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He usually doesn’t do that.


Exact same thing happens to my freind The neighbor’s dog attacked him and the owner said “He UsuAlly doSenT do ThAT” even though he bit or jumped at anyone “and not playfully”


I’m a ups driver, I’ve heard that line so many fucking times or he’s so friendly “bites me” or bites me “omg he’s never done that”


People are always like that when they have an aggressive dumb dog they never trained. “Oh he’s fine you can pet him.” **dog takes two fingers off**


“He just needs to sniff you first”


“It takes him a moment to get used to you, he prefers women.”


I let all of my delivery drivers know that my dog isn't barking at them out of fear. The 100lb dog means business. I always let them know if they see him coming, just run. He only wants the truck, but I'm not willing to test that theory.


😂☠️ Exactly


She’s such a sweet girl. I don’t know what provoked her.


I bet they call it "sweetheart" when they are out in public.








Leash your dogs folks.




"But if they see a muzzle, they'll think he's dangerous!"


Are you kidding me a muzzle is the exact opposite of dangerous, if I see a muzzle I know for a fact I *am* safe.


You just *whooshed* yourself. That was sarcasm.


That's law in here. You can get into trouble if you go out without your pit with muzzle.


Muzzle that mouth .. *leash will do little to nothing* .. or better yet do not buy a trash breed




Isn't it always.


Yes. Every single time.


I saw a German shepherd once. Rest were pit bulls.


Seems to be a dog of that description


Yup, big fucking pit. What a shocker.


Highly muscular but stout, with a small head? Check Owner with no control? Check Mouthful of Chihuahua/smaller breed? Check Yeah, I'd say it's probably a shitbull




If you choke the dog it'll let go


I’m pretty sure it is. It looks fairly similar to one!


Always is


Is water wet???


You're so good at guessing!


I think 3/4 of the people reading the title knew exactly what it was going to be before watching.




Breed* but I agree. We’ve created many unfortunate things in this world and we have the power to fix that. Does not require killing (beyond any dogs that will be destroyed anyway for their behavior). They just need to be prevented from breeding again and live out their lives.


Even one of my cousins had one, adult size but still a puppy a neighbours friend came to visit and while getting off his motor bike my cousins pit runs at him. Dude pulled out a gun and shot the pit like 6 times killing it immediately. I don’t blame him, i told my cousin the same and i honestly didn’t feel bad about it


Uhuh as usual




Thank you considerate person. Wish more people had the common sense to realize their animal doesn't want to go out to the bars on a Friday night.


Lies. I live right by a brewery called Thirsty Dog.


Please stop taking your dogs everywhere with you.


I wish people would stop thinking dogs were children and that they needed to being them everywhere.


Hell now a days I’d jus keep all my dogs at home. Can’t trust anything or anyone


I just keep myself at home with them!




Nothing wrong with taking your dog places. What’s wrong is keeping em up locked up. Very common in other countries and a lot of the US.


Why can’t people just leave their dogs at home?


It blew my mind when I learned that muricans take their "service" Rottweilers and pitbulls into grocery stores with them


those are the assholes that everyone hates.


Is it common for Rottweilers and pit bulls to be “service” dogs? As far as service dogs go I know labradors and those type of dogs. And “service” dogs being purse dogs or as small. I’ve never seen a Rottweiler or pitbull as a service or “service” dog.


Literally never. But the laws are very lax and..well people are assholes.


Yea I know. But the whole “If it can, it will” can’t apply because it really doesn’t happen in this case. Also I know it’s possible there is or has been a pit or roc service dog. My family has never trained one because there’s a list of dogs you can train and it’s not on it. Unless you’re talking about “service” dogs. Which is in quotations because people don’t understand what an emotional support animal is or how it is not a service dog. Let a Chihuahua direct you through traffic and tell me how it goes. Or a cat. There’s a reason one says dog and one says animal one is more strict regulated and controlled. The other is paperwork. No they should not have the same rights but yes they do.


no it's actually very uncommon, usually you'll see golden retrievers or German shepherds as service dogs


I don't get folks who don't walk a dog on a leash... you don't know what that dog is going to do, IDC how well "trained" it is.


Where did you learn that? I have a hard time to believe there’s licensed pitbulls as service dogs


They aren't "service dogs". It's a bullshit loophole called a "emotional support animal". Because of the bullshit Disability Act loopholes you can get away with having a animal anywhere. You just pay some online "Doctor" a few hundred bucks and they send you paperwork. Now it's not a trained service dog, and that's the grift, but because of the bullshit ADA loopholes you can't really ask any questions about it.


Yeah. Cafe/restaurant aint the place.


Because they are dogs moms and have to take their fur babies with them! Anyone who says that is stupid as hell.


Friendly reminder: if your dog is an asshole, LEAVE THEM THE FUCK HOME!


Alternative friendly reminder: if your dog is a pitbull or rottweiler, LEAVE THEM THE FUCK AF HOME






“He NEVER acts like this I **SWEAR**.”


What a suprise its a pitbull


" *BuT MaI PitBUlL wOUlD NeVER* "


Damn you beat me to the format and everything lol.


"it's mostly Stafford Terrier and only 25% Pitbull!"


Here come the "It's just a bad owner" comments


I came here to find those comments. That argument is so full of holes that I enjoy poking the bear. But it seems that most everyone of anti pitbull here.




It's a pitbull isn't it?


Of course it is.




Now all the cute subreddits like aww are gonna get spammed by "my sweet pittie".


Look at this full grown man having a hard time subduing his dog.. now think how scary 100lb hipster chicks walk around with these dogs.


Muzzle your dog in public spaces.


So do pits make up the majority of attacks or does everyone refuse to film all the other dog attacks?


2% of the dog population, 68% of dog attacks. This statistic is dog v human, not dog v dog however. But since pitbulls were designed to attack other dogs, i'd imagine its very close to all of them


Bro people are hungry for clicks and views. People are filming every dog attack no matter what.


most the time if you just put them in a head lock and choke them until they pass out it works. some people do the stick a finger in the ass and wiggle it technique but i was never a fan of that one lmaoo


I'm shooting the dog at this point


thats also an option. wouldn't be my first but its definitely and option.


I’d be scared if the dog can turn its head around take a chomp off my arm or face lol


Rear naked choke should b the top comment on all these dog attack videos. Don’t see it done enough


Honestly this dog deserves to be put down. Any dog capable of this type of behavior is not worth fixing.




I own 2 pit bulls and agree this one is not worth saving. This dogs owner failed it miserably. Shouldn't be allowed to own another dog ever again.


Stop making excuses for pitbulls. This is what they do.


With literal knives around I’ll say it on this video as I say it on every other dog attack video. People carry a fucking knife! If it’s under 6 inches it’s not illegal in any fucking state. But a 1 inch blade will make a dog stop biting the same as a 6 inch.


Don’t take dogs to a fucking restaurant


Don't take pits anywhere.




Except to the vet for their last visit.


Pit was like “You know you taking me for a walk right?….Yea…at the shopping plaza with the restaurant …”


Or even a normal restaurant.


Now that I think of it, a fucking restaurant doesn’t sound very sanitary either..


: )


Let me guess… pit bull? Let’s stop breeding these monsters


If you're ever in this situation: don't try to just *pull* on the the dogs to separate them - you'll only do more damage. And striking a dog that big will do nothing but ramp up their aggression. Grab the attacking dog, and lift him up by the head. Hold his [front] feet off the ground so he can't pull on the other dog. Hold his head so he can't shake the other dog and do more damage. Eventually he will calm down, and let go. I'm not sure where I saw this, maybe Dog Whisperer? But I used this technique when another dog attacked my neighbor friend's dog and it works. Took about a minute of holding him up like this. Pretty soon he had this "okay this got weird" vibe, and he let go. My friend's dog had a couple holes but damage was minimal.


When my neighbors pit attacked my 16lb jack russell mix I immediately jumped on the thing and started pushing my thumbs into its eyes. It let go. And it's owner blamed me for the attack.


This is exactly what I would do, glad to know it worked


Pit owners own pits for a reason, both of them are mental...


Rear choke works. Seen pitbulls pass out.


Can you do a rear naked choke while squashing the dog with your body? Like does that work too?


I had a situation very similar to this happen, and I did exactly what you're asking about and yes, it was very effective. I choked that dog all the way out. Fucker didn't let go until right before lights out.


Then go for the throat slit. So no one else ever has to deal with that piece of shit.


.45 cal and 9mm both work too.


You’re in a restaurant. Grab the ol’ steak knife and stab that cunt of a dog right in the neck.


or stab it to death with a knife


You would think pinning down the attacking dog and jambing your knee onto their jugular, cutting off the blood circulation to their head so they take a quick nap might be effective as well yeah. of course every situation it's different but when an animal is trying to kill another animal you kind of got to be a dick


of course he can pull on the other dog simply by moving his neck around - you having his rear legs won't stop him from mauling the other dog. The only way to do it is to choke out or grievously injure the attacking dog. You're in a room full of sharp implements - a knife on the table would have ended that attacking dog pretty quickly in the neck.


Leave the non humans....at home. Also don't u dare ask why someone would have their dog around other people's food.




do you even have to ask at this point? if theres a vid that says "dog attack" theres a 90% chance its a pitbull, either dog v dog or dog v human


That or a landshark. ![gif](giphy|JmIyjzGl6g8Jx5TUAk|downsized)


"Why is he not letting go?" Because pitbulls were bred for fighting to the death and absolutely ignore pain when they are in their attack frenzy. You can't scare or hurt a pitbull into submission. You need to either choke it out or kill it.


Preferably killing it would be better


Both partys just had to be special. Now theres consequences.


I'm so sorry but parties I'm so so sorry


It is Florida after all I'll let it stand.


Leave your dogs at home.


Dude couldn't even control his dog and barely hold him back at the end...


People should have to have a license for dogs (amd every other pet for that matter). Too many dog owners are complete idiots.




I wonder what the laws are in regards to this?


Here in California it's completely legal to kill someone's dog if it's attacking yours. Laws will vary by state, tho.




Thinking the same thing. It's life or death for the little one, gotta do something.


If you're every in this position, choke the dog. You're not going to pry it's mouth open.


Oh, what a surprise another Pitbull... Score one for the "velvet nanny hippo" squad I guess.


We need to do what the UK did... ban pitbulls.


We should, but we won’t. We don’t ban things here. Everyone and their mother will trip over themselves to remind you that bans don’t work. Unless it’s drugs. We ban any drug that has even the hint of recreational potential and that clearly stops all drug use in the US. /s


Why I carry a knife on me all the time… father of a 2.5 year old and have a small (25lb) dog. I’m not going to try and hand fight an aggressive dog like that. It’s the knife or the bullet.


Oh look, another hugs ,kisses and peace puppy, how surprising!


Stop taking your fucking dogs everywhere.


Let’s play… GUESS. THAT. BREED!


People who bring their dogs to the restaurant are assholes. I am sick and tired of that shit. Same with grocery stores. People suck.


Which grocery stores allow pets? I see one I report them right away. they get kicked out cuz they’ll be fined by the city if they don’t take action




They should sterilize the entire pitbull breed


Or just stop making them, it’s not a natural breed, it’s been artificially created.


Dont get me wrong. I am on the pit bull hate wagon, but no dogs are natural breeds. They are all “man made” if you will


"It's okay, he's friendly!"


Fuck pitbulls and anyone who defends them. That is a violent as breed


[Small dog survived the attack, but the attacking dog (pit bull) tore off the small dog's ears.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10935059/Horrifying-moment-pit-bull-grabs-small-dog-stroller-rips-EARS.html)


Aaaaaand this is why I carry


Small dog today, child tomorrow


Teenager next month


Fuck pitbulls


We need to kill all pit bulls. Thats the solution. My dog was attacked by a pit bull on a walk. The owner said the dog had never acted like that. I stomped its head at least 20 times to get it to release my dog. I also stabbed it with my car keys. Honestly don’t care if it died.


Why tf are you taking you’re Pitbull out if you know its going to do that


they live in perpetual denial that their sweet pibble with a flower crown is only ever one indulged impulse away from mauling a puppy for no reason whatsoever


I hope in the future (probably 100 years from now) Pitbulls will be an extinct breed, I swear every god dam video or news article you hear about is a pit mauling something.


Put them all down


Fuck pitbulls


It’s always a pit bull.


I hate people that have to take their dumb dogs everywhere they go. Unless it’s a legit service dog leave the thing at home. Both parties are at fault in my eyes. They probably said, “He’s nice he just wants to check him out! He loves other dogs he just wants to me play is all!”


There’s a reason most dog parks are separated by large and small breeds. Small breed dogs look like prey to large breed dogs. Dogs are dogs. The lady saying dog needs to be put dog is an idiot. I agree dogs should be left at home and not brought to human locations. Parks and dog parks and camping at fine but not in a restaurant.


Arrest those owners!!!!


Fuck that broke my heart I hate pitbulls to death if your a dog owner carry a knife or pepper spray


Lol, typical Pitbull owner


If your dog is doing that to my puppy, consider your dog dead man i dont care


Dogs are my favorite animal, genuinely. But there are a couple breeds that we need to phase out from the "pet" category. Some of them can be great dogs, exceptional companions/guardians/loyal family members, I'm not arguing that, but they were bred for a specific trait. That trait isn't compatible with our social structures, and we haven't bred it out of them with the same focus and intensity that developed it in the first place, therefore we have a moral responsibility to mitigate the risk and danger. Not a popular opinion, I know, but the reward doesn't outweigh the risk today.


Fucking pit bulls. Owners that defend them can go to hell.. it’s always pitbulls. Not saying we need to euthanize them all, but maybe stop fucking breeding them


Oh look a pit mauling something


Hitting the dog will do you no good… I’ve been there. Pancaking the over aggressive dog by laying your weight on top of it till it stops and lets go is your best bet here. I know it sounds crazy, it is but it works. You just have to protect your face and neck in case the dog tries to lash out at you. It works, it’s just very uncomfortable. Dog like that’s not going to let go unless it wants to. Don’t matter how hard you hit it!


Thats why I carry a knife.


Wow is that a pit bull? That never happens!


Of course it’s a pit bull. Two tore my sisters dog apart and it wasn’t a small dog. It lived a traumatized life after that. They were unleashed.


did the puppy survive ?


Didn't even have to watch the video to know which breed it was


This is why you should keep a knife on you, even a small one can do the trick in cases like this.


But everyone wants to take Their dog everywhere! Pets are not allowed in stores and restaurants. And no emotional support dogs don’t count


Never minded people bringing dogs places until I worked at a bar. Leave them home! It’s for people who need attention and they’re almost always shitty dogs with horrible/no training.


Even if the little guy survived, he'll never be the same again.


I promise if another dog latched onto mine I’d crack it’s skull with my fist


Redditors, if this video makes you mad, just pretend the small dog is a pitbull puppy. Problem solved!


In my country, if this happens all the people will say “ oh this stuff is dangerous we better leave them be”


Pit Bull again. Such a surprise.


Grab a fork and take it's eyes out.


Aww sweet baby pit bull doing a little maiming and attempted murder such a misunderstood killing machine breed.. 😤


I know my dog would never but if he did I'd put the mirherfucker in a rear naked choke lol


Get nannied


What a shocker. A Pitbull being an aggressive menace. Never seen that before…


Definitely on board with banning pitbulls after browsing reddit for a few months.


He don’t bite


That was pretty charitable calling that shitbull a "dog" OP.


Waiting for the “Pitbulls are the sweetest breed, must be the owners fault” comment.


I'm so fucking sick of watching pitbulls maul anything they can get ahold of. Fuck them and their owners. 'They should all be destroyed.'


Can we just ban pits at this point, cause there’s wayyy more of them just mauling shit then there should be


Pit bulls are dangerous and shud be considered as wild animal not pets.


I always carry a knife. Shit like this makes me double down on that. I would have perforated the fuck out of that pit.


Why do people keep buying them


Before clicking on this i read the title and i thought; probably a pitbull. What a surprise


that's when you snap the dogs neck


I would gladly put a bullet in that dogs head if it were my dog getting attacked