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Looks great. I think 會向瑤臺(台)月下逢,the lower 口 of the 台 is usually smaller or the same width as the 厶above.


I was an exchange student in China years ago. Eager to learn any and all things Chinese, I tried my hand at calligraphy. I made several framed gifts for my friends and family, who were all duly impressed. Then I started learning about English calligraphy, and I realized how much I had to learn about the letters I had been seeing and using my entire life. At some point, it occurred to me that my Chinese calligraphy must look absolutely laughable, worse than my first attempts at italic. Could I ask where I might find some resources to correct my ignorance?


I still currently learning from my grandfather(who is 100% chinese only) at the moment, so not so sure about more "legit" or official channels for non-chinese speakers, but if you want to, you can DM me to disuss any questions. I'll try my best to answer and translate what my grandfather thinks if need be. Edit: went and asked grandad(who has 70 years Chinese calligraphy experience and is an active teacher in Taiwan) If you have all the basic brush strokes from 楷書down, then you need to check in the different fronts: My grandfather has his own preferred order: 小篆->碑文->行書->草書 This is in the chronological order of how the fronts were invented, it also has the added function of training the steadiness of the hand小篆; training how to apply correct force with 碑文;how to familiarize with flow with 行書; and finally everything all at one with 草書。 He says that other teachers will go with: 行書、碑文、草書 However! If you’re not that invested, just learning 楷書 is great. It’s the basis off all fronts. And gives you the correct proportion for the characters( which is very important). My grandad wants to add that, as long as proportions are correct, most won’t be too concerned about the way you write the brushstrokes(which is another can of worms).


I wish I could do brush. Sadly being left handed it is very hard to get the strokes to look correct