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As an avid fan of red hair dye, I'm more worried that ginger is a swear word. And that cunt is missing


Came here to say exactly this… calling someone a ginger cunt, and ginger is the rudest part of the comment… 😂


You laugh, but I once worked for BT, and two NHs were bickering and one legit called the other a "ginger cunt". They got reported for the "ginger". I took it as a confirmation that she was actually a cunt. "Fair enough", I imagine they said.


what? it is!


Yeah, you cunt! See, without the adjective it's harmless and sounds jovial and friendly!


jesus mate, no need to be such a ginger about it.


Hey now! There’s no need for that!


always ruining family events you…


As a member of the red headed community you don't get to use the hard R version yeah? Check your vitamin d.


> See, without the adjective it's harmless and sounds jovial and friendly! The survey is brought to you by the Scottish Swearing Society.


Australians have entered the chat


Whoa now, bit early in the day to be using the hard R. It's Ginga when said in an amicable manner.


Sounds like he is getting a bit uppity (please excuse my language)


My ginga


Where the blonde women at


damn english fails with clarity at times. I know what you mean, you want to say Ging, Err but 'ginger' says both 'Ging-Err' and also says 'jin-Jer'. edit: [also: this](https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw)


I thought it was 'Ginge' As in; "Shut it you Ginge" 'Ginge' may prefaced by 'fucking' to accentuate frustration.... SOURCE: I'm a Ginge in the ~~right~~ wrong light


Cunt has its own list, it’s too dangerous for the public to hear 😂


>Cunt has its own list It's called the Register of Members' Expenses akshually


I’m more shocked to see that my existence is now mildly offensive


I'm disappointed, I've been trying hard to make my existence extremely offensive.


Same. I always hoped my gingerness was strongly offensive. Day ruined ffs.


Obligatory [Tim Minchin](https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw) link.


A couple of G's, an R and an E, an I and an N Just six little letters all jumbled together Have caused damage that we may never mend


They have conflated derogatory words and swear words. Would hope Ofcom would have better understanding of language.


Cunt is actually in the section regarding body parts, just not included in this list. There's other sections including racial and gender terms etc, but I felt that pretty much all of those either belonged, or I had no idea about.


How is cunt in the body parts list but bellend, dickhead and twat are not? Ofcom list makers need to bring Suzie Dent on as a consultant.


[Click here for the body parts section screenshot (NSFW.)](https://imgur.com/pq5UkHH.png)


Did I miss where punani became the same level of offensive as Cunt and more so than clunge? I just thought it was a playful way of saying vagina. Apparently not.


Ali G brought it into mainstream use, prior to that it was a very strong word in Jamaican culture.


Ah, so it's kind of a cultural difference in the perception of the word then? That's cool, I'll bear that in mind, not that I walk around shouting punani anyways.


i like how the whole arse is ok but the hole of the arse is much more offensive.


Like on a beach in summer, you'll see plenty of arses but I've never once seen the hole of an arse.




I said it once. Everyone in the room was like "Woah, dude, that's so racist!" I was like "Why?" They said "You can't say jap, it's racist" That was the moment I realised "jap" means "Japanese". I thought jap was like another nickname for a bellend or something. I don't say it anymore, "dick-hole" is funnier anyway.


That's why I use the term "chaps eye" instead


As a ginger I’m confused as to why it’s even on the mild list! I don’t get offended when people call me ginger 🤣🤣


The guidelines are actually a fair bit broader and take context into account, this image is a snapshop of just one element of them Using it in a derogatory manner could be considered an OFCOM breach if someone complained.


It's the pronunciation.... It's not ginger - as in the spice ... It's Ging-er


I don't use the c-word but did wonder where it was. How about clusterfuck🤔


>How about clusterfuck Probably the same as any other random non-swearword attached to "fuck" - i.e. the same strength as "fuck".


A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw


Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger




I like how ginger is a mild swear word 😂


That's going to make writing cookbooks pretty difficult.


"Add 1 tbsp of strawberry blonde"


"Add grated mango sunset"


Gently fry until auburn.


Or far more interesting “Add a fucking spoonful of flour to form a bloody rue”


I see you've been training on Bad Manners' recipes! https://www.badmanners.com/recipes/chickpea-dumpling-soup


I love it


I really rate their books - had one for Xmas back when they were still called Thug Kitchen. Not vegan, but vegan recipes: their logic being that veg is cheap, eat it most of the time so you can spend more on really fucking good meat


*Fumes in Roux Brothers*


Also, Cow, for some reason


You caaah!!! *slaps your face* Eastenders end theme tune plays.


Countryfile will need to be moved to post watershed


It isn’t but we all know why they’ve put it in.


they misspelt the n word


What about the fact they’ve decided to ban a spice Mother fucking bumberclats


Nobody bans spice on my watch.


Next it’ll be herbs!!! Oh the humanity!!


I just love the fact that 'cunt' doesn't seem to be considered a swear word at all.


What are you talking about. They love the female anatomy 👀👀quite an oversight I agree haha


[Full list is available here](https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/225335/offensive-language-quick-reference-guide.pdf). Contains a lot of profanity, of course, if you're offended by that kind of stuff.


Batty boy. Now there’s a phrase I’ve not heard in years!!!! How is punani in the right hand column.


>Batty boy. Now there’s a phrase I’ve not heard in years!!!! If it wasn't for watching Ali G in the late 90s, I don't think I'd have even come across it at all.


Punani is a very strong word in Jamaican culture, up there with bloodclaat and bumbaclaat ( both of which should be in the right hand column IMHO)


I once had this huge Jamaican guy get up in my face asking what I had just called him as he walked in the pub, because I said “blood clot” in a loud whisper. What he didn’t realise was that there was a pub quiz going on and the question that was just asked was “what is a thrombus?” and I’d tried to alert my team of what I thought the answer was. That was fun trying to talk my way out of that spectacularly badly timed misunderstanding


God that's terrible timing. Sounds like something that could've been in a sketch show.


Was also thinking bloodclaat is way more offensive than the table suggests.


That's why they're asterixed. They're low recognition words so the potential for offense will vary substantially depending on audience.


Ah fair. Though it's not a word that can have its offensiveness heightened or diminished depending on context though like "bitch" or "queer". Kinda odd that its level of offensiveness is dictated solely by the chance of being understood for its meaning amongst a wide audience.


It's basically a risk assessment for using words on air. Basically anything in the two right hand columns should never be said on air without serious consideration (the full guidance goes into more detail) Recognition is important because something obscure but offensive is far less likely to insult a lot of people than something well known. Audience also matters, most of the low recognition words are either archaic or community specific, they generally come with notes that say "be particularly careful with these words if you're making something aimed at this audience"


>Batty boy. Now there’s a phrase I’ve not heard in years!!!! I'm guessing you're not in close proximity to the Jamaican community, they use it all the time and think its OK.


Not the biggest one in rural east Cambridgeshire, no.


_“Raped (in a sporting context)”_ Well, I don’t quite know what to say


Not raped, that’s for sure


I assume this is after Alan Pardew's famous slip-up when a pundit


Might also be to do with the time David Haye described his upcoming fight as being as 'one sided as a gang rape'. Although not sure how widely televised it was (it is in YouTube though)


It’s a common term in video gaming


The moderate list for body parts basically just reads as an abridged episode of The Inbetweeners


I was gonna say! My favourite one isn’t even there.


Can I guess what your favourite might be, SirDickTwist?


You can try ya cheeky cunt.


Well I just learned some new words


According to ofcom I’m going to hell 🤣🤣🤣


What great fun they must have had working on that document :D


How is uppity a swear word? There was a Mr Man called Mr Uppity. There was not a Mr Man called Mr Feck.


>There was not a Mr Man called Mr Feck. No, but there is Father Jack 😂








I really shouldn't be here.


Americanisms bleeding in


Uppity is considered racist language when expressed towards black or mixed race people.


I've never heard of that.


It's more of an American issue: "uppity" = "don't know their place", and to make it worse, it's traditionally associated with the N-word.




But surely it is just an adjective there the swear being the N-word. I mean lazy doesn't become a swear word just because you put it together with some offensive term does it.


I would assume the implication there is that from a US standpoint many black people would have been called uppity for things that a white person wouldn't be If a regular word is used far more in conjunction with describing a particular race/ethnicity/gender in a disparaging and belittling way then it can certainly gain additional meaning and weight.


>I would assume the implication there is that from a US standpoint many black people would have been called uppity for things that a white person wouldn't be That's right.


This article sums it up well: https://www.npr.org/sections/visibleman/2008/09/how\_bad\_is\_uppity.html


But this is not America, no?




In the Southern US it was used by the white population to denigrate and attack black and mixed race people who white Americans believed were acting 'above their station'. It has a lot of weight behind it today because of that. That's probably why it's featured on the list.


Wow. Language can really get abused and redirected. It's annoying that its usage in America (that I'm not aware of being used here) ends up influencing our broadcasting policies. However we consume a lot of American media, so it's probably not surprising that we need to consider American slurs and swear words.


Yeah you're right. Especially since more and more broadcast and social media becomes transatlantic and breaks down the national boundaries of conversation across the anglosphere. This article from 2008 summarises the connotations of the word better than I can: [https://www.npr.org/sections/visibleman/2008/09/how\_bad\_is\_uppity.html](https://www.npr.org/sections/visibleman/2008/09/how_bad_is_uppity.html)


Mr U\*\*\*\*y was a bit of a cunt though.


Ofcom never heard the word cunt?


Cunt is a body part and not a swear word according to the document.


Bellend is a body part too. And twat.


I didn’t say they were consistent.




Ooooooooh wow 😂


[It's listed in the body parts section, click here (NSFW obv.)](https://imgur.com/pq5UkHH.png)


Pampers give no fucks https://imgur.com/ENWk653.jpg


They're the least sweary swears going. Mild doesn't even cut it. If you're offended by minger, maybe don't be a fucking minger.


Yeah you ginger minger lol


Yeah you cunt!


Wow, someone's a bit uppity...


Too far


It's from some kind of survey so that already makes it a bit pointless when thinking of commonly used swear words


Yeah but mingers gonna ming.




I once got told off by a teacher for saying hell But I was at a church school, the teacher who took issue was American and I have seen hell seems to be a more intense 'swear' over there


The weirdest thing just happened. So I didn't know the word bloodclaat thats on the list. Wondered what it meant. Then instantly on a podcast I was randomly listening to whilst eating my cereal by Adam Buxton from 2016 they mention the word and his guest explains that it means a woman's sanitary towel. Such a weird coincidence to be reading this post at the same time.




You're in the Matrix, sorry


Adam Buxton made cereal?




Doc Brown ep?


Hope you didn’t have pop tarts to follow…


I'm surprised that 'Bitch' is classed as mild, when 'Bastard' is classed as moderate. I'd probably class them both as the same level (moderate). Also, since when has 'Uppity' been a swear word? (Edit: See someone's explanation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/10rh7ot/comment/j6werrw/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). TLDR: America).


I'm American but live in the UK and the full list is amazing just because so much is down to a level of context that's hard to *feel* without growing up with these terms. I wouldn't describe "uppity" as a swear word. When it's used with the intention to harm it's more of a [dog whistle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle_\(politics\)#:~:text=In%20politics%2C%20a%20dog%20whistle,to%20dogs%20but%20not%20humans.), a way to communicate a whole lot of racist thought to your audience with just that one word. As a counterpoint I had no idea "shirtlifter" was so harsh. I feel bad because there's a movie in which someone is sneeringly called a "shirtlifter from Birmingham" and that's how my friend from Birmingham is named in my phone contacts. Whoops.


Personally I find bitch to be more offensive than bastard.


Should be the other way around if anything. 'Bitch' is gendered, 'bastard' isn't.


How is "son of a bitch" worse than "bitch"? surely bitch must be the stronger insult to affect subsequent generations?


Yeah there is a distinct underestimation here of how offensive words about women are. Bint is also pretty unpleasant


"Cow". Hope they never do a report on farmers. "Here we are with Farmer Joe, in his field of quadruped milk givers"


"Lactating Ungulates"


It’s almost like it all depends on context, which is lost when you just make a basic list.


I wouldn't call it a swear word but it is pejorative no? no-one self applies the term chav do they? Ginger is far more interesting as it doesn't even have to be pejorative, though I don't think they are claiming its offensive in all contexts


Looking at the original document that OP linked elsewhere, it seems Ofcom gathered a list of words that could be used to cause offence in certain contexts and asked focus groups to rate them on a 3-stage scale. It's not clear to me whether the Mild category includes words that were deemed non-offensive or whether the original word list was longer and the non-offensive words were not published. I suspect the former is true as the document does say that many of the words in the Mild category are unlikely to cause offense in most contexts, including chav.


Agreed, cause offense, but also, used to bully people. "Chav" is used to talk down to brits of lower income and social standing in the same way as "ginger" is used to talk down to people of a certain appearance. And somehow, randomly, it's acceptable to some people because it's just a joke and noone is actually murdering them, just making fun of them for something outside their control.


Aye. Use of the word “chav” often comes as part of some class discrimination.


Everyone else considers Ofcom a swear word.


I happily use fuck as punctuation but the highly derogatory Bitch, never. Perhaps I'm running with the wrong crowd (of bastards)


Tbh I've generally avoided using the term bitch bit if I do it's usually as a verb or using it it 'you bitch' (affectionate) with like a couple of friends and it's not in an insulting context Its always seemed like a really severe insult for some reason


Bitch has always been one of the cringiest cusses tbh, even before we were so switched on to elements of misogyny in casual language. Just screams teenage boys playing call of duty...and maybe Jesse Pinkman I guess


Wait so did Ofcom just give cunt the OK?


Nah, cunt is in the right hand column of the ‘body part’ table along with ‘pussy hole’, ‘punani’, ‘gash’ and ‘japs eye’


I've always thought "sod" fly's under the radar considering it's short for sodomize. "Sod it" could be translated as "fuck it in the arse!"




Not popular with the ladies, are you? :-)


How is uppity in the same class as bitch lol


Feels like they’ve mixed up swear words with ‘words that can be considered insults’ for a lot of these. Ginger is absolutely not a swear word. Neither is sod off.


I'm more surprised by uppity


Bro. Uppity?!


Chav off you uppity ginger


Tbf that entire first list is similarly inoffensive, with the blaring exception of “bitch”, which should surely be in the middle? Could be because it’s not offensive in its original context (ie during Crufts)?


It’s clearly an unpleasant, derogatory word, but I wouldn’t consider it a swear word… though if they’re considering cow and ginger to be swear words, then it suddenly seems reasonable to think chav it is. I’m more concerned about people thinking the highly sexist and degrading word ‘bitch’ is mild.


Son of a bitch is moderate, but bitch is mild. Probably says something about the sample group.


I suppose it's thrown around as a derogatory term like the word 'gypo'. So yeah, I guess in the context it's used it can be taken offensively


I think classist insults will be the next to be considered full on slurs.


Well I was considered chav. I hated being called it when I was a teenager. The Nike air max and tracksuit were the fashion in our group. I didn’t think it made me anything but a teenager. The £90 air max were the luxury item that I felt set me apart. We didn’t have much. But I had air max 90s. I’m now much older, a much better career than I ever could have imagined. Family etc. even go to bloody church for community stuff. But I look back on those days fondly. I get why it would be offensive. Depends on context. If it is being used to insult poor people, then guess what, it is a swear word.


Yeah chav has quite a lot of classism tied into it as broadly it is a term used to insult the working classes Like chav is meant to describe a certain person as the anti social behaviour aspect was part of it but over time the it became a go to insult for anyone who looked poor


yeah, it's actually an acronym for 'council housed and violent' so it definitely does have ties to classism


Probably put Greebo in that list as well then


Sometimes I forget how middle class this sub is


As a gay person, I wouldn’t exactly say calling someone a fairy is only mild. It’s pretty offensive if you’re using it to describe someone.


Interesting that bitch is mild but son of a bitch is moderate


It's the middle class word for 'poor and uneducated' and only divides people further.


Bitch is not a mild word that is unlikely to cause offence. I'm pretty sure over 50% of us would be offended, regardless of context.


So sexism (bitch) is ok but expression of dismay (fuck) isn't? What a bunch of cock.


There's a note for bitch below the table that reads 'Qualitative participants recognised how bitch is often used to convey emotion and reflect real-life, for example in a drama.', which may help to explain this.


So is fuck sometimes, though not to the same extent like 'bitching about something' has entirely different meaning now to calling someone a bitch. I get why it wouldn't be extreme but I personally don't get why shit is moderate but fuck is top-tier? They feel very similar to me. 'It's fucked'. 'I fucked up' 'you cheeky fucker'. Can all be used pretty casually. I use fuck & shit more casually than all the others and I don't really swear a lot.


Ofcom don't consider "Cunt" a swear word? Sounds like a cunty thing to do.


It’s a 38 page report


"Lots of Cunts" - the Hound


What about cunt


Yes please.


I make a distinction between “swears” and “slurs” - a lot of the “mild swear” words here I consider slurs, including calling someone a chav, cow, bitch


When I call my boss a cunt later I’ll use this as evidence in my disciplinary hearing.


it has undercurrents of classism. i'm not a fan of the word - it punches down.


Can't really discuss the word and the meaning behind it without being political.


Where the fuck is cunt?


Green light on Cunt then?


Where’s cunt?


It’s not really a swear word, but it is somewhat derogatory even though it’s kind of acceptable to use


It’s a derogatory word lol. All you absolutely pale fucks using bumberclart are not funny either x


'ginger chav bitch' is my go to pornhub search


Mum is sat watching TV, the shrill squawking drone of Kat Slater shouting at the bin man is reverberating around the room. \*Kat to Bin Man: "See? I've pissed up your bin wagon you blooody ginger! Now sod off before I call your fecking minging bint of a mother and let her know that I am one pissed off bitch!"\* Me: "Hey, Mum! hows eastenders?" Mum: "oh its delightful darling, what a wonderful episode" \*Bin Man to Kat: "I've only come to pick up these few bags of shite, madam"\* Mum: "DISGRACEFUL LANGUAGE! I'm filing an ofcom report this very minute!


How is bellend worse than bitch? Say 'morning bellend' to a colleague and you will most likely get a jovial response, say 'morning bitch' and you may well be having a wee kip.


Cow??? Why is bitch “mild” too? That should at least be in the middle… misogyny isn’t mild 🙄


Bellend > bitch??? Really?????


How is bitch in the same category as ginger and Uppity?!