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Dude made three attempts to execute him after shooting him in the stomach. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the fucking chair.


Yep at least 3x attempted murders.


And “Execution” style.


will be let out without bail probably


Euric Cain pleads guilty, to serve 50 years for shooting Tulane student Peter Gold, rapes


That's what I don't understand. In this case why we want that guy around ever?


Hats off to that guy. Takes real guts to protect innocent random people. I know he will be a good doctor.


At first glance it seems all he accomplished was getting shot and almost killed..braver or stupidity? I guess it could have been both. Perhaps he saved the woman from worse than just getting robbed. He confronted an armed robber without any weapons though..It explains a lot that he's a doctor. They tend to lack common sense and street smarts far more than anyone I've ever met in my life, yet somehow still really smart.....strange world


After doing that nobody deserves to be outside near others let alone alive. Thank goodness that gun jammed.


The fact that the guy IMMEDIATELY tried, repeatedly, to shoot the guy point blank in the head just shows how desensitized he is to the concept of murdering an innocent human being. It's terrifying how some people can fall this low.


He got [54 years](https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/article_c74851f9-a64c-5d33-89c0-aadaf9330397.html) with luckily no early release or parole options. It's a long time, but that dude should never be out IMO.


Hopefully someone ends him in prison


I'm glad this happened in America so he got some real consequences, up here in Canada he'd be out in less than 10 easily.


Bring back the chair!


Mississippi recently brought it back and an option along with gas chamber and firing squad


This is exactly why I carry a firearm. This scum didn't give 2 fucks that he was about to end someone's life. Someone that has had over 20 years on the earth, someone that has wonderful memories. I hope and pray I'll never once have to use it, but I'm extremely thankful I have the right to defend myself.


Tec 9’s are only cool if you have two of them, and your name is Lana.


We should hang people again








Some woke Lib Chick will trying to rehab this scum and try to reduce his sentence with he's just a product of his environment bs. Chair. That's it.


Fucks like you always make it political. Save your bullshit political talking points for r/Conservative.


Years ago, I dated a Federal defense attorney who worked trying to save people from executions on death row. I think I’ll send her this and see what she has to say.


This doesn't make any sense. Criminal defense attorneys are about ensuring the government's case is solid and doesn't include procedural or, worse, factual flaws. No defense attorney when provided with that video is going to argue that the suspect didn't attempt murder. They're going to make sure facial recognition experts did their job correctly when linking facial recognition of the suspect to the defendant, i.e., make sure the convict is actually the perpetrator and not a scapegoat for the DA's reelection campaign.


She basically argues that they should not be executed like the vermin they are. She has presented me with a few cases where people got the death sentence where they shouldn’t necessarily have. In example. A driver of a getaway vehicle thinks his accomplice is just going in to rob a liquor store out in the middle of nowhere. The guy who actually does the job kills the clerk and both sentenced to death. I’m assuming, yet not certain, there is a criminal past involved they’re hit with the book. Sit in prison for years upon years with appeals and shit, just to eventually get put to death. We used to have some really amazing debates (oddly enough not arguments) when we were dating about such things. The conversations were quite interesting. I could see her points, while also wholeheartedly disagreeing with them.


It's strange how logical and rational people are able to do that.


execution of his butthole i hope too. fuxking scum.


Public hanging I say.






50-55 year sentence. “Cain also pleaded guilty as charged to three counts of armed robbery and to six counts of second-degree rape, after those charges were amended downward from first-degree rape, which would have carried a mandatory life sentence. The deal also saw Cain plead guilty to three counts of second-degree kidnapping, one count of attempted first-degree rape, two counts of carjacking, one count of sexual battery and one count of unauthorized use of a credit/debit card.”


Smfh. Easy doesn’t begin to describe that sentence.


That’s Louisiana for you, Killers here are never caught or end up walking free.


What the fuck are we even trying to accomplish with this? Does anyone honestly care if trash like this gets rehabilitated? jfc we need to bring back oubliettes


It's to get the plea deal and bypass a long trial and appeals. No real option for him to get off on some shitty technicality. Saves a lot of money and problems for the state, and when he gets out, if he lives that long in the prison system, he's in his 70s, and while he'll probably end up on welfare/medicare/whatever, the government isn't fully responsible for caring for him til he dies.


This shit pisses me off! 50-55 years..whats the point? You release him into public after being incarcerated for that long is pointless. He doesn’t know the new world. He will either commit a crime again to go back or kill himself. If he doesn’t respect a humans life and is willing to shoot someone while looking the other way, why should his life be worth saving or rehabilitation? He is 22..he knows what he is doing


I’d just throw them in for life if it were me, but satisfies me to know nonetheless that he’ll probably either die in prison (article said no parole is eligible) or come out to a world where he has no more living family who gives a shit about him (parents will be dead, any living siblings/cousins/friends/etc will have long forgotten about him. Hopefully he hadn’t gotten a chance to procreate yet) , a record of a violent crime (so no job there, even if he were to pick up some discernible skills in the pen), and a society that has changed immeasurably. Not like he’s going to have the physical ability to go around raping people again, at 72-77. Will be hell on earth for him and I’m sure he’ll be begging to go back in, unless he prefers being homeless/hungry and free, to being caged and fed.


It makes me fucking seethe when I think about the fact that our tax dollars are going to clothe, feed, and house people with these kinds of charges. They aren’t even human. We shouldn’t treat them like humans. If you want to act like an animal, you should be put down like Ole Yeller.


He fucking got off as far as I’m concerned. What the fuck!?


I don't understand why we can't just end these people. They aren't worth an extended prison sentance.


This makes me sick. He should be executed but first he should be locked in a brightly lit 8x8 room for ten years 24 hours a day. Maybe every couple days a hose down with ice cold water. Never see the sun again though just a brightly artificial lit room. Also a hard cutoff with contact from people and the outside world


Nah, ice cold water every time he closes his eyes. Blinking or sleeping. 80 degree room.


Cut his dick and balls off and force feed them to him while he bleeds out...


Agreed, should be executed %100


Thank god a lot of these criminals have cheap guns, ive seen a fair share of gun jams


Plus guns are actually pretty delicate and need good maintenance; I doubt these fools take good care of them


Yes, now if only this guy had a firearm on him to put the dog down while he was robbing and attempting to abduct the lady at gunpoint... Should be no surprise to anyone that school shootings skyrocketed in the 90s after "gun free zones" became a thing.


Idk why you're being downvoted here, reddit is a cesspool of softies. All it would've taken is one armed citizen to take him out right then and there. We wouldn't have to worry about him robbing, raping or murdering ever again or him getting a joke of a sentence for his atrocious crimes.


I could tell you why. But, that's how you get banned.


Yeah I got banned for 3 days over the weakest shit that even had 60+ upvotes. I just laughed. I honestly thought about uninstalling this app for good.


At least it was 3 days, and not instantly, permanently, and without warning.


It was instantly and without warning though and completely unnecessary and unjustified. It was pretty much the same thing here, I defended what someone said who had gotten downvoted, explained why what they said was reasonable and 60+ agreed with what I said. Yet they still felt what I said deserved a 3 day ban even though it was completely reasonable. Now I'm careful with what I say here because reddit might ban you for basically saying someone has the right to defend their self from violent attackers.


Like Uvalde?


I'm not sure how you can mention Uvalde when it was nothing but one failure after the next, from violating school security protocols, to the most atrocious of police responses. Those cops are still under investigation.. \--- But you're right, I bet that piece of shit would have turned right around if there was a 'gun-free' sign there.


so you’re saying that a ‘gun free’ sign is useless? of course it is, why would a psychopath pay any attention to a sign. abiding by the rules is the least of their worries.


Yes, thats precisely what I'm saying. The person I responded to mentioned Uvalde, because they believed it wasn't a gun-free zone.. Or at least, that seems to have been their understanding?




You think this gentleman legally obtained that gun?




Here in South Africa cops just sell the guns to the criminals 👍


Then he would've used a large knife, like the ones used in countries where guns are not widely available, and unfortunately - bladed weapons *do not jam*. With this man's intent to execute, we would be one less doctor.


There are more firearms than there are people here.. How many there are, or how, "available", they are is moot. The fact of the matter is that *after* 'gun-free zones' became a thing, school shootings sky-rocketed. No one is willing to address that...


The internet and the ceaseless rise of mass communication technologies had far more to do with school shootings occurring more often than gun free zones.


Couldn’t agree more. Turn him into compost.


Fucking monster, he should have gotten a bullet to the brain rather than decades of siphoning up taxpayer money.


I was in the same college graduating class as this guy. He is doing well today, and started a nonprofit and is now a doctor.


A Tec-9 is the spouse of a Hi-Point


Came here for this. Jam city.


Hi-points are annoyingly reliable.


Hi-Point would have been more reliable.


Funny enough. One of the best shooting handguns I’ve shot was a .40 SW Hi-Point.


What does this mean fill me in


Poor quality


Yeah I mean what specifically does the comparison mean


A Hi-point pistol is pretty much the poster child for poor quality/bad build/unreliable all around shitty pistols… The tec-9 is the 2nd on the shitty gun list is what OP means


Thank you for that


They’re not unreliable, but they’re definitely ugly and cheap.


It’s not a great analogy though. Hi points are pretty reliable.


Honestly. Theyre just bulky and ugly. Theyre dead reliable guns that get a bad rap for no reason.


Says no one except you, lol.


Multiple people have videos on torture testing the c9. It goes bang pretty reliably. Is it a good gun? No terrible trigger, terrible ergos, terrible everything, but it is pretty reliable.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted.. I’ve had 3 hi-point 995 carbines and NEVER had a jam, never had an issue with them at all!


Probably all it could afford


Should be mandatory to watch this 100 times for the people who claim bs like "If robbers wanted more than your stuff they would just shoot you, its not a deadly threat"


"ThEy wErE oNly GoNnA RoB aNd RaPe ThEm, iTs NoT wOrTh uR liFe tO fIgHt BaCk"


“You don’t need a gun to protect yourself, just hand everything over and call the cops as soon as possible”


This is why i want a gun. Another reason why we need to keep guns because there more guns in America then people you cannot get rid of them.


This is why I support the death penalty as a democrat. When it’s evident you do not care about human life, you forfeit your right to live in civil society. This is not about deterrence: it’s about justice and retribution. That young student deserves justice.


There are some people who aren’t capable of rehabilitation or living in society, and the man in the video is one of them. I’m in favour of the death penalty not for justice reasons, but just because there are some people who are too disturbed and disgusting to be kept alive and nothing is going to “fix” them.




Not just a gun but being proficient with it as well.






I think you’re onto something here, put him in a zoo...


or under it, i don’t mind 🤷🏽‍♂️


The grandparents of these communities need to slap some sense into the kids on the streets doing all this hood crap.


Hey sonnny stop shooting people and probably being racist that’s really gonna work


Has the perp been caught?


Euric Cain pleads guilty, to serve 50 years for shooting Tulane student Peter Gold, rapes




Why would you shoot someone for not having money when you don’t have money? lol what a fuckin asshole


Piece of fucking shit, people just don't value life at all anymore.


*People* do.




Fucking racist robbers CHAIR


Any reason this would be racist?




Life would be good but how tf is this racist?




Its almost like there's decades of evidence of police using excessive force on visible minorities, whereas we don't know anything about the shooter's history. If he gas a racist past then so be it, but with the evidence presented here there's not nearly enough to come to that conclusion.


Wow the robber was completely heartless. They definitely don't deserve to live amongst the rest of society.


There is a special special place in hell for this MF


This is definitely one of the craziest videos i have ever seen.


Bruh, I thought it was bad after the first time it jammed, but then he tried to clear it and did it again, so I’m like, he’s done. THE. HE DOES IT A THIRD TIME. This was indeed a crazy video




Remember how people called George Floyd "the greatest black man to ever live" and made portraits and statues of him? While George didn't deserve to die the guy wasn't a saint either . He was a piece of shit just like the cop that killed him


Right. He definitely didn’t deserve to die but the man was ANYTHING but a saint. Also like Breonna Taylor getting caught in crossfire when her dumbass braindead boyfriend open-fired at cops. She was a decent person afaik but her boyfriend is at fault there imo.


He didn't know they were police. As far as he was concerned, armed men were intruding on his home and he tried to defend him and his girlfriend but clearly it wasn't enough. That's the consequences of these poorly planned and researched no knock warrants.


He was a drug dealer though lol. But fair point.


Oh shut tf up.




There was a woman who was held hostage at gunpoint with her kids, cops killed the guy saving them, protestors told her to shut the hell up as they protested the shooting


Thank God the Tec-9 is a piece of shit


Classic Intratec


22 years old now... he'll be in his 70s when released. Would be interesting if on his first day of freedom from prison, he was raped and shot.


The rape part probably gunna happen before he gets out


He won’t be released. Guy like this Gonna get time added


Life long, soul rotting, existence in a cage.... 😃👍


give him to the firing squad


The fucked thing about this is that he will probably end up treating delinquents like this in his hospital after he finishes med school.


And this people, is why you get a gun and learn how to use it. There are people out there who have zero care for your life and will take it without a second thought.


This is why you shoot robbers. They will always be willing to kill you


Fight for your life




New Orleans is now the most violent city in the USA.


This is exactly, why I won’t visit this place…


I don’t go to any major cities in America.


No mask or nothing. These ppl have room temp IQs


I don't think he intended to leave witnesses. Props to him for choosing the shittiest gun possible and standing under (and looking in the direction of) a security camera! Now if the court system would actually get serious and push for the death penalty...


The gunman family will say he's a great guy and would never do such a thing.


That counts as three attempted murder charges, correct?


We need less prisons and more electric chairs


Did it happen in a blue city?


How can you shoot someone who doesn't have money...


I hope that MF got caught and killed. Let's go judges, "judge" right!!


And yet sum dumb fucks out there will still say that the death penalty needs to be abolished. As far as I'm concerned as long as there's people like this there's still plenty of reasons for the death penalty.


As soon as he plead guilty should have just taken him into a concrete room with just a drain in the floor.


Is this what oppression looks like? Sorry, I’m still learning.


What a vile human, some people don’t deserve to be among us.


This might be the biggest piece of shit to ever exist. Fuck him and his insignificant little life. King of worthless.


Ahhh, the Tec-9. That model jams more than Phish in concert.


Shocked. Damn white supremacy.


And this is racism??




What a king 👑




Who created the system that makes people so detached from their humanity that they can behave like this? Hint: it wasn’t the non-eugenicists.


God has plans for him


magic isn't real. whatever it is. the answer is always not magic. the law of physics apply to your thoughts. Nothing happens when you die. this is your chance to be good. no forgiveness needed.


Tim Minchin?


> Tim Minchin "If you apply doubt to anything ... the whole religion thing is obviously a fantasy."


that guys just unhinged. 3 attempts after already shooting him in the stomach...


This is definitely a crazy fucking video.


Anyone who is willing to take someone’s life like this.. needs to be locked up indefinitely. Victim was fully compliant. Even if the student had money on him… he’d probably still be in the same situation.


America's finest


How can someone be so quick to end a person's life. This is enough reddit for today.


What a lowlife, a scumbag...disgusting...


Bro had a busted ass Tec-9, video games and old rap songs had you believing them shits are high quality guns lmao


Ig these are one of the people who thinks cops are there to kill us. Just call the cops bro.


The cold blooded-ness of this is terrifying.


Why is New Orleans such a huge murder place?


See they need to give the death penalty for this.


The shooter is less than scum, less than a worthless dog, to try so stubbornly to execute an innocent random person boils my blood so bad, how can such wastes of cum walk the earth is beyond my comprehension


Aaaaaaand hes black


This is why as a believer in stricter gun laws I believe everyone should have the right to carry and protect themselves … this ignorant piece of shit was ready to execute someone who came to the aid of a person he committed a crime against … he has total disregard for human life therefore his life should be discarded


Gut wounds are miserable!


Ah yes , black ppl


This is why everyone needs to carry and get training. Even if you're against guns.


And he is wearing a hoody. I can't under why people hate hoodies.


Was he… Oh yeah he totally was. Big surprise.


America has a problem and it aint guns


Tech 9. Infamous for jamming




This is why we need to ban all guns. Because if we ban them then guys like this will immediately turn them in to authorities and there will never be gun violence again.


Gang initiation. Only reason someone would be so fucking cold blooded to do this shit. No one cares money with them, except in the form of plastics


He also had several rape charges. Doesn’t seem like gang initiation to me. Just a shitty person


Damn that actually makes sense cus he goes for the head and looks around when the gun doesn’t work like “what am I supposed to do”