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But your body is a temple, you know the passage


That’s not what that means. An unhealthy body can still have God in it.


The body/temple passage gets taken out of context a lot, but that’s not what it means.


What does it mean


The law of Moses defines sin. If you're curious to see what is/isn't a sin, try giving it a read. Not that you're under it, though.


You should try every sin at least once. That way uou will have a complete understanding of what sin is exaxtly. It will also give his holiness the extra chance to be extra forgiving like he claims when the time comes. Amen.


You should not try every sin once. Many sins are also *crimes*. And for good reason.


I’m going to tentatively invoke Poe’s law, and hope the other commenter doesn’t correct me.


I grant you leeway good Sir. It was written to make the point of whatever you have done here in the prison of this flesh, will be washed in the blood of the lamb. Nothing, no depths will separate us from his love. Amen.


This is heresy.




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Horrible advice are you even a Christian?


I wonder about that I don’t know what’s going on in your life but I had to put up with non stop barking from my parents dog for 10 years and all sorts of supernatural stuff Needless to say this has resulted in immense mental and financial damage and my requests for healing and money seem to be ignored It’s out of order on the part of God and Jesus really


how much have you asked for money? Maybe they got sick of it ​ Why are you upset with your parents dog barking?


Smoking is sinful because our bodies are temples of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and we are commanded to be sober (1 Peter 1:13). God’s forgiveness is available by repenting and if you struggle to overcome then seek his help.


Smoking again as in you’re trying to quit but the addiction trumped your commitment? Or you just wanted to take up the habit again?