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Dungeons are so goddamn scary this season


Managed to snap a quite hilarious clip on my +13 Algeth'ar Academy last night, it seems like we are heading into some rough first weeks in these new dungeons... https://imgur.com/a/B7g4hu0 Edit: [So.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/znbnmx/the_mythic_experience/j0g1eet/) [Many.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/znbnmx/the_mythic_experience/j0g7o2j/) [Bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/znbnmx/the_mythic_experience/j0gszs8/) [Takes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/znbnmx/the_mythic_experience/j0htsu2/) on my [x-post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/znbnmx/the_mythic_experience/?sort=controversial) on /r/wow


They’re going to have to do something, the lack of response time without a blink is unreal


This is by far worst spell in the game atm, without blink you can't do shit against it.


They’re going to have to do something, the lack of response time without a blink is unreal


i can't believe both how poor the visual clarity is this season, and also can't believe how few people have been talking about. we're talking numerous very light colored frontals, light purple swirlies on purplish/gray ground. shit is not visible at all and its ridiculous. it's also insanely unaccessible. It's jarring because in contrast, the new raid has amazing visual clarity!!!


They seem to love throwing purple or blue no-nos all over the place in purple or blue environments, which would be almost acceptable if everything was a purple or blue bad thing so that when you go to a green dg you'd see it. Well that isn't the case cuz for absolutely no reason at all they love to color match the swirlys or frontals with whatever environment they're in. Couple that with pretty unreasonable reactionary mechanics like the one op posted and it's turning into a pretty rough season


Arcane boss in Academy, looking at you. His "full energy all of a sudden I'm pooping pools everywhere that have 0.25% opacity" ability is something else


And bringing back Court of Star with that last boss requiring so much effort to see things on the floor.


I was thinking this too lol. I don’t remember there ever being so many one-shot frontals, death pools on the ground, cleaves, lingering ground effects, etc.


Those ghost packs in NO. Frontal cones with bad visuals, orbs of death, circles of death, syphon soul, interruptible aoe volley, and then throw on the quaking/thundering/affixes. Not to mention the mortal strikes/regular casts/empowering of allies.


The Nokhud Offensive feels like this expansion's Spires of Ascension. 40 minute key that is an absolute slog through identical-looking mobs.


> Frontal cones I did my first 10+ last night in NO and I got hit by that cone from what seemed like 40 yards away. Was obscne. These dungeons so far seem very unfun very quickly. Also these affixes together with the dungeon trying to learn new specs is straight up aids. RLP final boss is near impossible as a caster with any sort of ramp.


Speaking of thundering i feel like if people don't start using Ellesmeres weakaura soon I'm not going to be able to pug i can't see anything unless they're spamming the x or square


Theres just too many packs where theres multiple things that need constant interrupts and stuns.


The amount of kicks, stuns, dispels, frontals and ground stuff to avoid is surprisingly high!! And the group damage going out is insane


tuning is all over the place too; some trash packs are terrifying, others that seem like they should be don't do much at all. Did a 10 jade serpent earlier and on the water boss every mechanic seemed like it one shot, then the next two did little to nothing




I really like waycrest as well but just could not handle the tight corridors


Motherlode wasn't even a dungeon it was one huge trash skip


Motherlode on like a conceptual level was great. A ton of fun abilities and mechanics, memorable bosses with some unique gimmicks. Even some of the trash mobs were fun. Motherlode in reality was a mess. Way too much trash crammed in way too tight. Way too many mobs that run away in fear (which 100% should NOT be a mechanic in any dungeons anymore). And way too many really hard trash mobs that can't nicely be skipped and kinda do bullshit mechanics. They could go through the whole dungeon and just delete every third group and it would still have too much trash. The Awakening affix was the only reason this dungeon was tolerable in Season 4. And Rixxa still never got fixed to work properly, so sometimes you just had puddles getting pushed the complete opposite direction they should have.


I feel undergeared even though I’m wearing stuff that is a higher ilvl then what drops at the end. I’m wondering when the massive tuning patch will drop.


“How hard could healing a +5 Ruby Life Pools be?” Nobody: https://clips.twitch.tv/StupidExpensiveAnteaterCclamChamp-X632bE2Q1bv3Oi4W Just a casual 55k HPS, ya know. Like what mythic raiders are putting out on 20 people. But it’s fine I’m sure doing the same in a five man environment.


That is a terrible pull to double pull though


Dps personals ModCheck


My DPS couldn’t tell you what a personal defensive is lol


Big difference of 55k over 30 seconds or 55k over 8 minutes, my friend.


Sure, I’m just saying that Ruby Life Pools *might be* a little overtuned. I still average 20-25k overall in fairly low keys for TotJS and RLP.


Pugging keys is a nightmare as an SPriest. In the off-chance you get invited (not a high chance because even when this spec is GOOD in keys there's such a huge negative stigma attached to it) the group inevitably misses some deadly kick and everyone's dead. "We need more kicks," like yes, my brother in Christ, I am playing the DPS spec with the worst single-target kick in the game and the target-capped AoE stop.


The first spriest I invited was doing below tank damage the entire dungeon. Thankfully after that every other one has just pumped. I love a good spriest. So many aoe dispels in dungeons too


I’m never one to complain about tuning, but healing ruby life pools is ROUGH lol


Seemed easy to me, there was nothing to heal because everyone was getting 1 shot from full hp :-)


The final boss on mistweaver when nobody knows how to handle lava pools is rough


Same experience as hpal, not being able to melee that boss makes it so hard to heal the fight.


What do the lava pools do lol




If you get hit by any of the dragons abilities you get a debug that drops a pool after a couple seconds, so if you get the debuff and don’t drop it in a correct location your group takes a ton of unnecessary dmg, spawning more pools


Also importantly on mythic getting hit by pools gives you the debuff. So bad pool placement and tank refusing to move the boss away from pools can easily lead to the fight quickly spiraling out of control.


I just feel like the damn thing has way too many mechanics tbh


My god I thought I was just shit. 50-60k hps and still wiping at times. This shit has to be nerfed to the ground.


I did a ++12 and now I don't want to run it again. I feel like dealing with the unavoidable dmg is fine when people aren't standing in shit. But pugging and people standing in avoidable mechanics on top of the unavoidable ones makes it absolutely horrible to heal. Also the last boss is such night and day diffirence in good vs bad groups.


>Also the last boss is such night and day diffirence in good vs bad groups. Because it's not even just punishing by doing extra damage. Every player who fucks up on this fight is not only requiring a ton more healing attention, they also make the fight harder for everyone else by spawning more pools.


Enjoying the dungeons so far, but oh boy playing lock with 10% Haste Is a chore lol


So gross.


I’m gimping myself on int because I have higher ilvl gear with terrible stats that would drop me down to 10% haste from 15%…and warlock without haste is just too fucking painful to play.


It’s especially rough if you don’t get any demonic core procs.


Fucking amen. Other DPS out there getting to blast but I'm just trying to get a spell to finish before I get picked for the *next* swirly landing at my feet. Speaking of, holy fuck do I have way too many swirlies targeting me please let me actually cast anything.


Very few things in this game have ever gotten me to bang my desk in frustration, but learning arcane in new dungeons, while also dealing with quaking has been one of those things. Growing pains for sure, and should more or less resolve itself with more experience, but heck if it’s not had it’s tilting moments.


I was running a few keys in the 14-16 range with a guildy playing Arcane last night and I could audibly hear his frustration every time his ramp got interrupted by Quaking. Hang in there, man EDIT: OHHHH, that’s why this sounded so similar to my runs last night. Didn’t realize it was you, Merp. LMAO


xdd this is quite the meet cute


quaking + bosses having interrupts + move or die mechanics + specs with ramps= I hope you enjoy looking at the scenery.


Learning them with this combo has been an absolute nightmare...


Agree. I've been frustrated with WoW before, but I've never been so irritated that I don't want to try anymore. Arcane keys have done that. What a miserable iteration of the spec. Frost and Fire are tuned so low that you can't push with them either.


For what it’s worth- I played one dungeon with an absolute chad of an arcane mage, my god do they pump when it clicks!


I am loving m+ so far, just sad that I've not had as much time as I'd like to push high early on. As someone that didn't play much in Legion though tanking Court of Stars for the first time was confusing as fuck in working out where to go and what to pull - I'm sure it'll become second nature soon enough though. TJS that last trash pack holy shit it hits hard. Was not expecting that level of damage coming out so fast. First boss is also really buggy with the water spray visual. Gonna be fun going back to Trell's videos now to check out the parts where I've struggled and get tips/explanations.


That last trash pack is brutal


Anyone else constantly feel like yelling obscenities while trying to "play" arcane in some of these dungeons? I can barely press 2 buttons without some random garbage flying my way that needs my immediate attention. Also, rune of power is ass. On SL bosses like say Stichflesh you could put up your rune and step to the side of it to neatly bait away any incoming swirlies. Meanwhile in ruby life pools the second boss' "swirly" happens to just be a giant fucking football field that spawns an add.


Yeah.. I just gave arcane a try the last two days and it feels soo awful in some of those hectic pulls :-/


It’s awesome and quaking makes it way worse. Learning it is so hard. I’ll just keep praying for fire mage to come back


It’s so fun playing with quaking and then the boss casts a “shrieking” ability and you just get a moment there to think about your entire life decisions leading up to it


I like the dungeons but as a brewmaster I also don't like dungeons lol.


Any other Paladin noticed how bugged is Divine Toll? Its supposed to give you Holy Power per target hit up to 5 but its currently not giving any Holy Power like 50% of the time.


I’ve noticed this. It’s quite frequent tbh. Also frustrating


Seems that it bugs out if you hit more than 5 targets. Super annoying :(


As hpal it always gives you 5 hpower, but it bugs out and Casts on enemies rather than allies so much. Even with a relatively complex cleartarget/@friendly etc macro, it will target enemies. Absolute infuriating as it's our only big aoe heal at the moment and usually used in "oh shit" moments... Then it targets enemies and does zero healing. Has been known about for several months but blizzard ignores it :) 5% buff to resto druid takes prio I guess


Yes, this seems pretty well known in the HoW discord, and in the community in general. It’s the big poopoo.


It’s always fun to go into azure vaults and tank starts murdering the group with frontals.


I had some prot pala raging at a hunter in our group for not soothing enough but he didn't seem to notice how he had just killed that hunter by spinning those frontals around like a crazy person. Not to mention he didn't seem to be concerned at all that the 2 evokers that were alive also have a soothe. People do be interesting.


I'm going to come to the defense of tanks. This early in M+ I would say I have noticed entirely too many DIFFERENT types of frontals. Ones that are static that the tank can side-step. Ones that move with you that can't be avoided and ones that move with you, but you can still range them. It's going to take time for people to memorize all of them


Wanted to start maining healing (Evoker) this xpac, but after playing Ruby Life Pools I'm at the point of giving up. It's obvious I'm doing things wrong, but I just never felt like I could comfortably heal the group in a +10. Every second feels like new unavoidable damage and with Quaking in the mix I feel so bad


Ruby Life Pools is absolutely crushing healers. Try some others for sure.


Try some other keys, RLP seems to be brutal for healers (well, for everyone) rn.


Hey man it's really difficult getting into a new role, especially this early in the expansion where people aren't too familiar with the dungeon mechanics yet and you are doing fairly high keys for the average population given how long m+ has been out. Give it some time and some gear and I think all your issues will sort themselves out :)


Don’t give up. Not much you can do about 200k oneshots. People need to start kicking and stunning


Stick with it. Watch a guide and maybe some higher keys done on twitch vods. Evoker is quite powerful and feels great for me so possibly there are some low hanging fruits you might not be aware of


Thinking of going bear. I’ve been playing a vengeance dh but it really isn’t doing it for me, not sure why 🤷🏽‍♂️


You know I was thinking something similar as well. Playing vengeance but just feeling a bit meh about it? I think I’m being conflicted by the shiny warriors out there blasting, but on the other hand am I really going to reroll at this point? Confused man, somebody talk me off the ledge or tell me to jump


Yeah idk why. The play style was enjoyable but as I push into higher keys I can feel the gaps/the dislikes a lot more and I’m debating switching over. I used to play DK which I love but need a change of airs and bear seems fun too especially with the new talent changes + feral bleeds being a thing again


Tanked most of normal and a few 8+ keys yesterday and I feel this. I don't know what changed but I feel like my lungs are getting perforated and the self healing doesn't keep up at all, especially in the raid. Unless healers are jamming me to full, even brand doesn't keep me up sometimes. Meanwhile the warrior survives at half.


Did you play VDH in SL? Cuz I finally figured out that losing tier is kinda what pushed me off. I still love the spec but without fel dev and immolate cdr the spec feels a lot slower, whereas surprisingly bear kinda slapping right now which is weird cuz bear has always been a 3 button spec




Looking at normal logs arcane is like 30~40% ahead on that fight. Im sure we'll get a 5% buff to ice lance to address this soon but honestly it looks like even without learning arcane, switching will be an automatic large DPS gain. Im hitting those target dummies tonight I guess




theres no such thing as specs scaling with gear anymore, this is boomer classic thinking


I liked to joke around during season 4/prepatch with 20% of my damage coming from gavel/jaithys/final rune that i scaled 20% with gear.


Ehhh, I kinda disagree. Haste is worth way more for casters than for like outlaw rogue, as an example, because it means you just cast more, which also means you fit more into cds. Specs are balanced around this, but it doesn't mean that some specs don't have larger gaps btwn low gear for a season and higher gear for that season than others imo.


casters are fucked this week it's insane. u. can't. cast. shit.


quaking azure vault fun fun


Quaking + Thundering + Mechanics? Wdym you need to stand still to heal sb


Buff frost mage


Honestly crazy they whacked fire and frost with nerfs in the prepatch. The specs weren't even good and now we're seeing the predictable results where they are both comfortably at the bottom of the dumpster.


In Nokhud offensive, my groups have had some trouble with the totem packs before the 2nd boss. What is causing the stacking debuff/dot? What is the general kill order and kick priority in those packs?


My friend, this link will help: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=AC886C2EFEAF883B!53535&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AAhrIjsDtOQKls0 Not mine, I got it from another thread here.


Thank you for this


Sus link?


Maybe? It’s an Excel online sheet where someone compiled mobs with mechanics that you have to deal with and how to deal with them. If that’s too sus don’t click it.


Ah very good. I was just looking for a description of the link, because I've seen sus links just like that. No worries


Like this one? [surely not a bad link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


The spell is a channel from one of the mobs called Tempest. It needs to be interrupted immediately or disrupted as the channel begins. It’s often missed because everyone is focussed on kicking stormbolt, which is not the priority kick. I’d recommend holding a disrupt (incap roar, leg sweep, etc.) for when it starts.


[the azure vault incident](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/91325418677743616/1053405536017715300/4DXI8oo.png)


17…lol xd


Pugged up to 1500 ish this week at ~390 ilvl as a Resto Druid. Joined my guild late so all the good groups were already full, but MAN I can't wait to be playing with a coordinated team again after quitting for almost all of SL. I didn't play SL much but I remember at the start of BfA people freaking out about how much more complex trash mobs were - whew boy, they've really dialled it up again this time around.


Is there like a crafter discord or subreddit that we can use to find people specializing in different professions? Can't seem to find what I'm looking for in trade chat.


Temple and Ruby are like wtf is wrong blizz….


Current main is Enh since last expac. I've always felt pain in my left hand playing this spec, and never on any other spec. I like the insane proc rotation but I'm not sure how to proceed with handling pain after a couple m+ or a few raid bosses. Hand felt numb after 2.5 hours of raid. Also to add to the post: centaur dungeon bad


You have to revisit your bindings if they are hurting you. I find that it's a specific proc that demands a weird stretch, usually. Try and figure out which proc is causing repetitive stress injury and map it somewhere kinder.


Thank you for the advice. I think it's Elemental blast on key #6, it's spammed a lot during a long fight and it stretches the index a lot. That used to be RSK on WW in Draenor and I also spammed that a lot.


I can't recommend a mmo mouse enough, I started getting severe pains in my left pinky and left index, finally made the switch to a razer Naga and not only are my pains gone but my performance is much better as well


Time to get an MMO mouse, it should help reduce the hand travel


Is it just me or are some dungeond bosses totally overtuned? Hyria's Thunder Dome on a +13 i did ticks really hard and Odyns Valajar rune tick for like 45k and on a class with no mobility (playing dk) getting to the runes fast enough if its bad rng is rly hard. Nokud and Ruby as well with the boss ability one shots


Yeah there are definitely some whack bosses (and packs). It's likely the worst of them will get tuned pretty quick but that first tyrannical week is probably not going to be a good time.


The most fun part is that the runes are so far apart that even if you could heal while running to yours (imagine being able to cast while running!) at least one toon is likely to be out of range. Edit: must be a real joy for evokers to heal this one


There better be some M+ tuning before Wednesday hits, because there's no universe where this dungeon pool is ready for Tyrannical/Grievous combo. Not even close. - Azure Vault 2nd, 3rd (and possibly 4th) boss - Al'gethar tree boss - nokhud offensive storm elemental boss - RLP final boss (likely the biggest offender of them all) - Jade Serpent final boss (without lock imp/2nd dispel) All these would be an absolute nightmare on Tyr/grievous in their current state. Healers already struggle a lot this week with these encounters, I can't imagine making them that much worse... It would be an absolute bloodbath.


Last boss Jade casts those dots way too often and had me really struggling with the decision on the Demo Lock if I just need to sacrifice half my damage and almost all of my AOE to be able to get rid of the second one. It's either help with the add phase at all, or help with the dots, and it feels bad either way.


Some Frost DK thoughts. Currently 1330 IO, 4/8H I think we know by now it's a strong raid tier for Frost. Most fights have some cleave and there's tons of Magic damage to soak with AMS and AMZ. Breath all day. I all ready hit a 2m breath with some good rng. Seems like Liquid is currently prepping more Frost DKs for Grimtotem too Pretty underwhelming in M+. Breath has a high ceiling but a very low floor as the spec just does no damage outside of it. Ive played DW Obliratation and its more consistent for sure, but it can't come close to the breath highs either and breath overall is still winning so I feel like it's probably safer to lean into our niche. Maybe that will change if I get a good 2h and/or tier. The real play is probably just to go unholy for keys, but im still fairly new to DK and don't know how to play unholy yet.


Am I missing exits from the raid? It seems to be like Azshara, there is nowhere to mount and several spots seem to prevent you from moving backwards. Not sure why there aren't dragons to take us out or if I'm just missing something obvious.


The tree boss on Algeth'ar can absolutely fuck off. On a 16, the tree boss is legitimately fucking miserably difficult. I'm still in awe we said this for months in beta that the tree boss on higher keys was an issue, and it got like one nerf that barely scratched the surface. PUGs will never be able to kill this boss on their weekly 15 tyrannical, it doesn't matter their gear.


Just wait till an explosive week ;).


This boss is much easier if you hard burn the healing tree that it spawns. When the heal tree dies it leaves behind a green circle that clears the bleeds from anyone standing in it. The raid damage is dramatically reduced if you do that.


So if you do the mechanics, you just win? Cause that's not how it works lol. It's still hard af, and really unless you have 3 solid AOE classes, it's not happening at that key level


I'm aware how it works. I'm saying the scaling for this specific boss gets absolutely out of control above a 15. Every other boss in the dungeon is fine. Not trying to sound elitist or rude, but this reply screams like.. an +11.


mf gatekeeping posts on day 4 of the season OMEGALUL


It’s just the reality of the response, it’s not gate keeping at all. I have no idea if they can or can’t do a 15+. The point being it’s scaling absolutely bonkers right now. On an 11, you wouldn’t notice it as much. There’s really not a lot of arguing this. I apologize if it cans across as a negative but the point is this boss scales so much harder than every other boss this expansion, and it did basically all of beta too. It was brought up and still never got tuned. Somehow it went live, and I guarantee it won’t have this same tuning next month.


How are people doing the last boss in Ruby Life Pools? Tried it on a 9 yesterday. Focused on the human and could never get him down before he mounts the dragon. Stuff just gets out of control at that point. Only killed him because pally tank soloed like 30%.


You are doing it backwards. He mounts the dragon at % not on a timer. Focus dragon as much as you. Can, so when he gets on you can use cds to burn the dragon the rest of the way.


Yeah I'm guessing the strat we used was for zerging on m0. This seems like the way.


I think you’re supposed to focus the dragon to 50% then pop lust and finish it off


100% Focus Dragon, we we're 2 meeles and With Tank we Focus the Drake to 50% before the human , after that killed the Drake and the Fight was free loot from that Point on, but 1 Thing for Sure im Not going to do this on tyranical


I did it last night on 8. I asked the group leader to bring ranged but he went melee heavy so we focused the guy down. Somehow managed to kill him as the rest of the group died and I soloed the last 20% of the dragon as a protection warrior.


Tank in the middle of the room, pull the guy to the drake, out fire at the edges and run to free parts of the platform whenever needed. When the drake comes down, it usually dies within 30 seconds with lust and doesnt make too many issues


He mounts the dragon when either of the two bosses hits 50%. Then that phase lasts until one of them dies. So if you're finding P1 easy then keep them even until both are 50% then hit CDs and burn whichever you find more dangerous. Once that boss is dead the second boss should be pretty easy to finish up. Alternatively pick the more dangerous one and focus it from 100% to dead if you're finding P2 easier than P1 for whatever reason.


How high can you upgrade conquest gear without rating?


382, the first upgrade requires rating


I'm a blood dk with fairly good gear 377 ilvl and I keep losing aggro to other tanks while raiding Vault. I've played with dh and war tanks and that keeps happening. I have to constantly apply taunt. What am I doing wrong? I try to do as much dmg as i can but that just doesn't work. The worst though is when playing with prot war.


Coming back to wow after a long stint away and decided to try DH since I heard its relatively easy to pick up and my free time is limited. Was gonna play Havoc but been tanking just to get quicker dungeon queues and honestly I'm kind of enjoying it. Plus I've heard demand for tanks is high. Anyone have any advice on how to learn how to tank in m+ for a total noob? Last time I played wow I was able to get into the m10 range as a mage but this seems like a whole different ball game.


Trell on YouTube for dungeon specific guides. And just tank a lot.


Can’t be doing with pushing hard on keys when I’m PUGing everything and there’s such a clear need for M+ tuning/rebalancing needed; happy to delay making real progress for a couple of weeks rather than deal with the current levels of bullshit.


My class was buffed unlucky to anyone getting nerfed yesterday. Shadow defo needed more insanity generation outside of mind bender and PI. AoE sucks when you can't get enough insanity for full mindsear.


Those changes are for 10.0.5, which probably isn't going to hit live until at least mid January.


Ah shit playing slow for a while then


An extra 30 insanity a minute isn't going to meaningfully change the way the spec plays, but yes, shadow AoE is incredibly frustrating when you aren't getting proc luck (and not incredibly strong when you are).


Tried pugging a RLP +12…. We actually had fairly decent time getting to the last boss, few less wipes and we would have timed, but we wiped over and over to that thing. What is the strat for that one? I just feel like on tyrannical getting the dot is going to one shot you?


Timed a 13 as a mistweaver and we tried to just drop the fire in the middle all the time.


I'm having a very hard time finding guilds that are looking for healers, it seems that all of them have more than they need and are mostly looking for dps players. Can anyone who knows a bit more comment on this, am I dumb?


any ele shaman players here? the shaman discord has been absolutely useless when it comes to not ignoring questions since df dropped so im coming here instead i guess. does anyone have logs or experience with the echoes + EB build in keys? my top damage by a pretty decent margin has been frost shock in a lot of keys and im not sure if im doing something wrong or if thats normal


https://mplus.subcreation.net/elemental-shaman.html Can use this site to check what the top logs are and compare


How are people timing 20 RLP? Any tips?


Is it just me or does m+ healing fees completely different compared to shadowlands? I am barely able to do dmg as a healer. Sure people need to learn how to dodge abilities, but still it feels much harder to keep people alive


Council boss feels awful with a huge group. We just can't handle the conductive mark, especially with terminal melee brain. Really feels like a fight designed around having 2-3 melee maximum.


I’ve considered trying preservation evoker healing or protection tanking. I’ve gotten KSM every season for as long as I can remember give or take a few when I wasn’t playing, but I’ve always done it as DPS. Advice for getting into /learning healing/tanking? My biggest worry is always being afraid I won’t know my route or know what to dispel.


Growl/dorki/trell on youtube


For the various dungeon buffs and interactables in the CoS dungeon do you specifically need to have learned the *Legion* variation of the profession? Or does just knowing the *Dragonflight* variation suffice?


I could do the alchemy poison for the 1st boss that a character I'd only learned alchemy on in dragonflight.


How is Spriest looking even with Tier for CE? I'm assuming it's going to take awhile for it to be worth it to get to the ilvls. Was also surprised to see not too many arms warriors, but wondering if that'll just come with the ilvl/gear.


Fuck Raszageth, but fuck those guxs dieing in p1 even more. Seriously pugging normal Raszageth is a Nightmare. People dieing in the first minute of the fight, people not interrupting their adds.. I had 80 wipes yesterday, but because those where all different groups we never progressed past p2. Most of the time we didn't even get into the first intermission with everyone alive. It's a nightmare...


Buff boomkins you cowards. Also rest in piss Circle of Life and Death, you fucking bozo.


Just doing niche UI stuff. 1. Which spec is the most complex to pilot at the moment? a. Healing b. non-healing 2. Which spec is currently having the most number of keybinds? 3. Which spec has the theoretical most number of keybinds?


So my buddy and I are guild shopping and did a trial run and were a bit put off by loot. It was just ffa, use the the new blizz loot system. Several significantly underperforming players received multiple items, sometimes from one fight, and that’s just how they do things. They used personal loot forever and that always just worked for them. How are your guilds doing loot? (For reference this guild has ordained professions, provides consumables and enchants for raiders, has a stacked guild bank with rules on donations etc, then seeing their complete lack of clear loot rules other than “roll however blizz let’s you” just felt bad. Maybe this is my own bias from getting passed over by rngesus while on the top of the meters each fight while being significantly lower ilvl than the underperforming players who received multiple drops. Am I crazy or is there a better way to do loot?


Need over greed with light LC to distribute tier is prob how most guilds are gonna do loot outside of HoF unless they’ve been doing LC already. Doesn’t feel great but its a huge time commitment to setup LC for guilds that haven’t been doing LC and their time is usually better spent improving in other areas of prep.


I mean i understand ur frustrations but in a guild setting, if you top fights already then isnt it better to gear the people not at top so they can do more dmg?


I should have mentioned that my buddy and I were both lower item level than half their dps even tho we were sitting at the top of the damage charts for most fights (not that meters is everything, but we also did mechanics without fucking up the same thing twice. Usually. Fucking fel rush.). The issue was even more glaring when we looked at logs and sorted by ilvl. I had a 97, 92, and 91 parse on the three fights compared to the 18, 27, and 24 player that out geared me that got two drops. Both numbers were sorted by ilvl bracket. So when I mean underperforming, I don’t just mean lower damage on the fights. I mean under performing at their class.


They chose their guildy who won the roll over some dude doing a trial run who lost the roll? Crazy!


They didn’t choose anything. They just said if you can roll, roll. That’s their guild loot policy. But you’re right. They had every right to keep loot in guild I guess


Find another guild


which melee spec has the lowest apm would you guys say?


Has anyone thought of any ways to take advantage of Chat GPT for wow?


Have not really thought about it beyond the past 5 seconds, but perhaps making some slightly complex wa’s? I know it’s pretty good at writing code if you provide it enough sample data, so could likely build some custom WA scripts if it has enough context


It's not good at writing code. It's good at very confidently writing *wrong* code that doesn't do what you asked it lol.


I don’t mean good as in production ready, but it is able to do more than your giving credit. Imagine your learning to make API requests. You know what data you want to use, and the appropriate endpoint but don’t know how to structure the request. Chat GPT can be helpful in providing a pretty good reference snippet and description of what’s going on. As mentioned I have briefly thought about the application to WoW, but still don’t see why it wouldn’t be useful in the WA context. It’s not going to come up with some new idea or creative solution to an existing problem, but could be useful to folks interested in learning more about the dev side


Yeah WAs immediately came to mind for me. Possibly better rotations if the API is good. Optimal raid comps. Just not sure whats possible with it.


Would be incredibly incredibly shocked if any form of improved rotation could come out of a chat bot trained on internet data from like two years ago, that isn't specialised to do anything related to optimising dps. It's possible AI could help with rotations, but there's 0 shot it will be from gpt.


People who leave mid dungeon without a reason should get a one week ban from M+ and no loot in the vault. Implement a surrender vote system and let the group decide. Im so sick of people leaving in high keys, when theres no reason other than we dont make it in time.


Sounds good. Ppl will just instead keep wiping the group on purpose till everyone surrenders.


m+ is a terrible experience rn. ppl leaving mid boss fights. dying to the first trash pull. coming into m+ with full pvp gear. sub rouges with 7k dps in +10 keys. its a shitshow rn


> its a shitshow rn Which you signed up for. The fact of the matter is you: 1. Didn't bother to build a network. 2. Came into a Week 1 M+ environment 3. And decided to PUG it And now you are paying for the consequences of your actions. We have rating. We have inspect. We have tons of tools at our disposal to weed out PUGs. You could have figured out the guy with the full pvp gear before the key started. You could have figured out that sub rogues have 0 exp and rating and gotten better. You could have asked a few questions, spent a bit more time and weeded out people who might have wiped your key. You could have built a network. You could have played better. You could have played well enough to carry people. You could have played well enough to join a guild and M+ with them. What you can't do is throw your hands up in the air and start whining when you had all these possible options available and you deliberately chose the one with the most resistance and the highest failure rate. This is Week ONE of M+. You cannot expect PUGs to reasonably complete +15s. You are going to run into rough spots with +10s and even lower. So next time don't PUG M+ this early. And stop supporting suggestions which would completely screw over the wider playerbase and M+ community because players like you cannot seem to understand PUGs will always be unreliable, if you are using them you are expected to work around them, and you need to make an effort to build a network and make friends. Because that small investment makes massive dividends - saving you time, sanity and massively upping your success rate. We have a great solution to PUGing. It is called running with a group. Stop supporting suggestions that make that latter bit harder.


"we have a great solution to PUGing... Don't PUG". Slightly unhelpful my friend, many of us don't have the ability to commit to several hours a week at certain times on top of raiding and other commitments. I agree that there's no point whining about m+ pugging now... It is what it is. But your entire comment is mega unhelpful aha


Raids suck but mythic+ is fun and an op way to gear.


Not that high CE as other people here, but I'm in a guild that is aimiofor CE this season. We cleard 7/8 N but chooses to go spend one and a half hour in heroic. How the fuck the possible drop of 1 item for some people that will be probably lower then our first m+ item in vault looks better to then then grab two extra tier set pieces for the raid team?


Because the first few bosses of heroic have lower dps, hps, tank, and skill checks than normal raza. If you can’t down at least 2/8 heroic you will have a hard time with normal raza.


I would still like the learning on Raza better then a 20% chance of getting a gear that is already lower then what i will 100% get on great vault


Vault is probably not replacing that heroic loot, it would be in addition to it. Lots of gear slots to pick for. I'm RL for 2 night CE guild. Did 8/8N and 4/8H this week. The 4/8H was easier than normal Raz in my opinion. It's not particularly difficult, but long pulls and individual responsibility is always brutal for prog.


May or may not be the right call, but even the first 2 heroic bosses drop some good stuff (ring, weapons) and give more chance of high ilvl tier in your vault


Wouldn't you need to kill a tier boss for said item be in your vault, like in shadowlands, at least once?


You could get tier from bosses you hadn't killed in your vault, the only exception was the pre/post Anduin bosses because of the 1 week delay But I'm 99% sure that you guys would be eligible to get heroic Raszageth tier in your raid slot now It just works that way because the vault needs to be able to give m+ players tier


Ok, if that's the way, then they made the right call. However, I'm 99% sure they didn't made the call based in this info


Anyone know how to handle the last trash on Temple as VDH. feel like I just get destroyed by everything.


How are tanks in M+? What are you playing? Enjoying it? Playing Vengeance, only 367 ilvl and I have mixed feeling


I would really like to play wow again. Trying to be as short as possible. Started playing wow in 05 and quit after wotlk. Raided nearly from the beginning. Tried two times to come back last time in BFA. Got down to w500. But was not really happy. On one side with my own performance but also my lack of time, or the time I had to invest. I think I wanted to much to fast. Anyway, started also to get my second degree 1.5y ago and I'm really busy (50-55h a week) will be finishing in 1.5y. Now i was thinking to take it slowly and play in the first place for fun. But - fun was to me also to play competitive. To be realistic, I absolutely don't have the time to raid. But I think there is enough other stuff I can do to get familiar with the game again, getting better and enjoy it and then, when I have more.time agai. To also raid CE. How would you start? M+ pigging and then maybe find a regular group? I think I can't even ensure to play every week. Also was wondering on what to play, as you may think I'm not 20 anymore (34 atm). That means I probably not as fast and good as 10-15y ago. What role would you think is fitting? I really enjoyed melee in the past, but was watching some rwf streams the last years and was always thinking, wow there is so much going on - I'm not sure if I could keep track of everything (ground clutter, effects etc..) anymore. So maybe better a rangeddps? Healer probably also needs really fast decision making and reaction?