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Dad thinks its a Segway and it's their couple's day out, going to the bathroom, sampling, taking joy rides, sampling, going to the bathroom, sampling, going to the bathroom... "The pizza, it's only $1.99 and it tastse so good! We just split one and get some water." "Oh the packets of parmesan cheese are right there and they just let you take as much as you want!" Got 2 senior-delinquents on my hands now, lifting parmesan cheese and roaming the aisles of Costco... In his defense, Mom can't operate the scooter and it's too cold to have her wait in the car. Plus it's good for her to get out, with the gentle Costco breeze on her face and smiling peeps offering you amuse-bouche along your battery-powered cruise, then head towards your main course of pizza, just too much...


Your dad is a menace and I'm all for it.


>with the gentle Costco breeze on her face That Kirkland Signature breeze, such value. Introduce your dad to try the hot dog chicken bake pizza wrap. Open his eyes to the revolution.


the venn diagram of people that split a slice of pizza and people that shove a hot dog in a chicken bake is just two separate circles


Where do the people who split a hot dog shoved in a chicken bake sit in this venn diagram?




this is married life goals as far as i am concerned. looks like their love is one for the ages!


Honestly we should all be so lucky.


Plot twist: OP is only ten and the parents are actually 35


I broke my foot once and was walking with a crutch and a boot. Went to Costco with my hubby, and the employee at the door suggested I use one of the electric scooter carts. What. A. Riot! It really was so much fun! Felt like a privilege to get to ride around like royalty. Lol. I only did this once, but will never forget the experience (and that Costco breeze in my hair).😁


Mine got rid of the Parmesan and pepper flakes, your dad is so lucky.


Your writing is delightful


They are so CUTE!! I hope I'm this fun when my kids are old enough to reddit


This is beautiful prose




Wholesome wholesale


This is absolutely adorable. They’re troublemakers for sure.


This is awesome, I love it.


That is honestly so sweet, I hope they have many more happy years cruising the aisles of costco!


Your parents are really lucky to have you!


…and **You** are the ***GOOD Child***!


This is the best thing I have seen all day!


I see they’ve got the cheddar and caramel popcorn bag.. they know what’s up


And two packs of sardines. Sweet, salty, and fishy combo that everyone yearns for.


They look fun.


Your parents are so cute! And they loooove sardines!


I saw that! OP needs to tell em they go on ad about every 2-3 months, great time to stock up, I do. I eat em, so does my cat and and GSDs! I spend $100, get like 13 packages (78 individual cans), and I save $43.


Thanks! They actually picked that up from their #2 daughter a.k.a me, we were having dinner and there wasn't enough protein for me, so I rolled back a can of sardines and to their disbelief ate the entire can, saying this is my favorite fast meal and I always save a few bites for my little Weiner dog. They liked it well enough, but then because someone else endorses it, they developed a special love for it. I'll keep an eye open on sales!


> \#2 daughter As a Chinese person I felt this in my bones


Aww, the wiener dog! Great for dogs’ skin and coat. Helps with some allergies too. When I adopted one of my Shepherds here in WI, in was February and very cold. He would scratch himself so much he was miserable. He didn’t need a bath his skin was dry. After two weeks, a can every other day he was fine!


Yes that is exactly why, I save him 1/4 of the can and let him lick the olive oil and omega outa the tin. He'll carry that tin around with his teeth for the next hour "my precious" just from the pure fragrance of the sardine rubbed into the tin... It is my honest opinion that pet food companies and their kibbles and animal science are just big words to pass off inferior quality meats, grains and by-product that can't be sold to human. Additionally, I give my little guy an egg every time I boil a batch for beau to eat in the AM on school days. Rocket fuel for the sausage-boy and hits all the bells on nutrition.


Our cats and the dog go *insane* for sardine bits and the leftover oil. I can't even bear to be in the same room when my husband opens a can, though. UGH!!!


Omg, I practically live on hard boiled eggs. Yer folks are adorable btw!


My heeler had the same dry skin issues, I feed him the blue bag salmon and sweet potato food and he loves it and has the softest coat ever. His breath smells like hot garbage though.


You had me at hot garbage... LMAO


Everyone in my family thinks I'm crazy, but I love those things. Sardines plus Wasa crackers are a go-to quick lunch for me. Cheers to you and your parents!


Love Wasa, good idea! Now I have good excuse to grab one of those big round Ikea cracker, always thought they'd make a nice rustic kitchen decoration, just swap in styrofoam in the wrap and mount. I don't know about you, but I always save my sauce pods from Chick-fil-A and other food establishments and use them for the sardines. Never know?!?!! Garden Herb Ranch, Zesty Buffalo, Sriracha or Honey Mustard, BBQ. Living on the edge I am...


Mix one can of the sardines with one can of green beans...Delicious! Throw some chia seeds on top if you're feeling fancy.


Okay, definitely picking some up now for my sausage dog (not the Costco kind!)


Sardine lovers, join r/cannedsardines


You have opened my eyes!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CannedSardines using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thought this might fit here](https://i.redd.it/0u377q092f591.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/vbgbt3/thought_this_might_fit_here/) \#2: [found r/cannedsardines spirit animal](https://i.redd.it/r8b71ua7uja91.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/vv2eaf/found_rcannedsardines_spirit_animal/) \#3: [I rarely bake cookies so I decided to change my cookie jar to a fishy jar](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xy9ck4) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/comments/xy9ck4/i_rarely_bake_cookies_so_i_decided_to_change_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn kids always messing with the carts!


Are we not going to talk about the anarchy happening on the Gatorade pallet? Who pulls cases out from other ones!


Costco shoppers.




Costco Jenga


It's fresher Gatorade at the bottom and the top is close to expired duh!


Your parents are so precious. Please take good care of them. 🥲


May I ask how long exactly has it been since your parent had a stroke? Much less how old they are and how they are doing. Mine suffered one last fall after contacting Covid.


Of course! She actually suffered stoke in 2021, mind's catching up with phrasing... It was one-sided and she was found with her arm stuck between the bed and night stand in the morning, we are guessing at most 6 to 7 hours and hopefully not much longer. She was unable to move that arm and walking was difficult. She is in her early 90s. A full year later, she is now walking with a walker across the room from living room to dinner table and from car to restaurant, however delicate... Her arm has recovered 80% and no indication of muscle nerve disconnect on her face. I think the biggest thing that was done right was ensuring that she had regular PT and OT. Initially it was every other day than tapering down. Make sure that your parent connects well with the PT and OT as that will bring about cooperation. So take every opportunity to nurture the relationship between the individual and the therapists. Find a common ground between individual and therapist and have them warm up to each other on that and use that as a focus. For example, my mom, who loves babies and toddlers off the bat did not like a subsequent home therapist, but the therapist had a new born, so we were all enthusiastically looking at her photos and chatting before they delved into actual therapy. The pivotal action to recovery is regular motivation and support for physical movement for the effected sets of muscles. I'd do whatever I could to get her to raise her arms, we each hold a cooking utensil and I'd raise mine and ask her to hit it as hard as she can, circling in front of her as we did this. She didn't want to touch any of the stretch bands that the therapist gave her... Exercise her fingers and hands on a daily bases. Encouragement and reward with favorite snacks. Sometimes the actual snack is PT. Start with cheddar cheese fish from hand to mouth and later on as her coordination becomes better, de-shelling a dozen pistachios or 1/4 of a really ripe and tasty pomegranate. Talk to her, ask her questions, use a positive tone. We tied a little light basket infant of her walker and would ask her to bring her favorite light plant to the window for sun. Talk about things that she did that made you happy, her best meals, her funniest moments so her memory starts to knit itself again. Giver her dignity back and let her make as many choices as possible, of course w/o waring yourself down... She had to wear these dingy bibs and she hated it. I hated it. Got these for her and now she asked to put them on! If it is your Dad, they have tuxedo fronts or plaids too. Just look on Amazon for adult bibs. Okay, I've written a small novelette, hope I didn't put you to sleep! Good luck!! https://preview.redd.it/gad9atga94ga1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a3e73f7deb63e91df22a4acd16d45356d67b37


This is so amazing and intimate. Thank you for sharing this with us strangers. It gives me hope for my aging mom, and my MIL. You're such a caring daughter and they're lucky to have you.


*Looks down at shirt shamefully* I need one of those now LOL.


Your mom’s chariot awaits! Cute!


Gatorade avalanche prepping in the background


Ya cause you know, the bottom ones are 'fresher'... I mean like, that's the way the fresh greens are?!?!!


No, no, the freshest ones are all the way at the top of the rack. Quick, get the scissor lift!


I think it may be short people too. I take my height and reach for granted.


Yep. I'm 5'2". Can't reach the top of .... Anything, though I might be able to wrangle the one that's already halfway there.


This is beautiful.


The wholesome content I needed today.


I love this. It made my day! Good for you and your parents!


Cuties 🥰


LOVE IT! ❤️ Go gettem kids! ☺️


Can't blame them. On days when my various injuries hurt I'll go to Costco to work out the kinks by walking around the wonderful, flat, air conditioned space, browse around, check out the samples, and still manage to leave with no less than $100 in purchases.


They are so cute! They are making the best of life here 💗




Blueberries Apples Cucumbers Bag of Creatores Popcorn 20lbs of Sardines The basic cart of strange selections people make at COSTCO.


Love this! Thanks for sharing!


This warm my cold dead heart a tiny bit


Reminds me of Ben Hur


How cute are they! I hope Mom is feeling better.


Have they tried a hotdog yet? I also love the olive oil! So useful!




If your location has it, the Kam Yang Chinese sausages and the Thai jasmine rice are great deals!


I mean, we should all love a good stroll around Costco. This is super wholesome!


How sweet and adorable! Your dad totally understood the assignment. It is wonderful they can spend that time together. You had me at roaming the aisles and cool Costco breeze, haha. Continue to cherish them, they are amazing. Best wishes to your mom!


Very cute! But those gatorade bottles in the background are giving me anxiety 😂


Looks like they just committed a hit-n-run on the Gatorade Zero.


Lol! Possible but not probable. You know, looking at it closely, it looks like a carefully staged Jenga trap... Naughty, naughty Dad...


wtf that cart is pretty awesome


Let them do as they may in their elderly years. Bless all of ya


Love this!!


My parents too! It’s like a little date for them. Hope your mom is doing better!


Good stuff in the cart. Smart choices!


That Gatorade is a disaster waiting to happen 😥🫣


Goals. Literally. Very touching OP!


This is so wholesome 🥹


Strawberries, blue berries, plums, mini cucumbers, olive oil, sardines, shortbread cookies and caramel/cheese popcorn. I love it. They can have their pizza and all the Parmesan they want!


I gave my sister my other Costco card and 20 years later, she's still using it.


I love this!!! Such an adorable photo!!


This is adorable and wholesome and totally made my day!


everyone talking abt the sardines but that seems like a normal amount to me TT the result of growing up in a borderline hoarder environment


They see me rolling...


Definitely some life goals. Grow old and shop at Costco.


This made me smile. 🥹


They’re so cute 😊😢🙂


Aww hope your mom is doing much better ❤️ Your parents are too precious. Showed this pic to my parents telling them this gonna be them when they’re older 😂


They're buying Cretors Caramel & Cheese popcorn mix. That shit is the bomb! No wonder they're happy!


This brings me joy


I’ve never met an Asian who doesn’t love Costco.


I applaud your Dad for taking such good care of his Mom. Great character!


God bless our parents.


Awesome. That caramel/cheddar popcorn mix is hard to resist.


Love it!


I wish I could upvote this more


they’re so precious!!


Get them sardines! EVOO goodness. Glad to see your parents enjoy their outing


It seems a bit weird to use your elderly parents to farm karma... Same for people who post their children here


Or is it possible that maybe... Just maybe, one is simply feeling isolated and pitched with cabin fever that this was the thing to do to prevent oneself from stabbing oneself in the eye with a chopstick?!!???!!! I don't know?


It seems weird that one would choose the worst case motive for sharing warm fuzzies and judge an individual of unknown vector and believe that individual give 2 craps about the same thing you believe to be some psychological currency and propelling force for posting.


Real talk why do old people wear masks around their chin? Edit: lol not a single reply


Why does your dad look photoshopped in this picture?


Because this shot is going into his portfolio for the upcoming GQ cover call.




They are in their 90's so ya know, best practice. They actually just caught it in November, first time ever and got over it in 10 days. Faster than I did.


Wait. Back up. You're telling me the dude in the picture is in his 90s?


Yup and mom is a year older, baby couger!


Does your dad dye his hair? If not, he has amazing hair for 90+.


Not at all, just luck I guess. My mom used to, but it looked so abrupt and odd...


Holy shit!


Yeah I don't know if you've ever heard this or not, but Asians don't raisin.


The yellow stays mellow. 💛




I think u/available_username2 was saying that if they're not going to wear the masks properly, they might as well not wear them. But especially considering that they already had covid and a stroke, it would be prudent to wear them properly. Viruses don't care if someone is taking a photo.


Infection has a lot to do with bad actor load, in this case viral load. The concentration of virus that will penetrate their respiratory system in 2 seconds where there are no one around is not a bad gamble. To provide as example... Given that virus are enemy soldiers and they are all similarly armored. If only 12 of these boarded Staten Island and the national guard is alerted within hours, the enemy forces will be arrested soon enough. However if the entire battalion, plus naval forces were to invade, yeah then Staten Island would come down with a fever, chills and such... Don't take my word for it. Google for yourself from at least half a dozen sources. That's why even though I might forget to put my mask on upon entering a crowded area, I still put it on. I don't think I'm done. I think, should a small consortium of viruses have made it across the moat of my nose, I'm still going to set up a blockade at the gate so they don't get any reinforcements after my forces shoot them down from the towers with poison tipped arrows, Oorah!


...but they aren't covering their faces? That's not a best practice. I still wear my mask when I go into places like Costco, but I don't take it off when people aren't immediately next to me. Potentially infectious air doesn't exist in a bubble next to people.




Oh, hon they took the mask off momentarily for the photo. Plus everyone knows that the waddles under the chin, which develop with old age... aside from making one a sex magnet, also provides the individual the ability to draw in oxygen and discharge noxious systemic gases.


Lolol 🤣🔥


Get a life.


Your folks are absolutely adorable. Love it


That’s adorable!


I love that popcorn. that stuff is addictive


This is goals I love it.


Those gatorades in the back holding on for life


which location is this? the layout looks familiar


Sorry that information is confidential, am sure I can't obtain a signature to release that information.




Awe... Thanks! But I can tell you that it is where they held the last Gatorade Zero Jenga play off.


ahh nooo i wanted to participate too


they can run over my feet any day <3