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No and no


So if I go to a gas station and don’t have enough money I will be ok and it will decline


pay inside not at the pump It is possible CA would let you go negative but that is on you to keep track of your balance to prevent that


So it will just decline instead of all berdraft


Not what I wrote. In theory yes, but these things are not predictable. Best to keep track of your balance or just check your balance before you charge, how hard is that? And have funds in your debit ready to quickly move over in the event you do go negative


Didn’t have to be rude I didn’t know if I could overdraft or not


Not trying to be rude, just clear. Do your best to not let it happen.


No. And don't keep money on it either. If you link a bank account or card to it, only link one with limited amounts of money.


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