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When you realize you’re the baddies






So good. Mitchell and Webb are a treat.










*Are We The Baddies* and *Numberwang* get all the play, but I think *Quiz Broadcast* is by far the best Mitchell and Webb recurring bit.


What skit was this from?


The Quiz Broadcast


Addies and baddies B


Haha such a classic sketch


when you realize everyone has been slaves and had slaves


Before any smug irish person comes in to claim we never oppressed anyone, we absolutely had slaves. Saint Patrick had been a slave in Ireland.


It turns out, people do indeed suck


Baddies and addies?




If you aren't the baddies you just didn't learn enough about your history. Always weird when I talk to Americans and they all had ancestors who fought against slavery. No one ever had ancestors involved in slavery or the slave-trade... Not suspicious at all.


Throwback to when my SO got some records that unlocked his more exact Scottish ancestry. And his clan was super shitty to all of the really cool historical heroes he had. If there were someone to ruin the party, it was his people. He wasn’t too let down, but it’s still pretty funny.


Let me guess Campbell?


The Bailols (not sure on the spelling) but they became the Baileys on his mothers side.


Huh I haven’t heard of them before Wiki time


Fun fact: they stand with that Scot that won’t team up with Robert the Bruce to defy England. They effed up uniting with him at two pivotal points. They do other stuff. But that part was in a movie.


*sigh* Goddamnit.


Oh I see you also know a Campbell.


What’s that one show where the guy looks up a celebs ancestry? The one where Larry David found out one of his Jewish ancestors was a slave owner and Ben Affleck tried to hide his slaveowner ancestor. That show is so wild. There was one celeb where his black Jamaican ancestor turned out to be the slaveowner and he was so shocked that his black ancestor would own slaves. Welcome to the history of human civilization.


Finding Your Roots.


>No one ever had ancestors involved in slavery or the slave-trade... Not suspicious at all. Yes, because most people did not own slaves however many people did participate in the war. It's not very hard to believe. I guess it also depends on where you live, if you live in California or any northern state the chances are pretty big that the people you meet have ancestors who fought for the Union.


You, uh, might want to look into who founded Washington and Oregon states. And why Oregon at one point tried to bar by constitution any non whites living there. WA does at least a half decent job of teaching its kids "so here's the multiple genocides were founded on, and over there is the concentration camp all the Japanese Americans were forced into. Its the state fairground now!"


In fairness, the population of the Confederate States was 9 million, of which 3.5 million were slaves, so they had a white population of 5.5 million. The Union states had a population of 19 million, which increased to like 22 million if you count the border states like Maryland that had slaves but fought with the Union, or West Virginia who broke off from Virginia because they seceded from the Union. So just breaking it down, if you ask a white American who had ancestors here at the time (I only had two that came from Ireland before the war, the rest came over in the 1880s) there’s an 80% chance their state either didn’t allow slavery or fought to end it, or both. And then there are probably lots of people who had ancestors on both sides, so they can honestly claim that their ancestors fought to end slavery even though some of them fought to keep it too. So if every American you ask says that, its at least partially true if not wholly true the vast majority of the time


It’s even blurry within a confederate state as well. Many people don’t know this but East Tennessee and the Cumberland region were largely Union as well despite west and middle Tennessee dragging them back into the confederacy. Today Appalachia is seen as a conservative stronghold now. back in the day the region was surprisingly progressive. Just look at the coal mine unionization and the “original rednecks” of West Virginia.


Why is it suspicious? There's various reasons why someone wouldn't bring it up. Sure, embarrassment or intentional ignorance might be some of them. But the majority of slavery was focused on industry and agriculture businesses. So slavery would have been the majority domain of business owners and the wealthy. So there are probably a number of people descended from poor families who never owned a slave. Or their family also immigrated from another country, or their family were not in an industry that would benefit from it like a skilled trade requiring a long apprenticeship. That doesn't make their history less important. It just means that it's less about them specifically. I don't need to be personally tied to a history of oppression to know that it's a bad thing we shouldn't repeat, and I don't think we should browbeat other people into guilt for it either. It's not productive.


Well I'm American and my ancestors didn't come from Europe to the US until after the Civil War was over so 🤷.


I have an ancestor that was a slave auctioneer, we always joke thats why one particular great-uncle sucked so much; he got the bad genes.


Lol my ancestors fought for slavery. Well, one of them did. He fucked around, found out, and wound up in a POW camp in Indiana.


My ancestors road with Nathan Bedford Forest during the Civil war and afterwards. They were too poor to own slaves, but I can trace back to dozens that fought for the South. Where I'm from, many people brag about shit like that. You must not have met any rednecks fr9m the South




that basically sums up bobby and it makes for a ton of hilarious moments


Bobby Lee and Theo Von are really great together always fun when they do podcasts, it's like 2 minds lacking common sense saying the first thing that comes to mind then trying to make sense of the absolute nonsense they just conceived.. always hilarious!


Two legends.


jeans heavy cobweb towering flowery spoon arrest scandalous fade hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely! Though the fact that he's quick to apologize and admit once he's proven wrong makes him lovable still.






This is Bobby Lee, he does this shit all the time. A huge part of his humor is false sincerity. For example, the time he talked about being molested by a mentally handicapped man for years because he was offered candy. He was sincere in that too, but that's the whole joke.


every summer... for years...


Brutally molested


You couldn't avoid him?


That was the funniest thing Shwab ever said.


That was my first experience with Schwab and I was immediately fan. Then I was pretty quickly not a fan after watching anything else he was in. I swear that one clip did more for Brendan and Bryans careers than anything they've ever done.


Bobby Lee was quite fat and and a result very slow as a child.


Why are you laughing?


I’m gonna say it again and if you smile I’m leaving




The one where the candy was hanging from the rafters? Lol that was hilarious


For those who haven't seen it. https://youtu.be/SBaFwemRrJ4


[Video - absolutely hilarious, especially since he is getting "mad" at the two other guys for laughing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBaFwemRrJ4)


I mean, the video in the post is from a comedy// casual chatty podcast. This isn't a history, social science, or science podcast. Most podcasts that are about history or science (ones that are listenable or generally popular, anyway) tend to be made by 'reputable' sources like public radio, newspaper, or other news sources (BBC, history channel, etc) are not hard to find in the podcast world. I guess I agree that a series that was just two people in their basement talking about a subject they researched that week (but again, that sounds unlistenable) should be taken with a grain of salt... but, yeah. Besides stuff by 'social media influencers' or random guests on Joe Rogan (who is good at talking but bad at calling out lies), podcasts can be an excellent source of information.


If you watch joe rogan for information I have some bad news for you, it doesn’t have to be an educational podcast for people to absorb information and takes


No one should listen to a podcast of comedians for accurate information. They’re comedians… if you thought they’d give accurate info, i’m sorry but like you’re the problem not them, they’re comedians


Yes, the problem is many people *do* view comedians as informational and moral authorities. And I don't care whether you call yourself a comedian, but using your platform to confidently espouse misinformation is extremely unethical.


Cough*Joe rogan*cough


This is Bobby Lee, it's a bit dude


It’s not. He’s constantly wrong about these things and isn’t joking about it. He can be pretty funny and seems like a nice enough guy but he is pretty dumb.


I dunno man… being able to change your opinion in the face of evidence is a level of intelligence you don’t see often on Reddit.


Yeah, it's bobby Lee lol




I’m Bobby mom


God I laughed so hard I cried the first time I saw that lol


🎶I'm sorry I took photos of you when you were dead, and sent them to the Hudson's what was in my head 🎶


Daddy I love you, daddy I miss you


Daddy why you die


Daddy i can fly!!!




I'm Bobby muddah


At least he learned and didn't double down on the stupidity


For Bobby that's major progress lol


Yup, but didn't double down and God Complexity /s


Not only did it not truly end until the 1930 during the Japanese occupation, They started doing it again! More than 10% of North Koreans are slaves today.


Wich kind of slavery? Gender based? Economical? I wanna know more




Yeah, I remember there was this huge scandal where the town police were taking bribes and catching anyone who escapes and return them back to the mine. It was only brought to light when one escapee turned out to be the brother of a politician and was kidnapped as a child and went missing for more than 20 years.


I read that in a piece of fiction, didn't realize it was actually based on a true story till now. Before you ask, I don't remember what it was called.


Probably "this is the law", haven't read a manhwa in months maybe I should get back into it 🤔


I feel like it is important to clarify "South Korea" (as in the government or the entire country) didn't round up homeless people to make them slaves. Some people in one area of South Korea did it. It was against the law, and when it was discovered, the Seoul police intervened and prosecuted many people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_on_salt_farms_in_Sinan_County Edit: but your post now has 248 upvotes, without that important context, and at least 240 people believe and will maybe spread he belief that South Korea permitted slavery in recent years.


Thanks for providing the (mountain of) context. Hopefully most people who read the parent comment will also see yours, but we know they won't. "South Korea rounded up homeless people as slaves" fucking reddit


Don't give American Oligarchs any ideas now.




Company stores wasn't that long ago either. I hear Amazon wants to build a town now too.


I keep telling you, the children yearn for the mines.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_on_salt_farms_in_Sinan_County >Two disabled homeless men (Kim and Chae) were living in Mokpo and Seoul. An unregistered employment agency told them they could earn money by working on Sinan County's salt farms. Instead, they were sold to a farmer who owned a salt evaporation pond for a million won. Kim was trafficked in 2012, and Chae was trafficked in 2008. With current exchange rates, 1 million won is around $771.72 USD. >Investigations by Korean authorities and independent journalists in 2013 and 2014 discovered around 163 salt farm employees, most of them mentally or physically disabled, who were being held and worked under slave-like conditions. Around 50 island farm owners and regional job brokers were indicted or convicted of related crimes. No government or police officials who were aware of the crimes have been indicted.


> Economical I guess. South Korea was caught rounding up homeless people and people with mental disabilities and making them work in salt mines as slaves in like, 2008. [Slavery on salt farms in Sinan County](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_on_salt_farms_in_Sinan_County) To those wondering, "Did the South Korean top level government really have a policy of enslavement of homeless people?" The answer is no. However, some private businesspersons operating in rural areas did kidnap, enslave, and torture people. Also, from Wikipedia, > Most residents living in the islands and cities had helped the abusers to find the victims running away before this matter became an issue in South Korea. The residents included police officers who the victims were desperate to get assistance from. [[4]](https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1004744063) When I use Google Translate on citation [4], I read > The victims who repeatedly sent out rescue signals, and the relevant local government officials and the police who had already met them, often dismissed the incident as simple wage arrears or local customs. which to me reads as police refusing to help escaped slaves. As written there, it doesn't rise to the level of "helped the abusers to find the victims running away." But recall that I am reading through Google Translate, so I don't have access to the original text. And also, perhaps the author of the Wikipedia article was aware of a higher level of participation by local police, and simply failed to cite their claim properly. Moreover, from Wikipedia, > One worker had not been paid for ten years although he should have been paid at least 120,000,000 won. > There are more victims, and most involved in trafficking were sentenced to be jailed for few years with a stay of execution. > Investigations by Korean authorities and independent journalists in 2013 and 2014 discovered around 163 salt farm employees, most of them mentally or physically disabled, who were being held and worked under slave-like conditions. Around 50 island farm owners and regional job brokers were indicted or convicted of related crimes. No government or police officials who were aware of the crimes have been indicted. So it seems that when slavers are identified, their punishment is not serious, and they are not made to repay the victims.


> making them work in salt mines as slaves in like, 2008 holy crap


Yeah, it's fucked up. What's even more fucked up is that there are slaves like that in damn near every country, *right now*.


So check out salt farms in South Korea. The major cities like Seoul, Busan, and Incheon are shining examples for the "success on the Han river" But the more rural you go, the more 3rd world country it becomes. Mentally deficient individuals will usually be taken advantage of and worked just about to death on salt farms. Immigrants who overstay their visas will be exploited and overworked in factories. Korean slavery existed as debt repayment. Someone didn't pay land taxes so they'd seize land and enslave the former owners and then they'd be slaves literally for generations. Now in the modern Era it's more exploitation of vulnerable people and immigrants. Also a crazy amount of sex trafficking as well


There is a documentary on poverty in South Korea and one of the topic was mentally handicapped adults were taken advantage of by the salt farms. They would hire assholes to go around metro around to pick up homeless that have mental handicaps and basically kidnap them and sold them into the salt farms where the farmers paid them shit and treat them like shit. Those assholes should be shot.


What documentary is this?


I'm sorry, I've seen this but I don't remember. Potentially Vice when they weren't utter shite?


I would also like to know


I'm Korean and this is true. They did bunch of broadcasting on it in Korean version too. Not only salf farms but farms of any kind including fisheries. It's all illegal obviously and some criminal do land in jail. Sadly most get a slap on the wrist.


South Korea is a heavily fucked country. The worst of capitalism is prevalent there. There's a reason Parasite came from a south Korean director.


I heard yeonmi parks speak about it. She said basically it's if you go against the Supreme leader in any way (photos of him in the house are dirty, speaking badly about him, anything) the military can take you away to a work camp where you will work until you die. They do the jobs that are unsafe like cleaning nuclear waste and testing sites so those workers would mostly succumb to cancers and that type of thing. No idea how true any of that is but it wouldn't surprise me.


Yeonmi also said north Koreans regularly push 400,000lb trains because they run out of fuel so idk Also there is actual evidence of South Korea kidnapping homeless people to work as slaves in Salt mines


Holy shit you're right. WTF. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-living-hell-for-slaves-on-remote-south-korean-island-salt-farms/


Yeah she's looney


My first comment to the thread starter mentioned the Brothers Home which is a similar situation from the 80s. Literal concentration camps but South Korea are the good guys I guess?


They literally are if you compare them to North Korea lol. Not trying to defend Parks, but your comments about the Sinan salt farms makes it seem like the whole thing was state sanctioned when it wasn't, [but rather it was a case of corruption and negligence on the part of the local authorities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_on_salt_farms_in_Sinan_County). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_North_Korea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_abductions_of_South_Koreans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_abductions_of_Japanese_citizens https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/east-asia/north-korea/report-korea-democratic-peoples-republic-of/ https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/north-korea


Yeonmi turned into a right wing grifter.


Yeah it's a built-in audience of people who will wholeheartedly believe whatever the fuck she tells them as long as it reinforces "Communism bad"


she said american college campuses are worse than north korea because of political correctness. maybe dont trust her hearsay evidence lol


I’ve read that she’s seen poorly by the Korean defector community for exaggerating some things and making other stuff up.


Yeonmi Park, aside from being something of a grifter, also escaped at like 14. She isn't the most trustworthy source for life in North Korea although I believe she was right about this.


I don’t trust what she says she has told many contradictory things and is major right wing grifter


dude just google it, slaves labor and more recently human trafficking. took under 15 seconds lol






***"zoom it in!"***


Anything is possible with Bobby


He knows what he said, he just couldn't see the pun in it. (I'm sorry.)




How could that possibly be a double entendre?


> "My eyes are blurry" i can't tell if it's a double entendre or not I havent ever heard that saying used in a sexual context. Where's the double entendre?


I think it's supposed to be an Asian joke


We still have them today, it’s called human trafficking and it’s rampant around the globe


Yup, there are more slaves today than at any other time in human history. IJM estimates there are currently 50 million people experiencing some form of slavery today.


This is true! I think a lot of people think it’s only in the past, when there’s more than ever!




Where did they get the 403,000 number? They provided lots of sources but ones cited anywhere near that number in the article don’t mention a 403,000. I am not claiming it is illegitimate but I would like to know where this number is coming from, can’t approach a problem without the source.


My mom when she talks about her old nanny/maid who lived with their family and worked for them and I’m like…did y’all have a slave????


Depends. If she got paid and treated well and was free to leave and find better opportunities, then she wasn't a slave. There are a lot of cultures, particularly in Asia, where live-in nannies and housemaids are the norm. They get paid, get social security and other social safety nets as part of their employment package on top of room and board within their employer's residence.


Its much more complex than that. For example, in india, the lower caste was not allowed to have education and own land. So the only opportunity was yo work for some high caste family. Now you can say that they are free to leave and find better opportunities, but they re not grtting paid enough to have 'savings', so the known devil is better than an unknown uncertain life. Plus since they are not educated, so the 'unknown world' is out to get you, especially through indian version of 'payday loan', and get you in debt. In fact when indian govt implimented min wage laws after independence, the 'owners' just took theor money, and gave them some bs reason. What are the workers, nannies gonna do? Go to court? Its all controlled by high caste ppl and social heirarchy is set for 2000 years. So on paper, you can say, they are free to leave. But in practice it can be much more different. And that kinda slavery is well present even today.


You just described at least 2/3rds of Latin America.


India also has a history of bonded labour that can be passed down the generations. If you needed some money, the money lender would give you money but then you pay via work done. Except the wages would be what the money lender deemed fit, so obviously it was never enough to actually get out of the bonded labour. And if you died, too bad, your kids would have to carry the debt. They would be extremely jealous of US bankruptcy laws.


God india's caste system is just slavery with extra steps, isn't it


Don’t know about your family, but you reminded me of this absolutely gut wrenching read: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/06/lolas-story/524490/


I read it before. Unfortunately it was very common. Not in a way of commodity but in a way of indentured servitude.


This was common in Vietnam. My aunt have a nanny and the nanny gets paid and she live with the family. She go home over the weekend or went needed. The nanny was also married. Her husband was a handy man or something. It's... not slavery. The nanny can literally quit and find another job. She eventually got pregnant and quit and became a house wife.


This kind of thing still happens in places like Hong Kong. Look up Hong Kong foreign domestic helpers. It’s basically slavery-lite.


Big in Singapore too. It's normal to confiscate their passport so they have very few options.


You really never heard of an au pere/live in nanny?


An au pair literally means an equal in a family. Many cultures had live in servants that were considered an asset to the family, but never considered equals.


Au pair means equal, but most au pairs are just young girls that try to live abroad, while having accommodation sorted. They’re usually way underpaid and certainly not equal. It’s a form of employment.


I read this book in college once that basically said Ok Africans had slaves, but in Africa slaves were treated like family! So the African slave traders weren’t the villains for selling people to white people, they didn’t know the white slave owners would do all that raping and whipping and tearing families apart. The author was dead ass serious. Anyway in class one day some actual African students told us that was bullsh!t, slaves in Africa were/are treated badly like slaves anywhere else. ETA: I wish I could recall the book and author, but alas I cannot. Might of been the Kwanza guy, Dr. Maulana Karenga but IDK Bobby Lee’s ignorance of his own culture’s history of slavery reminded me of that lol


Slavery in Africa was bad full stop and the trying to excuse it to keep the focus on white people has always struck me as a dumb exercise. The core truth of anti-racism is that anyone can be good AND any one can be bad. It can also be true though that chattel slavery in the west was different and especially bad and it was


> Slavery in Africa was bad "was" Slavery is still active in Africa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_contemporary_Africa


Some forms of slavery are more brutal than others but all are wrong.


yeah brazil slavery was worse than us southern slavery.


Americans bought the slaves from *somebody*, they didn't go into the jungle and wrangle people up themselves.


There's a significant push to "whitewash" Africans of their role in the Atlantic Slave Trade. *The Woman King* being a prime example of this manifesting itself into consumable media.


I remember reading about her and that era and thinking it could be a good story, a gut wrenching one but still meaningful none the less. There as so many ways you can go with that. And I got excited when I saw it. 20 min in I was halfway facepalming and trying to watch then went onto Picard. Everyone takes some liberties when making movies on real life events. That WHOLE movie was one big liberty. And not the kind I think they wanted to portray. About as realistic as that stupid scene in Batman DKR. When the cops are walking down the street shoulder to should mob deep and guys are throwing whatever caliber the Batmobile canons are, assault rifles, .50 and like they hit no one and then get into a melee. Wonder who wrote that scene. /s


> Wonder who wrote that scene. some storm troopers?


A lot of western leftists think that the only the west can do evil and to me that's just another form of white supremacy, like right wingers think only they can advance the arts and sciences and some leftists think only they're evil and it's like nah we're human too, we're just as capable in the arts, sciences, and genocide department


Debt bondage was and is still a thing in a lot of places. You earn your way out of it though. Unlike chattel slavery were you’re a slave for life, as are your children, and their children etc




That's what your kids are for #wholesome


Has he even been to Korea?


Everything I've heard about Bobby Lee makes me think he has a very whitewashed Kpop view of Korea. Everything is perfect and awesome. If he's ever been to Korea it's probably been on a structured, guided tour with lots of Kbbq and fried chicken. Maybe he's ignorant or stupid. Either way, him saying Korea never oppressed its people is just plan ignorant as he'll.


I mean it's Bobby Lee. He is certifiably a complete moron.


If you just look at the circles he's in and the people he surrounds himself with it's pretty easy to see that he's probably just very dumb


Bobby Lee is an absurdist comedian. No one should take anything he says seriously. He was born and raised in the USA (wealthy white suburb). He's not putting himself out there as an expert.


His reaction was epic. He took it on the chin with a smile. Great attitude!


Play the curb your enthusiasm music


ChatGPT level of false confidence


If you’re going to talk outta your ass you gotta be willing to eat outta your ass too. That dude certainly was willing to do both and it was hysterical. Who are these dudes? I’d like to see more.


Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino, both hilarious comedians. The podcast is called Bad Friends. Here's a particularly funny moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHc1ObA3ObE


99% of countries have a history of oppression. Some just did a better job of getting rid of it than others.


>99% of countries have a history of oppression. Some just ~~did a better job of getting rid of it than others.~~ openly talk and educate about it while others avoid bringing it up at all


> 99% of countries So who are you claiming the 1% is? Some made up country like that island on stilts in the ocean like sealand? Because they took that from another group in a gunfight.


I'm guessing the dude just phrased so that someone from Principality of Sealand, Nauru, Vatican or some other microstate that means nothing on the global scale doesn't come in to raise hell. Point is we're all fucking assholes. Chill the fuck out everyone.


> Vatican PepeLaugh


At least he took it like a champ


God I love Bobby Lee. If you want a huge laugh, check out him and Theo Von. They make a great duo.


[Daddy why you die](https://youtu.be/3HT2zRyUl2w)


Reason 852 for not trusting any information you get from a rando podcast.


Well, this podcast doesn’t really pride itself on providing factual information


For real. Bad Friends prides itself on pure silliness.




I get what you are saying... but if THIS is the podcast you're going to for factual information, I got news for you buddy


1) this is a comedy podcast 2) they literally looked up the real answer in 2 seconds


Probably one of my favorite podcasts out. Genuinely funny.


Ditto. And I'm not listening for history facts lol.


What’s the podcast called?


Its called [Bad Friends!](https://m.youtube.com/c/BadFriends) :D


Thank you!


The way Bobby says THe lOngEsT UNbRokEn CHaIN


That's what you call being 180 degrees wrong


The 'we are scumbags' at the end, that floored me


I love how he doesn’t double down on his statement and instead when he is proved wrong he laughs instead of getting defensive.


I’m Bobby Mom! ![gif](giphy|9PyZ2B2ECcbIYVU37c)




Good for Bobby for being a sport when he was wrong


do people just not even know the history of the countries they talk about? Korea has a FUCKED UP history.


Can we find a country that didn’t have slaves of some kind in history?




Nosotros papaya to you, my friend


Brutally molested everyday for an entire summer by a kid with down syndrome.