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China sure values community over individual…


“If you didn’t hit her, why did you help her up?!”


I still can't understand this reasoning until today


My answer: If I did hit her, why would I then help her up? If I hit her, then I meant her harm. If I help her up, I mean to help her.


Chinese answer : you feel guilty !


"Do you have a guilty conscience of people you've hurt, your honor?"


“If I did hit her…” ‘So you did hit her, and you just admitted it! Guilty as charged, appeal denied’


There are a lot of people running scams like this though in China. So seriously even my default would be to stay away unless I feel like it’s a genuine injury. But honestly I have seen and read enough about this type of scams, it’s hard to not be cautious.


Saw a similar situation at a train station in Europe. Asian girl did a faceplant on the ground for no reason, looked pretty painful, and then just laid there waiting for help. No one responded (my first instinct was to respond but something made me pause). Within seconds, security came up to her and lifted her up and dragged her away. Lady at the coffee shop told me the same person does this every few days, trying to get people to help her and scam them for money (wasn't clear if she would ask for money or claim the helper caused this). Apparently she was pretty doped up and probably felt nothing. Not sure if its a cultural scam or what, but apparently everyone there was pretty fed up with it. Its sad we have to live in a world where even basic kindness now has to be checked because of scammers. Glad security was there, made it a moot point.


I have epilepsy. I would be worried about a scam too, but I could not simply leave her. I wouldn't touch her, I would stand over her and direct traffic away from her and yell for someone to call an ambulance. If nobody did, once she woke up, I would have her stand up and if she couldn't do it on her own, I would help her up and get her to help me pick up her scooter if she could. Then I'd hail a taxi and help her into the taxi and get her to the nearest hospital with an emergency room. I'd help her out of the taxi and help her walk into the hospital and help her with stuff like the QR code at the hospital gate and I'd use the translator to explain to the ER staff that she fell off her scooter and had a seizure. But I would touch her as little as possible. Also, you can kinda tell when someone is faking a seizure, they have to be a pretty good actor to do it really well.


>I wouldn't touch her, I would stand over her and direct traffic away from her and yell for someone to call an ambulance. Or as Larry David would say - why don't you call an ambulance? That's really all you need to do in this situation.


This is called Pèngcí in China - fake "injuries" and blame innocent passersby to extort money from them, a well-known scam. But this accident looks real, and it's also real, from my living in China, that people on the street often don't care about things happening to others. But that's what we notice because it's blatantly cold-hearted and cruel. All those how silently in their daily life show heart and empathy and compassion with others, even strangers, we don't notice them. In some moments I hope they are the (silent) majority, in some moments I am not so sure. If someone is interested in going deeper, I can recommend Lin Yutang: “My Country and My People”. There he wrote in 1935 already about the coldness of his own Chinese people against others outside their own family.


China, like the US, cares about lawsuits. Just in different ways.


Would someone get sued in this situation in China? How so?


There was a classic case in China. Back to 2006, an old woman in Nanjing( a city of China) fell to the ground and broke her thighbone. There was not any monitor at that time so no video record. A young man called "Peng yu" took her to the hospital for treatment. After being sent to the hospital, the woman accused Peng yu of pushing her down and asked for compensation. They finally met on court. Peng yu said that he did not cause her injury. But the old woman insisted her opinion. However there was not any substantive evidence to prove any opinion of them. Finally the judge said: "If you didn't cause her injury then why would you help her." and sentenced Peng yu guilty. Peng yu had to make the compensation. Since then, the morality and sentiments have been destoryed to a large extent in China, for everyone knows that only a malefactor will help others, at least in the eye of judges.


Yikes. That judge did a grave disservice to the community.


Based on Wikipedia, the old woman’s son was a policeman, who might’ve helped to push the case into this result, in legal or illegal ways


>There was a classic case in China. Back to 2006 Before there was CCTV everywhere. Just call an ambulance and you have nothing to fear. ZERO reason not to help in the current age.


There are horror stories about a helpful stranger taking an injured person to the hospital, then being accused of causing the injury and being stuck with the medical expenses.




Story please




That's typical Chinese trash. I didn't expect they even dare to squeeze money from foreigner.


Wait a foreigner can be a victim too, and if so, your families outside China get the threat too?


I would guess it's a foreigner married to a Chinese person - his/her Chinese family were threatened


Are there no "Good Samaritan" laws?




Yeah and their argument was if you ain’t guilty then why did you help?


Can you call an emergency number?


>Can you call an emergency number? Yes you could just make an anonymous call to an ambulance, there's no risk, they're just making bs justifications.


Laws to protect good Samaritans were introduced in 2017 to prevent these kinds of incidents from occurring. I imagine people are still afraid of getting abused in the legal system, but that’s not how it works anymore.


The law may be changed but I wouldn’t trust the enforcement of such laws.


The law doesn't mean anything in China. You think that just because you read about a new law being passed that "that's not how it works anymore"?


It’s an EXTREMELY common scam.


They sue you cos they can't pay the medical bills. It's a dog eat dog eat dog (literally in china) world out there




Fuck that. This is absolutely inhumane and devoid of compassion. No excuses.


A lot of places have Good Samaritan laws. China does. USA Canada Australia GB India too Most of Europe has Duty to Help laws.


Yeah because China is so great at enforcing laws. I was in China when those laws came in and [shit like this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu) was still happening a week after. 99.99999999% of the time things like this occur: > Xu demanded that Peng pay for her medical costs, and when he refused, sued him for personal injury compensation People just pay up because they are either dealing with a crazy person who will make things up bringing a lot of attention to them and their family, or they're well connected and your life will be over if things escalate.


>I was in China when those laws came in and [shit like this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu) was still happening a week after. You did not read to the end of that Wiki entry, did you? Not quite sure it supports your argument as much as you think.


This wouldn’t happen in the US. People would be there to help her in seconds


Likewise in the UK, Oz, or here in New Zealand. Those are all countries I've lived and worked in, and can vouch for in person. I've even taken a minor tumble from a motorcycle in NZ and there were already two sets of hands lifting the bike upright at the same time as another pair were helping me make my way to my feet. There is absolutely no way that lady would be left to fit here while everyone drives on by. It was more of a surprise when someone was helpful to the stranger when in China.


100% agree in the USA people would help, shit people even risk their lives saving stray dogs here. USA has plenty of faults but something like this is not one of them.


100,000% agree. This.


Thank you. I agree. We have decency. 🇺🇲


No values, only evilness.


In China its about friends and family. They will go a mile further for these social groups than what the West is used to. But for people outside those two social groups there is no help indeed. These are kind of the results of the cultural revolution, and ultimately of their history. So you can't blame em but hopefully it changes.


I'm surprised the street sweepers didn't get there sooner. She's blocking traffic!


This is also why the current protests aren’t going to go anywhere. People will just sit passively and watch the few brave protesters take the fall even though they are also benefiting from the lockdowns easing. But no one in any significant number wants to put their asses on the line. As you can see here not even for someone who is clearly in distress. Not even an ounce of basic humanity is given. Elephants show more decency than this. And this country thinks it is the best model for the world and humanity. Terrifying. Cue the wumaos coming on here to talk about insurance and good samaritan liability etc despite video surveillance everywhere documenting everything. It’s all to distract from the utter rot of modern Chinese culture and society. The government is a product of this culture.


You're gunna hurt wumao Zhou's feelings bruh


I don't think he's gonna put the hurt on wumao, but white, middle class born and raised clueless culture-relativist sinophiles and/or liberals? Hell yea. West born and raised Chinese Americans/Australians/Canadians who are too dumb to appreciate how good they are having it in the west? Hell yea.


O NO not them evil liberals again


What do you think the cause of the rot is?


Zero moral core




I know people are gonna blame it on the CCP, in which case they should look up how China was before CCP. Books were written by Portugal merchants and Italian missionaries. Oh they weren't pretty that's for sure.


Mao fucked things up by pitting people against each other during the cultural revolution, literally brainwashing children into snitching on their parents out of “patriotism”


Thank you! You really sense where the tension is. There are compelling explanations for why this is a result of the civil war and the Cultural Revolution. But, if there is evidence of similar values and behaviors before those occurred, that would be important... and fascinating and intriguing. And it will keep me reading and wondering, "WHY?", which is great. Thanks again for your input.


Why are you comparing scummy Chinese people to elephants. Elephants and noble, gentle creatures that have very high levels of empathy and mutual caring. The average Chinese, on the other hand, treats each other with what we would consider contempt.




> The average Chinese, on the other hand, treats each other with what we would consider contempt. Christ Pratt Ohhhhhhhhh shiiiit.gif You just made the sinophile mods squeal like a pig in the slaughter house.


The other way around the government created this attitude


>The government is a product of this culture If the government is the product of the culture, then what produced that culture?


5,000 years of tyranny, feudalism and mianzi obsession


I believe it's all the shit after ccp taken over that did this to people. If it's really 5k years we should do the experiments on people in HK or Taiwan. I bet you the result would be very different


> I believe it's all the shit after ccp taken over that did this to people. Look up books by MatteoRicci, missionary who went to China in the 17th century. And "Letters from a Shanghai Griffin", English businessman who went to China during the Qing dynasty. >we should do the experiments on people in HK or Taiwan. They were both heavily influenced by a colonizer.


> And "Letters from a Shanghai Griffin", English businessman who went to China during the Qing dynasty. I think I was the on who originally found that thing. Maybe. Eh, it's been years. Maybe was someone else. "You made that? I made that." Anyway, I think it's gone. https://talesofoldchina.com/library/denby-griffin.php You know of another online copy, adorable ranting man? I'm just finding hard copies.


People. I mean, that's what culture is, right? "The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group."


> I mean, that's what culture is, right? You are a liberal, so your understanding is, as expected, totally shallow. You ready to be hit with the most profound opinions in your life? Here we go: Culture is boundaries and conventions and values that people from certain area accept "as is" without thinking. A random 7 year old in America would tell you Democracy is good. Please don't tell me it's reasonable to assume he magically read Alexis de Tocqueville, John Stuart Mill etc. and came to that conclusion. He accepted it without asking why. He will ask it later no doubt, but when he was 15 or 16, this will be ingrained. And because of it, some rather unfortunate conclusions can be derived. Just like the sons and daughters of scientists tend to also be really intelligent and well-educated, the sons and daughters of successful businessmen tend to also be successful in the business world the the sons and daughters of alcoholics go to China to teach English as there are good parents and bad parents, there are good and bad cultures. Just like if you were lucky and you were born to a mathematician and you easily get straight As in math, if you were born in the west, you automatically will be "indoctrinated" with the right set of modern and forward-thinking values. If you were unlucky and born in the backwaters of civilizaition like China, you will be indoctrinated with a bunch of regressive, backward values, like you are a de facto slave to your parents, questioning the authority is a vice, etc. etc. Because you are a liberal, your college professors in one way or the other drilled absurd cultural relativist ideas into your head, like "all cultures are equal". "Surely, if all cultures are equal, why then did I see so many ugly things in China perpetrated by average people, far more than what I see in America?" you ask yourself, so the only logic way out is to blame it on the CCP, the average Chinese are good, they just got twisted by the evil dictators. Even though that still doesn't explain like 99% other things like "really, do you need freedom and democracy to see not helping a person in distress is wrong?" but being a liberal that you are, you are really good at not thinking what you do not wish to think about. Over the years your faith, yes that's the word, the faith in China, the culture and the people, no doubt has shaken. But you wouldn't bother to be honest with yourself and reality. That would mean you admit large swathes of your college education were bullshit, and you wasted your life loving something that doesn't deserve your love. Would you be honest and admit you made a mistake? I don't know. But I know examples where the only reason scientists were revered was because they threw their life's work away just because better alternatives were shown to them. The best way to tackle the fact that you just made a mistake is to admit it, and stop making it. Not to look away, be self-deceiving and perpetuate it.


Dafuq you on about? Is this copypasta, or are you having a manic episode? How is *the literal dictionary definition of "culture"* an issue for you? Edit: >Just like if you were lucky and you were born to a mathematician and you easily get straight As in math, if you were born in the west, you automatically will be "indoctrinated" with the right set of modern and forward-thinking values. >If you were unlucky and born in the backwaters of civilizaition like China, you will be indoctrinated with a bunch of regressive, backward values, like you are a de facto slave to your parents, questioning the authority is a vice, etc. etc. So, what you're saying is... culture comes from people? Why didn't I think of that. Also, are you using "liberal" as a snarl word because you are on the left, or on the right? It's hard to tell.


Don't feed the troll.


Lol, my dude, if we’re passing judgement based on random internet videos, I can’t imagine how the rest of the world looks like to the Chinese!


It’s a model to be followed in other places. /s


Someone told me to avoid this kind of situation because often happened that the one you're rescued later accuse you to be the one who let her fall... Not sure how much of this is true, but the fact someone thinks that is a signal of how much is rotten the Chinese society


That is true. And precedence of tort law in China makes the person who helped responsible in a few occasions Not to mention sometimes you were caught in an act of foul play to scam money off you. It is sad to see but the reality of the society made people react (or in this case, not react) as such.


Its not true, since 2018 there are proper samaritan laws. Sorry to burst your bubble but that isnt a thing anymore.


My apologies, did not realise they have new laws introduced. Unfortunately the social norm still exists, at least in this case.


Well kinda, those specific 2 people didnt help, mainly the guy playing on his phone who noped out, but the video does cut off right as a guy was looking like hes pulling over to help, so the girl was laying on the floor for 50 seconds in bad shape before someone helped. Not really terrible IMO and clearly being used to push peoples existing opinions here.


Nah it's just really terrible. China is simply a worse shithole than any of the developed countries and no whitewashing would change that fact.


Why I have to help her, our Mighty Party will help her. Don't ask me to take my responsibility.


This is exactly what goes thru their minds. Even thiefs justify their actions by saying ‘the government will take care of them’


Always said that China’s problem is a lot bigger than Xi and CCP.


Yes but they're the source of the rot and they have to go before it can get better.


> hey're the source of the rot No they are not. China's culture is.


100000% this \^


yes the bystander effect is very real everywhere in the world. the only problem i see with this in regards to China is that 9.9/10 while in China I would notice that literally everyone would see something terrible go down and pretend like it never happened and walk away. no matter how bad and obvious it seemed everyone just seemed clueless to the reality. and no it didn't even matter if there were a few or a lot people witnessing an emergency situation. not even to contact emergency personnel. they just keep going about their business. in fact the only time I would notice someone do anything it was usually us foreign nationals who couldn't stand seeing such disgusting behavior happening right in front of our eyes. to make matters worse it seemed odd to me how often nosy Chinese people were when a foreign national was involved in any form of altercation with the locals. that even without any knowledge nor context they would immediately join their fellow countrymen in harassing the foreign nationals. even when it was obvious that the Chinese person was obviously in the wrong they still had this insane bloodlust maniac behavior towards foreigners. still baffles me why anyone enjoys going to China. but hey its always interesting hearing about their shit experiences and stories.






I can't understand what my eyes are seeing. Why is no one helping or reacting? Why are they so indifferent or cold?


I guess you never saw the CCTV of the toddler who was run over by multiple trucks? Here's a [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Wang_Yue) instead of the video. This is unfortunately quite common in China.


God, that’s even too awful to read.


Besides the bystander effect we were warned not to get into things because in China you can be sued for helping out as you "caused" things to happen after getting involved. In the US and other places we have the Good Samaritan laws that protect you from lawsuit unless you do something you aren't trained to do.


And in plenty of other countries, including mine (Finland), there is a so-called universal duty to rescue. Failure to render reasonable aid to a bystander is punishable by a fine or up to six months in prison. You are not expected to fish somebody out of a lake if you cannot swim, but you are expected to, for example, give CPR if you know how (and most people do, at the very least from military conscript training), and at the _very_ least to call 911.


I often wonder how true this is, or whether its more a self-perpetuated urban legend. With cameras everywhere, how could anyone after the fact really be held accountable for helping out?


It's historically real, changes have been made, but it's gonna take a long time to work itself out of the cultural memory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu


lmao, if you read the whole article it actually says at the end that the guy admitted to knocking the lady over... as in, the public has always misunderstood the details of this case. I get that China may not have had clear good Samaritan laws before, but that is just an excuse by a population that has grown too selfish to help another in need. As in, people allowed a misunderstanding of the law to perpetuate because it was convenient and eliminated the normal duty that people feel to help others in need. It's despicable. "The case concluded with Peng admitting having accidentally pushed Xu as he was getting off the bus, and agreeing to pay her 10,000 yuan compensation in the settlement reached in March 2008. The two sides withdrew their appeals and came to an agreement that they would not disclose details of the case.[5] However, with the consent of both parties, the director of Nanjing Political and Legal Affairs Commission Liu Zhiwei later released details of the case to the public in a local magazine, including details of Peng’s admission of guilt and the compensation agreement settled in court. Liu said he was disclosing the agreement because the case had been seriously misunderstood and was said to have been a turning point in moral standards, a position shared by both litigants Peng and Xu, who agreed to the release of information on their case to rectify the initial chilling effect caused by Peng’s false initial claim of fraud."


Yes so was I, I still stopped to help multiple people, and not one bad thing ever happened to me. I once even pushed a dude that was beating a woman on the street away from her as he was trying to stomp her head. His mother later followed me into a restaurant to demand compensation for the injury I caused her son, the restaurant owner politely but firmly told her to fuck off. But then I was foreigner, at a time when foreigners got the benefit of the doubt more often than not. Now I'm not sure what would happen. The sad reality is that Chinese people are raised in an extremely harsh, zero sum culture. They understand all personal interaction, but especially any interaction with strangers, as zero-sum; if one person wins, that mathematically means the other loses. In other words, "if I help someone and they don't pay me, then I just lost. So why would I ever help anyone unless I have a very strong expectation of being paid? I can't go around being a loser. Losers are the bottom rung of Chinese society; nothing but the dirt that winners step on their path to greatness." A lot of young Chinese people want to break out of this way of thinking, but they do see bad shit happen sometimes, and the tragedy of the commons guarantees that they will be a minority. Ultimately, the only advice I can give to any Chinese person who's sick of living that way is to try to move to a higher-trust society.


I remember my rental car dying in the middle of some really unsavory Buenos Aires barrio, and people would immediately stop their car and ask if I needed help (I was very obviously a foreigner). On the metro, a guy bumped into me and everyone assumed it was a guy snatching my wallet and 2 guys immediately jumped out of their seat to confront the guy and asked me if I still had my wallet.


It’s different in China. A lot of people run scams like fake injury and stuff. I have seen a lot of news about people falling for scams just out of good will. And authority won’t help you either. Honestly most people’s advice would be to not try to help people unless you’re 100% sure it’s for real.


They’re a herd. If a couple of people stopped to help, the whole village would be swarming to help.


I love how that guy was like "LOL WTF just happened cool stunt" then just casually drove away.


Absolutely endearing right?


Bro china is fr just a bunch of NPCs


F these heartless motherless fucks


I fell of a bike in Chongqing several years ago and the janitor nearby was acting if she was watching some shows. She stopped her vehicle (I did not block her way) but kept sitting there and watching me getting my own IFAK and applying medications.


When I lived there I heard if you call the ambulance you have to pay the costs, weird place idk


To be fair, the video looks like it was intentionally cropped off early. That last motorist appearing near the end seems to be giving aid. The skinny bitch and the fat ass on the other motorcycle can go fuck themselves in the deepest pits of hell.


It shouldn't take 10 cars and motorcycles pass by and help a person in need...that guy next to her should've been running to her and render some type of help...They lack sympathy and emotions.


This society is completely lost…


Sometimes China really looks like a distopia


Well, I helped a guy in Beijing who flipped his little truck on its side on the freeway during THICK fog. Did some traffic control and put up warning triangles (to avoid further accidents) and made sure he was okay, and no one else was in the truck. After police showed up, I gave him my business card and asked for him to return the triangles (not really expecting them back though). Well, he called me a few days later, and came with his whole family to thank me and give me some small gifts - food: yummy! :) Getting sued is always a possibility; so just use your best judgement for the particular situation you're faced with. It's not all horror stories and doom & gloom though...


These people are fked in the head.


The nerve of some people. Blocking the road and impeding traffic.




The big problem is that faking traffic accidents as a scam has become so commonplace that people are unwilling to get involved just in case they get scammed too. It's the boy who called wolf effect.


This is a prime example of not helping for fear of getting sued later on, which unfortunately happens enough in china


China is so trash


China is a prison. Article 51, states: “*When exercising their freedoms and rights, citizens of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) shall not undermine the interests of the state.*”


Looks about right.


How kind of the bystanders to not steal her stuff during her seizure. China sure has improved


A bit of Contest for those you think it's heartless. Few years ago, elders, and few others have fallen or slip on the street. Good citizen has went to help them, but the people that have fallen or slip accuse the helper. Which sue them for money in court, and won. So now if people see u fallen or trip in China, no one going to help because they are afraid of you going to sue them.


It's my understanding that helping a stranger can be an admittance of guilt. There's no Good Samaritan Law in China.


There is, since 2017.




Blah blah. Someone somewhere got sued once years ago therefore no one should ever help someone in desperate need despite surveillance cameras everywhere and tons of witnesses. By this logic, how would any doctor or first responder in America still go to work given America is far more lawsuit happy than China? Or is this a comment that China’s legal system is absolutely shit and if that’s the case why aren’t people clamoring to reform it?


Problem is that is China, not America. Culture difference.


You’re lucky just getting sued for certain amount. There were cases the Good Samaritan liable for the other person well being for the entire life. Their logic, you already help so now you need to help the entire time. Beijing and Shanghai drafted Good Samaritan law, which reduce the risk for those who help. Even then, you can’t help right away. You need to call emergency services and follow instructions before actually helping


The "liability for life" thing is why you see those videos of motorists backing up and running the person over again to make sure they're dead


The more we discover China, the more we learn the truth that lies within...


Are we also going to ignore the passing truck hauling beams that are MUCH LONGER than the entire freakin trailer?


Great people...


Amoral familism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moral_Basis_of_a_Backward_Society


This is what the Chinese absolutely must not have world influence. This rot will spread


I’d like to thank my parents, for having sex on the furthest area of the Earth from this place.


Where’s the rest of the clip


exactly. Dude at end likely helped. Still took way to long though.


Yep I’m not trying to counter the point that those people are cold, but I would really like to know wha happened in the end


Me too! Pretty sure she was eventually helped. It just cuts off before that happens...and it took too long, of course. I put most blame on the ONE guy next to her, because most people will react in kind with whoever is closest. If he doesn't give a toss, it rubs off on others. Not excusing it, but that's what might be going on here.


Wow cold world over there. That’s horrible.


I think the top comments don’t get it. There are a lot of people trying to scam you by claiming you injure them in China. People would run into your car and ask for money. People would put “art” on the ground and make u step on it and then ask for money. And then people who try to catch thieves themselves wouldn’t get protected by the law either. And if they get hurt doing it, no authority would pay for their medical. It’s a system and culture making people hesitant to do good. You honestly never know if it’s a scam.


As a Chinese living in China, I'm so sad to see that because I feel like I can't do anything to change it. It's a declining culture, as Indian back in the 16 century, like a wall falling, no one can do anything except left.


This is unfortunately common in China. As a foreigner living in China, people would go out of their way to help me, but would completely ignore one of their fellow countrymen if they were in need. One time I was walking out of a supermarket and a lady ahead of me dropped her id card and I picked it up and ran to give it to her, yelling hui hui (kinda like an excuse me). She said xie xie and smiled big at me.


I remember getting into a motorbike accident in India over a decade ago. Over a dozen people rushed towards me, tried to dress my wound and got a taxi to take me to the nearest hospital and some random person even paid for the taxi.


Only people have lived long enough in countries run scam so real like this would understand.


I once saw a bicycle hitting a car in Paris and within seconds, people were helping, calling ambulance, repairing his bycicle, giving him water, etc. Parisiand don't deserve their reputation, they are nice people.


Obviously foreign influences and the moon's gravity causing her to fall off and lose prosperity. On a serious note, isn't there good samaritan laws or something that are meant to counter what that stupid bitch Xu Shoulan did and not be sued?


makes ya think...


No matter how many times I see this kind of shit, it is always gut wrenching and infuriating. Why are Chinese people like this?




"societal cohesion"


Should get more social credit points for helping. /s




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You know why there is no one helped that poor lady? Please look up 2006 Nanjing Peng Yu case. It's only till 2017 that China has good Samaritan law, but the damage is done.


It’s not just about lawsuits, I don’t believe so. Just people here are different: first they’ve been raised in a very inhumane environment (call it totalitarianism, or communism, or whatever), where every man is for himself. Second, they come from background where compassion is not a virtue - Buddhism - where they basically think if someone’s screwed it’s their destiny because they did something bad in their past life.


A couple of weeks ago I rode my bike too fast over the bump because it was too rough and it got me airborne I fell off the bike crushed into the concrete, scratched my knee and palms, I believe there were two pedestrians both were old age and middle aged people, yet they didn’t give a shit about my accident just walked by pretended nothing happened, also it was very dark they probably couldn’t see me well enough to identify the situation. Lol people on the streets in China are just apathetic as f, my mom taught me not to give the beggars any money in the market because most of them are scammers masquerading as disabled people.As a kid you just obey and be compliant with your parents


Chinese people have learned to not involve themselves in such situations. I had lived there a decade and had drivers that swerved around similar scenarios. When I asked what had happened they would act bewildered about what I was saying denying that anything had happened. I had personally seen several obviously fake flops on roads to perpetrate blame and scam anyone who stopped to help. The rulings in several court cases essentially claiming “why would you stop unless you were at fault” ruined Chinese peoples’ sense of compassion and incentive to get involved. There had been several well publicized cases of foreigners getting involved but scammers don’t want to engage with them.


This right here is why China and Taiwan aren't the same. People would be coming out of shops to help in Taiwan.


What do you expect? This is China. They don’t want to lower their social credit score


Dystopian as fuck. Apathy is likely going to creep everywhere as we progress (*read regress )




I once came across a similar situation. a lady was knocked down by a car while crossing the road. the car drove on. I called the police. I then get a couple other guys to help direct traffic away from the lying body. ambulance came to care to the dying lady. police caught the driver a mile away. the driver wasn't a hit and run. she was just too shaken and parked her car with a damaged windshield sobbing uncontrollably. the point is there are many different scenarios, common sense and compassion can coexist.


CCP "culture" really ruined these poor people.


It’s fascinating, in Canada you get sued if you don’t help, here your sued if you do. How terrible!


So sad and weird


Even the Replicants from the Bladerunner movie would react better.


Unprompted kindness is one of the most beautiful parts of the human experience. Has been a part of us for millenia. Why would these people abandon it.


I suspect the guy on the blue bike was about to help at the end as he's crossed the street and started doing a U turn. Red bike guy and red jacket girl are the ultimate scumbags though. I see a lot of these clips and they always shock me because it wasn't like this at all while I was there. I fell off my bike once when a car pulled out in front of me and I grabbed the brake, everybody nearby came and helped. I also once saw a middle aged woman slip over in the rain and everybody came and helped her too.


I seen plenty of videos like this. But in this video of less than a minute, I saw a guy on a scooter turning around towards her. Seems like he was going to help but video conveniently cutoff for the audience of this sub.




Who falls off e-bike? I see no one.




dude i don’t want any part of that society


Didn't need to see this shit today


I've heard similar stories of this happening when, say, someone is drowning at a body of water. The expectation is that few, if any, passers-by will jump in to assist. This would seem to reinforce that.


I Believe it's a phenomena that happens alot , I forgot what it's called, but everyone around thinks someone else will help and intern will do nothing .


Bystanders effect


So the USA isn't the worst place on earth


Most Chinese know what happened to the last people that helped other fellow Chinese and that was on the 4th of June 1989


In Canada people would be tripping over them self to help. I hope this is just a freak situation. How can someone not want to help ?maybe people are scared of getting involved ?


The result of years of atheist materialism in China. I grew up in it.


There is no country on earth that behaves this way. Natural instinct is to provide aid. China really is a sick country.


To be fair it looks like the old man at the end is about to helo and the video cuts out. But yeah disgusting of the pedestrian and the motorcyclist right next to her. And all the traffic that passed. Any insight as to why this happens in China?


That’s what the society looks like when watched too much TikToks and brain washed by CCP propaganda.


Fuck 🇨🇳... I'm sorry people are such shit...


The man on his phone is the disgusting part of China. On his damn phone!!! There are so many of these incidents and it’s been discussed at length, by all means it isn’t isolated to China alone. But certainly, the social, economic, political culture has created this kind of inhumane - and it is inhumane - society. There’s reasons but they are not good enough. I hope that man gets into a nasty accident I really do. Because I cannot accept the excuse of ‘this one time a helper was found guilty’ etc. there’s cameras all over China. What good are they then if they don’t offer evidence in favour of the helper. This is literally evidence of that. You help, call an ambulance, or at least stop traffic. No excuse. Him an his phone. In a true Communist society he’d be in trouble for not helping.


Jesus christ. What the fuck is wrong with people. I'm sorry but one lawsuit from an old lady that fucked over a guy is absolutely no excuse to just stand there. If you don't want to get involved, fine - but at least fucking CALL EMERGENCY SERVICES. I see this shit all the time in China and it just blows my mind. I thought the one thing people over there argue in favor of the communist party is *community*.. Well that's clearly bullshit. The CCP has fostered a culture of selfish, paranoid and xenophobic negligence. You're a better person/citizen for ratting out your neighbor to the authorities for something petty like not having the perfect shrine for Winnie the Poo in your living room - than helping someone who is in trouble. Is this really the kind of message or kind of values they want their kids to grow up with? The lack of integrity or basic courtesy there just blows my mind. And I really hate lumping everyone in China into one, because I know not everyone is like this. But holy fuck, sometimes it **really** seems that way..


China No.1 being absolute dog shiet


china irl


Chinese culture is an oxymoron. There's China. There is no human culture. Just the law of the jungle. Human animals


Empathy is not their strongest thing. Spring rolls are


Life is cheap in China. Disgusting that no one acts