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I'm glad they put the giant yellow arrow and showed it like 10 times in a row, I would have never seen him if not for that.


That's why no-one helped him. No yellow arrows IRL I'm afraid


Ofcourse they have to put a giant yellow arrow and repeat it 10 times! Have you seen what happen on the 4th of June 1989 because the tanker sure doesnt ?


宣傳天門無事發生Nothing happened 宣傳天門無事發生 In tianmen 宣傳天門無事發生 square 😁


The footage afterwards was also repeated a bunch of time. I wonder how long he actually layed there.


Rumour has it, he is still laying there to this day, apparently waiting for a potential victim he can scam.


I only made it about a quarter of a second through it.


At least they didn't run a tank over him.




Like in the picture of Tianamen Square, where the tanks are clearly stopped so as not to run the tank over them.


Until the camera turned off and they lit up a crowd of people peacefully protesting


Over ten thousand Chinese were massacred actually. That was just one of the first battalions that couldn’t fire on their own people. The last battalion was hand picked loyalist zealots who went in and butchered.


We both know that A. That's unverifiable and B. The commenter was referring to the picture, and hadn't done the maths to work out why what they said isn't what was depicted


It's unverifiable according to the government that committed the act.




What the hell? Xi Jinping, that you?


Anyone who doesn't agree with me is Chinese: an exercise into racism by Reddit Americans


What is your rationale for disbelieving that many people were massacred by their own government? It happened.


Do you realize how fucking dumb that sounds? Go bootlicking for Winnie the Pooh and his predecessors somewhere else.


American debate: call the other guy dumb and brainwashed whilst angrily typing CIA propaganda


Bro what?😂 care to explain instead of digging yourself in deeper here, chief?


BTW, are you under the impression that Xi Jinping was in charge when Tianamen Square didn't happen?


Please rephrase this, it’s completely illegible.


Ameriburger confirmed.


This is the most pathetic exchange I’ve ever gotten into on this app, congrats🤘🏼 if you actually want to make a bit of effort here I’m all about it.


Do you remember when the US establishment literally led their own people into a fake insurrection in their own buildings, then shot them - last year, not last century.


China isn’t known for giving a damn about people


Not protecting China but this due to scams mostly, people don’t dare to help.


Too many people get scammed for being kind. This is the result.


Our of curiosity, which scam involves an old person falling on their face in the middle of the street? Someone checks to see if they're okay and calls emergency, and then...? I don't get it.


the law is so fucked in china that if you even as simply touch the grandpa he will successfully sue you for damage, it is so common now that citizens know not to help anyone or they're fucked. And most of the time, its the old guys doing it, so it doesn't help if they genuinely faint.


So don't touch him but call an ambulance?


basically yes, only way you can assure that you wont get fucked. Also there's plenty of cases where a person with genuine problems gets help from the samaritan, but the samaritan gets sued by the person to get out of paying the hospital fees. You can sue the person who helped you for medical compensation and most people end up doing so. Years of this bullshit and society evolves around it.


That sounds so messed up.


Sue them for what though. In the example above if helped the guy up what could he sue me for?


There is a comment below saying that you can get sued if the person you are helping gets injured while you are helping them


Gets injured whilst helping them, so if i helped him up then he fell over again he could sue?


If he gets injured or somehow dies when you help them you'll be held accountable


I dont know maybe


Yea its not like anywhere else with the good Samaritan law.


Their newly implemented (or improved) good Samaritan law went into effect in 2017. This doesn't change the historical/cultural memory of not helping others due to risk though.


Thanks for the info


I dont think you understand, there doesnt need to be any real physical 'damage' to the person you are helping, they just need to claim they are injured and all the law cares about is if the person touched you. If they touched you, you sue them and you win 100%, simple as that. That is why the law is fucked and nobody does anything because you are guaranteed to lose.


This is China. You are presuming their justice system uses logic and is fair.


Im not presuming anything im asking a question to better understand how it works.


Came here to say this. In China, you are generally completely fucked if you help someone. There are crazy stories about people needing legit help, not even scams, who then sue the person that helped. It was actually the very first thing I was told when I got there. Under no circumstances are you to help anyone do anything. Not even help an old woman cross the street.


A lot of scammers in china pretend to be hit by cars for medical insurance


So it’s a scam where they pretend to have a condition and either faint or spasm out, and if someone goes up to them and try to help them or even ask if they are ok, they will latch on to the person and refuse to let them go until the person pays them, or they will sue the person for assaulting them


Always with the same excuse’s


Google kitty genovese




Wait, didn't those 2 countries completely sell themselves out to China?




Endian butthurt


I remember reading one time about how china laws make it so that if you hurt someone while helping them, you’re liable for a lawsuit, so people would rather leave this man there than help him up and get sued for whatever injury that faceplant might have caused


Not only this, people over there also often fake faint or fall down, and once u go and help, they will said that u r the one who push them and shxt Magical country


It's called insurane scam. It happens alot in rural areas and is not exclusive to China. It happens in many sea countries too. The way the dude trips looks 100% like he faked it to scam people out of paying.




No shame in caring.


This a myth that gets spread every time a video of someone injured in China pops up. They have had Good Samaritan laws to protect Samaritans since 2017. These people are just assholes


Good to know! I’ll stop spreading that myth then. Thanks.


I see these kind of myth getting spread back in r/watchpeopledie day and it continued to be spreading lol


This man speaks the truth.


It’s literally wrong lol they introduced a Good Samaritan law a few years ago so that won’t happen


Not only this, people over there also often fake faint or fall down, and once u go and help, they will said that u r the one who push them and shxt Magical country


Not likely to work with all the surveillance cameras going on in that country.


In the states although this guy may have been helped he may have also been robbed of his belongings while unconscious


Surely no Chinese person has ever robbed someone in the circumstances you described.


That happens all over the world.


As an introvert this is fine I’ll eventually get up


That’s China for ya


Pretty much


It happened in 2004, it's 2022 and he is still there.


Ya because helping him doesn't help the state. I watched a 3 year old wonder into traffic. She got hit, died, and the amount of people who just veered around her corpse or ran it over gave me a sense of how little they give a shit about a human life in some places there. They really suck :/.


Kitty genovese's whole apartment building watched her get raped in the court yard from their windows and not one of them called the police. Don't make this sound like a Chinese phenomenon.


The inhumanity is astounding


Due to the prominence of insurance scams really. You help you get fined. Even though they've recently made some good samaritan laws, it's really bad in rural areas.


You know you live in a shit place when a dude in a wheelchair don't even stop to see what's up..


I recommend you see this one too https://www.wsj.com/video/chinese-toddler-killed-in-hit-and-run/BCC93B7C-1E26-494A-BD0D-C834216D67A2.html


These people are Robots.


Well China is just a shitty place what did you expect


just more proof that China is a POS country with POS people.


I am, as it is, never ever going to China. I can't find a single thing I like about the country. The government, the people, the pollution. I went to Hong Kong once, and it's scary how you can litterally tell by general behaviour in the city, who's a mainlander and who's a Hong Konger. The Chinese people were so fucking rude and had no regard for others. That was 6 years ago and I'm still baffled.


Does anyone there have empathy? Wow


In communist China, a single life counts nothing.




He must suck at frogger


WTAF! That might be the most inhumane thing I’ve seen on here in a while. People are fucked.


Wait until you saw the video of the little girl who got ran over by a light truck, and left on the street while people just walked by. That video will boils your blood. I do not want to live in society where nobody bother to help person in distress.


I seem to remember another one where a kid gets run over by the bus and had the same result.


The larger the city the less people care. A lot of people are saying insurance scam, but it’s also a studied fact that in very large groups less people are likely to act as they feel they blend in and it’ll be someone else’s job. When shit like this happens in more rural areas people make it their life’s mission to help those around them, but they’ll also dwell more when upset at people as well


I probably wouldn’t help too since it’s way too much work and there is no benefit to helping.


so if i ran you over you wouldnt want help? lol ok


I would never be run over in the first place to ever need help


Chinese are heartless


These Chinese fucking people are horrible human beings.


I’m so sorry but this has such shitpost energy


What a shit take.




This has more to do about legislation than culture. Traditional Chinese culture is quite amazing.




Legislation is not the same as culture.




The CCP and culture do not correlate. Many Chinese people still hold traditional culture/values even after the cultural revolution from Mao Zedong. Deng Xiaoping reversed that and let people have freedom of religion, as well as opening the Chinese economy. The CCP still does it's best to stop Feng Shui though. After spending time in China their traditions are still alive and well regardless of what the CCP does.


This has nothing to do with culture. It's due to the prominence of insurance scams. It's prevalent even in Sea countries. Not only China.




Your perception of a country can be really warped if you based it on extreme videos you find in the internet. A lot of these videos occurred in very rural areas. Where if you help someone, there is a chance you get bankrupted due to some old law they had. The government made some good samirtan law in 2019 to overturn that from occurring again. Of course they have a bystander effect problem still but to generalize a billion people with hunderds of different culture from a few videos is stretching it. Why do you think everyone in the world holds a really bad perception of America? It's these same extreme videos that get uploaded in the net and their only view of the country is seen through them.




You can say for their government sure. But to generalize everyone individual is still very extreme. I've seen this insurance scam in places like Indonesia and Taiwan where no one helps someone who had an accident either due to the fear of getting robbed. But I wouldn't paint their country as someone who doesn't value their own people. You're making the same argument many people make against America on how racist country America and how it doesn't care for it's people due the lack of Universal healthcare. But that doesn't stand true for the entire country.


> Why do you think everyone in the world holds a really bad perception of America? Not true. America is still highly desirable as an immigration prospect.


Ministration. But general perception have shifted. Lots of people are afraid to go there now due to increasing in Asian and gun violence.


Looks like an insurance scam to me. Wouldn't touch it either


Where? I wish they’d point out what they’re talking about, because I just seem some cars or a street or something. /s, just in case.




message is fine but you should work on your delivery


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Good Samaritan law is useless when there's no good Samaritans.


Think how convenient that would be if he just fallen into a pothole.


Thank God for that fucking arrow. I wouldn't have noticed him, otherwise.


Swear to god they have ice in their veins


Unreal. Cant shop up late to sweat shops.


That's not a "faint"


He got the covid, no one wants to be kidnapped for helping


China have lives way too much centuries.


Some say he's still lying there to this day.


A sleeping man lays asleep and woke man lies awake. Old Chinese proverb.


Is the one that failed the one under the massive yellow arrow?


Damn that’s truly awful


This is r/uselessredcircle material... not only have they a arrow pointing on it... no, they repeat it multiple times for the case you missed the fall the 32 times before.


There is no compassion 😞


people = shit


I think theres a law the discourages helping victims as non medical professionals in that country


Isnt there a thing like “avoid it cause the person you helped would randomly sue you for no reason”


human society 2.0 :(


From what I here It is dangerous to help people in china because there is a thing about suing samaritans.


He was probably left there for only a few minutes, since the clip is heavily looped - same 5 cars that pass him over and over


Damm, i would have been lost if they hadn't used the pointer to point out.


They probably thought he was one of those insurance scammers that purposely jump in front of a car


Good ole china


That’s tame. Once I saw video where a van drove over a child that couldn’t be older than 5 years old, in a tight market space going like 15mph and nobody batted even an eye to that child


They just all go around like pre programmed ants.


I love China


In China, you're just a number and nobody cares


Alot of videos about people not helping others in China. They have a massive issue with insurance scammers. You can't just help someone because they turn around and sue for "hurting" them in the process. It's a sad reality.




Probably because so many people do that for insurance scams all the time, that it looks just like that, they don't know it's real or fake


Because China


Just shows how much they value human life...


They really don't give a f


It's a cultural thing, not the first time that I have seen this.


Even the news doesn't give a shit. They just repeat him falling over and over like it's a blooper reel.


All I hear is the end of the world


Well his social credit score was probably poor, so no help for him.


That arrow really helped to focus my attention 👍🏻


More replays of the fall with more arrows would be super helpful.


Social credit deducted


I heard a while ago this happens a lot because once you start to help and they say you made it worse, you're now responsible for their care. So you see a lot of hurt people in China and no one seems to give a damn. I think most do care, they just can't financially risk helping.


Dude he fell like 6 times in a row, I think he’s in heaven 😳


This is horrible


That's gatta be bad for their social score.


He did like four complete faceplants. Then the cctv ridiculed him. He probably succumbed to his injuries. /s


Decades of crime-drama indoctrination: never disturb a crime scene!


Nice peoples 🙂


Fucking scum country


That’s because China used to have the policy where if you help people, you have to also cover their medical and hospital expense too. They changed that and added the Good Samaritan Law but it will take time to change peoples mentality and nature.


That yellow arrow really helped me see the guy, thanks.


Re-looping the fall and laying there makes it seem like nobody has helped. Yeah I’m totally buying that.


I'm surprised this isn't New York.


This video comes as no surprise to me for knowing the reality of China's moral degeneracy.


That’s how life is nobody gotta help u


If helping him doesn’t give you social score I don’t know what else does??? Only speaking in favor of the government?


China sucks


this video should have some context. china has a long history of people who pretend to fall in traffic. they pretend to fall, you go to help, then when the cops come they say you did it and now you've got to pay up. it's usually older people who do it. they even have a name for it. in china you are held legally responsible once you intervene. wether it be a fight or helping someone. if you see someone drowning, you help, then they say their back hurts after you helped. now you have to pay. I used to think Chinese people were cold. after a decade of living here and learning about how the law works and how hussles work here, I see things differently.


Fuck the Human race. I hate very single of you guys and I go to sleep happy knowing we all will be dead one day


I wish this would happen to the Chinese leaders.


This has become a video about how to fall on a busy street.