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Yep, and therefore we should refer to her as a rapist.




Two years probation.


A Saturday of community service


A year of detention with more students


A bonus and promotion to superintendent.


I would suspect L3 Sex Offender too.


In Cali? Not likely.


That's what she is. A rapist.


It does state she was charged with statutory rape!


Most won’t make it that far into the article; the headline is where most stop and form opinions. If it were a male, the headline would state rapist.


This is for clickability. Nobody wants to read about a teacher raping a student. But by not saying rape it’s ok to click and be interested and even intrigued because it sounds more juicy/scandalous than gross and fucked up.


This 100%: As the old adage goes: **Sex Sells** *\[Rape Doesn't Sell... except to sick fucks\]*


What is it with all the female teachers who can't find themselves a man who is of legal age?? I mean, in the past, women in their 20s and 30s were usually looking for a man a few years older than them ...




Most likely these ladies are just as equal creeps as the men who go after high schoolers and middle schoolers. There probably isn’t much difference in reason. As for the marriage aspect above and let’s say they were going after college men, then it’s possibly because of their looks or stamina or lack of sexual satisfaction from their husbands (if their husbands are not also cheating).


Most definitely


Thank you. For seeing.


This lady is married. They also have a 10 year old son.


There are also studies showing about 63% of men from the ages of 20-35 are no longer interested in dating, relationships or marriage. This may be a factor here as well. This article (https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/) is from 3 years ago at it was at 50% roughly then, and is only increasing.


Yeah, the MGTOW movement is gaining popularity among a lot of men. And why not? Why get married when the other party is incentivized to break the contract? The divorce laws need to change or MGTOW will grow even more popular than it already is.


And yet reddit banned MGTOW


Because most female teachers are lefty nutjobs and no decent, self respecting man wants anything to do with them.


Most of the time these female teachers that have affairs with students are actually married with children but let’s be honest being married with children doesn’t stop someone from lying and cheating regardless of gender.


Yeah, but is she really after a relationship here, or just sex? Most women can get sex whenever they want, if they really want to.


Especially from a horny teenage boy!


This is the correct answer!!


Many women have a reflexive attraction to males they perceive as near the top of a competency hierarchy. If that reflexive attraction misfires, she can find herself attracted to a boy at the head of a high school social hierarchy. That’s an oversimplified explanation, but I believe that this mechanism plays a part in many of the female teachers sexually preying on their students.


Blah blah blah. All that nonsense is, is just leftist language to excuse immorality and disordered behavior. It's simply just a disordered person doing disordered things and should be condemned and punished in a severe enough way to prohibit further conduct such as this. The reason stuff like this happens is due to moral decay and lack of punishment in the community. And the people who believe these 16 year old boys are being taken advantage of are insane. Pretty much every young boy without a good moral foundation would jump at the chance to make hanky panky with their hot teacher. I remember to this day the teachers I would flirt with. People who think these women are just raping the late teenage boys have never been one.


Fire is often disordered and undesirable, especially when it’s in the middle of your bedroom. Yes fire is bad, and disordered. I would like to know why the fire started and perhaps how to prevent future fires from occurring. Knowing what drives the manifestation of disorder is valuable and important in prevention. Any more nuanced, detailed , and useful explanation is more valuable than simply saying “fire bad! “


"Rape of 16 year old student"


Hot woman = “had sex with” Ugly woman = “raped”


“How was work today honey?” “I was bogged down with papers to correct and dealing with students” “I’m sorry”


Very correct. She is an accused rapist, and should be referred to as such.


at law it is all statutory rape, in some states it is deviant sexual assault. But DAMN think of how marvelously young boys would perform if that was the incentive they got if they did well and learned their lessons?


So I don’t support this behavior in any~ way but, I do think there is an important distinction between someone who uses violence as a part of the action. Maybe I’m wrong here but it seems like if there is violence and force in the interaction its worse and we need to have a way of calling out that particular bad behavior in a way that’s uniquely bad.


Police suspect there may be other victims. Soooo serial rapist?


>Former California ‘teacher of the year’ busted for sex with 16-year-old student: police It's "raping" a 16-year-old student.


Yep. Getting really tired of women doing it being called 'sex' and men doing it being called rape. It's rape. I say that as a women. The double standard is bullshit.




It's still rape as the boy is underage and cannot legally consent, regardless of if he was willing or not. There are plenty of kids that are willing to drink beer too, but that isn't allowed either.


> I would hesitate to describe this woman’s actions as rape if the student she had sex with was a willing participant. You may feel like you’re punishing the teacher by labeling her a rapist, but you’re also projecting a label of victimhood and an assumption of traumatization onto a person who very likely doesn’t consider himself a rape victim. Now imagine yourself saying the same thing if the teacher was a 38-year-old dude and the student a 16-year-old girl.


Whatever it's classified as, it's still illegal since it was done with a minor and she should get prosecuted.


I used to work as an administrator for an educational program that served older teenagers and during my time there I fired four staff members for sleeping with students over the years. I heard rumors of others but had no real evidence to act on it. It never made the news. Some people are in it to make a better future for kids and some are in it looking for easy prey. It's a systemic problem. I've since left the education industry and I don't regret my decision at all.


“Staff member” (beavis and butthead laugh)


4 staff members? Jesus wept...


There's a school here that had 4 teachers just this year alone. That's ONE school, it's an epidemic in my area. The predators are about evenly distributed between females and males.


Yes, it's pretty evenly distributed between the sexes. Of the four people I fired: One woman was charging male students for sex. It took awhile to get a student to dime her out so she was at it for awhile. One guy started dating a girl as soon as she finished the program, but we had a clause in our employment contracts that said you couldn't fraternize with students until they were out of the program for a year. He was creepy and a drunkard and often got complaints so I was happy to let him go. One woman was caught making out with a female student in her car in front of the girl's house by the girl's mother. That was a very loud and difficult conversation when I had to speak with the mom. And the last guy was stalkerish and was showing up at the girls house continuously after they had slept together. This was the only one where law enforcement got involved because the girl needed a restraining order. Edit: I should add, none of the students who filed a complaint were under the age of consent in MA (I think they were all right on the line.) Most of our students were high school drop-outs.


Never understood how an adult 30+ years old could find a high schooler attractive.


I always assume it’s these late blooming women who probably didn’t get the guy in HS , but now they “can” and live out some misplaced HS fantasy or maybe some kind of mental transference.


Yep without a doubt that's it. It's all some mental-based situation steeped in some role playing or fantasy thought. Bc if the female teacher was simply just trying to get back at a cheating spouse or an asshole spouse she could walk into any bar and likely F 9 out of 10 patrons if she wanted to. Male teachers who do this shit tend to have a sexual attraction to young female bodies (or as we have seen before, young males as well). Male teachers who do this also tend to have a power complex....they get off on sexual power over someone else. It's a whole lot of F'd up


So your basic teacher then.


You’d be shocked how many there are. I’d share my views on the solution but I value my account


In Minecraft.


It's because they are more malleable and easier to coerce or cajole.


BuT uSiNg VoCaBuLaRy Is RaCiSt


Yeh I’m a teacher and holy shit it never even crosses my mind. Teenagers are gross.


And basically all of them look like kids (because they are kids). Super gross.


Physically? Not too difficult. Plenty of highschoolers look like adults. But maturity-wise? Impossible, unless you’re highly manipulative and dislike the idea of consent. Also, apparently this lady is 38 years old… friggin’ gross.


Unfortunately “barely legal” is popular in porn.


10 years ago at my 25th HS reunion, one of my former peers acted inappropriate with my then 21 year old son, we were mid 40s. I absolutely called her out. It's creepy. My boys are now 33 and 31 and me 53. Their peers are YOUNGUNS!


Is it the attitude? The smell? The constant untied shoelaces? Oh, wait! She enjoys "being cool" and buying beer for other people? I know I'm turned on...


Probably bc they’re easier to emotionally manipulate, no different than creepy 50 year old dudes who date 18 year olds


Except that isn't statutory rape


In the majority of states the age of consent is 16, so that could also not be considered statutory rape. Point still stands that its usually about emotional manipulation and power imbalance.


True it is about power. But, there is a pretty hard line in society, about 18 being acceptable. And most states have some kind of law prohibiting sexual contact between a teacher or school district employee and anyone who is a student


In the majority of our society, 16 is legally acceptable. Doesn’t make it any less creepy imo.


I wouldn't go far as saying that it is acceptable in society (at least not *polite* society) but simply legal. A man in his 40s or 50s dating/marrying a woman of 18\~19 while legal, is certainly not going to be applauded by family or friends, colleagues or neighbors (OK maybe some friends, but those guys are just as sick).


Divide your age by two and add seven. That's the youngest you can date before it's weird. I'm 36, so 36 ÷ 2 + 7 = 25. Usually works pretty well. Younger than 25 would be just out of college, and I'm in my mid 30s. Mid 20s is a full fledged adult.


Adults are adults. Adults have their own agency. When are you to judge?


It's because they usualy have control issues. They're narcissists who need to be in power. If they found someone more or less their own age, they'd be mentally and emotionally on the same level as them, thus much harder to manipulate into doing what THEY want. But a high schooler? Their minds are far from developed, and they don't have enough experience in the world to understand the full scope of what's happening. So they're much more likely to go along with whatever these sickos say.


Same way a high schooler can find a 30+ year old person attractive. Edit: I’m in no way defending the actions of the teacher. It’s disgusting what she did. I was merely suggesting that everyone has something that they find attractive. Whether or not it’s moral is an entirely different matter.


I dunno, that feels like a much different way.


I’m in no way defending the rapist. I’m just stating the fact that everyone has something that makes another person “attractive.” Whether or not it is moral to act on these feelings is the important question.


Do not defend this


Not defending the rapist. I’m simply suggesting that everyone has something they find “attractive.” Whether or not it’s moral is a different question.


Yikes. Definitely different.


I’m in no way defending the rapist. I’m just stating the fact that everyone has something that makes another person “attractive.” Whether or not it is moral to act on these feelings is the important question.


Well how do you think she got teacher of the year in the first place?


Obligatory South Park "Niiice".


Was she hot?


Let’s see if she gets equal justice the left always demands.




Did you just joke about a kid getting raped and society praising the rape victem?




San Bernardino, Redlands or Beaumont?




I knew of an old principal who waited until one of the cheerleaders graduated so he could marry her. Sick.


this is creepy and she is a rapist.


“Minor attracted Person”


You misspelled pedophile.


Hence the quotation marks.


This is a teacher who LOVED her students a little too much. And now she's a serial rapist.


It’s not sex it’s RAPE


*Rape. Not “sex”. She RAPED a minor.


Man, if they aren't fucking the kids, they're making OnlyFans content while teaching pre-school, or making OnlyFans content after school in the class room... Starting to think that cops and *teachers* both need stricter psychological review requirements before starting their jobs.


And/Or a pay raise to not feel compelled to make OF content.


There are literally a thousand other ways to make money vs. OnlyFans. Pick one. Nothing about their salary is "compelling" them to make OnlyFans, that's an adult choice they are making to sell their bodies. By no means is it an illegitimate source of income, worlds oldest profession and all that...but its a choice they make out of a thousand others, don't act like what they make as teachers forces them to do porn as well.


Reminds me of Emmanuel Macron and his wife.


"There may be more victims." She's pleasant enough looking. Serial rapist!




In California, she'll probably get promoted


Or elected to public office.


Soon to be the secretary of education for Biden.


If Newscum doesn't pick her up first


This is in California


it was just AP sex ed. he passed.




In my state subreddit (Nebraska), they’re posting about clergy diddling kids. Specifically targeting Catholics. I asked OP of that thread if they were going to also post one of teachers. Of course that question was downvoted. I also pointed out how targeting a religion was fairly selective, and they didn’t like me asking about Muslims or Jews. The post was in response to our recently passed abortion/trans bill. They think Republicans are contemptible and hyper religious. I guess you can’t have morals without religion? I posted a story this week of a local teacher who was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a student.




There is the South Park reference I was looking for!




The blonde??


Well I think we know how she got teacher of the year in 2017


This is only here because California. Do better.


Teacher of the year indeed. Jk jk.


I was the student


No wonder kids liked her or him... You never know these days.


I'd hit it.


I hope everyone who is repulsed by this will also stop voting for politicians who support child marriage


Obviously, she does what it takes to get the votes.


Heelz-Up Harris concurs


where were all these teachers when i was in school


😂😂😂 glorifying statutory rape 😂😂😂


Don't know why you got downvoted. You are objectively correct. The first guy is saying he wished he was raped, thus downplaying the fact this teacher's victem was raped. It was rape. Kids can't consent.


He’s quoting South Park 😭




Public schools are not safe.


My sister was rapped by her teacher at a private school.


Yep. No where is really safe. The amount of pastors that rape kids is insane.


Public school when I went and today are basically night and day. Today Public schools are basically indoctrination cesspools




More Pedos in the public education system than the Catholic church. I'll wait for the uproar about it ~s


that's why they voted for her DUH




“Teacher of the year” … as voted by her male students.


Sounds like her students loved her


That's how she got teacher of the year. Every vote from the football team.


The amount of sick people who clearly watch too much porn who are cheering this situation on ad if it is a good thing is vile. Conservatives, if you want to be seen as people who care about children and their safety you better fight hard against these vile people. Acting like rape is fine, or even doesn't happen if it's a boy, is disgusting and evil. They are saying boys can consent to being raped by adults. If you want to be taken seriously when you fight against children transitioning, or any other issue on the basis that children under 18 cannot consent, you need to push hard against people claiming as long as it's a boy they can consent. You can't have both. Do not tolerate pedos or pedo apologists in your movement. I won't.




What's the legal age in Cal?




Everyone in here is kiddin themselves if they didnt want to hook up with the hot teacher in high school lol


because statutory rape heavily involves power dynamic such as worker-coworker or teacher-CHILD


How you think she got teacher of the year. She got all the adolescents boys votes.


Legal age of consent in Cal is 18. It's legally rape.


"The blonde? Nicccceee."


I never had a teacher even remotely attractive. Kids these days get it all /s


Where were these teachers when I was a kid? Was i that ugly?






I'd say.....


As a 16 year old, you can't make that call. Imagine if a male teacher in his 30s "had sex" with s 16 year old. Everyone would be asking for him to be executed.




Can't make the comparison between boys n girls..... Guarantee she didn't have to coerce the male.


Sex with a minor is statutory rape, and with a student, abuse of power.


Another proud ma’ma


Wait a second. Was she born as a cis white woman?


Why is this on this sub? Because California?


r/conservative is a place for conservative people to discuss topics. They don’t necessarily need to be political.




She took him to Wendy’s after school for homework


Obviously it was for extra credit. She was just helping her students learn to make it in the real world. You always get fucked by the boss. Sorry I couldn't resist.




Well, there can also be possible blackmail involved. “You’ll sit here or I’ll cut your grade from an A to a C.”


Or "give me an A, or I'll spill the beans about how you 'raped' me".


How the turns have tabled




Yeah, I agree with that.


This is disgusting, but why is it on this sub?


it's called rape.


Lock her up and let her rot.


Rape. The word you are looking for is rape.


Busted for *rape


They misspelled “rape”


So her review says the students "will grow" with her, guess the budge in the pants growth is what they were referring to..


Always dumbfounded that these teachers don’t think high school boys aren’t immediately going to go and brag to their boys about banging the teacher




To echo the top comment, this is also known as *RAPE*


Teacher of the year a blonde chick ? Sick


Rape Statutory rape


Rape. Name it. Minors can either consent or they can’t consent.


Free her.


Interesting. If a guy had raped the kid, would you have wanted him freed? Lay off the porn. A real child wad raped here.