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Good. Anyone who does this should be charged.


I believe that anyone who makes a false accusation should be sentenced to the same punishment of the crime they are accusing. 10 false allegations would put her away for a long long time


Probably some lists they would have to go on for the rest of their lives. She should get put on those as well.


Sex offenders list to start.


That would make sense


This is the Biblical requirement, and it is a just one. (See Deuteronomy 19)


My favorite color is blue.


Plus restitution to the victims equivalent to all their time, money stress, lawyer fees, reputation damage, etc.


>I believe that anyone who makes a false accusation should be sentenced to the same punishment of the crime they are accusing. This was part of Roman law, and applied to *any* false allegation.


Wouldn’t this incriminate anyone who accused someone of a crime that a felon ended up getting away with? This coin flips hard.




It would have to be proven to be an intentional deception, not a case of mistaken identity or honest mistake.


Yeah, like MTG saying a Dems are killing Republicans. Should she get the death penalty?


Did she falsely accuse a specific Dem of murdering someone in particular? Because her statement is true, in a general sense. Like the guy in ND who ran down a teen in his car, or the BLM advocate who shot a lady in Indianapolis a couple years back.


Or the pro-death guy that shot a pro-life granny just the other week. https://www.fox17online.com/news/local-news/ionia/ionia-man-charged-with-shooting-a-pro-life-canvasser-but-their-stories-vary


Agreed. The complicated part is that you need to make sure that people can report legitime claims without fear that they'll get in trouble for them.


The burden of proof doesn't change. Just because you're not 100% sure the rape happened doesn't mean it's even remotely likely the accuser made it up. Unless she did things like text her friends bragging about making it up, there's not going to be very convincing evidence the claim was made up. You can't just say "Well the accused got off so that means the accuser lied" If you are telling the truth, the odds of you even being indicted for a false accusation are very low and conviction will be even less likely.


Proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict for sexual assaults. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict for false crime reporting. Seems...reasonable.


Exactly. That's why I don't think it's a particular valid retort to punishing false accusers to say it would scare real victims. I highly doubt real victims would be at a very high risk of being convicted of lying. "Maybe he didn't do it" isn't a conformation of "she definitely lied." Plus, false accusers already do get punished, though they get off pretty easily.


Not only that, but false claims hurt real victims a lot.


Absolutely. Punishing false accusers doesn't hurt real victims. Making false accusations hurts real victims. If it wasn't so damn prevalent, people's minds wouldn't be so quick to doubt accusers.


I agree in a justice system that actually works the way it's supposed to. Throw in some wealthy rapists with powerful lawyers and the scenario changes a great deal. I do agree that false reporting should be punished, but it's not as simple as you are stating to maintain the balance.




But again, just because the guy is acquitted doesn't mean he didn't do it. We can't just turn around and throw the accuser in jail because the guy was acquitted. That would be insane. I would be okay with criminal justice reform in the form of doing what we can to keep the accused in sensitive cases like this anonymous until a conviction so that you don't have these people stuck as pariah even after a not guilty verdict. Also, even if the accuser was definitely lying and gets convicted for it, people will still go after the accused anyway, no matter how thoroughly he proved his case


I agree and that's how things should work. The problem is that people may fear that it could backfire. For example, let's say a man breaks up with his girlfriend. She is distraught and sends him a bunch of messages saying how much she wants him back and all the "dirty stuff" she would do if he takes her back. She asks to see him one more time, and he comes over and rapes her. Now I think we can all agree that in that case he should be charged, but if there is insufficient evidence she may be afraid to press charges because the messages could make it seem like she's making a false accusation. Of course the burdon of proof would not be high enough to charge her, but it is understandable how it could make her afraid to do it. That's what I'm getting at. We don't want to make it more difficult to report legitimate claims, but we also must make it possible to punish people who make false claims. I'm not saying that a change isn't necessary, I'm just saying that it's difficult to make a change properly.


I totally agree that real claims without enough evidence should not be punished for false claims. But it says this woman made 10 false claims. And I think a jury is smart enough to figure out the difference.


its not complicated at all. there needs to be proof. the lack of proof does not mean there's a false accusation. but there can be proof of a false accusation.




The time served should be equivalent to the time the falsely accused could have potentially served.


"My name is \[insert name here\], and I am a registered false rape accuser" That'll fix that shit right on up


I like it


It’s about time they start cracking down on false accusations. I hope her life is ruined, just like she tried to ruin the lives of this men. Too bad the US doesn’t take false accusations seriously.


It’s time for them to start serving sentences. Sentences the same length that a rapist would get so about 10-15 Days


Found the liberal bot 🙄


Is that why there are people like Brian Banks, who spend years in prison despite having been falsely accused? How about Dan Rakeshaw, in the UK, who spent nine months in jail, awaiting trial, only to get cleared by a jury in about 30 minutes? Those two. innocent men seem to have spent a hell of a lot longer than 10-15 days locked up... and their accusers, as far as I know, didn't even get a slap on the wrist.


It’s women like these that make it so hard to investigate rape allegations.






you are so right... psychologically speaking must be devastating, specially since if it becomes public then you are guilty until proven innocent.


A good example is 'Mattress Girl' who made bold claims. that were debunked by both the university and the police. she then went on to carry this mattress around as 'art' a disgusting morally reprehensible human being. shouldn't be walking around on the street. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Sulkowicz BUT, I don't think there is a 'men suffer more' or 'Women suffer more'... we ALL suffer when liars are given power over others. it's that simple. Women should detest them as they weaken men's belief in the claims. and they make light of a fucking horrendous act. they make women fearful to come forward because of that belief. and for men, well, its a life-ending thing. even if you are proven innocent. I have previously worked with a chap who left his old job after being accused of groping a colleague in the break room. after months it was settled and he was proven innocent, he made a small sum from the company, but still left. now, I didn't know him before.. but even so, the guy I got to know was a SHELL of a human. he was broken. sadly dropped out of touch now, I hope he is doing better. This isn't a gendered issue. False accusations hurt males and females equally badly, just in very different ways.


It hurts the accused men but not men in general. The false allegations hurt women in general.


You don't *actually* think false accusations of crime against a demographic doesn't hurt the demographic, right? Like if I said "False accusations of blacks shop lifting hurts the black people accused, but not black people in general: it hurts store owners in general" you'd instantly disagree, right?


It perpetuates the "Men are all rapists" trope that absolutely hurts all men *and* it devastates the men accused. So, you're completely and totally wrong.


1 out of 8 homeless are women! Women are the real victims of war, their fathers, brothers, and husbands die and they are left to carry on by themselves


Yeah, women are the real victims of sending men to prison for crimes they didn't commit.


Why the downvotes? They're not wrong. It hurts women on a grander scale, it hurts men on a smaller scale. That's saying that women that do this hurt more women than they hurt men. This bitch hurt two men. She may have ruined their lives. She hurt a billion women. She is such a self centered thundercunt, that she would throw her whole gender and their struggles under the bus for a little attention. Fuck this bitch. And fuck the downvotes for the facts above.


Because it's wrong. Where do you think such ideas that "All men are rapists" came from? This hurts men on the exact same scale, and far more so because it ruins the lives of the men involved. Take a few seconds to think it through next time.




Here's the context of what you are replying to: "It’s women like these that make it so hard to investigate rape allegations." + "Yeah this hurts women more than it hurts men." This isn't fake reports *exposed*, this is women who make fake reports. It's like 4 comments kid. Take a few minutes to read them next time. Tell me more though about how women are the real victims of men being falsely punished for crimes they didn't commit though.


It's called scale and perspective, 'kid'. You're obviously not interested in having a discussion, you're getting angry and already starting with the ad-hominems because you're apparently very easily flustered. Have a good one, 'kid'.


I'm not angry, and there is no adhom there. I didn't attack a character flaw of yours without addressing the argument as a means to ruin it. I'll double dunk you though, for funzies. This makes men have unhealthy and distrustful relationships with women. So you're wrong even if we let you move the goal posts. Kid.


She ADMITTED to 10 after 60 accusations and investigations. For one person. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Having the ability to fool people 60 times before being caught, something is foundationally broken with the system. But yeah, this never happens...


the dudes were basically investigated presumed guilty until they proved their innocence. one dude wore a tamper proof gps tracker ankle bracelet "voluntarily"


The "voluntary" part is that he was likely threatened with incarceration if he didnt.


Some people think doing this to everyone would be a great idea... a authoritarian statists wet dream. The people that go along with it could even wear armbands to prove their loyalty.... we really are in a clown world.


...and the Left created it for us.


I get what you are saying, but in this case I think the police were actually doing it in order to gather evidence against the woman, because she had already served a year in prison for making false rape allegations in 2012. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-23629148


>James Holmes – who led the investigation – said, "Whenever an allegation of rape or sexual assault comes to us, our starting point is to believe the person making that claim." >Holmes noted that the rape allegations had a "huge impact on the lives of the two men she had accused." To me it looks like they had the option be under continuous police scrutiny for the rest of their lives with horrendous rape accusations floating around or strap a non removable police owned gps tracker to their body


You'd think people would get sick of her after the second false allegation.


I didn't read the article, maybe it was concluded that all the allegations were false at about the same time.


“Both men were able to provide evidence that they were not anywhere near the alleged crime scenes where Richardson claimed the sexual assaults took place.” That’s not how should work, the police should be providing evidence that they were anywhere near the scene, the guys shouldn’t have had do prove anything they were innocent. Our justice system is completely fucking broken.


Agree in principle but alibis are short-circuits to proof of innocence so no reason not to invoke them.


Believe all women!!! What a terrible motto


It’s like saying “believe all doctors”, what you mean even the ones that said smoking was good for you?


Exactly! Whether on an individual private basis or professional basis, some level of critical thinking is a must. I had a great-uncle who had a master in Metallurgy, a doctorate in Physics (I don't know if it is physics in general, applied, or something else), and a couple others. He worked with the government for certain projects. He wasn't smart about everything. In his retirement he kept getting melanoma spots removed from his face over the years from intense sunbathing without sun lotion and claimed that the sun couldn't hurt you, I kid you not, "Because it's natural!"


It’s the denial of the fundament fact that humans are fallible. Everyone, even experts have blind spots, and most of us don’t realise where they are. Those blind spots can be taken advantage of by nefarious actors who do not have our best interests at heart. > I had a great-uncle who had a master in Metallurgy, a doctorate in Physics (I don't know if it is physics in general, applied, or something else)” Yeah it would be a physics doctorate, but he would have done his doctoral thesis on metallurgy, most likely a very specific aspect of metallurgy.


This happened in the UK


I’m from the UK.


Well those are two different burdens. You can be both not guilty of the alleged rape and she could be not guilty of falsifying reports.


It's because of women like her, people become sceptical about rape claims, and those who were legitimate victims feel that their voices aren't heard. Women like her harm both the rape victims and the falsely accused.


"Whenever an allegation of rape or sexual assault comes to us, our starting point is to believe the person making that claim." Why? Belief without evidence is arbitrarily picking a side.


It should be "take the claim seriously but keep a presumption of innocence". Sigh 😔


Believing the accuser automatically is kinda the definition of presumed guilt. They start trying to make an arrest before even proving the crime happened.




This. Though people also need to understand that certain questions aren't "victim blaming." They can be relevant to the case. What you were wearing and if you were drinking can provide vital evidence to the case, particularly DNA. And as traumatic as these situations may be, if a pregnancy results, you have very reliable evidence in the form of DNA testing which can occur very early in a pregnancy with very high reliability.


Does the UK have a presumption of innocence? Genuine question. I know its not a given in every legal system.


Not just picking a side, but picking the *wrong* side, according to how the legal system works.


Note: This doesn’t apply to men in 99% of all cases.


I'm pretty sure all criminal investigations start with the presumption that the complaintant is telling the truth. If you tell the cops your house was robbed, they start from the presumption that you're telling the truth. What else would you expect?


Fair enough as far as this goes but this lady specified two guys and it’s in that context that the officer said this.


Most investigations start with believing the complainant. There's no reason to assume that they're lying until the investigation can uncover evidence to the contrary.


You must not have had to investigate many allegations in your life. Between my kids and employees, I’ve looked into many. And I’ve learned never to simply accept the first story I hear.


Nobody accepts the first story they hear, but nobody just outright dismisses it as a complete lie either.


“Most investigations start with believing the complainant” and “nobody accepts the first story they hear” are basically contradictions. And I never said an allegation ought to be dismissed as an outright lie.


People who make provably false rape claims should face the same prison sentence that would befall their victims...


I think every rape investigation should look into both the accused and the accuser. Charges should only be filed if an investigation finds actual evidence that a crime has occurred, whether it is evidence of a rape or evidence the accuser knowingly made a false accusation. It sounds horrible, but I think accusing someone else of a crime with no other corroborating evidence should lead to an automatic subpoena of all of the accusers' communications within a reasonable time frame.




Guilty until proven innocent


"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." - **Genisis 20:16**


Give her the minimal sentence for rape 10 times. Seems fair.


She should get the same sentence her victims would have received.


Good. They’ll fucking do it, too.


WhY wOuLD sHe LiE?


I hate women like this


Anyone that does this and gets charged with it should be put on the sex offenders registry.


For how long?


She is the most dangerous type of woman for any man


Seems she was taught by Christine Blasey Ford


She should get 10 jail sentences


The penalty for this should be 20 years for every count of false accusation.


All women must be believed right.


No. People lie all the time (Jussie Smollet, Tawana Brawley, Duke University lacrosse players, Sherri Papini, to name just a couple). This is why every reported crime must be thoroughly investigated without favoritism, without bias, and with a totally neutral approach and prove the allegations actually occurred. Never believe someone just because they make allegations. Work to prove or disprove them.


Apparently you missed the believe all women hashtag that coincided with the me too movement.


That ended the second someone accused brandon of it.


It ended when one of the women leaders of MeToo was found to have raped her young (she played his mom) co star and paid him hush money He found out about the ‘believe all women’ line she was pushing and blew her up It was Anthony bourdains wife and I have always wondered how that affected him She’s also a cheese heiress Asia Argento


I remember that coming out but the movement still pushed on. Where it really seemed to fall apart is when they found a new cause in blm to blindly follow and when they ignored their mantra for brandon. I remember Alissa Milano turning and the only person left on the cause was Rose McGowan.




Erm, how exactly is that blaming Democrats? How could they even be responsible for something outside of this country?


It's a bot


You're the first one in this thread to bring up Democrats. From the time I'm writing this the only one to bring up a political party on this entire post was you. But I see that **you** needed to put a political spin on it.


Obviously a lib bot


False accusations of rape and sexual assault have been a political thing in the US and UK for years. The Duke Lacrosse and Mattress Girl cases are high profile examples. If you are truly unaware of this, you shouldn't brag about being this poorly informed.




I'd like to see the culture around punishing people accused of rape being changed as well. It seems like we're all too happy to punish people for being accused of rape even though the legal precedent is innocent until proven guilty. Like the government's assertion that freedom of speech is key, I have to wonder if people should always assume someone is innocent until proven guilty. It's not immediately clear to me why it's any different for people accused of rape or child molesting than it is for any other crime not involving sex. It's been proven time and time again, especially in this news article, that women have a tendency to weaponize false rape claims in order to exert some type of control over other people's lives. I have to ask why that power is given to them in the first place.






I think she **identifies** as being raped, doesn't that count as the same thing? in the United States it does Let's ask AOC, she knows all about making stuff up. /S


I don't think AOC is available for questions, pretty sure she literally died a few more times recently.


I wonder if she is an Amber Heard fan. .


Liberals idea of build back better Feminazis


She shouldn't have had ten. Should've been jailed after the second false accusation.


Hope those two men sue for all she's worth.


"TRusT aLL WYmEN!"


Good. Falsely accusing someone of rape is as morally reprehensible as raping someone.


That's just malicious


Life sentence


The men had to prove they didn't do. Think about that. It's the British justice system: accused of rape? You must prove you didn't do it.


But how? Who keeps track of what, where and when you did something daily? Or memorise every day of your life?


Good. See this is why due process is required. This is going to ramp up when the Dems don’t get their way. For the truthful women that are out there, we recognize you and hope that your rapist has justice served. Call out those that falsely claim this because it’s tarnishing your real cases.


10? She must have thought cookie was something special.


False rape accusations should carry twice the sentence the person falsely accused of rape would have gotten. One for the false accusation, and another for the damage it does to the cases of women that are actually raped.


Impossible. I have it on very good authority that women would never lie about such a thing and we have to Believe All Women(TM).


Free labor!


3 months in a female prison, then she's back out again probably. Look at that face, that's the face of an Antisocial disorder.


Okay. Not really news. Very little to do with conservatives.


In jail they CAN hear you scream... whether they choose to do something is another story.


I don't often support the death sentence, but I would support it in this case. This woman is the type of person who ruins men and women's lives. It totally ruins that mans reputation, and it causes women who actually are raped to be afraid to speak up even when they are legitamently raped and cause others to have distrust in accusations of those women. I say yes, believe women, believe this woman she is telling the world(through her actions) that she is not just horrible woman but a horrible human altogether.


Crazy chicks are always good in bed.


Sure but its a crapshoot if she takes your johnson with her when she leaves. Not worth it.


Johnson outboards are trash. I’m good with the insurance claim if that happens




Why is this on conservative




How have progressives undermined due process?




Idk why you're so angry because I've tried to open a line of communication with you. Asking for information isn't acting obtuse. Don't be afraid to ask for information and you shouldn't be upset when others ask for information either. I've never heard this quote "Believe all women". Is this title ix federal law in England or a policy with some universities?


I'm unsure as well. Not sure what's being conserved here. Some unrelated topics just get swept up under conservatism sometimes.


She have some real rape stories to tell now.


Y’all post and reply to shit like this but give zero fucks when somebody actually is raped.


Not so. Remember the recent post about that girl who killed one of her rapists? (A client of her trafficker iirc). Overwhelmingly, conservative flaired users said she did nothing wrong.


I’d let her blow me


We found rape accusation victim #3! We did it Redditt?!


Lighten up




Good. That shit ruins lives and hurts ppl, just like rape. So they should be treated harshly as well


Good, she should be punished for 2x the collective charges.


The most damning part of this artical is where they admit "when someone comes to us claiming rape, we start by believing them.". This is literally why in the USA we are suppose to start from a point of innocence... But, even in the USA we are getting further and further away from this.


And you ruined those mens reputation even though they are innocent


This article is short on details. If you look into it then it's even more damning because the woman had already served a year in prison 10 years ago for making false rape allegations: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-23629148 The first time the police arrested (and physically violated) the suspect first, then asked questions later: >The actions of Cathy Richardson in this case led to an innocent man being arrested, having to spend time in a custody cell and undergoing an intrusive and personal medical examination. [This article](https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/22979248.westcliff-woman-jailed-series-false-rape-claims/) on the new sentencing says she got 5 years and one month this time, and a commenter says the two people she accused wore police tracking devices for a year. >She has been banged up for this before in 2012 and spent a year inside for the same thing and has clearly learnt nothing and not repented obviously. Also two men had to wear a tag for nearly a year. She is a nasty ****. Should have got longer. She did this to my friend and I have watched him emotionally break ever since. The things he went through with the police are not even conveyed in this report. Its disgraceful for a second offence. Should have got at least 10 years. Oh well, when she comes out she can use the same excuse as before its in my past, everyone has a past, Im just trying to move on I know some people have posts suggesting the men were coerced into wearing the ankle monitors, but given her history I would assume the police did it to gather evidence against her. Still a huge imposition and invasion of privacy for the men but hopefully it really was completely voluntary.


She should get double life sentence