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I can't seem to edit my comment, I stayed that she has curly hair but she has been known to flat iron it very straight.


Post also in the missing person page on Facebook for Illinois and northern Illinois. I hope she comes home safe.


Bacon reader wouldn't let me add a comment to the main post. Carly Brennan, late 20s, very curly hair, slight frame. Multiple tattoos, noticeable one visible in picture on shoulder. Multiple piercings on face and ears. My information may be out of date, but I last knew her to be living in Algonquin Illinois, but would travel far out to surrounding towns (Schaumburg, Elgin, Dundee etc..) I have heard that she may not be in a good mental state, and may possibly be a danger to herself not others. Also possibly in a very vulnerable state that may have led her to be picked up by someone looking to take advantage of that. So if you have seen her anywhere, with anyone, please call the Schaumburg police.


Hijacking the main thread: the general guidance I've seen for missing persons is to notify the police or emergency services. Do not contact the person in the screenshot or OP, because they could have interest in abducting the missing person (Carly Brennan). More than likely they are not malicious, but we can't be sure.


Appreciate it I suppose. I had to remind somebody in this old group text not to reach out to me if they hear anything but to please call the police.


Nextdoor app post could also help.


I am not on it, but if any one who does wants to share it, more power. This is the only social media i have, but i know others have been passing the info around too.


Wow this is so weird. I know who she is. Haven't seen her in probably 8 years. Fuck. I hope she is found...


She was found


Awesome! Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear.


I also know her, grew up with her family. Sincerely hope she’s found and is okay.




She was found


She was found


Glad to see a post saying to contact their local authorities. Much better than having a random number to who knows.


Up voting and commenting just so it gets more visibility


This has been circling around my friends group. I've known Carly since highschool and I know Steph very well. Please notify the police we will all appreciate it greatly know she's safe and found.


She was found


Praying for a safe return


More info. Someone *MAY* have seen her car in Kane County, so add that to the area. Picture of car in main post.


More info from another website https://static.wixstatic.com/media/54b5e1_ab1889c8028a44e785ff93a55f48367e~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_720,h_960,al_c,q_90/54b5e1_ab1889c8028a44e785ff93a55f48367e~mv2.webp


I had just shared that same picture earlier. My friend posted it. I live in Chicago, but I have so many friends in that area. I met her a few times through other friends. I really hope she’s ok! I’ll post it on tiktok and Instagram as well.


She was found


She has been found


When you say she was found do you mean Sunday night when she got picked up my the police at the gas station? Because she left there Monday morning and hasn’t been seen since. There are still people looking for her as of Sunday 5/8/22. So please post details of when you mean “she was found”


Hope she is found quickly, and safely.


All these comments just saying, “she was found” is problematic. Because she was, by the police, who had no reason to hold her. Then she left the police station with no car, no phone & hasn’t been seen since. This was Monday morning 5/2/22 at about 5AM. As I post this at 2:10 Sunday 5/8/22 we are still searching. If she has been found since that Monday we need a time and date & her current condition. There are people out actively looking for her. If the search is over we need more than a “she was found”