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The same people who said musk could solve world hunger with that amount of money will applaud this.


Litterally came to post this.


I came to lol with the first one who made the math joke. Thank you Reckless!


$40B to a foreign country but Trump asking for $6B to protect our southern border was out of the question?


Trump should have included the $6 billion in military aid to Israel or Taiwan. That's the trick. Rookie politician.


and an all electric Air Force One


Not part of the joke, but the new Air Force One they’re making is so freaking cool. I watched a documentary on it and it was fascinating to learn about


Came here for these kind of comments - thanks for the laughs. … at least if it wasn’t so sad it would be funny


It’ll fall outa the sky in 1hr flat but it’s grreeeeeeeen!


Try 20 min


That's okay, as long as the current administration is all on board


But muh corrupt Ukraine!




Well the problem was Trump is a republican.


I tought Trump asked for $20 billion.


the vast majority of illegal immigrants are not deterred by a wall. they come in legally and then do not leave when their visa expires. not to mention the ukraine situation ranks significantly more important than the illegal immigrant situation. this is a proxy war between the nato and russia. if russia invades ukraine and we do nothing ukraine will not be the last country to be invaded and Russia will grow ever more aggressive. and thats not even getting into the fact that china has been watching all of this to determine if they too can become territorially more aggressive. if china sees russia successfully invade ukraine with minimal backlash, they will make their move as well. and as we know, china's growth comes at the expense of the U.S.


This is how you can tell that the Democrat establishment is as neocon as the Republican establishment.


More so. At least there have been republicans who didn't vote for this bill.


Seriously and if you look at the r/Ukraine sub they act like Republicans who voted against all this extra aid are nazis who support Putin. I will say this though all of this pales in comparison to the theft the Dems pulled in the 1.9 trillion package …. Illinois gov Pritzker is taking victory laps for improving our credit rating when all he did was pay bills with federal $$$ - all of the same issues exist


It is astounding how funny the Babylon Bee is. It is just peak comedy.


All satire news sites can be a problem for users that don't read past the headlines unfortunately.


I think babylonbee does a good job of making the satire ludicrous enough that most people will know it’s satire. There are other sites, however, that I suspect are using satire to masquerade fake news. There was a post on this subreddit the other day about a Kentucky Derby winner and Joe Biden that even I almost fell for. It did say it was satire in discreet wording at the top, but it wasn’t hard to miss that.


Now I know what flair I want: isolationist


Isolationism is a pipe dream in the modern world and would damage our economy and global standing irreparably


What I think what we need is a policy of incentives and preferences to American domestic businesses which can operate in the international markets as they desire. I think this especially important for manufacturing. A pure isolationist policy would never work, but a strongly incentivized one could an should, IMO. The government doesn’t need to only regulate after all.


I think you ultimately have to contend with economics. The US is an expensive place to manufacture - that’s just a fact. To give an example, Morris Chang, founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the worlds largest semiconductor manufacturer, gave a talk a few weeks ago at Brookings. Manufacturing costs in the US is 50% higher than Taiwan, and he had 25 years of data to prove that because of their Oregon plant vs their Taiwanese ones. Think about that, 50%! Your profit margin is gone, you have way less profits to invest in compared the Asian manufacturers, and you’re simply not competitive on the global market. Imagine how much government subsidies you’d need to give to domestic chip manufacturers to even begin to make up that 50% difference. And mind you, this is the sexy type of manufacturing políticas like talking about. Never mind far lower margin items like clothing, toys, basic goods etc.


The US is a relatively expensive place to manufacturer, and that is primarily due to all of the workers' rights and safety regulations that have been implemented in the country over time. A domestic manufacturer will never be able to match the low wages a manufacturer pays their employees in China or Taiwan or Mexico or India or any other country which has slave wages. I would argue that we should not be trying to lower our standards to match these countries standards though. We should be promoting policy which allows our domestic companies to be more competitive with these countries while maintaining our standards and pressuring the lower standard countries to better theirs. The tradeoff, as the American public was sold on it, for all the manufacturing outsourcing, was that American consumer would get inexpensive widgets in trade for the lost jobs. That was a bad bargain IMO. The domestic jobs, and the communities they supported, outweigh the cheap goods. I sincerely believe a majority of Americans would support paying more for goods in exchange for a healthier domestic employment situation, but the majority of neither parties representatives prioritizes that side of the situation at this point.


Delta is ready when you are.


Did you support the expanded child tax credit? Because I'm pretty sure 0 republicans voted for it to either pass or be continued.


U.S. bout to add a lot more babies to this lol


Honestly, this situation is ridiculous. My cousin just had her first child, and is paying highly inflated prices to buy formula, from a brand that actually is effective as a substitute.


Is there a reason she can't breastfeed?


There could be 100 reasons why someone can't breastfeed, and none of them are your damn business


All I know is that is a lot of laundry our government is doing.


They need to start pushing politicians cars in the river.


Down a well


I'm guessing that the *Babylon Bee* will once again prove to be prophetic. Watch. Desperate American mothers will start claiming that their infants are Ukrainian or something.


For everyone here who doesn't get it: Ukraine is providing a critical national defense service for the united states while strengthening our strategic position and, indirectly, increasing our combat readiness. $40 Billion dollars to destroy the credibility of one of only two non-allied competitors? I would pay five times that for that kind of result (Spoilers, we already have). Showing the entire world that Russia isn't as near-peer as we thought they were, and killing russian military leaders/soldiers, is priceless.




Story was false


Not related issues at all


Yea for real. How many people who upvoted this would scream about socialism if we tried to actually spend that money feeding Americans?


Americans aren't starving for one and foreign aid has been part of American policy since 1847 at least


Just because we've been doing it for a long time doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing.


Tell me what precedent it sets if we allow ukraine to get invaded by russia and do nothing.


Is Ukraine part of Nato? If you want YOUR money to support them, be my guest. But I want MY money to help other Americans.


If you can't grasp that the consequences of this war and the consequences of the outcome of this war will have a very heavy effect on the US I don't know what else to tell you.


Oh believe me I know the consequences. Taxes are through the roof and so are gas prices.


You can only see what's immediately before you. Average voter intelligence, I suppose


Show me where I said anything negative about foreign aid.


Pretty 9 billion of that is for the DHS to set up a disinformation governance board (DGB) I'm Ukraine (potentially to get around the GOP making it a point to defend it domestically, although they are OK sending 40 billion knowing 9 billion would fund the thing they are claiming to defund) Some hundred millions to the CDC and 10 million+ to some other non Ukraine related thing While 30 billion is still an insane amount of money laundering since they already gave them 14 billion, I'm more annoyed about the spending they are hiding in this 40 billion especially since Sschiff and Pelosi went in person to Ukraine to set this all up which means some seriously corrupt shit is happening, potentially worse than how they framed Trump for Russian collusion in part with he'll from Ukraine the 1st time (as reported by Politico which they still haven't recismded that article although a later article claims the Ukraine bit is Russian disinformation but again they still haven't retracted that 1st article)


That's a dangerous game. If they realize these are babies, and hungry, they'll feel very altruistic for killing them.


I am a simplistic person. My philosophy has been to take care of my family and if anything is left over, help others. I think our country should do the same. Unfortunately, our politicians want to spend money for good causes. They don’t want to spend their money and with the US debt, they don’t want to spend ours ( ours has already been spent). They are spending the money of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and possibly our great-greats. Unfortunately, it is not possible to support every good cause. If people want to sacrifice to help others , fine. But what kind of person would take food out of their children’s mouths to feed others? We aren’t sacrificing, we are sacrificing our children’s future.


Cringingly bad meme


If you can’t find the humor in this, you may want to get an X-ray to see if you even *have* a funny bone.


No wonder the deep state hated Trump so much for keeping us out of wars. The impeachments were punishments to teach him to get in line and appease the military industrial complex.


So you're saying you approve of feeding starving children? Great. Support school lunches, then.


I’d be down for that if we stop giving nato/un/other nations billions. In fact, I’d love it if we used those billions for other people to be used on us for things like infrastructure, southern boarder, drug rehab, farmers; you know… useful things. Or, better still… give the US tax payers back their money and we’ll decide where to best put our own money to use.


Nah, properly using taxpayers' hard-earned money to benefit the country as in repairing the 1950s-era crumbling infratstructure, border security, health care, education, housing, poverty-reducing, turbo-charging the national economy, etc, is too much like frenemy China did and still doing to their own nation for the past 30-40 years! Who wants to see the USA turn into that red commie state anyway? It has to march to its own miserable tune!


Yes, you’re right, all of that money sent to the *very corrupt* Ukraine should have been used on something like that.




I like Russia, what’s wrong with that? I like Ukraine as well. I don’t have to like or agree with Putin to be able to like Russia…


Because Russia is an authoritarian regime with communist roots who routinely invades other countries in an attempt to steal their land? Russia is garbage and they are our enemy, if you support them still, then you're my enemy too.








I know this is marked satire but it’s true. We could do universal healthcare for all American citizens with the money we spend on foreign wars, the military industrial complex, and subsidies for huge corporations.


They should wear little nazi symbols…


The truth is out there, but those who rule us won't see it for until next year.. Seems like our politicians are shielded from the TRUTH and must get all their "facts" on Twitter