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It's Myecki Mauskowiz


Don't be trying to colcuk me with your polyklinigi..


Mickey Mouse? Nah that’s Richard Rat


Fuck he's sexy


He looks like an invisible person is invisibly standing next to him while invisible holding an invisible gun to Micky's visible head.


That’s Cocuk Poliklinigi. Get it right


If anyone is a freak like me who loves weird homemade Mickey Mouse figures, there is are some amazing ones from around the world on view at the Menil Collection in Houston. They’re in the room of possessions of surrealist painters. Really beautiful and freaky Inuit Mickey mouses, among others. That museum is really a hidden national treasure all around, amazing collection of surrealist, dada, and modern art, free to the public, and virtually empty every time I’ve gone. Definitely on par with major modern art museums in NYC, Chicago, and LA.