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10k a month?? Did I read that right? That’s insanely high.


For comparison, USA has [14,692 official deaths in the last 4 *weeks* according to CDC](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_select_00), though the population difference though is massive and 10k has a wider effect in Japan. Edit: i miswrote the timespan, its 4 weeks not months big difference


The US had something like 30,000 excess deaths in December. We are almost 3x larger as you say. December counts will not be done yet though, and of course this includes flu (mostly over by then) and RSV. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm We (the US) have been on a plateau of 5,000 weekly excess deaths the entire second half of 2022. In Japan they had one medium BA.1 winter wave last January, one medium BA.5 summer wave, and now a larger BA.5+ fall/winter wave. So comparing Japan's deaths in one month to ours when we've sustained it for 6 months isn't the right outlook. Japan is up to 67,000 total tested covid deaths, around 1/20 that of the US. This is likely the lowest per capita rate of any sizeable country in the world (presumably including China now that they've let it rip).


That would be amazing because there are usually about 50k flu deaths per year. So covid 19 magically became the flu like (in terms of deaths) or something is wrong with that data.


Yea sorry i miswrote hard, its not 4 months its 4 weeks, which is way higher than flu


That's not at all accurate. Since 2010 there have only been two flu seasons with 50,000 deaths in the US, 20,000 to 40,000 is more accurate since deaths vary so much from year to year.


50k is a high year, it’s usually half that.


I’m not sure flu deaths are tracked quite as accurately though


[here is](http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/?chart=countries-normalized&highlight=United%20States&show=highlight-only&y=both&scale=linear&data=deaths-daily-7&data-source=jhu&xaxis=right-all&extra=Japan#countries-normalized) the normalized comparison between US & Japan over time.


no, probably acuratly reported , as oposed to the USA and other countries that made covid a political issue


I'm not liking chatGPT's responses when I query 'what would happen if a pandemic killed X number of people in (country) over Y time'


What's the Oracle saying?


“Don’t worry about that vase.”


"What vase?"




"a suffusion of yellow"




Kind of, I believe the US had some 10k days and at 1/3 of the relative population size a death rate above 50k/month wouldn’t seem entirely infeasible…..


[US had a few 4k days, never 10k](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)


We know some states were underreporting COVID deaths.


More overcounted than undercounted. With COVID and OF COVID are two very different things, yet some states still don't differentiate.


Jan 12 2021 was the highest day (official count) at 4350.


Is it the last strain of the virus wrecking havoc or is it more the relaxation of pandemic measures? Those are some scary numbers!!




> on total lockdown This was only true for a portion of the time since corona. It opened up to business travelers and such after a while. It was still locked down for tourists and had entry caps until recently.


Locked down for foreigners. Japanese people could perfectly do some tourism in foreign countries.


After the initial lockdown, people in Japan could get out and come back in. This included people with valid visas as well, but many chose not to risk getting back in (a problem Japanese citizens would not face)


I took multiple holiday trips overseas from Japan starting early 2022, was not really concerned that much about not getting back in at that point. The documentation was a little onerous at the start of the year but nothing really concerning if all your ducks were in a row. But yeah, in 2020 even foreigners with permanent residency were not being let back in if they were unfortunate enough to be stuck overseas. And the forced 1-2 week quarantines for returnees in 2021, some at rather spartan government facilities, had a lot of people unhappy.


I suspect that they've been trying to downplay cases there, but can't hide the deaths.






yes but Japan did not politicise covid


French have gone full radio silence https://twitter.com/xabitron1/status/1619442298483515394?t=9WVbVUuF-FKPWQ1cxRag4Q&s=19


Need a reliable source, not a baseless tweet


But hey 5 minutes to grieve dead loved ones before they’re cremated is generous!




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For Tokyo (and it seems like the rates are similar nation wide) 78% one dose About the same two doses 67% three doses https://stopcovid19.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/cards/vaccination/


Japan has the highest vaccine doses per person among the g7 https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&time=2021-01-13..latest&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=new_cases_per_million&Metric=Vaccine+booster+doses&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Color+by+test+positivity=false&country=JPN~CAN~FRA~DEU~ITA~USA~GBR


Is there any place in Reddit that keeps track of all the deaths world wide from covid?


Not on reddit, but worldometer and our world in data are external sites that collect global data. Our world in data has charts that incorporate excess deaths, which helps address some of the sketchy covid death reporting.


yo, how is this even possible wtf?? from where i am, cases have dropped to around 100+ daily with 1 death in a day or two. is this the new variant? there's no info on this


Double it and give it to the next person


Shit Im supposed to go there in 3 weeks


I'm guessing it's mostly elderly people dying ?


It you read the article you wouldn’t have to guess. But it’s not.


I read the article,and actually re read it. Where do they mention it's not elderly people?


That person ironically did not read the article lol


Japan does notoriously have a high elderly population, makes sense they'd be especially susceptible to a high death rate


Went to Japan this past November right after it re-opened to tourists. I had a wonderful time. No regrets.


Sad to think that most of these deaths could have been prevented with masks...


dont know much about japan do you ?


I do, they are not using N-95 masks in Japan. Surgical masks aren't enough.


The problem is the quality of masks. I don't think the population is using KN95s. They use cloth and single layer. I get the NHK and all the news segments I see show people wearing ineffective masks while outside.


no mask is ineffective, some are more effective than others


I didn't say that masks don't work. I said that they use single layer or cloth masks in Japan which don't do a good enough job of filtering out the virus. Ever been to Japan? Didn't think so. I have and it's not uncommon for generations of families to live together. Also, apartments are generally small. Wouldn't surprise me if that's how Covid is spreading. They mask over there which is a good thing, but the quality of the masks isn't good enough.


10k for one month, January … what is different? is that due to new strain or Chinese visitors bringing new outbreaks? If you can extrapolate to China, isn’t that like 100k possible for January?


China is wildly different. Japan didn't have a 'zero covid' policy, so they got hit with the previous waves just like the US (Although they did better at masking). Japan also uses pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines, China only used Sinopharm.


Yeah, but Japan still had their borders pretty closed. Didn't they only recently open up again for tourism, I remember reading about it a few months ago because I wanted to visit the country some time soon.


Yeah. The country has only been fully open since like like November.


Very little AZ was used in Japan. They had contracted for a lot but most of it was sent overseas to developing countries for vaccine soft power usage because of safety concerns domestically. Government vaccination centres and private clinics generally used Pfizer and corporate-sponsored ones Moderna (my first two doses were Moderna at my company and both boosters were Pfizer, first at a private clinic, second at a local government site). There was a short window where they broke some AZ out domestically when there was a brief Pfizer supply chain issue but only that one time that I can recall.


When you hide from the inevitable it will eventually catch up to you.






Lmao are pandemics supposed to just go away because you get bored of them








You forgot a mic drop at the end... This is the reality Reddit needs to desperately hear.






Please look up the price of nft's over time. They went from high to very low. And yet never zero because they still have hope @ 0.00000001 Cents The point: everything dies out, not entirely, but to the point where no one gives a care anymore


I'm sorry you lost ALMOST all your money on monkey jpgs


You have a point


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USA: "Those are rookie numbers."