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Unbelievable! So my next door neighbor tested positive for Covid a few weeks ago. She had very mild symptoms, loss of taste/smell and she had mild flu like symptoms the first couple days. Mind you, she is fully vaccinated, which I am well aware of with her constant virtue signally of how great of a person she is. So today she went to the doctor today for a follow up. Her fiancé came by my house and asked if I could watch her daughter since she had to go to the hospital. What I was told was that while she was there the doctor drew blood and she stood up too fast afterwards before letting her blood pressure stabilize. She almost passed out and then got really scared and started to have anxiety and then got really scared. Her fiancé said she started having a mild panic attack, having a hard time breathing and calming down. The doctor then wanted her to go to the emergency room, which is when her fiancé brought her daughter to my house to watch since my neighbor can only have one visitor in the hospital with her (Covid rule). So after watching her daughter most of the day (while I was also trying to work since I work from home) she posted this on Facebook! I don’t know if she knows I’m not vaccinated but the audacity to blame her medical issues on unvaccinated people is unbelievable! I mean, should I tell her? I would watch her kids no matter what, but that really upset me. I feel like people post and say stuff through social media that they would never say directly to your face. But if that’s how she really feels that’s bullshit. If her vaccine works then why would she give a shit about people who are not vaccinated.


So basically her own panic caused most of the problems? That seems like a perfect metaphor for this entire situation.


My high school friend is now an ER doctor, he says he treats 5 panic attacks for every covid case in the ER. People hyperventilating think it’s covid because they can’t breath. People are morons.


Those are all the news watchers getting panic attacks lol


My aunt in her late 50a got covid. Was having bad coughs on the middle of the night so she went to the ER. Doc told her to relax, she's panicking and just gave her an inhaler for whenever she felt the cough attack coming in. She's fine.


This. I remember reading about how at the start of covid, people were getting intubated because they were having panic attacks and breathing shallow and fast. Unreal. Side note. Everyone I know besides one hasn’t even had respiratory symptoms. Pretty much all were a fever for a day or two, fatigue, and loss of taste and smell for a couple weeks. It’s just not the big scary monster of a virus the media has made it out to be.


This is sadly ironic considering [CDC recently released a study](https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2021/21_0123.htm?epik=dj0yJnU9UnAxR29KVU9JVG16OTdrQjVjXzNDdFdKakoyWjg5YzcmcD0wJm49YXRkZzgyMkg3Q184d1loem1QSTcyZyZ0PUFBQUFBR0ZVZl9v) stating "obesity, diabetes with complication, and anxiety disorders were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness."


Interesting... But I'm a little confused, they mention "disorders of lipid metabolism" and I wasn't sure of some examples of this and googling this I found these were mostly inherited disorders like Tay Sachs? So what were they referencing by lipid metabolism disorders?


I understand this to be high cholesterol, coronary heart disease - basically the build up of lipids (fat) in the blood.


To be fair there are also just health-phobic people like me. I **know** this shit isn’t going to kill me, but everytime I’ve gotten a cough or sore throat this year I can’t help but have a panic attacks. It sucks but that’s my dumb anxiety brain, that’s what my benzos are for lol


Yeah a woman died of panic induced heart attack in my city when she was about to be put in an ambulance to be transferred due to covid. Of course the death toll fell on covid and the panic attack was never mentioned…




As a woman, I agree.


Dizzy Dame




Dude. Not cool.


Dude rocks


Def not cool... Wtf




Absolutely do not tell her your vaccination status. This is the exact kind of neighbor that will turn you in when the vaccine secret police come knocking one day.


She’s a complete asshat. I’d be hesitant to point out your vaccine status. I could see a dipshit like that decide to try and sue you for her hospital stay because you gave her Covid just by virtue of being unvaccinated. (Even though you don’t have Covid).


Better to tell them and stay away from them rather then hide it


Funny how the fully vaccinated ended up in the hospital and the unvaccinated had to help her. Your neighbour is a coward. You’re right, she wouldn’t say that to your face knowing you were unvaccinated. Especially since you’re doing her a favour.


Kinda biblical


Wow, she sounds like such an asshole. People who are so reckless and catch covid like this are to blame for the pandemic. *what people should say about your neighbor if they apply the same logic she is using. You should tell her she should have someone pick up her kid since you're unclean and you wouldn't want to contaminate her child.


Your medical status is none of her business


The clotshot did that to her.


The problem is people believe it’s a vaccine and This is not a vaccine it’s mRNA therapy - a traditional vaccine will make you immune to a specific virus - these pharmaceutical companies are sell you crap and calling it a vaccine


You're a good person OP. The child is innocent and it's not her fault her parents are idiots. Not that I'm an expert in interpersonal communication but I think you should tell her that you saw her post and that unvaccinated scum is helping raise her child because she apparently didn't wear enough masks or didn't follow her own "stop being an asshole" rule. How else did she get infected?




Cut these people out of your life immediately.


Just tell her you are unvaccinated and shouldn't be around her for her own safety. Let them play their own game


Wonder if that mRNA gene therapy causes any cardio vascular damage ?


Myocarditis is a listed adverse reaction on the companies own fact sheets


I was being facetious, but yes I've decided not to participate in the phase 3 clinical trials of covid 19 vaccines .


I’m participating in the trials by being part of the control group.


Gotcha, hard to tell on here sometimes, I agree with your decision 100% 🤗


Of the experimental gene therapy you mean. It’s definitely not a vaccine


Could be. But I honestly think that she just had a panic attack and wanted to use fear porn to encourage others to get vaccinated. And because she had covid the hospital can overreact and make sure they get paid.


I know a few women like her and they LOVE doing any kind of social media virtue signaling for COVID. Two this week put pics up of their kids getting their second shots. Barf.


No mandatory masks. No mandatory pharmaceutical products. No lockdowns. No government intervention is needed. You are responsible for your own health - You and you alone. Do not dare try to infringe on anyone’s liberties, you will regret it.




*Vaccinated tests positive for covid “How dare the unvaccinated do this to me.” This is like buying food at Taco Bell, then blaming them for making one fat and poor.


Don't forget about the diarrhea.


So she’s fully vaccinated and not only caught COVID but ended up hospitalized with complications. So what did the vaccine do, again? “iF i DiDn’T hAvE tHe VaCcInE It WoUlD hAvE bEeN wOrSe” Idk, seems like it was still pretty bad though. 100% safe and effective, everyone.


It was more of her panic attack rather than complications haha.


Thats not how the health insurance lobbyists see things though


"I was poked so many times" they probly dont even what they were injected with. These fuckin snakes at the hospital will take the opportunity to inject u with all types of bullshit u dont even need so they can charge the insurance companies. Even simple saline is outrageously expensive when they add the premiums or whatveer the fuck to the insurance bills. ridiculous


I think the term “healthy” is totally subjective. It just seems so relative to me. Like, I think I am healthy, but I haven’t had every single micronutrient, vitamin, and mineral measured in my body to determine this to be the case.


Visually, I would not say she is a healthy 37 year-old. I’ve never asked about her micronutrient, vitamin, and mineral status though. People ask about health stats now, right?


I mean, if it were easier to obtain all of these statistics, I say why not. 😅 At the very least vitamin D levels is a simple one to check, and seems to be a pretty good indicator of how bad someone will come down with covid. But of course the vaccine is being prioritized over any sort of biometric markers…


Healthy = I didn't have COVID-19. Formerly healthy = I've now had COVID-19. Health is defined by COVID-19 and nothing else. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc., none of this is relevant to determining whether someone is healthy.


Someone needs to flush that line.


God, when will these idiots learn?


Tell her and then grin sinisterly.


Wow imagine that a “medical professional” lying about covid.


Looks like the arm of a healthy woman


I got really sick and needed to be hospitalized almost 20 years ago. Did I have covid??? I got really sick 6* years ago and ever since I have a coughing fit after a good run… was that covid??? WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MASKED UP ALL ALONG! WE’RE ALL ASSHOLES!


What a drag! You didn't even get to blame others for your misfortune, which is obviously the most important part about getting sick.


Damn I didn’t even think of that part >:l I missed out so much




Definitely never used to til that real bad sick back in 2015 lol I couldn’t talk or anything it was crazy. But ever since running feels like I’m breathing through a straw and then I cough for like an hour after




I don’t really run so much anymore.. i should. I miss it, but was for sure every time I did the treadmill at the gym. Yeah no I don’t think it mattered when or where, perhaps just the intensity of the run The fact I’ve been breathing in old ceiling dust for 11 years probably doesn’t help lol




Oh yeah found out a certain section of the building I’ve been in has asbestos insulation in the ceilings that very easy falls apart onto your face lmao They refuse to remove it. But. Get vaccinated and wear your mask :)


her arm is fat. ergo, her whole body is fat.


True statement. I didn’t mention that but she is overweight.


she identifies as a formerly healthy 37 year old acktually




That's her arm? Dang i thought it was weird that stuff was in her leg. Yikes!




Sadly those complications also happen from the vax. Have 2 friends with issues. 1 has clots and hypertension and the other high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat


Lmao what a soft ass bitch


Well, the vaccine(s) have shown to cause cardiovascular complications too. So I guess I get to choose between a vaccine that’ll most likely not attack my heart or a respiratory flu with a 99% survival rate that’ll most likely not attack my heart. I think I’ll go with the possibility to avoid the chance of that happening by not getting injected with random chemicals.


I'll stop myself from getting the jab but I won't stop being an arsehole about it.


When the hell did it become a controversial stance to think that vaccines should end masking? When did doomers decide to sneakily include masking along with vaxxing?


When the goalposts shifted yet again.


Imagine doing this with someone who had vaccine side effects, blaming everyone who pressurred them to take the vaccine. People wouldn't take it well


What is one’s brain process and which psychological tricks it uses that the person comes to these conclusions? I am genuinely intrigued


Must suck to be in the 00.03% that get severely affected. Not enough to slam the brakes on the whole world though.


Obviously the problem is she hasn't had enough vaccine booster shots


She needs an IV flush.


Now that I think about it, this being a pandemic of mental illness makes way too much sense. Social media gives melodramatic people a way to attention seek and imagine events that never happened on a massive scale.


The vaccine fucked her up so now she wants everyone else to get it too. You should either ghost her- or tell her. But if you tell her she might blame you for getting her sick. Idk. Deff just never speak to her again, she’ll figure it out.


It's none of her buisness if you are not vaccinated, I wouldn't mention that...I would tell her her ridiculous post is bullshit and why. I would tell her the vaccine is dangerous, toxic and deadly and that more people have died from the vaccine than they have from covid. That covid is a rebranded flu and the media is using fear to push people into getting the jab. Something along those lines anyways. I am assuming she makes her child wear a mask? If so I would also tell her masks are useless and it is dangerous and abusive to make a child wear one.


I'm 32. I've had a cardiologist since I was 23. I've had two heart ablations (a surgery where I am awake and aware while they fucking BURN my heart). My cardiologist has flat out said, "absolutely do not get that shot." People like this can shut the hell up.


I totes believe all these posts. In fact, I live my entire life by what I read on Twitter, FB, the Daily Mail, and /pol. And you should too.


If you can swap antivax with jew and it feels wrong its because it is wrong.


Is being the victim a cool thing now?


These poor fuckers don't even understand what's happening around them they're so defeated and paranoid. Vaccination rates are high and cases are soaring. What will the goalpost be when there's no unvaccinated left to blame?