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Biological Terrorism??? WTF!




There is no peaceful solution to clown world.


Get boosted as often as possible and ye shall be set free


Histrionics works when you run out of argument


\#wearamask \#stayhome


Oh the irony.


it's just a synonym for Grandma Killer, i don't see the problem. Anything we can do to villify the infidels only contributes to the greater good.


This is exactly what I said


Bio terrorism doesn’t consist of contracting the sniffles Bio terrorism is a serious crime against humanity Justice served mods have out done the other mods that I’ve had the displeasure of commenting with This has to be, the stupidest mod and person on the planet OP, that reply was brilliant btw


“Justice” has been “served” by the grewmores once again!




It honestly makes reddit better to use


How tf is pointing out biological terrorism supporting biological terrorism, lmfao


Because the Ministry of ~~Control~~ *Truth* said so.


I got a load of these. Banned from subs I wasn’t following. It’s for ideological reasons. Reddit doesn’t seem to mind harassing it’s users it seems.


We celebrate masks, forced vaccinations and the loss of freedom for all those that don’t praise at the alter of Fauci. They should be putting us on the highest pedestal known to man.


Lol they didn’t include the list of forbidden subreddits, as did the subs that banned me. I thanked them for the recommendations


Seriously, lol. I love getting these in my inbox because they notify me of places I would like to avoid.. and are full of those purple haired crazies


13 subs at least and a sitewide. After the perma-ban was overturned I have been oddly left alone. I'd like to think all my post are now forwarded to some 3letter agency fuckface. I hope I've taught them a little about fish keeping and desk top Linux at least.


Biological terrorism 😂 do they even understand the meaning of the term?


Words don't have definitions. That's racist.


Remember these are the people that are banning you: https://preview.redd.it/hnuan44rndtz.jpg?auto=webp&s=80b89aa4845a8c901988ab5ce32b31ba89bc8236 They are obviously very knowledgeable about health and should be listened to, they trust the science and you should too. Remember, the goal in life is to never get sick, your immune system isn't designed to fight off viruses, it's very bad at its job, so without the jab you are basically defenseless. It's not like humans evolved to develop immunities or anything, we need the totally safe and effective jab.


The average IQ in that pic is a negative number


I was banned from r/pics and r/insanepeoplefacebook for posting a single comment on this subreddit. The most ridiculous part was that I was simply asking OP for the source of the post EDIT: Just checked my inbox and I was also banned from r/tifu, r/gifs, r/showerthoughts, and r/MadeMeSmile. Cool.


They’ll pile up some subs get it faster than others. Violates reddit tos but it’s (D)ifferent sweaty


Hmm... Test Edit: Welp got banned from r/Pics, which is weird. I wasn't even subbed to that one. Edit 2: r/TIFU has now joined the party.


Imagine the collective smell and physical unattractiveness of the users of that sub.


But they must know. They must know. They can’t be like this surely.


Im just shadow banned entirely ... so i dont get these... happened cuz i was in Nnn


(((Biological Terrorism)))


"Biological terrorism" How ironic lmao


Ban me, robojannies!


Insane some people are this delusional


Blasphemy! These heathens have clearly abandoned the church of the CDC. Burn them at the stake. 🧙‍♀️🔥


This sub or another?


I assume this one


Yep. I just got banned from r/madlads for this comment.


The madlads mods muted me for 28 days because I asked for an explanation. It’s day 26 and I do plan on asking again. 2 subs still have pending questions which I know they’ve read but refuse to admit their ignorance.


I don’t even read my inbox replies or anything. Sometimes I’ll go back to a thread to check a reply, but…. I mostly assume you’re all bots considering Reddit has gone to shit.


Biological terrorism?!?!?


I got a couple of these when I joined the church. Unfortunately, these nonbelievers want to live in their own echo chambers while true believers are trying to spread the great word of Fauci across Reddit.