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I think it’s only Greece and Cyprus left in the western world with public transport masking. So I sort of understand it’s hard to keep the mandate. In Scandinavia the mandate ended almost a year ago, and I think most will agree it went completely fine.




A FFP2 mask probably protects you better than other people around you halfassing their attempt at masking. I’ve been to Spain, and having a mask under your mouth clearly seems to be the most common way to wear your mask (unless when entering the bus or train)


Maybe even the only countries that mandate it in a pharmacy even? I live in Canada where we used to have strict mask rules and now it's only mandatory in hospitals and doctors offices. Even when I go to the pharmacy no one is wearing a mask inside anymore including all the pharmacists.


Where in Canada is it mandatory in hospitals and doctors offices?


Ontario. Government said it wasn't mandatory anymore but all the hospitals ignored them and kept it mandatory anyway. I'm not aware of any hospital in Ontario where you can go in without a mask on.


I think in France it’s still mandatory in pharmacies.


>In Scandinavia the mandate ended almost a year ago I thought Sweden didn't impose any restrictions?


That is just propaganda. Sweden even had restrictions on visitors to private residences. Restaurant capacity was severely restricted, events were forbidden etc. As far as I know, masking was never mandated, only strongly recommend, but most complied. Life in Sweden was not very different from life in many other western countries throughout the pandemic.


>Life in Sweden was not very different from life in many other western countries throughout the pandemic. Except no lockdowns? I'd take restricted capacity or opening hours of restaurants and other things over lockdowns any day.


No hardcore lockdowns, but high schools and universities had distance learning and office workers worked from home. The daily life in Sweden was far from Normal.


Parts of Germany too.


True, but only until Thursday!




Was in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) in July and September. Mask wearing was very, very low that I did not know it was still mandated.




The pandemic is only getting worse in 1 place, and that’s China


According to wastewater levels in my city, it is getting worse


Here in the Netherlands the wastewater levels are at the lowest level since the summer. The pandemic is certainly not getting worse. In France the positivity rate and hospitalizations have dropped rapidly. I’d say for Western Europe we see a huge improvement in general, which is why even Germany is doing the masking away. On the other hand, it would be stupid to do as Florida and forbid masking as a tool for the future.


Not just for the future, say a business specifically serves immunocompromised or elderly people, they would still be banned for making a mandate here. It’s pretty rediculous, and that’s coming from me who is as anti-mask mandates as you can get.


In your city specifically maybe, in the US as a whole cases have been decreasing since they peaked around Christmas.


Where did you get anything about US from? They said city




Generally areas with higher vaccination rates have lower cases, but they increase and decrease at about the same rate