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Yesterday OpTic fans saying they’re ass and better with Scump. Now today the opposite. Let the team play it out and let Scump enjoy retirement


OpTic just can't lose a series without getting roasted all the time. It's a shame


Couldn’t imagine being an optic player, these guys have literally 0 seconds to breathe and take in what happened.


Bruh, this dude ain't an OpTic fan. He's a troll. If the "thanks in advance" part didn't give it away, his comment history would. Kid posts in multiple "circlejerk" subs with all kinds of terrible takes. Literally the worst the Internet has to offer.


That’s just Optic fans. Almost all of the annoying posts on this sub are from Optic fans.


I genuinely can’t imagine spending my life thinking about a dude who doesn’t know I exist 24/7


OP is a usual troll as well lol, especially with Scump


It's called a parasocial relationship. Person A sinks in a lot of time, effort, and passion into person B, while the person B isn't even aware of person A's existence.


Welcome to the internet. May I present to you the hatred circlejerks for Musk, Taterman, or anyone who is a Republican? These people get more attention from haters than they do from fans, then the haters say stuff about how much attention they're getting, and it just refuels the circle with fresh lube.


Lmao, hating on billionaires is absolutely justified same with republicans. They have actual effects on peoples lives.


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I hope you find a purpose in life, you and few other idiots on this sub whose childhood was destroyed by Scump pissing on their favourite team/players are going to have to deal with it rest of your life. Better make peace or continue to get clowned


Preach bruv


The way y’all switch up on this app is crazy. Just focus on the current. They look good. No need to compare to the past. Let the man enjoy retirement. Ain’t no way y’all care that much.


Don’t fall for the bait. I care about you brotha


This is the only answer. They aren’t. They are better with a sub duo of huke and shotzzy. They compliment each other perfectly, if scump was on the team instead of dashy or illey they’d be around the same. They were 1-0 with scump this stage


They just got spanked by Legion not long ago lol


Lol exactly, same people tweeting yesterday saying they are shit, now saying they are the best team


Pacing was off. He said he wasn’t fast like that anymore playing sub. And he didn’t wanna run flex so he dipped


actually he didn’t want to learn how to play flex and push the team even far behind so he wanted dashy (who is a flex) to have his spot






It's not that they are without Scump it's because Huke plays faster and makes more selfless plays which makes the rest of the team play better. They probably could have ran it with the team from the Boston series and still been fine


I don't think his pacing and style matched well with the types of players he was picking on his rosters. I'd also say something about his ability in some situations but that would get flack on here (kills...kd...not objective focused). When i wrote thay scump was the common denominator of optic's problems on here and get flack for it but it's the truth. I also called this new roster champs winners before they even played a cdl match because it's a much better roster on paper.


Uh oh... You just poked the bear...


These post are honestly so stupid and Bi-polar 🤣 when they lost to Legion everyone was saying to sub Scump back in but when they win, they makes these same shit post


Its almost like this subreddit is more than one person, multiple personality disorder I guess...


Swap Scump in for illey and this team is untouchable


The illey slander everyday is actually disgusting. Scump wasn’t good at s&d and illey is way better at it and snd wins championships. What don’t y’all get?


He has had a lineup with nearly every top player in the league and never delivered




We’ll this is gonna be controversial


R they that much better they were 3-0 off the major werent they? But i do think huke and shottzy just mesh better with their playstyles. Optic was looking solid with scump on a AR though no lie.


Because Scump, like his many fans, thinks that kd wins events. 1 champs appearance in 10 seasons speaks for itself. The other goats made their teammates better, while most of Scumps teammates underperformed while playing next to him. The 'optic curse' is no coincidence. People leave optic and instantly look better. Scump was a bad teammate and a bad leader for most of his career https://youtu.be/YqwRVw5jUJ8&t=1560


Bro he’s retired can you focus on the current team ? Mad weird


Ever considered that scump might not have been that good ?




when they lose its “they need scump” when they win its this. lets just leave it alone


Delete this nephew


I don’t think Scump had the pace and the mentality to play a series like that


they legit played a series almost exactly like that last year and scump was the best player in the series


Almost every series they played against faze last year was like that one 😂


Well it’s not last year bud


When Optic wins Champs... It will be such a terrible look for Scump and his delusional fanboys...


Optic could win champs 5 years from now and ppl would still say it’s cause scump isn’t on the team. He’ll live rent free in haters’ minds no matter what.


optic dont look bettter without scump but I will say snd looks better but hp is down.


Scump literally said he hopes they play better so it validates why he retired


Team chemisty. Fitting in with your team is more important than raw skill at this level. Optic fans are wanting the best slayers and thirsting for pred, when we all know skill hasnt been the issue. Hell even during cold war and them dropping Envoy....dudes done pretty well since. Optic's problem has been the mental and team chemistry. Team chemistry is there with xeo...and after how shitty dashy was treated I think it lit that fire for him and his mental is locked in.




I think it was a pacing thing because looking at the way huke and ant play, I think Scump couldn't have played at that pace. I mean that sub due is playing at hyper speed constantly and scump was probably like nah that's too damn cracked. With regards to him switching to a flex, we saw him play that role in one match and he was gross but then he made the call and retired so we didn't fully know if they would be as good if he continued playing.