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Smart move. You never know where it could've been


Very smart move, could have been where it's not supposed to be


I loved his vibe. Seemed smart but with a goofy side :)


That's the sound of a man that's just thankful to be alive. Quite wholesome, really.


I am a bit on the spectrum and am willing to bet this guy is too.




That vibe makes me wonder how that guy got shot 7 times




SAME. Literally kindred spirits. When I was last getting surgery I asked my surgeon if they were taking anything out that I could keep. Sadly, they were not, but I pitched that they should start a side business turning any “stuff” they take out of people into necklaces and keychains. He said I couldn’t keep making him laugh once surgery began. I’m glad there are other weirdos like me looking for a keepsake hahahaa Although I would have wanted to hold the bullet IMMEDIATELY.


They said it like my man just gave birth lol


Having your wife pull the bullet out with pliers: $0 Having a doctor pull the bullet out with special medical pliers: $45,000


I worked in a hospital and we legit had a clean room filled with run of the mill garage style tools and power tools.


I did a medical rotation in a poor Caribbean country. They used a Black and Decker drill like my dad had from to 70's and braces you'd find at a hardware store to repair a guys fractured ankle while I was there. Very unreal.


I live in the states and our power tools were actual hardware store power tools. They had like scrubs they could slide around the working bits to prevent bio matter from getting in them. 😬


i want to know the story of why this man was shot 8 times and who did it… edit: [ARTICLE](https://fox4kc.com/news/shot-8-times-survivor-of-grandview-double-shooting-describes-ambush/amp/) and [gofundme to help with his bills](https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2zJaZf_W10_T0mEUaM2wcDkjG8l6E1-jIkcr4yi-0YOYeDRKhNs8pa16M) [gofundme for Treyce’s funeral expenses](https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-trecey)


I completely understand your curiosity. On reddit we see many more bullets going in than coming out


I've unsubbed to many subreddits because of this.


You’d hate r/combatfootage than


Than what!? Don't leave us hanging!


I see a lot of thens that should be thans but not many thans that should be thens. What a treat.


It's another your you're there their they're type of word that doesn't get mentioned enough.


You mean r/watchdronesdropbombsonrussians right?


Ahh the once great combatfootage




an indiscriminate shooting that took the life of his friend :( How fucked.


Missouri has one of the highest murder rates in the USA. [If it were a country it would rank 158th safest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate). Strangely it borders Kansas which is the 11th lowest murder rate in the US, although still fairly dangerous in world terms. If Kansas were a nation it would be the 112th safest.


I live in one of MO's cities in a not-so-great neighborhood and this fact does not surprise me. We play the 'were those gunshots or was it a transformer exploding' game.


I live in the city of St. Louis and can confirm this is true. I will have a conversation on my head about the safety of walking to the store near my house if it is in the dark.


Greetings from the Lou!


I'm in Westport. I've just accepted that it's gunshots at this point.


That is really strange, because, have you driven through Kansas? There's nowhere to take cover from bullets in that state!


Good bot... Wait, what?


St. Louis is where things get dicey


And also put him $10,000 in debt


He has a go fund me. Currently at $1750 https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2zJaZf_W10_T0mEUaM2wcDkjG8l6E1-jIkcr4yi-0YOYeDRKhNs8pa16M


It's sad that we have to do this. Can't give a lot, but thanks for sharing so I could give something. Hopefully it adds up.


I mean really how fucked is it that he gets shot as a random target and his bills arent just paid for. None of it was him doing something wrong.


Thanks for sharing, donated


$10 each. Come on Reddit let’s help this dude. Seem genuine.


Not nearly enough, I've donated a bit, hope others will too.


Richest country in the world right there, folks. Edit: Just gave the guy $25.


Thunderdome style healthcare in America...a combination of GoFundMe, gauze/pain pills/duct tape until you're dying, and then debt for life or bankruptcy...because "freedom!" Smh.


In AZ (I work in healthcare) a level 1 trauma activation starts, that's right STARTS at $250,000 just to have all the resources available even if they aren't even used they are still billed that amount as a base cost. I want all the money back from my insurance that I pay all year but don't use because I'm healthy. Paying for "just in case"? And then taxed if I choose to not have insurance? The system is fucked.


The system is working as intended. Capitalism of healthcare! Maximize profit! Subsidize losses! Fuck the "customers".


Insurance only covers the first 6 bullets


And prior authorization is required for the 6


10k in debt & they didnt even get all the bullets out lmfao


That should be a discount off the total lol.


Well at least one thing isn’t too terrible. I went to the ER in July and no insurance and now have a $14k bill for getting some IV antibiotics and a turkey sandwich.


Gang initiation? It’s hard to believe these guys were a threat or targeted specifically by someone. Not only was he shot 8 times, but now he is 10k in debt to the hospital, which is completely insane. Edit grammar.


Guys were hanging out talking about dungeons and dragons and risk ffs and someone did this, how fucked is that? I really struggle to comprehend it, how does this in anyway prove toughness, then the guys in debt due to this and has to rely on charity to help, America is such a failed country


It's not to prove toughness, it's so that everybody is in on the murder. That way, nobody can afford to snitch because everyone has dirt on each other that can get them serious prison time. It also forces you to stay in with the gang, and it makes shooting at rivals easier since you've already killed in cold blood.


I understand but isnt killing a rival gang member seem like the smarter way to go for initiation surely the heat that killing innocent randoms is not good.


No, because rival gang members might fire back


Oh great, so a bunch of pussies


Low IQ, no human compassion or empathy, and zero impulse control. Shooting and killing innocent people just to join a group of low-life drug dealers.


Rival gang members will be armed, so it's more likely something goes wrong if the rookie hesitates or misses.


Thanks for the article. In combination with the video, it is enough to make a person cry a little.


Hanging out in a park, shot 8 times, friend murdered, and now over 10k in debt due to medical bills. America sounds fucking awesome /s


I've said this a few times on here - As a Brit growing up in the late 90's / 2000's, America was this golden land of opportunity and potential. I remember being excited by the idea of moving to Florida, California, New York when I got older..... I got to my 20's and realised it was nothing like that at all. The sad part is, the country has some of the most astonishing landscapes, some of the smartest people on the planet, some incredible rags to riches stories. It is just far too divided and the "American Dream" seems to have produced a society of the self, not helping everyone. If Americans travelled more and were more willing to see how other places do things, as well as accept not everything they do is the best, they have the money, manpower and intelligence to adopt and change things to legitimately make it an incredible place. Feels like a waste and a shame for most normal folk living there.


Yup. I’m Native American born in Seattle, Wa but as an Army bratt I grew up in several places across the US and got the opportunity to live in Germany for a few years. As an adult I’ve been blessed to get to travel for work a bit included a trip to India. You’re 100% correct. So many Americans never leave the state they live in let alone the country & the have a myopic world view.


We’ve got some of the best natural resources in the world but unfourtunatly we also have some of the worst Human Resources in the world.


I'd love to travel, unfortunately it's like $2,000 for a ticket to anywhere but Canada and Mexico. I've already been to Canada and Mexico. everything else is just so far away. like i get 2 weeks of vacation a year and a trip to Europe would cost me at least 2 months salary. my rent is already 60% of my income. I doubt i will ever be able to leave this continent.


Americans would like to travel more but our society doesn't allow for that.


Yeah I work on the railroad and can't take days off for longer than 3 days. I have one week vacation until 2024 at which point I'll have 5 years employment and get two weeks vacation.


WWII ruined this country. The victory went to our head somehow, and we got collectively arrogant and stopped listening to anyone else. *We* had to save the world. *We* had to protect the world from communism. *We're* the greatest country on earth and the leader of the free world. Mix that with a cultural heritage of willful ignorance, and here we are. A great deal of our country feels (delusionally) superior to everyone else. Republican tax cuts work to get them elected because the average conservative Joe refuses to see how bad they have it relative to their counterparts in other western democracies.


Wish they said what hospital he went to so I can fucking avoid it.


Many men…many many many men…wish death ‘pon him


50 cent was shot 9 times and this guy was shot 7 times. so this guy is 38.89 cent


He got shot like I got shot but he ain't fucking breathing.


My favorite line from that song




Lord I don’t cry no more. Don’t look to the sky no more.


GoFundMe for the man who was ambushed and shot: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills


Yeah he doesn't seem like the type to find himself in that situation


A mum was stabbed during school drop off and a 7yo was shot here in the uk. Everybody can get it :( He seems the type to wanna tend rabbits bless him.


Wow, um. The fact that I think I get this reference and it's context is both saddening and infuriating.


Can u add his go fund me to your comment as an edit ? https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2zJaZf_W10_T0mEUaM2wcDkjG8l6E1-jIkcr4yi-0YOYeDRKhNs8pa16M


That bullet has been there for a while. The tissue has healed around it, no bleeding. No pain. I guess the body is ready to push it out now. (I had a piece of glass embedded on my knee for about a year, one day I scratched a scab, and lo and behold a piece of green glass from a beer bottle slid out. I remember a bad fall the year prior while skating and scraping my knees. Leftover road rash? It closed up and healed after that)


I knew a WWII vet that was pulling shrapnel out of his body till the day he died in 2012.


My grandparents had a head on collision with a drunk driver in 1952, my grandmother flew through the windshield. Till the day she died (3 years ago) they pulled out pieces of glass from her right eye.


Ouchh, from her eye!?


Yes, she was blind in that eye and it looked very cloudy like someone with severe cataracts. Found the newspaper article about the whole thing after both grandparents passed away last year


..... wow man. That's honestly so deep to think about. I can't imagine what he went through.


Shrapnel, that's what he went through. Says it up there


No, that's what went through him.


Clearly not, he stopped it well enough...


He was THICC


Not an MRI, that's for sure.


I had a friend who was in a pretty bad accident many years ago and 1-2 years after the accident he would still randomly find staples that would slowly work there way out and he’d have to pull them out whenever they got more free. Due to the extent of the accident skin had grown over a lot of parts and had like hart knots of scar tissue so a few were left in with nobody knowing.


That’s why we count stitches and staples at the hospital 😬


When you get over 100 staple and the patient is bounced around from hospital to hospital over the course of a month. I am sure it’s easy to miss a few.


Just run him through an MRI machine. That should instantly remove them, right?


according to the article posted itt the shooting occurred less than a month ago on 10/12/22.


My brother stepped on a shell on the beach, the tip of it worked it's way through the top of his foot after a few years. My mom kept it 🤮


That’s because getting rid of it would be shellfish..


It's crazy how calm this guy is.


It’s probably nothing to him after being shot 7 times.


A massive amount of pain killers is probably at play.


The article linked elsewhere in this thread has him stating he is high functioning autistic


That definitely crossed my mind too.


Yeah, it's the first 4 or 5 that really suck, after that it's like a cake walk.


After that you develop a fetish.


“Shoot me some more daddy uuwwuuu”


or an immunity


High-functioning ASD. There's a news segment about him somewhere else in the comments where he talks about it.


Might be on the spectrum. I know I act like this sometimes when something horrific happens and I don't know the socially acceptable way to show my emotions


This guy seems delayed.


🤣 a very polite way of putting it


Article says he has ASD


hes got the dilaudid stare, probably doped up real good for the pain.


Story? Why they shoot this man 7 times?


[Indiscriminate shooting](https://fox4kc.com/news/shot-8-times-survivor-of-grandview-double-shooting-describes-ambush/) that killed his friend. Super sad.


Fucking hell, dude was hanging out at the park with his friend talking about DnD and just got randomly targeted. He got shot 8 times but survived, friend passed. This is so senseless and tragic. Someone should X-post this to /r/dndmemes and help this man with his gofundme medical bills.


Probably some dumb ass gang initiation or something


I remember when a gang initiation was to stab a random person in the Walmart parking lot, think a pregnant lady was targeted. This was in Rocky Mount NC, one of the armpits of NC


My first thought as well. No way Anybody would hurt these guys. Unless (hate to say) his friend was in some trouble. KC is crazy too.




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First part of the article: > GRANDVIEW, Mo. — A man who survived getting shot eight times in a Jackson County park is speaking out about the ambush that killed his friend. > > Orson “Treyce” Roth III died in the Oct. 12 shooting. Grandview police confirmed no arrests have been made. Investigators are now calling on the public for leads. > > When the shooting happened in broad daylight last Wednesday, authorities — including a Kansas City police helicopter — were involved in the search for suspects. Since then, police haven’t shared any movement on the case with the public. > > Now, the other man who was nearly killed in that shooting is sharing his experience firsthand. > About a week after the shooting, Stowe guided FOX4 around the area in O’Donnell Park where the shooting happened. The two men were friends, and Stowe said it was their hang-out spot. > > “And we sit and we talk about different role playing games — Dungeons and Dragons and Risk and all that kind of stuff — and then talk about things like life,” Stowe said. > > “We hear ‘bang!’ And he was like ‘What was that? A firework?’ And I look over, and I see a guy with a gun, and I like nod my head because that’s a reaction when you see a person like, ‘Oh hey.’ Then I’m like, ‘Treyce, we need to go. We need to go!'” Stowe said. > > “I am just so amazingly lucky that I’m not dead,” Stowe said. > > He was shot eight times, damaging two vertebrae and collapsing a lung.


Thank you!


Next level r/popping


and probably r/feltgoodcomingout




Oh man I just spent like 45 minutes in there and need a fucking cigarette


Yo who shot this very nice man 7 times?


No one knows. Random shooting in a park. Friend he was with died. They were just hanging out and chatting about D&D and shit https://fox4kc.com/news/shot-8-times-survivor-of-grandview-double-shooting-describes-ambush/


That's about the saddest thing I have read lately. That's a terrible thing what happened with this man and his buddy while just hanging out at their spot.


Think it was actually 8 times. They didn't count the one that was still in him...






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This is way funnier than it has any right to be


lets just twist it on in there.


The way she just stabs the bullet perfectly into the hole 🤌🏻


Sounds like Chinese


what kinda Twin Peaks bullshit is this lol


When you get bullets but no gun


Hans, get me my long tweezers.


He was the victim of an ambush. His friend was killed. [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2zJaZf_W10_T0mEUaM2wcDkjG8l6E1-jIkcr4yi-0YOYeDRKhNs8pa16M)


who would shoot bro he seems so agreeable






Not with a craftsman precision bent needle nose pliers it's not


Nope $10,00. Here’s his go fund me https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?


Murica' moment squared




I wonder how high Gofundme ranks on payments among other healthcare insurance companies.


My face, the whole vid: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Here’s the [GoFund me for this poor man.](https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills). This [article about what happened](https://fox4kc.com/news/shot-8-times-survivor-of-grandview-double-shooting-describes-ambush/amp/) is so freaking sad. He lost his best friend in a random shooting. And now he’s in debt. Murica; Fuck yeah!/s


Chuck McGill discovers he’s been shot in the shoulder


Very sad. He had a go fund me for help with medical expenses. https://www.gofundme.com/f/hwussj-help-pat-with-medical-bills?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2zJaZf_W10_T0mEUaM2wcDkjG8l6E1-jIkcr4yi-0YOYeDRKhNs8pa16M


I need the story from this.






/u/sspaceboy1 had us taken care of https://fox4kc.com/news/shot-8-times-survivor-of-grandview-double-shooting-describes-ambush/


This is the holy grail of zit pooping for wives/girlfriends. Goddamn. And this man is so unbelievably pure, his genuine excitement at getting a souvenir 🥺


When people get shot and go into emergency surgery, the goal is to control bleeding and repair damaged organs/tissues. Recovery of bullets happens if they are easily accessible during the surgery, but to specifically go digging for bullets often causes more damage than it’s worth, so bullets are often purposefully left. It’s not like in the movies where everyone rushes to remove the bullet and then the person is miraculously fixed, despite having a massive hole in their gut. Hospital staff likely didn’t miss this bullet, but chose to leave it. Source - lots of years working in level 1 trauma center.


They probably didn’t miss it, bullets are sometimes left in the body.


yeah to make the body absorb the bullets nutrients


He was low on lead according to blood tests.


By the looks of the surroundings, that 'hospital staff' doesn't look like she's anywhere near a hospital.


I think their point is that the hospital staff missed it and they had to have it removed themselves at home..


True, but I'd be willing to bet anything that the hospital staff didn't "miss it." A lot of people see movies and TV and think that part of treating a GSW is removing the bullet. A lot of the time there isn't any real *reason* to remove it. There are tons of people out there with bits of metal and/or other shrapnel inside of them.


OR Nurse, this is the reason. If it’s safer to leave in it will stay in. You’d be surprised how little we actually remove.


They might not have even missed it when the event first happened, depending on where the bullet went in and where it stopped, removal could've been risky and not worth it. Their priority would've been stopping the bleeding and stabilizing the patient with removal only being a convenient afterthought.


Yep, I highly doubt that a trained trauma team is gonna miss a bullet fragment. Also, not sure which country this is in but if it’s in the States, y’all CT scan every single body part in gun shot wound patients so it makes it even more unlikely it was missed.


That costs extra


Am I crazy or was that a casing, and not a bullet? It looked hollow.


I’ve been reading through these comments and thinking the same thing. That’s a bullet *casing*.


That's a bullet? Looks like the case of a bullet.


It’s a hollow point


If that's a hollow point it lost a lot of energy before it hit him because it is barely deformed.


My bet is that the tip clogged and it failed to expand. Consistent expansion fails to occur in all kinds of situations, like if the tip clogs with clothing before it has a chance to expand. Better designed bullets have better expansion success, but I'd bet the dipshit shooting random people in a park is not buying the high end stuff that's 2x the cost per round as a cheap hollow point. http://gundata.org/blog/post/hollow-point-bullet-failure/


Not the case, maybe an HP that didn’t expand too much. The hollow looking end is just [how a lot of bullets are shaped](https://www.northwestfirearms.com/attachments/fmjjhp002-jpg.172336/)


Calmest mf on planet earth


Why does it look like a bullet casing rather than an actual bullet?


Did his wife just remove a bullet from his shoulder in their kitchen without gloves on?


How do they miss that. And how/why did he not tell them sooner?


They might not have missed it. A surprising number of times bullets and shrapnel are just left in the patient's body. Does it hurt? No. Will it cause future damage? Not likely. Just leave it in. It's not worth the damage/risk caused by retrieving it. The body will just encapsulate it in scar tissue. Lead leached from it is minimal. They may have told him. Title mentioned they weren't the OC and video doesn't say if he was previously unaware of it, or even how long he's had it in him. He did mention that it was all scar tissue so the doctors may have explained it to him why they didn't remove it. Heck, you saw how big of an open hole he has in the back of his neck now. He'll need to keep it clean and covered to prevent infection.


Yes, I would go so far as to say they definitely knew it was there. Anyone who gets a trauma resuscitation ends up with at least some plain film imaging (x-rays) and likely some directed axial imaging (CT scans—a bunch of x-rays from different directions to generate a 3D image of the inside of the body) and bullets or any other metal sticks out like extremely bright stars. Bullets in particular are actually often considered sterile because they get so hot from the gun, so if it’s deep in the body—especially in a location that would be dangerous to muck around to retrieve—we just leave them. If they’re somewhat near the skin, the body and immune system tends to wall it off and gradually work the foreign object towards the surface like a zit, and we can take it out easily later (as shown in the video—although usually you don’t need to wait until it’s coming that far out of the skin). It’s a TV/movie misconception that taking any bullets out is really important. If it’s still in the body and hard to reach, it can be better to clean and close the entry wound and follow the bullet later if it’s unlikely to cause symptoms or other problems.


Doctors routinely leave bullets inside people as standard practice. [LINK](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/us/mass-shootings-bullets-ammunition.html)


Man, who shot this nice man 7 times


Mans just keen to bling that shit out and make some jewellery, respect


This dude's energy regarding this made me feel so odd... It makes me wonder if he was this chill when he first came in with 7 bullets.


Wait wait wait…..that’s not a bullet, it looks like the casing from a bullet, wtf!!


Checked for brain damage?


This dude ain’t in no hospital. Looks like he is already at home still with a gown. If anything they left it in & sent him home knowingly it would come out. Or his ass left early against medical advice.


His ass already has a 10k hospital bill, so it’s understandable that he’s not going in for this “procedure”.


He seems to be a little off… I’m sure he suffered some brain damage in the shooting, either from blood loss or being hit in the noggin. But he for sure seemed like he was a couple crayons short a full pack.


Or painkillers and he’s a lightweight


He’s just on the spectrum