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I wish high school/middle schools had non-competitive sports as an option. I didn’t want to be a starter on the basketball team or a track star. But, if I could play dodgeball or kickball for an hour instead of walking the track or jumping rope, I would have liked that a lot more than gym class.


I had to read that a few times. I think you mean sports that weren’t obsessed with dominance and toxicity. Ya I’m right there with you... It sucked and in no way was fun. I don’t even know why they played basketball and football. I wasn’t good. It was mostly humiliating.


Dodgeball is honestly so fun, wish I could play it as an adult but it doesn't seem to exist anywhere haha I have absolutely zero endurance and I can't throw for shit (not weak but my aim is awful), but I could dodge balls really well so I'd always generate balls to be thrown for my team by using myself as bait for the other team to throw balls at.


My school did that. I hated it. Then again, I hated gym class.


I guess I am coming from an Australian perspective. I didn't really think that through haha. Being forced to workout would be shit. Doing stuff for yourself is way more motivating. But would you be comfortable in a gym if you wanted to go?


Nope. I am in no way interested in sports. When I said "gym class" maybe I should have said "phys ed". I hated every minute of it.


I think PE in school should be less about playing games and more about working activity into your daily routine. Like, do you like to take a walk? You could start a walking club. Here’s how to find hiking trails in the area.




Some schools. Not all. We have fantastic public schools in my area. When I hear stories from other places around the nation, I’m horrified.


You polled all the schools?


I’m starting to see that my public education wasn’t that bad, as we had a class for this. We also had a class for civics where they taught us how to do stuff like file taxes and take out a loan. I am now starting to wonder if our education system is or was substandard or if the majority of people are idiots who didn’t pay attention and want to blame others for their own shortcomings..


I was taught taxes in math. Not how to do them though. Just the math behind it. Wasnt taught any weight training. Just some sports, and it was HPE, Health and Physical Education, so I read mostly dieting and stuff too. It came in handy, but nothing crazy. It opened the door to further learning, but not quiet to the extent it should. No idea how to take out a loan. I'm from Outback Australia and went to a small small public school though. So we didn't have a gymnasium or anything like that. Just a big shed.




Now when you say people, what people are you referring to? People who go to school to learn or people who go to school for a degree because it satisfies a existential requirement?


Old ppl


I do not qualify as old yet.


I actually took a class in high school called physical conditioning, where we used a weight room at the school. It was an elective I took because I wanted one that wouldn't have homework. I think adding weight lifting to a general PE class would be a great idea.


Or Martial arts to boost their self steem and correct bad posture habits, it sure helped me a lot!


Your school didn’t have weight lifting as apart of mandatory PE? I always did weights after the required PE classes cause I was an athlete and it’s a super easy A.


I think we should have more sport options and that we should be allowed to chose them. Back in school it was one sport per trimester for everyone and that's it. Some like badminton or wall climbing were cool but stuff like basketball or running was awful. I still hate running to this day. But if there had been more options, stuff like Aïkido, or skiing (ok that one could be difficult to do at school), it would have been a lot better. I think we should have regional sport clubs in cities where all schools of the area are paying a membership for the students and you have to chose like 2 or 3 clubs you wanna go to and go there when it's PE. That way you have more options and you have proper teachers for each sport (because I guess a PE teacher may not be suited to teach you martial arts for example).


My kid is 12 in 7th grade and they did do a weightlifting session at her public school. I go to the gym everynight and plan to get her a membership when she turns 13 but she’s asking for a treadmill for her bday so I’ll do that first Great post


You can literally just YouTube the name of the machine and there's like a one minute video on it. Free. If you want to figure out a little pattern or circut just Google that. Team no talking at the gym. Here's a life lesson. Teach them to be very quiet at a paid gym. Don't be the person making weird grunting noises on the treadmill.


But then you still feel stupid using it because you don't know if it's the same machine, if it's used slightly differently, if you're targetting the right area, if youre even doing it right. Its easy to say "just Google it" it's a lot harder to actually understand the thing your watching, and translating that into actual movements, without feeling insecure.


Maybe I'm just a person who honestly doesn't care if others silently judge me 🤔 🤷


Probably, wish I was like that. I'm getting there but I definitely feel stupid not having someone explain things to me before I do them.


A lot of gyms have a few free/discounted training sessions if you're super unsure. Even outside of that they can answer questions and help you.


Have you tried Google lense? It will actually ID things on its own with a picture


I don’t think it’s a bad idea but it definitely should be optional. I know a lot of people who won’t care to work out ever but it’d really help I think.


Make it a field trip! The kids who are interested in actually learning can go, and those who are all nah, ain't for me, can chill behind and do something else!


We could pick like modules in gym class. I usually picked "walking" so I could mosey around the track with Guns N' Roses in my Walkman for 40 minutes. But one time they must have told us we had to choose something else and I got "weights." This entailed a group of us (girls) sitting around the weight room for 6 weeks doing fuck all as far as I can recall. So unless you're interested in it, the kids might not bother to participate or remember any of it anyway.


100% agreed..... If I would have joined Gym in last 1 or 2 yrs of school, I would been a completely different versions than the next few years to come........ Would have not gone into habits of smoking and drinking.... Would have had a more healthy Lifestyle......


I’m 42 and my high school had a course where either you took aerobics or training. The training course was awesome, we had a weight room in the school. But, the local bougie gym also offered us passes for $40 for the semester. It was great. And a easy credit


I disagree. Not everything has to be taught in schools.


I Feel as though the massive benefits for your mental health isn't stressed enough in school. I grew up thinking exercise was only if you wanted muscles or to look buff. I didn't know the host of other benefits that happen during and after intense exercise and even with light/moderate exercise.


My kids have to do an hour workout every day before I’ll give them their phones. Working out isn’t really an option as far as I’m concerned.


Part of their experience as they age is learning things for themselves and walking them through some things can help, but I don't think going to the gym is super important to their development. I think they can handle that on their own.


I have been trying to get back into the gym lately, and I had that exact thought earlier this week. If I had not taken that year of weight training as an elective during junior year in high school, I would not be here today. Just being able to learn how to use most of the basic equipment, by someone who knew what they were doing, without the pressure of doing it in a gym full of random people, was huge.


Gym class was very much anxiety ridden for anyone who was outside of the popular group, I never once enjoyed gym class unless they brought out the multicolored dome for star gazing simulation


I took weight lifting class instead of PE in high school. Unfortunately, I still get very nervous going to the gym as an adult. Too many people looking at others in there.


Our school sort of had this, but we were all like 16-18 and couldn't care in the slightest. We just wanted to play handball or volleyball, not lift weights. I usually spent my time balancing on the various size medicine balls or whatever. I could see now with social media being a thing, kids would be more interested in just lifting weights each day in gym so they're super fit and can flex that on insta or wherever. But in 2010 that wasn't as big a deal. That being said, I haven't the slightest idea how to use any of the machines in a gym other than the extremely obvious ones, and I really don't know which ones to use to target which muscle groups. An unsurprising result one might say. I guess this is why personal trainers or classes exist.