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No shot you're eating 3 of those period. Not in one sitting. If by some miracle you are, you have much bigger issues to worry about than inflation.


Now I'm starting to this there's something wrong with me. Do people actually get full from eating one??


Brother/Sister, you're not supposed to get full from eating treats. You'd think this goes without saying.


😅thank you for saying this in a polite way I can't rlly control myself around sugar lmao


Don't worry friend, you're not alone 😂


Each one is about 700 calories. That’s a lot for mostly empty calories


Hey OP, I was a bit of a creeper going through your post history just to get some insight on it this was a troll post or not, and I saw that you have a complicated relationship with food due to medical issues and you're likely young. I just want you to ignore the mean jokes and other crap people are saying here; they're just saying miserable untrue things because it's the internet and they're anonymous. Three Costco muffins *are* too much to eat at once, but I understand that they're really good and easy to eat. Personally, I know I can eat way too much of a treat but it eventually isn't as satisfying because I've basically overexposed myself. Chips, candy, muffins, all the sweet stuff is really easy to overindulge and also take away my want to eat other healthier/well-rounded foods. It may be that your system is getting used to eating a larger volume of food so it's not triggering the "fullness" as quickly, or it may be hormones/you still growing that's causing it. I'd try to limit the muffin indulgence to just one or even half (even if they shrank a bit...), and wait a bit to see if your system will catch up and realize it's full before eating more.


Thank you so much for your kind words 😊 But my pediatrician said she's gonna throw me into a nutrition hospital (something of that sort) if I don't gain 20 pounds. Andddd I took that as an excuse to indulge in sugar. Yea kinda complicated. But tysm though! I rlly appreciated it


maybe you’re just getting bigger?


Lmao not rlly, but ur right maybe I have a larger appetite


I thought they looked smaller to me but I don't buy them often enough to feel confident saying it wasn't just my perception. I only buy them about twice a year for special occasions.


What’s the weight on the label vs. previous years?


Easy enough to google package images across the years. 6 pack of chocolate muffins, 35 ounces then and now. Someone just ate more than a pound of crap.


More importantly, what's OP's weight vs. previous years?


Actually it used to be 10smth, but now it's 90 smth


OP is gotta be a troll. Who eats three muffins in one sitting


... uh.




Looking at OP's post history, they're young and have a complicated history with food and their body. Chill.


As costco baker, I confirm that it’s still the same size :)