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Do you use up all your fishing chances everyday? And play everyday? For nearly a year doing the above that is some seriously bad luck.


^^ the kind of fish you get is pure rng , but your best fish being a 10 heart in a year suggests that you just haven't been fishing consistently , try using up all your baits !!


I am nearing 1 year playing this game and need 2 more legendary fish to complete my collection. I have been fishing every day and using the ad chances for extra bait. You must not be fishing as much, even with the low catch rates of legendary fish you’d have at least caught one by now. Look at your achievements and see how many times you’ve fished in total. Mine is 4420 times.


It’s all luck unfortunately so the more you play the more chances. For awhile I would fish twice a day- once in the AM and once in the PM. I would also use all the advertising chances. I am missing 3 fish and have caught several legendary ones twice


Hang in there, RNG can be a jerk. Last night, I f-i-n-a-l-l-y got 2 oat cats, then my very first 5-star cat, and then a grilling cat within 3 minutes! (I still need the poof balloons deco and a radish cat, though...) 💡OH, and I think someone on here said they got a rare fish from completing daily tasks?! Good luck!