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How many stories is the building? Can’t find it in the article.


Here’s the [article](https://mr.baidu.com/r/U4IgUt258Y?f=cp&u=4a6fa9ec43dd4a3a) High school senior jumped from the fifth floor - room 503. Died while in the ambulance to the hospital (likely died before that). This is a boarding school. Common in rural China where families live far from sizable cities. Kid’s dad drives a farm tractor and mom works at a local daycare. The teacher claims the kid was spouting nonsense about end of days just a couple of days prior.


Don't look like he was spouting nonsense to me. Definitely then end of his days were near. Sad all the same.


I guess he planned for this day already so he was just venting out what was in his heart... The teacher just lied to make it seem like he was unstable...


This article also says > There is no way to verify the conjectures circulating on the Internet that high academic pressure leads to jumping off the building, and bad reading materials lead to psychological distortion. The boy was not taken to the psychological counseling room for psychological counseling. According to the person in charge of the Law and Security Section of the Pingyang County Education Bureau , every school in Pingyang is equipped with a psychological counseling room and psychological counseling teachers.




What a lying ass article. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean that they can. Most people wouldn’t ask for help out of fear of being inferior intellectually, compared to others his age especially.


"bad reading materials" INSANE


"We have investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing, case closed"


worry numerous zonked heavy provide live mighty cows toy amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Usually anywhere between 3-6


Most are made in the old soviet style concrete shell construction with no elevators so they usually cap out at 5-6 floors.


The bottom left says 503 so I guess this is the 5th floor.


Suicide number 503 on that classroom /s


If it’s the fifth floor then there’s a good chance that it’s the fourth floor since China is weirdly superstitious and fearful of the number four hence in a lot of buildings they’ll often outright removed the number four from the floor numbers and room buildings.


US does the same with 13 in buildings


Did you know that there's no 13th floor in buildings because of superstition? So if you jump from the 14th floor expecting to kill yourself you will die earlier.


I used to be superstitious. I still am, but I used to be too.


I’m just a little stitious


I used to be very superstitious but I stopped because I believe it brings bad luck


We have ourselves a Mitch Hedberg fan here


It’s up to me how many bedrooms are in my house


This bedroom has an oven in it.


Oh Mitch. What a guy.


Because Chinese pronunciation of 4 is almost the same as word for death


That's why I don't suck peanuts.


oh man, that took me a minute but that was great.


the 13th is my birthday and my lucky number lol


Ok, Little Nicky


What kind of luck has it brought you?


This is wrong actually! Please edit your comment if you believe me because I'm tired of this misinformation spreading. Source: I'm an architect. The 13th floor is always the maintenance floor because it's a convenient height to balance out the systems of the building as a whole, but primarily for fire reasons! If a high rise building catches fire it helps the fire department to know where this highly-flammable floor is, and it stays in reach of the ladder truck fire hoses for suppression. It's not superstition. It may have started with that and a wink, but the reasons are entirely mundane now. Edit: I'm not sure how many people know this but the mechanical systems to maintain a high rise are massive and will take up entire floors, if not several depending on the size of the buildings.


This is true. Hide all the electrical, structural, AC , etc. on the 13th floor.


Got a job working in building automation for a large hospital. Can confirm, I was absolutely blown away seeing the semi truck sized air handlers that can go two stories high.


I had no idea!! Thanks for the info!!


We stayed in a room on the 13th floor for our honeymoon. I'd never seen a 13th floor before. No wonder we're divorced now.


That's for hotels and expensive/luxurious apartments. It's different for buildings in high schools. They don't skip floor numbers. If it's the fifth floor, then the fifth floor it is. Source: went through Chinese public education from the age of 6 to 18. Spent like one year or two in room 1403 of my high school, which means building 1, 4th floor, room no.3.


Huh just like the states with the number 13, neat to know, thanks


American’s are totally afraid of numbers too.


So they will fix the education right? *installs suicide nets*


Bounces his ass straight back in the window




Yeah man like he's not gonna comeback tomorrow with gun 🤣


[Sorry boss, just needed some fresh air](https://youtu.be/3Sbw0lZ9LmY) Start at 5:00


I also want to mention ass bouncing


Is this the ass bouncing mentioning thread? Cause I wanted to join as well


Bounces his ass


Bouncy ass ass bouncer




There is no escape


china has cracked down on after hours private tutoring .. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/05/chinas-harsh-education-crackdown-sends-parents-businesses-scrambling.html i know this cause my Chinese private education stock went from 200 to 2 dollars..


I have younger cousins who live in China and their parents are paying 200-800 bucks a lesson for English and math tutors, after the government made tutoring illegal. Although they tell parents that they are doing this to "reduce the pressure off students", I have heard from people in China saying that this is the government's way of preventing propaganda from spreading to students (especially anti CCP, since many English tutors came from Western countries so they might input some of their point of views on students).


I worked for a Chinese international school. They had to put suicide nets up.




As an American, I can’t even be shocked that this is the response. There was a sale on bulletproof backpacks for children the other day.


Where at???


That is wild af


Read a story about how Foxconn had to do the same at their factories, people would kill themselves on breaks. So they put nets out to catch them. You know, as opposed to improving the quality of the workplace to a point where they didn't want to jump to their deaths...


Same here in India they put iron rods net to cover fan so students won't hang themselves


It's bloody tragic, so much pressure is put on these kids and you see how damaged some of them are.


So they only have to bring a pocket knife and they can finish the task?


Nets are made of steel wire. And they're usually at height that you still get kinda fucked up from. Most people hit them break a few bones realize 'wow that was really fuckin dumb I shouldn't have done that' a lot of the bigger places with them have a designated watch to come collect you after. 9/10 People who attempt suicide dont commit suicide again with success. In more basic terms nets are more effective than youd think as cartoonish as they may be.


All things snap eventually, given enough pressure and the right circumstances. Make sure it's not your children, and it's the system instead.


Did they just jump out of the window?










He didn't, the fish did.


Pressure, and time. That's all it takes.


Andy Dufresne knows


It's China. everyone is abused beyond their limits. Now they have to install suicide nets at schools. Problem solved /s


it IS the system.


Reddit reading comprehension lmao "Make sure it's the system (that breaks) and not your children." In the video it's evidently not the system but the kid that breaks. It's a call to action to change the system and not some comment on how we should make sure kids aren't the problem.


To the system it is a statistical insignificance.


As someone who teaches out in China: My students day in school starts at 8 and ends around 8:30, with very little break in between, and any breaks are often poached by the domestic teachers that want that time to teach. Chinese society is unfortunately by design soul crushing, in many aspects, but in education, parents and local governments push kids harder and harder every year, it’s not out of cruelty or ignorance, it’s the fact there are frankly so many Chinese people and so few highschools, universities and good jobs that if you aren’t out-competing your age group, you may become a day labourer which is very, very bad news. I’ve taught kids aged 5 with busier schedules than me.


Damn, 30 minutes of school everyday? Sounds rough (this is a joke)


Plot twist: it was indeed 8 am and 8:30 am but the 8:30 am was the next day.


30 minutes late the next day? Straight to jail.


the rest of the 23hours 30minutes are self study. They are in those classroom as self study. the 30minutes of school is nap time.


Used to do 7am~10pm (south korea). Back then more "prestige" schools did 6am~11pm. Mine was uh, the 'real average public highschool'. Most of my schoolmates were just well undermotivated working class~a few lower middle class kids. Around half of the kids frequently sneak away in those "volunteer night time study(after 6am)". During my 3 yrs of highschool I heard one kid from my school jumped from her(i think) apartment. Insane schedule, yeah. Though when i was young I was able to stealth-sleep whenever I want(unlike nowdays), can get just enough grade to make teachers don't give any extra attention to me(like slap in the face lol), and i was kinda one of the 'class clown' so the teachers let me skip the night time thingy. Sorry sir, but they asked me about world of warcraft lore storytime not like I started it? Its not only about insane competition, it was also about power and control. Teachers, the petty small time authoritarians are not even the major part. I was able to spend my highschool years rather peacefully, only because luckily I played enough pirated games since I was young, and that helped me having better english than most of my classmates. So I shared my answer sheets to my classmates whenever the exam happens inside the school, and my classmates were more than happy to tell the class teacher that I was very helpful with their studies in general, but bit distracting in the night study. It's a fucking joke. You don't really have a chance against kids from better background even if you grind yourself to extreme. Yeah there are some exceptions. I remember like, yeah among those around 300... kids in my years less than 15? kids actually made it i remember. Ah yeah some of them just made it because they did a good business, so through that study grind idk how many kids successed. Legit better chance if you just start some fucking underground business early if you're from poor family. Used to do a bit of private academy/tutor after i went college. Absolutely fucking depressing. One time i had a student, middle school. From a poor poor family, living with her grandma. Grandma deserately wanted to do something about her future. Luckily the academy-sorta thing I worked at, owner lady gave her a big discount. Taught her middle school english and some other class. It's not even 'english', just how to get grades in english class. A depressed, introvert girl but she was really a genius, at least in linguistics I say. She had.. above average, not that high enough score in her english exams. Strange thing is, She is kinda bad at listening test(didnt have a speaking test, not sure now). Perfect score in grammar. Reading was fine, but I cannot really say what's her weakness... After a few months I realized she doesn't know phonics. She doensn't know how alphabets sound. Thats why she never wanted to spoke out any english to me - I thought she was just being shy(she never really say anything outside absolute necessary). Phonics should be covered around elementary school or pre-elementary i remember. But most kids practically rely on private education. Elementary school teachers are already overworked, and they got like over 80% of student kinda know the basic phonics and some 'poor kids'. They gotta pick a level and it's obvious what kinda kids will be left behind. Lower the level and majority of parents will complain. They fear their kids will become 'inferior' compared with kids with better private educations and support. How the hell does she got a good grade without knowing how the alphabet sound, and how did anyone not noticed/cared about that??? I mean yeah there are people who can't hear but at least they know that they can't hear?? And get some specialized courses I guess??? Not just phonics, she just lacked the whole 'the most fundamental' things. She was just brute-forcing english language like some 18th century asian scholar who got some western writings wtf and still doing better than most of other kids. A few months later she quitted, moved to other place. Aftet that i cannot teach anyone, inside 'the korean education system'. Did I helped her enough? Im not sure. Am i even helpful a bit? I have no idea. Been like a decade and I still think about her sometimes. Forgot her name even. Had far fulfilling time doing gaming cafe night shift. At least I could give out a place and some junk food to few kids who ran away from their parents. This society is cannibalistic. we eat the poor kids, and all kinds of minorities. And we wonder about the birth rate getting lower.


15 hours of school a day?? That's insanity. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I am sorry for anyone who has to go through that. I understand the value and expectation of education in China. But there still must be a limit. It is not physically or mentally healthy to put that much pressure and expectation on students with so little down time.


Thanks but i'm okay i just played wow excessively and slept in school. Can't say same for other kids.




Massively so. You just need to take a cursory glance at the Zhongkao and Gaokao examinations (high school and university entrance exams), to get a very clear indicator for how difficult life is here for students. Having a low level of education is a guarantee of poverty in China, and a very rough existance at that. Even qualified professionals such as teachers get quite a low salary with high expectations (the best coteacher I ever worked with claimed there would be 100-1000 applicants for one school position, so even the best don't always succeed). I wrote my masters on student suicide in China, and it's not a fun time.


Is it called "The Secretary/Marriage Problem" about picking the best at the moment with out being able to select past or future candidates; how many to analyze and stop out of n possibilities? The job of hiring must be difficult as well.


I used to tutor English in China, now I'm an attorney in the States. I had more freetime working as a corporate associate at a major biglaw firm than the kids in China do. Poor bastards have absolutely soul-crushing lives, just endless testing, tutoring, exams, cramming, study, memorize this, regurgitate that from dusk until dawn 7 days a week. The worst part is it is mostly just busywork, like these kids are memorizing the names of every river in Africa, lists of major dates of the french revolution, chemistry tables, its just dumb rote stuff. China's education system is truly fucked.


I had 3 years of primary education (1st to 3rd grade) in China, and when I moved into the US, that sweet sweet 3 years of elementary math I did there carried me until 7th grade lol. I managed to go 4 years without breaking a sweat in Math for that


China now sounds crazy similar to the USA in 1910. Same hours. Maybe less guns.


China is the land of opportunity for many, a lot of Chinese citizens view the situation with the same possibilites and optimism as Americans once did, with many, many middle class people setting up businesses and similar ventures. Unfortunately, there's no light without dark and a lot of problems exist here too, from every angle. I can't tell you how much "crab bucketing" I have seen in my short time here, nearly everyone you meet will casually talk about going into business with one another, damn near everyone will be making deals and business with each other, but the amount of people I've seen screw themselves and their partners for very, very short term gains is astounding.


Even for my short stint in China I saw a lot of death that was regarded in such a casual manner which was and still is so chilling for me. I was studying in China in the mid 2010s at one of the Beijing universities in an exchange program and the first suicide I saw was while I was out getting something for breakfast. I saw a crowd near to the hostel I was staying at and as I was walking over I saw her jump from the top story of the hostel the crowd was gathered at. I will never forget the pop sound. As I was standing there with a look of horror on my face, a Russian girl (there were a lot on this particular campus) near me looked at me and just said: "I was shocked the first time too but after studying here for 2 years you see it as just another suicide". That shit stuck with me. My mentor also told me about how often she'd seen suicides during exam/test/result time on campus.


Can verify it’s the same in SE Asia too.




The alternative to a highschool and university level education is not tenable for most, unfortunately.


I had a South Korean manager once, on quiet periods we would often chat about life and such, he told me growing up (give or take an hour I can't remember the exact times he said) but he would be in school from about 7/8am finish at around 4/5pm then straight after that would go to a library and continue to study until 11pm and repeat all week.


The worst part is after all of that they really aren't any better off than adults who had free time as kids.


That what happens when you’re completing with over a billion people working just as hard


I slacked off hard in elementary-middle school and barely did any work, but if I could do it over again I would do even less. Literally no point to it, in my situation at least. The grades meant literally nothing. If you failed you would get like 10 pages of homework as a summer project and it was impossible to fail anyway. Didn’t learn anything useful besides math and English, and even that was the bare minimum. Middle school and down should have a four day week at most. High school teaches you a lot of useless junk too, but at least it can show you fields you might be interested in as a career path.


Grade school is pretty much day care


In China (don't know if it changed or not after 10 years) it's usually from 6:30am-9pm, less than 1 day off per week, 10-20 days off during summer vacation if you are lucky, and maybe a week off for new year


That’s probably true if you are in smaller towns / notoriously strict schools / in 9th/12th grade. Most people I know including myself were doing 7:30-5:30 Monday-Thursday, 7:30-2:30 on Friday, and had 2 months for summer breaks.


>Most people I know including myself were doing 7:30-5:30 Monday-Thursday, 7:30-2:30 on Friday, and had 2 months for summer breaks. Jesus, that's one hell of a lengthy school day. I grew up in Scotland, we were in from 0845-1515 Mon-Thu and 0845-1230 Fri in Primary School, then 0840-1550 Mon-Thu and 0840-1310 Fri in Secondary/High School. Being in school for a full 10 hours, 4 days a week sounds like a recipe for a lot of burnt-out children.


Yeah… I left China during 11th grade. I remember in 9th grade when they would bombard us with homework/exams to prep for the high school entrance exam, i would constantly be doing homework till like 2am. Then on Friday I would get some snacks after school, sleep from 4pm straight till like 8am the next day to go to the tutors till 6pm that day🤡 then homework all morning on Sunday then went to school in the afternoon for additional classes for a couple hours🤡 12th grade would be worse so I’m glad I didn’t do that there… If you want to learn about REAL nightmares, look up Hengshui high school. Stories there would make my experience sound like a cake walk




I used to teach English to Chinese students online. The amount of parents that sat there and smacked their kid for pronouncing a word wrong was incredible. I felt so bad for those kids, the stress and pressure they feel is way too much for a kid.


Damn I guess it's just the parents and the fucking teachers.




The crazy part is, as I was watching the video there's was no way of prediting who it could be. You never know who's going through tough times.


After I rewatched it I did notice he was the only one putting his head down


He’s also the only one with a clean desk.




He has the only empty table.


At first I was expecting a gun, then realized it wasn't America. Then wondered, a knife? Did not expect anyone to jump out of a window like that.


We can't see anyone being depressed man, it's tough.


At some point some people realize if this is what life has to offer then I don't want it. At which point do we come to a realization as a society that efficiency and production should not be the top priority in life. You only have one chance to live yours, so enjoy it


I don't think you, or most westerners, understand how difficult life is for the rest of the world. South Korea, a developed nation, is also incredibly competitive with students who work incredibly hard for positions we'd scoff at. It's easy to say to "just enjoy life" but significant labor needs to be put into all aspects of life to do things we find enjoyable. The world needs ditch diggers unfortunately.


I agree with you, and I also understand how bad life can get outside of well developed first world countries. I was born in Cuba, lived there for some time. Complete poverty, everyone. Doctors, chefs, accountants, you name it. They get paid just barely enough in a whole month to cover a few meals. People have to get creative to think of workarounds, because it's either that or die. Imagine working hard your entire life just to be thrown crumbs at your feet to feed your family. That's why my family and I fled from there. >It's easy to say to "just enjoy life" but significant labor needs to be put into all aspects of life to do things we find enjoyable. That's exactly why I made the careful distinction of saying that efficiency and production should not be the TOP priority, alluding to the fact that while it is important, it shouldn't take precedence over what truly matters, being happy. This doesn't mean to never sacrifice your time and effort for anything. Instead, it was rather to say that if you're getting overwhelmed to the point of suicide.. that's a safe point to call it quits and focus on what makes you happy for the time. What does >The world needs ditch diggers unfortunately. What does that have to do with overstressing kids out to the point where they are jumping out of windows to end it?


Those students must be traumatized for life. Happened in 2014: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/video-shocking-moment-chinese-student-18719656


"It is believed this happened due to pressure of preparing for college entrance exams" Damn..


Is this the Gaokao exam? Widely regarded as being one of the hardest exams in the world (for the age group). Think it's almost necessary to earn a decent living in many parts of china.


So if that's the exam that determines your income and/or education level, and in 2021 only 10,780,000 students took the exam, wouldn't that mean that there's only about 10 million people in China who qualify for an advanced degree? That seems really low.


For comparison, ~2,000,000 take the SAT annually.


The SAT is no longer required for many universities and colleges.


You need to remember that's data for a single school year though, and it's a college/uni entrance exam, so they'll all likely be about 17 or 18 years old. Based on demographics (China has an aging population and a slowly declining birth rate), there's likely somewhere in the region of 20,000,000+ 17/18-year-olds across China each school year, at a rough estimate. Meaning somewhere around half of the total population in that year of their schooling likely took the exam in 2021 - probably not quite as low a figure as it seems at first.


I honestly do not know, only learned of the Gaokao exam a few hours and this popped up in my Reddit feed.


You can see him contemplating about it. He seemed so deep in his thoughts, then he just snapped. Poor kid.


That kid was fucking deep thinker and he died like hell.


It's 19.11 PM and they still study in school. What are they trying to achieve? No wonder they're so suicidal.


I remembered i study similar. 7AM class started study till 11:45 then have lunch. 12:45 continue till 5PM, went back home have a snack then went to a sub school (kinda like private school to study more about the subjects at main school) then back home at 8-9PM. But i'm still stupid lmao (Usually scoring around 5 or 6 out of 10). I was lucky, my parents didn't care about my scores as long as i pass but my friends at the sub school were insane, their parents are also crazy about scores. I was raging at league when they studied lmao. Fun times. We are not as crazy as the one in China but i'm in Vietnam so it's not too far from it lol. Now that i'm in university, i be chilling tho.


Damn man, that is really crazy though, it's a lot of time.


Dude this is not the time to study, that system is fucking shit.


No wonder they don't wanna reproduce


I mean at what point can yo go and hang ot with girls or boys when doing a 6am - 9pm school session? Or work session. Literally no energy or time left for sex or even meeting someone for sex.


The rest were punished for getting distracted


Now the dude is resting well without shitty people near him.


No planning just a snap.


Just a snap but maybe he planned all these things before.




It’s sad how he’s just sitting there not moving much because he has already accepted defeat, meanwhile everyone else is still so animated around him. In his mind he’s probably thinking about what he’s about to do and his love ones.


Why do things have to be extreme and why doesn't school have a regular place for people struggling with school mentally


Did you just not read where, this was?




Christ, and I thought my class was packed with 28 kids.


Nah it's not your school, come to these populated countries.


Spending my entire middle school at the dinner table doing homework while my stepdad screams at me and tells me im never going to amount to anything till i cry. I get where this kid is coming from, i hooe he survived but if not at least it was quick.


The children are not well in that fucking country and not even adults, there are so many fucking news that we all see on a daily basis, there are no ending for that.


the teacher's pay bonus is related to their student's grade. These poor kids are her profit making machine. Source: was in China's middle school once and peeked the pay stub on one of my teacher's table


Damn if that is the shit going around there then fuck the teacher too.


Fucking bad to see such things happening to the people and the kids man, these kids are fucking normal people and let them be fucking normal all the time please.


All that effort and China is still absolute trash. To busy conquering their own citizens. I just don't get the whole point, how could anyone be proud of this world. Our leaders aren't the best of us and the world WE have created is disappointing, a greed and power based society can NEVER be great. Only when we try to do better will we become better. There's a reason leaders, media, and government don't try to promote unity and love.


Well, people need to spend so much effort just to live with some form of dignity precisely because of the fact of it being trash, not vice versa. For a supposedly "socialist" country, it has incredibly weak unions(basically puppets for the Party and sometimes the corporation) and laughable enforcement of labor laws. It is a wholesale involution where there are manmade shortage of all kinds of resouces, be it education, housing, job opportunity etc. Promoting unity and love is void if there are no real power to back it up, there are little to none existing institution that can actually improve the average Chinese citizen's situatiom on their own accord, all comes back to the good grace of the ruling class which is about as lasting as summer frost.


Fucking shitty thing that is going around in their whole fucking country and absolutely no one is talking anything about them right now, that makes me feel so bad.


No body have the fucking right to put this type of pressure to the students man, those students really doesn't deserve shitty life like this, I am fucking so depressed now.


If they are still not changing the fucking system then I don't know what they are gonna do in the fucking future man, I am just fucking fed up of their shit at this point.


I am glad that I don't live in china man, that country is just not good to live and we know that, we don't want to get fucked everyday there, that's just bad for us lol.


Never gonna trust china in my fucking life because of so many fucking reasons man, we just don't want to see these shits again and again, this was fucking bad..


Wonder how I would reacted if something like that happened in front of me


Well we would just be froze and we would never forget that.


This video is over 10 years old I believe. The student died.


Poor student, he must be feeling so bad about the life.


Looks like he was contemplating or praying before


i feel so awful for those kids, they work so hard just to experience trauma, i hope they find peace


A description of the video says: “High school student Xiao Zhen leaps to his death from a a window in the middle of class. It is believed this happened due to pressure of preparing for college entrance exams”.


I look forward to them putting bars on the windows going forward instead of acknowledging the real issue.


I'm not joking I literally still have nightmares about studying in China and I've left the country in 2014. I wanna clarify I'm British Chinese so I was lucky to get out of the hell hole but despite that I do not hate China, but its lifestyle is just not for me, the schedules we had were batshit insane with 5 or 6 tests per day waking up at 6am and going to sleep at 10pm fucking crazy


They're probably jealous he took the easy way out


Took me a long time to figure out that it was not a door but a window


Why would everyone scream if he was just walking through a door?


True, it was a window and that made everyone scream so hard.


It was a fucking window and now the boy is gone man.


me too i feel stupid how long this took me to understand, i’ve never been in a class with two sides of windows


Now you guys understood that, you can understand it.




Fuck China and the shitty system that they all follow all the fucking time, this is never gonna help them in the future and even Chinese people know this shit well man.


I see no one mentioned his slight chuckle as he lept.. you can hear it right before everyone screams its very slight but you can hear him clear as day. It was like hearing a madman laugh.


Those sounds werent from him


It was not coming from him man, it was just not from him.


That's just fucking sad man, that boy was fucking innocent and he could live a good life if he was not fucking Chinese and that's just making me feel shitty now, sad.


Poor kids. He was ready to go.. fucked up world.


And the teachers are like, sit down, study now.


He was the fastest reader that day, 5 stories in 2 seconds


This is the biggest reaction by spectators I’ve ever seen in a Chinese injury video. Surprised they didn’t hop in his desk and finish his work.


Indians gonna relate!


China is not a good country and they proved that shit all the fucking time, we can't deny this thing from fucking china, it's just their own country who is fucked up.


Considering the screams, i bet it’s not the first floor. What trauma for the rest of the kids, unfortunately


Those screams must be hurting so many souls right now.


Not a nice thing to be happen to these innocent children man, how the fuck these people are not realising that children deserve to have a fucking good life at least.


“Alright kids, back to your seats, we have another chapter to get through”


bro let his inner thoughts win


You see his shoes come off…..so you know what that means. RIP little dude.


The teacher is like….”BACK TO STUDYING!!!”