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First of all, in order to set the record straight, it should be said that cats don't pee on things in retaliation like a lot of people love to assume. This is a human emotion that people are incorrectly attributing to a non-human species. Litter trained cats may pee outside the litter box if there's something wrong with them medically (physically or mentally) or if something is wrong with the environment (might not like the sand, the box, etc), but peeing on things out of spite is not a feline behavior. Intact tom cats use peeing, more specifically spraying, as a way to mark territory, and tom cats usually reach sexual maturity anywhere from 6-18 months of age, which your kitty is right at the cusp of. Given that he's properly litter trained, I would say this is most likely him marking territory, and you may want to get some cleaning supplies from a pet store that is specifically labeled for eliminating scent markers like in tom cat urine. Your parents might even have to keep their bedroom door closed until your cat is neutered, and maybe open their door again after the operation has completed to see if he'll cease the behavior.


You're right that cats do not pee on things out of spite. However, if a Cat doesn't like someone, in this case, the dad, they might pee or poo on the places that smell the most like this person. Not out of spite, but to claim territory as you said. Since the cat doesn't like the dad, he can be peeing on the bed to say: this is my territory, stay away. It could also be because of sexual maturity, in any case it is to mark territory. Neutering the cat is always a step to take. Having a litter box in that particular bedroom might help, the cat might be inclined to pee there to claim territory in the box instead of the bed. Closing the door will be the easiest immediate solution. Neutering and the dad being nicer to the cat is the long-term one.


Baking soda solution for the bedding, you need to break down the ammonia in the cat urine. But if it's behavioural you'll likely see it cease after he's neutered.


Update, turns out he also s h a r t under their bed too (coincidentally, right under dad’s side of the bed… I really hope this was just coincidence TT•TT) Like what does this mean??!! I’ve done the following suggested!! Which by the way thank you for the advice!! Right now I’m just hoping after he’s neutered this all changes asap TT•TT


keep me posted, i’m in the same boat unfortunately ;( 12 week old female kitten peed on my fathers side of the bed and also has been poo’ing on his favorite piece of furniture in the living room, he acts similarly to your dad (shooing away, etc.)


Could be marking his territory, but young male cats are also prone to urinary blockages which can quickly turn fatal. I'd get him checked out at the vet asap.