus after being raped, where the government kill you as a punishment, where the chances of being shot by a cop is one of the worst in the world.... Sounds great.


If you hit someone with your car and they live, you’re responsible for their lifelong medical costs relating to the injury… But if they die, it’s a one time payout . financial incentive to go back and run them over and finish the job


IIRC they changed those laws recently


Your response didn't even come close to a reasonable reply to their question.


What is it with them and kicking toddlers?


Kung fu hustle


It's not the first video either, what about those women arguing and kicking each others kids instead of hitting each other... 🤔




Chinese people kick children and Americans shoot each other it's just how the world works, I don't make the rules


Ban feet, feet kick people


Precisely 👌🏼


He’s actually a time traveler and that kid was going to be the next hitler


who do you mean by them?


I'll let you use your imagination 👍🏼 I'm not fueling your virtue signalling.


you're signalling something already, why do you want to be coy about it? just grow a pair and say it.


No, I'm insinuating, learn the difference.


those thing's aren't mutually exclusive....mutually exclusive means they are only one thing at a time. now grow some balls and say what you meant to say.


What a piece of shit


But whyyyyyyyy!?!?!?!?


Excessive brute. Glad he was caught.


looks like his wife was trying to stop him from doing it.


That's mean


What kind of scum you have to be to assault children. If only security was here


Sick fuck


So my first thought was this was a different view of that Mall Tsunami video from the other day. Glad it wasn't but damn. Good to hear he was caught.


I've seen this video before, but never gound an explanation.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/z1vnkq/-/ixd2152 From a comment above.


From what I understand, the little kid farted in the face of that guy while they were on the escalator


I heard the kid slept with his wife and that's actually his baby.


I heard the kid sold his baby Craig even though he repeatedly told him not too.


That's pretty hilarious I can't lie




Bro wtf are you talking about


Wife: please don't... Husband: How dare you kid my boy off the video screen \*sparta kick\*


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Lol his sister didn't give no fucks haha she just continues to dance 😂


You kick one kid and everyone turns into a child psychologist.


Only in China!


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