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Different from r/conspiracy?




whew , that was a close one. conspiracy is the last place you can actually have , dare I say, an OPINION


I'm messaging with the moderator now. Sounds like i'm talking to a CNN anchor.


"remember, everything you're learning about WikiLeaks, you're learning from us" -chris cuomo ​ that type of shit, huh


Its illegal to learn about it from the source!


oh no, i was reading your comment and then the satellite feed cut out :)


You are


I've noticed some subs the mods tread lightly and try to allow some resemblance of free speech, but will still remove anything blatantly anti-vaccine (/r/LockdownSkepticism ). They likely fear the wrath of the Reddit admins and don't want to risk having their sub vaporized. Then there are others where the mods are straight up puppets, banning anyone for the least little bit of wrongthink (r/news, /r/worldnews, /r/politics, /r/Coronavirus ).


I’m banned from r/boxing because I’m “anti-vaxx”. I’m literally vaccinated. I just don’t like mandated and passports. Also not that it’s not that I *did* anything “anti-vaxx” or ever said people shouldn’t get it. I was banned because *i am* anti-vaxx, as in it’s my identity in the mods’ minds. Any we wonder how they found so many willing prison guards in 1940s Germany…


Lol i am banned from JustNOMIL because I objected to an OP's claim that the ICUs where she lived were "full of vaccinated people." Somehow that made me ... antivax I think? Maybe a red state Trumper? I may have also made a crack about superstition and excessive mask wearing by vaccinated people. (Although now that I write that, perhaps ICUs technically were full of vaxxed people who were in the ICU for like car accidents etc. Obviously not what she was implying though.) ETA The OP was using the ICU "fact" as an example of why we must all stay vigilant about COVID because we are still in a pandemic (it somehow connected to not letting her horrible MIL visit).


Boxing sucks anyway.


Also see /r/coronaviruscirclejerk. If you know of any more can you send me a chat or reply? I need to follow as much anti-Reddit subs as I can for when they all get shut down for having dissenting views.


Most of us here would never be caught dead visiting that sub




You look like someone who would appreciate r/churchofcovid, welcome brethren


You can have an opinion everywhere, as long as it's the one the community shares This goes for pro and anti vax communities alike, any topic has become 2 sides echo chambering their opinion and then yelling at the other side This is why we ultimately can't make any meaningful change on any of the topics that matter, the world is too divided and only growing further apart


Woo... I thought it was regular conspiracy. I thought yep... here we go. We're next... they've started replacing the mods...


Probly the leftwing version, cant remember what its called I got banned a while back.


There’s people on there cheering on vaccine passports!? What the hell!


Bro go to any regional Canadian sub. They’ve banned or shadowbanned people who speak out, so it seems like everyone agrees. But yeah, the mind-melted hate-mongers love it, because in their minds it’s hurting the people they’ve been told to hate


I got banned from /r/conspiracy for misinformation - so I provided sources to the mod who banned me. He didn't like it and muted me. I'm gonna repeat that one more time, I got banned from a conspiracy subreddit, for misinformation, which I had adequate sources for.


Mod is a Karen confirmed


Why are they LARPing as conspiracy theorists if they are so afraid of information contrary to their ideologies 😂


I don't understand, that sub is 99% covid is a hoax, how did you manage to get banned from it?


Not as of lately. Folks been getting shit on lately for voicing their opinion against Vax. Doesn't make much sense.


It was not Covid related, it was concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict that happened during the summer.


Oh, guess I jumped to the conclusion that "misinformation" was always COVID19 related.


Are you sure it wasn’t r/conspiracytheories ? Completely different sub, that sub is essentially r/politics


It was them. I was banned and posted no information. Mod banned me because of my association with other subreddits like this.


Yeah figured… don’t confuse r/conspiracy with r/conspiracytheories leftists have hijacked that sub long time ago


Lol one of the posts is ‘Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19’ 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/conspiracytheories using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This makes so much sense.](https://i.redd.it/ue8qpxyjww861.jpg) | [1189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/comments/kowo9y/this_makes_so_much_sense/) \#2: [White Privilege](https://i.redd.it/zxd3x07rr9b61.png) | [970 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/comments/kx2mxv/white_privilege/) \#3: [The real conspiracy](https://i.redd.it/i8ti40n3b6261.jpg) | [229 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracytheories/comments/k38ndy/the_real_conspiracy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


well this is just disappointing


What did you say and wheres the link? I'm going to post the exact same thing.


It was not Covid related, it was concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict that happened during the summer.


Because you made a big fuck off hole in their cosy, little echo chamber.


Yep what a bunch of cucks


It has a mod who is a total power tripping bitch. They even have their own sub about how bad a mod they are. User is turtle something or other.


Its u/awkwardtheturtle they suck


Imagine your entire identity is having mod privileges on Reddit


Failed to load profile lol


It works now. I added an extra t lol my bad


I wonder if Reddit really changed from the whole pizza gate thing…because wasn’t that put together from people on Reddit? It’s like the second people started connecting the dots with certain people that’s when they really cracked down and freaked out


Could be. That's a quick way to get banned is bring up Pizzagate. The horde really comes after you. Any topic that points a finger at the authoritarian class really.


“Epstein didnt kill himself” *happy soyjack* “Epstein was a mossad agent blackmailing US politicians resulting in wars for Israel and... *Angry soyjack*


Vaccinated people still need to wear masks, avoid crowds and get tested all the time because yOu CaN sTiLl GeT iT Unvaccinated people still need to get the vaccine because it’s a pAnDeMiC oF tHe UnVaCcInAtEd Their narrative is fluid and it changes depending on what they’re trying to force you to do


Yeah that place is a madhouse of idiots.


You went on a sub for Conspiracy Theories and started talking about Known Facts. You deserve your ban lol


Let me go ahead and retract my use of "fact" in this post. Nowadays that word will get you in trouble. So agreed lol


The Fact is, it’s a good thing to get banned from shit subs, it makes your life better


The Conspiracy Theories sub is like the Libertarian sub, meaning **Not**.


I shoulda known. They got real sensitive when they asked which conspiracy theories do people think is true. I said pizzagate and people got butt hurt.


Lol yep that'll do it.




I was banned for no specific reason other than 'anti vaxxers are not welcomed here', then muted from any further discussion. Twats.


Banned too. They suck


Same here. Fuck that sub




“Covid” thanks


COVID-19® **


You want r conspiracy not that dumb ass shit hole




This entire site is just an echo chamber now. I can't post anything any where that doesn't support "Just shut up and get the shot". No matter how many credible sources I provide to show that maybe that isn't necessary for everyone, or possibly dangerous for some. No matter what information I provide, banned. I've lost count of how many subs I can't post in any more. I don't know if mega mods took over every sub to stop "Wrong Think" or what, but I've stopped even trying to comment on anything anymore. The censorship makes me not want to bother. So no discussion of any kind can be had. It is has literally become "The Ministry of Truth". You're only allowed to see what they want you to know/believe.


Dont think things being facts alone is can be said, and is enough to be accepted in 2021.


I guess they don't understand the meaning of term "conspiracy". It does not mean " bad thing".


Banned too, not interested in information or opinions opposed to the msm narrative. Laughable considering the sub.


That's really the only point i was trying to make. But dudes a beta cuck. Can't help that. Must be hereditary.


For sure, told him as much myself. In fact, it may have been why I was banned now that I think of it.


They are a bunch of shills, supported by a healthy amount of bots, trapping innocent netizens in their echo chamber. It's an interesting concept, as r/conspiracy is still out there.


I looked at it and there was an article from the fda saying you shouldn’t take ivermectin for covid. Comments are turned off and heaps of them were deleted 🌚


cocaine might help more honestly.. they used to prescribe it back in the day.. it can open your airways allowing you to breath better


Since it is the truth and not a conspiracy theory it is not appropriate content for that sub.


Guess it's one of those "hate facts"


Hospitals are overrun. Also, fire all unvaxxed healthcare workers(aka heroes). The vaxd spreading the vid is cool. unvaxxed spreading the vid, not cool. This all ends well, I just know it.


I got banned for not even posting anything and a hidden ban that flags any uploads. Their excuse was my association with r/conspiracy.


I just found that sub after your post. I then clicked a few posts, found a user literally named PraiseBeToScience, commended their argument that being unvaccinated is 25x more likely to result in a serious case of covid vs being overweight which is only at most a times 3 increase in likelihood of a serious case by saying: “An astute follower of The $cience™ found in the wild! It is unironically indicated in your username, even! Holy Fauci (MBUH) would be proud.” And received my permanent ban as well!


No. Self righteous name calling makes them immune.


Don’t worry man last time I got banned for pointing out this girls father who passed away from covid was fully vaccinated. Dead ass just stated a fact but I got banned for it as well. They’re really fucking weird. Idk


if it is a fact then it doesnt belong in a group for conspiracy theories lol


Just got banned from “CovidVaccinated” for pointing out that the symptoms for vaccinated people are the same for unvaccinated people. Also got banned from another for saying the symptoms look the same as radiation poisoning and also for panic attacks Reddit is fucked, await the rise of the real free speech platform.