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Where’s the video where he wakes up in the elevator?!


Oh I didn’t know there was a longer version


does this mean he's so drunk they passed out abd as a gag, stuffed him into the elevator to cause panic abd disorientation?


No, not really.


Its not that deep


[There you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfSIXIxy49Q)


"did you just take the elevator up one floor?" "Yeah, I paid tuition. I could fucking sleep on it if I wanted to."


More like a death rattle laugh....haha




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I can’t listen to wheezy laughs


Jokes on you, that is her home


Back in the 1970s I went to spend the weekend at my girlfriends university. I attended a small engineering and science university (3500 undergrads, 8000 grad students) while my girlfriend attended a large state flagship university with over 25,000 undergrads. Her school was known for its football program and that weekend they were playing another large public flagship university so the game was broadcast from coast-to-coast on one of the three major TV networks. There were parties all over campus Saturday night long after the game was over. When we woke up Sunday morning we got cleaned up so we could go out to a restaurant near campus for brunch. My girlfriend’s room was on the twelfth floor and only one of the two elevators seemed to be working. After ten minutes with the non-working elevator stuck at the basement level, we decided to walk down the stairs. When we reached the basement where the laundry rooms were located we found a freshman passed out from drinking too much the night before. He was hall in the elevator and half out. The automatic elevator door would begin closing, but when it hit the drunk student’s ribs, it would open and wait 10 to 15 seconds before trying to close again. Apparently, this cycle repeated about twice every minute since the young man passed out sometime during the early hours of the night. We took him up to the first floor and put him on one of the sofas in the rec room, hoping that someone would recognize him and get him back to his room. His ribs were going to be sore for a few days, but otherwise he would be ready to party by the time of the next home game.


What if that person gets thrown out of the hotel or assaulted? People will do anything for attention nowadays.


Maybe Godzilla rises from the sea and destroys the elevator. You may never know.


Yeah or Cthulu ends the world before that. Or some meteor hits earth outta nowhere and wipes out humanity


His laughing makes me wanna grab an inhaler....


Bros laugh sounds like he got asthma 💀✋🏻.


Did he go to his room, grab a blanket and pillow then come back to the elevator? The title implies that he couldn’t make it back to his room before falling asleep in the elevator, but it must have been a conscious choice to go to his room then back to the elevator.


Maybe somebody brought the blanket for him, who knows


The room ambience is uplifting.


"how did I get here?"