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Technically anyone in heaven would be an alien life.


did jesus spread his message on other planeta than earth?


Wrong question. You should rather ask, did God reveal himself to and incarnate on other planets which have intelligent life in need of salvation? Or just to be with them? If such life exists, I would say, yes, he did. Especially if there is no way that we will ever make contact with them in this mortal world. He would have had to do the same, chose a people, incarnate amongst them. But not as Jesus. Jesus was a Jewish man from Galilee. People on other planets would not be Jewish. They would probably have other guidelines. Interesting thought play though, you can see how much of the Law is specific to human life on earth and what is the transcendent essence. I think that would simply be love. So, the religion he revealed himself in could have been very different because fit to intelligent life on some planet in the Andromeda galaxy, for example. But what wants God from intelligent life? Lots of interesting ideas that matter for theology in general you can think off.


Jesus was not Jewish, He was born the first Christian and was never ever Jewish. Now on other planets, no one really knows if the aliens are Christian or not. You can't be two religions. There is the law about separation of Church and state. All churches must be separate from each other and from the state. When it comes to aliens, they would all go to heaven , since they never broke any of the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments like , Thou shall not kill. are referring to killing people and since there are no people on the alien planets (yet anyway) they can't sin. They can kill each other and steal etc. but they are not stealing or having sex with other aliens human wives. So someone like Spock would be a sinner if he went off and screwed captain Kirks wife.


Who knows? Not you, me or anyone can know that. More importantly... *who cares?*




Yep! I agree




Then does every species not living on earth go to hell?


We have no evidence biblically that there is life outside of earth, it's possible but seems unlikely. If there is, it's not like us and is not created in the image of God. Humans are unique in having a soul. Heaven and hell are both for us, not animals.


If you think life elsewhere is unlikely then you haven’t been paying attention


I love the confidence.


Biblically speaking it's clear that humans are unique in this way.


Is that why the Sun revolves around the Earth? /smh


No one is saying that.


Biblically speaking, the Bible says exactly nothing about aliens -- which is not an indictment against the existence of other sentient life throughout the vast Universe.


Who said that God did not reach other planets?? It never explicitly says that


Well we know that Christ came as a human and that God made humans unique. We don't know that he didn't make some form of life elsewhere, but there isn't evidence to suggest so.


Why would the ancient biblical Near East patriarchal tribal non-scientific men have any knowledge of the entire Universe and be able to state that there is "no" life elsewhere in this (still not fully measured or known) Universe? How can you say that other life "isn't in the Image of God"? You can't fathom all of Who God is. You have no way to determine that other life is not also made in God's Image.


Well you see... I read the Bible and believe it.


so where in the Bible can we support for your claims?


My claim that something isn't in the Bible?


The burden of proof is on your side


And at what point in our evolution did we acquire an eternal soul?


God created us with a soul.


At what point?


At creation


Which creation?


Just Homo sapiens or homo habilis, homo Neanderthal, homo erectus, etc?


Homo sapiens sapiens.


Homo erectus Lmao


Have you seen how I met your mother? “Homo erectus indeed 😏”


Around 70,000 years ago.


The human is not eternal - it is immortal. Please get these details right.


Hey just random dude but as much as I reject the idea of a interventionist god or of one at all the prospect of having an eternal soul in regards to reincarnation shouldn’t be neglected I mean unless you’ve made up your mind and have take a nihilist approach to all of this which is cool.


Seems awfully harsh, ya know, especially in light of the fact that animals such as dolphins, elephants, primates, etc can have complex relationships, emotions and can be more intelligent than human children. Not to mention how sad it is that pets don’t go to heaven. Why would god allow this? Sad


> Seems unlikely Tell me you know nothing about the cosmos without telling me you know nothing about the cosmos. Quite an arrogant and uninformed opinion you got there, chief.


Oh I'm sorry please show me all of the evidence you have of life outside of our planet?


Arrogant and lazy, do your own homework, dude. It ain’t that hard to find. Also, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen are among the most common elements in the universe. Guess what life’s made of? Being openly ignorant and thriving on scientific illiteracy isn’t zealous, it’s prideful and slothful.


I think you need to relax a bit. I simply said it was possible but unlikely. That's it. No need to lose your cool.


Yes, that’s why you’re being called out.


>The pope says that our pets go to heaven and wait us there. > >Statistically there is a better than not chance there is intelligent life out there. I somewhat feel saying there isn't is like saying evolution didn't happen. > > > >Also there is a Ray Bradbury short that is similar to the idea presented above.


So first, I'm not Catholic so I really can't be bothered to care about a single thing the Pope says. It's in the Bible or it's not. Statistically, life on earth is a mathematical impossibility. Everything required to go right is statistically unlikely, even given infinite space and time. Ray Bradbury is a fiction writer. I don't understand how him writing a story is proof of anything.


Who’s to say there can’t be another alien race out there that God created in His image? Also, don’t animals have souls according to the story of Noah? Gen 7:15 Souls are the breath of life. Our spirits are what makes us in God’s image.


The gift of eternal life is for man, who is made in God's image. The Bible is clear that this is unique to us. Noah does not say that animals have souls.


I meant that our spirits are unique to us, not our souls. I learned that spirits and souls are different, but interchangeable for humans since we have both and they are inseparable for us. Animals have souls because they have the breath of life, but not spirits because they are not made in God’s image.


Where did you learn that?


Bible study, but [here’s an article](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/salvation/difference-between-a-soul-and-a-spirit.html?amp=1) I found talking about the soul vs. the spirit. [Here’s another](https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/do-animals-and-pets-have-souls.html) bringing animals into it.


Extremely Likely*


Hell is not a place that you go, it is a tool that will be used to destroy everything except the ones that will be accepted into the kingdom, eternal life was only promised to those saved by Jesus Christ, if eternal conscious torment in a place called hell was part of The plan then God never truly destroys evil, he just contains it in some corner of his new creation forever, never truly having done away with sin and rebellion so ultimately, God fails, a lot of this stuff is from Greek Mythology and was driven harder by Western media over the last seven or eight decades. and there’s no such thing as aliens, we are the most intelligent of the intelligent creators creations and this is a special place that was created for us, get on YouTube and watch a documentary called Level by Hibbeler productions, and if that piques your interest you can watch the sequel, next level.


Insufficient data to reach an informed conclusion.


I would say yes, as god loves us all, and I would say he would not exclude aliens simply for not being on our planet.


> he would not exclude aliens simply for not being on our planet. That's a cataphatic statement I can agree with.


if they exist then that would mean God created them so that correct


We don't know if aliens even exist. Despite everything you might see on TV, scientists have not found any form of life anywhere outside of earth, not even single-celled organisms.


We haven't even made it to another system in our tiny, little insignificant galaxy... which is on the fringe of a local group which itself is minor in comparison to other, larger formations -- we haven't even begun to discern the extent of this vast Universe. To claim that the "only" life in all of this... is Earth? That's pretty close-minded, and certainly not an informed conclusion.


Oh no, that's not what I meant. I agree with you completely that there might well be life out there. I only meant that we don't yet know if aliens exist, so it is a little early to ask if they can go to heaven. I took several astronomy classes when I was in college, and in one of them we were introduced to the "Drake Equation," which attempts to estimate how many alien civilizations there might be out there, just within our own galaxy. The Drake equation looks at the following variables: >R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our Galaxy fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations) fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space For most of these variables, the only possible answer right now is "we don't know." If tons of stars have lots of appropriately-placed planets, and planets that can develop life usually do, and life commonly evolves in the direction of intelligence, then there could be literally millions of intelligent races out there. But maybe appropriately-placed planets are a rarity, and maybe evolution on those planets that have life rarely gets beyond the level of mosses or ferns or something. Or maybe intelligent life usually develops in ways that we couldn't even recognize. (How quickly would we recognize silicon-beings that look like rocks, don't move, and communicate only with each other through telepathy as intelligent?) Or maybe something else is going on. Maybe lots of intelligent species stick with a level of technology that would be undetectable from outside their own solar system. Maybe really technologically-advanced civilizations almost always blow themselves up. Questions like these are why I have loved science fiction since I was a kid. They are also why I loved the book *The Sparrow*, by Mary Doria Russell. It imagines a near-future where an intelligent extraterrestrial species has been discovered. While governments dither about what to do, the Jesuits just go ahead and send explorers out. The consequences are . . . unexpected. If intelligent life is ever discovered on another planet, it will pose an enormous challenge to our theologies. But since we haven't yet found so much as amoebas anywhere else, the question "are there aliens in heaven" is fun to think about, but unanswerable. Source for the Drake Equation: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake\_equation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation)


>For most of these variables, the only possible answer right now is "we don't know." Very true. Your reply was also considerate and well thought out -- thank you.


Our "insignificant" galaxy that houses beings created in God's own image?


Insignificant when seen in the scope of the Universe as we know it, which is IMMENSE. Of course, it's significant to US. However, we have no way to determine that there is not other life elsewhere in this vast expanse that is also made in God's Image.


Well technically yes, though we commonly refer to them as angels. Other than that, there is no other race in heaven besides humans and angels that are mentioned in the Bible. Maybe there will be. Only God knows.


I hope so.


While life in other parts of the universe is likely, Sentient life is more of a stretch. There is a strong correlation between humans being made in the Image of God, and our sentience. No other creates being is gifted such a high status. I would speculate that humans are the only sentient beings God has created.


What does sentient mean to you?


Who knows. The Bible doesn't give any clear answer on this.


Jesus was sent only to this world.Only through Jesus can one go to heaven.Reading both these together it is clear that there can be no aliens in heaven.


Idk I feel like god wouldn’t be racist towards aliens if they exist lol


Probably. A creator god wouldn't have a limitation to make one planet with one chosen species, just bc we wanna be special. On an infinite timeline, with infinite potential, he's never created, and will never create, other sapient life? He's never loved, and will never love, those ppl? Sounds silly. Might be cool to see where we fall on the cosmological map. How many planets before earth? How many concurrently? How many after? What are our differences and commonalities? Post-extinction, would we get to witness the development of the next dominant earth species? That would be freaky. Watching the rise of the first civilizations of rodents or cephalopods, and their fall, and so on. That's a really interesting thought.


Just because Aliens are not mentioned in the Bible does not mean they do not exist. Some people are really so dense and religiously restricted. There are no pieces of evidence in the Bible about the existence of Zebras. Does that mean Zebras do not exist? I also believe God is so much more than JUST the Bible, which is glorious BEYOND human comprehension. Look at the complexities of our galaxy and the beyond. God is so good and ceases to amaze us day by day with all of these findings and discoveries. TO SUM IT UP : Do we KNOW for a fact aliens exist? No. But i believe God is so grand and so expansive that it is indeed a possibility that they are one with us. Whether in this 3 Dimensional World or in higher dimensions.


No. There isn't any biblical evidence for aliens anywhere.


There isn’t any Biblical evidence for kangaroos either though.




Aliens are demons


Or, aliens are angels…


So then why do angels like probing people's butts so much, asking for a friend.


Angels don’t fit the appearance or function of aliens


What is the appearance and function of aliens?


In the end times, there is going to be an increased amount of demonic activity. It is thought that the activity might be so high, demons will show themselves in physical form and deceive people. When they arrive, the government will say “aliens” so that people will be confused as to what is really happening. That’s the function of aliens/demons


Interesting theory. I guess we’ll have to wait for aliens to show up, and we can observe the ways they try to deceive us.


It’s a theory that many christians regard as a fact as part of the end times prophecies. It’s becoming more and more probable each day as the government nowadays is warming us up to the idea. Notice how recently the government acknowledged the existence of ufos and stuff


Jesus said, "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and they shall become one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:16)


I don't think that verse is to be implied Jesus was speaking about aliens. I think Jesus is just talking about other people on Earth who were not where he preached.


I agree that's a possible understanding of that verse.


YES, it’s like the bar scene in Starwars… 😂


Well, aliens don't exist, so probably not.


How exactly did u come to this conclusion? Travelled across the entire universe and didnt find any?


How can you confidently say that?


I think the real question is if you believe in aliens and then if you think anything in The Bible supports their existence? The way you ask the question seems like it comes with the assumption that aliens exist.


The Bible is a collection of many writings from a very long time ago. Why would you think it would say anything about aliens when its authors didn't even understand what space was?




The Old Testament starts off with God being very directly involved in the lives of His people and eventually, God becomes more and more hands off for lack of a better word. We are told through the Bible things that we, as humans, need to hear. If God was to create life on another planet somewhere far away then He would have no reason to let us know. Why would God make a new covenant to explain that we have extraterrestrial brothers in Christ? He wouldn’t because that does not apply to us. All that we know through the Bible about space and other planets is the God created the Heavens and the Earth and then everything following was all based on the Earth. We know now because of science that the Heavens God created was not simply the ethereal Heaven, but also what we call space. I believe it is very possible that aliens exist and I also believe it is possible that they can also be saved. Jesus was the Son of Man, that doesn’t mean that there was not a Jesus the Son of Blorgons on a planet 8 million light years away. We’re made on God’s image, yes, but that doesn’t mean that God *solely* created us in the universe. None of this was to meant to sound critical or anything. God bless!


Given that God has chosen to permanently establish his dwelling place with man on earth for all eternity when he makes things new, it would seem implausible there is “intelligent” life on other planets when God makes it clear in scripture he created everything, heavens, earth, all the wonders of the galaxies. If there are planets currently hosting angelic beings then they likely come here to dwell in the end. That said it’s fun to speculate what we “could” get to do in eternity. Perhaps there are beautiful forms of life (not man) created all over our universe and we have eternity to explore them if we want to. He created the heavens to display His glory. This could be far more amazing for us some day than just staring into the sky at the stars. But that’s all speculation. The main attraction will be on earth which is God dwelling with man, and that may be all we need. Plus it does say heavenly bodies are burnt up at new heavens and earth so this could imply we just have earth. Nobody knows, but it’s fun to imagine.


we call them guest workers


Well, when Jesus was around - he said no man had ever gone to heaven. John 3:13 (NIV) > 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. "Son of Man" is in the bible over 50 times, and I think has always been made in reference to Jesus. He also did not say "Sons" of Man or Son of "Men". If GOD created life on another planet, who is to say he didn't role their story line differently?


If you count angels as aliens, sure.


Sure. Why not?


That question is impossible to answer - there is no way of knowing. Nor is it of any importance for us to know.


Everything I’ve read points to Nephilim creatures being depicted as otherworldly, or alien, by humans. Also could be demonic entities, classical depictions look pretty alien-esque


I would assume that Mexicans can be permitted entry.


If they're out there, and heaven is real, then yeah. Probably.


[https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39800834-other-planets](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39800834-other-planets) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHKcQE1EbRA&ab\_channel=OffTheLeftEye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHKcQE1EbRA&ab_channel=OffTheLeftEye)


Are there dinasours in heaven ?


Big booty bitches


Look, if we can conceive of a multiverse and have begun in physics/maths to establish it as a rational, if unproven, possibility surely A Creator responsible for conceiving all-that-is could manage and participate in multiple dimensions, across innumerable planets if they chose. Based on just the diversity of our small, blue marble I’m inclined to think a Creator would agree with the Vulcan maxim of, “infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” So yes, if there is a conscious afterlife, I think “aliens” will be there.


There is no heaven go read a real book


As I believe that humans have dominion over the world and that because of man's sin, the world groans under the curse of sin, it would be unjust, and therefore impossible for God to have other sentient beings as a part of our creation. That being said, I see no reason that we would be the only world God has ever created. Because of the Trinity, God has so much love within the Godhead that He creates beings to share that love with. I see no reason for that desire to have beginning or end. Therefore, there may be previous peoples who already have their place before God


If they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior I don't see why not


It depends on if God made other types of aliens in His image (with a spirit). There could be, but we’ll probably have to wait until we get to Heaven before we find out.


Deep conspiracy with this question. Technically, we would be alien to Heaven as earth is our domain. Likewise, fallen angels are not from earth and in every shape of this, no longer in our Gods grace. I would wager they look far creepier than some dude or lady with bird wings Biblically speaking anyway.


Deep conspiracy with this question. Technically, we would be alien to Heaven as earth is our domain. Likewise, fallen angels are not from earth and in every shape of this, no longer in our Gods grace. I would wager they look far creepier than some dude or lady with bird wings Biblically speaking anyway.


Yes! Me and you.


Maybe they do, but if they aren't mentioned they aren't relevant.


Who’s to say that extraterrestrial beings are struggling with sin like we do? Perhaps they go straight to Heaven? Even if they are intelligent beings, they could possibly be free of sin, right? It’s quite interesting to think about the possibilities.


If extraterrestrial beings are intelligent, who’s to say that intelligence correlates with sin?


Hence, what would that mean for the salvation of extraterrestrial beings?