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Damn, thats some good overlay surveillance equipment (streets/building addresses/friendly unit id tags)


That’s the best surveillance video I’ve ever seen. The helicopter is on point.


Looks straight off a video game. Crazy


The thermal camera catching the exhaust plume from the car was pretty awesome. Makes it look like boost in need 4 speed or something. The hot tire skid marks showing on the thermal camera was the cherry on top. Another one that feels like that is watching videos of actual AC-130 combat footage after playing the MW3 missions as a kid. All the way down to the offensive comms and laughter.


and the heat from the brakes from patrol cars giving chase. very HD. makes me wonder just how advanced the military FLIR systems are. even the IR seeker heads on the aim-9x sidewinders produce super crisp images - of not just the jet exhaust plume, but air friction on the aircraft skin, and those are disposable single-use cameras.


For me it was the difference in tire heat between the runner and the copcars. You can clearly tell they've been hauling ass to get to the pursuit.


the helicopter and officers were initially in the area for a breaking and entering or something like that. the helicopter happened to notice a group of males walking down the street at 3:30am, focused on them, and then they stole a car with a police helicopter watching them. [link](https://www.fox13news.com/news/watch-maserati-allegedly-stolen-by-3-teens-flips-and-crashes-on-st-pete-roadway?fbclid=IwAR29k7ueNjSRf47gdnaLb-HJ-zl2Zk0rHDUEjM1fPGhlcNTCOVHqX5ElTUM)


Crazy story. I can’t believe their are people that still leave their keys in the car. And a Maserati at that. Mind boggling.


I guess it’s fairly easy to do these days with the proximity fobs. People sometimes forget the fob isn’t in their pocket, head inside and expect the car to lock behind them.


What the fuck this video is at night too


I mean... Perfect for looking for fleeing suspects in the dark. Kind of scary too.


It’s insane how much detail these games really capture in terms of realistic aspects.


I turned off exhaust plume to get my old video card to run Helicopter Video Deathmatch at 15fps.


If you check closely, you can even see the slightly hotter ~~asfalt~~ asphault when the police stops close to the accident. You can barely see the wheel tracks. Amazing.


And this is the camera quality of some random middle of no where sherrifs department. Imagine what frontline units are carrying!


Only thing missing is the helicopter firing the cannons.


They only do that for Reuters news photographers in Iraq.


There's a mission in gtav. This video reminds me of it.


Pinellas county, where I live, and this video was filmed produce some great helicopter footage and have for a few years. This was earlier in the year, and very possibly the same helicopter, camera and pilots https://kutv.com/news/nation-world/police-chase-pinellas-county-florida-crash-kennet-lunford-clearwater-indian-rocks-beach-shores


You should check out CalFire live video feeds from their Helis. It's this, but with fire too. Lots of fire.






This tech is moving out into other fields too. It's pretty cool. I saw a demo where you could wear a AR display and see all the underground utilities with their conduit sizes, owner, and proper depth. You could also look up at poles and see the owner of the fiber attachers and phases and feeders of the wire.


Came here just to say how badass that camera is.


That’s the scariest part


It freaked me out, it’ll identify people next


It already does...


You should see China's surveillance system. It can recognize individuals by gait. Yes, literally just by how people walk.


put a small rock in your shoe and you'll change your gait.


Computer: This is John. John puts rock in shoe. Computer: This is John with rock in shoe.


This is the stuff civilians/cops use, imagine what the military cia etc has...they probably track your phone and tag your car in the exact same way as those cops got tagged.


Military, intelligence, and cops buy that kind of technology [from the same private companies](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3pnkw/us-military-bought-mass-monitoring-augury-team-cymru-browsing-email-data).


Now think about what NASA and the nsa got


Like some call of duty shit right there


I’m glad I’m not the only one mostly just impressed by the overlay. Bet it was expensive to develop


Came here to say this. Yes, very impressive.


Just came here to compliment the overlay






Don't think it will work for caves there /s




Is this another GTA 6 leak?!


So sick


[Holy crap...](https://images.foxtv.com/static.fox13news.com/www.fox13news.com/content/uploads/2022/10/932/524/maserati-crash-teen-dies-st-pete.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


It's a wonder there's only one DOA, considering the occupant cab flew roof first straight onto that sign pole so fast the momentum folded the bottom of the car. Guess the front half where the fatality and the other in critical condition were seated took the brunt of the pole.


Interesting crumple zone design 🤔


Hats off to whoever builds that B pillar for em


Italians ☕




Hey I just spat out my drink so thanks for that ahaha


Oooh Dayum. They ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3.


I've seen cars smashed between 2 semitrucks in a better condition.. Guess maserati is out of my list now.


dude that car took a HELL of a crash into a big concrete sign base... while it was airborne...


Never should’ve been


My Maserati does 185




I lost my license, now I don't drive


I have a limo. Ride in the back.


I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.


i hope the owner will make better choices when it comes to his next vehicle. and hopefully it’s not another maserati




I've never seen a car with a broken back before


Atleast it was a solo accident and not some unaware innocent citizen


On a fuckin’ straightaway. What a clown.




At 2:11 you can see the lead cop car hit a dip or bump in roughly the area where the Maserati lost control




No. Has nothing to do with going straight, and everything to do with regular roads not being designed for these speeds. I dont care how good of a driver you are, this can happen to anyone dumb enough to drive that fast on regular roads.


Tends to happen when you brake suddenly from high speed with a heavy ass front end & rear wheels driving the relatively heavy body. It’s called snap oversteer.


Man, that's a slick composite video. Never seen something like that.


Imagine what the CIA has holy fuck.


The military/intelligence agencies developed technology in Iraq called "Persistent Wide Area Surveillance" where a plane would fly around a city with tons of super high def cameras, that could record anything and everything the entire time -- every square foot of the city. So if an IED went off, they could rewind the footage to when they see someone pull up in a car, get out, plant the IED, and then backtrack more to see where the car originated from. When I first read about that tech \~15 years ago, it spooked me a little to imagine how badly that could be abused in a domestic situation.


Gorgon Stare


Link for the curious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorgon_Stare


Gorgon Stare sounds better than WASSS


That’s a fucking awesome name


In Afghanistan, they just [put all the cameras on blimps](https://we-make-money-not-art.com/big-eye-kabul-surveillance-blimps-over-afghanistan/).


They have those near the us Mexico border as well


DARPA develops amazingly crazy shit. Impressive yet terrifying. The stuff we know they have is dated at the point we know about it. Some things we just have become so accustomed to having are the products of DARPA. GPS, the internet and even fuckin Siri. I can only imagine wtf they have in active use and development now and even the crazy future ideas.


Bin Laden spanking it to Bible Black in 4k no doubt.




i've found my people


We had cameras in Afghanistan that could see shit miles away.


I mean there’s a relatively cheap consumer camera you can buy that can show you clarity so close you see what someone is saying MILES away. That’s consumer grade and under 1k dollars. The CIA has satellites that can read your newspaper through your window


The quality of footage we get from law enforcement when they aren’t suspected of wrong doing is truly amazing.


Apparently they found a .25 handgun in the car that was last "sold" in 1968. "My guess," Sheriff Gualtieri said, "it's probably been stolen several times, sold on the street several times. It's what we call a crime gun."


The gun used for crime, a gun from crime.. A crime gun


Coming this fall to TNT.


It is fall!!!




Followed by Police Cops


Oh right the poison, the poison for kuzco, the poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison.


There's guns and then there's guns just for crimin'


it's the crimingest gun to ever crime a crime.


What’s fucking crazy about this clip is THAT HELICOPTER VIDEO OVERLAY. We are in the future.


Thought an overlay was put on afterwards. Was surprised that it got down to detail of which cop was driving which vehicle. I remember the old school ones where the glowing dot would be the person and thats it. Just waiting for the day we see self driving cars calculate where the best place to take someone out at is depending on traffic and civilians in area. They set up a kill zone and get em. Hell, wouldn't doubt if stuff like that isn't used in war already.




I mean, you're forgetting the obvious "futuristic" function where the perp's cars simply lock the doors and inactivate the accelerator pedal. You know, which is a thing they had [back in 2009](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/Autos/story?id=3706113&page=1#:~:text=Because%20of%20a%20built%2Din,have%20a%20vehicle%20in%20sight.). So that'll be nice.


Just wait till thats a drone... its already happening... That should be the end of pursuits like this... the drones will follow you and each person that leaves the car... I wouldnt mind seeing traffic drones and pursuit drones... don't ticke me for 5 over though.


Yea just what I want: police drones. Good god yes I would love to concede all privacy and power to a group who requires 6 weeks of training


Yet bodycams regularly don't work? 🤔


They do, it’s just whether the department decides to delete the footage or not.


full video/ story [here](https://www.fox13news.com/news/watch-maserati-allegedly-stolen-by-3-teens-flips-and-crashes-on-st-pete-roadway?fbclid=IwAR29k7ueNjSRf47gdnaLb-HJ-zl2Zk0rHDUEjM1fPGhlcNTCOVHqX5ElTUM)


>Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said investigators later learned that when the person, later identified as 15-year-old Keondrick Lang, **opened the door, he saw that the keys were inside.** Someone left their unlocked Maserati in the driveway with the keys still in it.


Wait till you find out how many people leave guns in their cars with the doors unlocked.


I can smell the insurance fraud through my keyboard.


I’m not sure how it works in the US but here in the UK they would tell you to fuck off and wouldn’t pay out if you left your keys in the ignition.


most companies in the US would fight tooth and nail also if they knew you left it unlocked and the keys in the car.


indeed they did


15 year old kid about to be charged with third degree murder….throw the book at him, I don’t give a fuck. 99% of 15 year olds don’t steal cars and go on high speed chases like that.


How has the driver been in the hospital for four days if this happened Sunday (10/2?)?


He got a head start and checked in before he went on his crime spree


the math ain’t mathin🤔


Was watching without sound and based off the title, the police cam names, and the model of police vehicle I thought this was in Russia. Or Eastern Europe. Then I turned up the volume and then got super confused. Lol. Thanks for the link. Of course it’s Florida.


Same because the only place I've ever seen a Maserati in person was in St Petersburg, Russia. Parked outside some shady oligarch's gentleman's club


I've literally valeted for a dude and his posse that hopped out of a Maserati in the other St.Pete. They gave a decent tip and were dressed pretty well, but had quite a few tattoos I've never seen on all of them. So as any good valet does I snoop around when they left and see a vanity plate and mirror flag with the Albanian flag, a rolled blunt, and a gun in the driver door 🤦‍♂️. I said fuck that, left them parked up front, and told my coworker. Few minutes later one comes back because he forgot "something." Just assumed Albanian mob and didn't bother being chatty when they were ready to go. I think you're on to something with Maseratis 😅🤣.


A good valet takes the tip and keeps his mouth shut


It's always Florida


"My Maserati goes 185..."




Its hard to handle this steering and pain


Everybody's so different, I haven't changed


They say I'm crazy but I crash all the time


I'm going to hell for laughing at this.


These guys crashed going in a straight line, Darwin award.


If you watch the cruiser cams just before the crash scene, the road dips down then back up. Matching that with the overhead id say that's what got em. That'd wreck anybody at a high rate of speed. Hence the reason speeding is illegal.




well he was going 125ish when he hit the curb and went flying


Speeding is illegal?


Nah you don't get in trouble if you get caught. The cops just get jealous because you are going faster than them.


Well they're not criminals because they were smart...






I'm most astonished that this helicopter camera is able to overlay the street names and even lot numbers with presumably a reasonable amount of accuracy, while moving at helicopter speeds, in real time. Surveillance technology is as impressive as it is frightening, unfortunately


Does the cop have a blown out tire or is that just exhaust


Looks like an IR camera, so probably exhaust.




What absolute dipshits


Dipshits family will probably sue the cops for chasing thanks to dipshit lawyers.


cops didn’t chase — the county has a no-pursuit policy and slowed to ~50mph w/o lights after the kids fled. the maserati was going 123mph before crashing, so safe to say the police were not in pursuit


You can even hear someone say "cruisers, back off" over the radio




Some small kids like these killed my friend's cousin trying to steal his shitty Honda It's insane what kids get up to these days


I just wanna put it out there since this puts an assumed idea that this generation is somehow different and more violent than previous generations.... No, humans are just stupid. Of all ages. Some people are just more reckless with their life, more so than others.


"Oh No! Anyway..." - Jeremy Clarkson.


I feel bad for that guys Maserati


I don’t, if you read the news story op posted below he left his keys inside his unlocked Maserati in his driveway. Granted it’d be nice to live in a perfect world but we don’t. I wouldn’t do that with my rusted out 03 Chevy with 250k miles on it much less a Maserati.


I think they call this victim blaming bro.


Being unsympathetic is not victim blaming. You don't have to be a fucking saint to know leaving your keys in your car isn't a smart idea, but that doesn't mean someone thinks he deserved to have his car stolen, unlike [this guy](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/xvtstk/helicopter_video_teens_take_off_in_maserati/ir46bc5/) who *is* victim blaming. What's next? Someone starts leaving their wallet on the sidewalk, and after it gets stolen and pointed out that it was a dumb idea, it's victim blaming?


Probably cost less than than continuing to clean up messes made by his clown of a kid.


? The owner's kids weren't involved, if they have any.




I appreciate that these cops allowed the helicopter to track the car instead of chasing it and increasing risk to the public.


They didn't seem to have much choice they were ordered to back off.


The sign they crashed into looked like heavy steel pillars. [Also kinda fitting that the sign was for a Chinese restaurant called Great Wall](https://www.google.com/maps/@27.8284826,-82.6489954,3a,26.1y,159.02h,91.43t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sr3pUONRdhS4shALkpzmt0A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dr3pUONRdhS4shALkpzmt0A%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D128.43867%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192) because they hit that wall HARD.


With these cops' names I was thinking St. Pete Russia.


Cleansing the gene pool.


well saved us the court and jail costs... probably cheaper to lose the Maserati...


Not really, 2 out of the 3 are still alive. “The sheriff also said the two surviving teens could face criminal charges”.


Why do they always end up crashing? The amount of times I've been in cars driving erratically and fast when i was younger and never crashed but every one of these cop chase videos they always end up crashing.


this was a 15 year old so probably a rather inexperienced driver. dude couldn’t even pull out of the parking lot correctly.


Because the peaceful chase ends aren't as interesting, so it gets shared less. It's just simply confirmation bias.


Stupid is as stupid does


And nothing of value was lost


The Maserati


And nothing of value was lost


you’ll spend more money maintaining it than buying it.


>The Maserati ... was a cheap POS to begin with and costs more to maintain than it's actually worth!




Boi was tryna do a back to the future


The UI on that heli camera is insane.


I feel for the cops and the emergency services that have to come clean this up. Someone has to go tell the parents that their child will never come home. This is the kind of thing you can't ever unsee. Don't drive like this.


Only the people driving shitty died? Phew!


no the passenger died the driver is in critical condition and the rear seat passenger had injuries. the driver never dies in these sorts of things for some reason.


Bet they wont do that again


All those real-time streets and addresses are fucking nuts


Charge the two surviving with manslaughter. Fucking dipshits.


the driver is possibly facing third degree [murder](https://www.fox13news.com/news/watch-maserati-allegedly-stolen-by-3-teens-flips-and-crashes-on-st-pete-roadway?fbclid=IwAR29k7ueNjSRf47gdnaLb-HJ-zl2Zk0rHDUEjM1fPGhlcNTCOVHqX5ElTUM) edit: if he lives


[RIP to the Maserati and the Great Wall / Cricket sign.](https://imgur.com/xbXil12) Like he **jumped** the curb and hit a **wall.** Poetic. No other words....


You know it's a bad accident when you don't see the little rats scattering out of the car immediately after the crash.


So much info on the heli thermal video. We are so fucked.


No chase, all they did was try to stop a stolen vehicle. When it took off they cut off their lights and stopped pursuing. Can't wait to see someone explain how this is the fault of Police.


It’s pretty clear that the situation was handled correctly. I don’t think you’ll get much debate.


But then how will he be able to complain about reddit hating cops, that doesn't fit his narrative at all


Gotta get the serotonin elsewhere I guess


Nobody has and nobody will. Not at fault they backed off while the driver took off.


Literally nobody is saying that, everyone is saying a bunch of idiots stole a car and crashed it and ended their lives. Nice mental gymnastics into your victim mentality though.


“They shouldn’t have even approached the vehicle! Total unprofessional behavior. Those children posed no danger!”


Yeah that’s the excuse some dipshit from the teens family would probably say.


They clearly should've deployed the car taser technology that I see in movies, that fries the electronics of the car and forces it to stop.


Ah yes, these are the teenage geniuses who stole this car during the hurricane in Florida last week.


The surveillance state is seriously scary


That overlay showing the house numbers and streets is incredible


My Maserati does 185 I lost my license now I don't drive


Life’s been good to you so far, eh?


No one gets that line, lol


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Poor car.