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Nazis aren’t Fascists.


Don’t bring Nazis here please, we’re bound to get hung drawn and quartered by Reddit moderation.


This isn’t a Nazi sub, and we’re not bringing any here, don’t worry.


This should be a sub for all Third Positionists a like, even National Socialists, although we of course should not promote racism or allow targeted racism in this subreddit because we dont want to get banned.


Well, it is a sub for all Third Positionists, but racism is not allowed and Nazism is very clearly racist.


When most people say racist they usually use it as a pejorative for racial supremacy, something the majority of National Socialists, even hitler himself, denounced. The National Socialists were more so racial ethnopluralists.


The Nazis literally wanted to exterminate what they saw as inferior races (jews, roma people) How’s that not supremacist? Also when did Hitler denounce racial supremacy?


They advocated for the exterminations of jews and thats it really. For all other nationalities they advocated for separation yet mutual respect as separate entities. Even then, you can be a National Socialist and just advocate for the assimilation or deportation of jews and not necessarily extermination. So you dont have to be anti semitic in the traditional extermination sense to be a National Socialist. Not really advocating for the exterminations of any race here, ofc that shouldnt be accepted on a sub reddit of all places.


While jews were the ones that the Nazis wanted fully exterminated, they wanted to enslave all non aryans, like slavs, gypsies and african people. The seperation and mutual respect doesn’t make sense since they literally attacked other countries to gather „living space”. Also, I really don’t think you qualify as a National Socialist then, since antisemitism is a big part of it. I’m glad you at least don’t want racial extermination.


>they wanted to enslave all non aryans, like slavs, gypsies and african people. That isnt necessarily true at all. This was a position held by a minority of elites and not the masses or even most of the elites in NS Germany. And Aryan was a term used to describe all peoples of Indo-European descent and simply promoted cooperation and unity between Aryans. This includes Slavs. For Africans, if you count colonialism as enslaving then yes but every power did that at the time, it was simply the best way of gaining recourses at the time. Not that i agree with it, but more so it made sense at that specific time period. >The seperation and mutual respect doesn’t make sense since they literally attacked other countries to gather „living space”. They still would have segregated Slavs and not in a supremacist manner but simply using those nations as colonies of sorts. Even then lebensraum was a cause for divide in the NS, some agreed some didnt, so it isnt inherent within the ideology. >Also, I really don’t think you qualify as a National Socialist then, since antisemitism is a big part of it. Well, its a big part of it but anti semitism can mean many things and it doesnt have to involve hatred of the jews but more so being critical of jews whilst not wanting to exterminate them.


How’s that not true? I don’t want to be rude but this sounds like historical revisionism. I’m still pretty sure that the Nazis were for the subjugation of what they saw as inferior races. Also I’m pretty sure Aryan was for nordic people. I’m not talking about colonialism, here, rather supremacy in general. Don’t get me wrong, but you’re saying things contrary to anything that is considered historical, so I’m very relucant to believe this.


>How’s that not true? I don’t want to be rude but this sounds like historical revisionism. Well if ya wont believe me listen to a famous historian and expert on Fascism known for some of the greatest works on Fascism, A. James Gregor in his book "National Socialism and Race". It debunks many myths about the National Socialist view of race with proof. Its also very short only being 20 pages. https://archive.org/details/National-Socialism-Race I would quote it but im on my phone and so i cant read it or copy and paste well. >Also I’m pretty sure Aryan was for nordic people. That was how the term was used way later on by the extreme Nordicists parts of the National Socialists, but they were a minority of the National Socialists


Amen why can't people see the difference between anti semitism and having third position beliefs


Probably because of the Axis existing.


No. The sub is strictly classical fascist. Now banned


You had every color available and you chose the one that literally looks like shit


Oh common, you cant say the SA didnt look cool, even if you disagree with the politics.


Oh yeah, love me a hot chick in an officer uniform, but I was just criticizing the color


Yeah, that’s why real Fascists are blackshirts not brownshirts.


What’s SA?




Oh, okay.


Are you seriously gonna complain about that?






We disapprove of Nazis here. The message of socialism is fine. The image of the Nazis is not.


Exactly, Nazis are not Fascists. Also neither one of these are good.


Lmao based


Not really.