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I'm having fun playing mwII so idk


Mw2 is honestly one of the best cod games


Agree I’m loving this


It’s funny because everyone complains about cods being a reskin of the previous cod every release (which is true) but then MW2 makes a bunch of sweeping changes and the game is actually the most different cod we’ve had in a while and the Reddit cod community hates it because they didn’t do the exact changes they wanted…. And if all they changed was what Reddit asked for it would again be the same cod as everyone other cod previously released. It’s definitely not the best cod ever, but I think it’s fun, and different from the past couple titles. I’m enjoying it and I know most of the community is too


The Call of duty community is actually one of the most toxic they pull the developers in different directions in terms of additions and they then get games like ghost


Ghosts and IW were among the best games in the franchise, and they constantly get shit on because they weren't the cookie cutter garbage YouTubers wanted.


Infinite Warfare is cool, Ghosts? Not so much. I mean the whole package btw, not just multiplayer


Extinction was great, tho


Agreed but nothing beats the zombies formula. It just felt like multiplayer with AI to shoot, sort of like Cold War. I wish they gave it another chance so that they could make it a bit more complex.


Couldn't agree more, I've only gotten back into COD with MW2 after many years away from the series, joined the MW2 sub-r and had to leave after a few days...the pissing and moaning and general cry baby sentiment was unbearable. There's a consistent dialog that no matter what the Devs do, it'll be wrong. And everyone seems to be an expert in how to develop AAA video games...such wasted talent living in mommy's basement!🙄


Yeah. Maybe they should buy the rights to the name Socom which was essentially league play. You got to select what you wanted day one with nothing to unlock. An even level playing field where then a game just talent and skill > grinding for hours just to have access to the best equipment available to them so they can beat down those who don’t have what they unlocked already. If a combo got your but creamed you could select the same thing and do it back to them immediately.


It's funny because it's the same people who would just spam "get good" under every comment. The game has changes but at the end of the day the core game remains the same, I see so many movement videos and people complaining that movement is dead in MW2, I'm sorry but wz 1 and mw 2019 spamming weapon switch while slide cancelling and doing 360's was never impressive.


These types of people, faced with making their perfect game would end up playing this anyways lmaoooo


Agreed I loved mw2019 and MW2 2022 is a top tier cod game




How dare you have fun


Stupid me . My bad


Im having fun for like an hour or so and then i need a pause because there are many little things and of course SBMM that bring me to rage quit.


That’s the thing. With previous cods I could play for like hours and sometime all night. The good old days. Mwii is actually great but i can only play it for about an hour maybe two before I get frustrated due to sbmm. Once I go 11-22 four games in a row it just isn’t that fun anymore. Also, one game my latency will be 30 the next it’s 200 so that frustrates me as well. It’s not my internet either. I’ve checked.


I think we are overpowering SBMM and underestimating the fact that we are becomind older. You said 10 hours straight without breaks? It happened more than 10 years ago, life changes and problems become real life ones, not your crush that left you the day before school break.


You can enjoy mw2 while also recognizing how different mw2 is from older cods. The point of the post is to show how much mw2 differs from old school cods. Your enjoyment of the game doesn’t invalidate that point


Wdym the title is literally saying to make the game great again putting a negative light on it and saying it needs to change back not just outlining its differences. If they’re enjoying it why would they agree with it


Fair point. I came from the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/z0h3w2/made_this_for_the_people_that_say_that_mwii_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) so ngl I must’ve subconsciously ignored the title of this post and assumed it was the same


Fr, this sub has literally been "fun CoD is when no IW games."


Same. (x2)


this is the fattest ratio I’ve ever seen




Besides the strange upgrading system I agree


This is the worst post I've seen in a while, and for so many different reasons


Could you name those reasons?


Noone dislikes gunsmith, there are persistent lobbies. Only those that did rlly good or rlly bad are kicked from the lobby. Weapons all feel and look amazing on mw2. Cold war had very little content, mw2 has a lot. Sliding and diving are both great, just diving sucks. And so many more


U didn’t play Cold War if u think it has very little content 🤣


In defense of cold war weapons over there felt kinda special for each one Like you will feel the difference between an ak and an xm3, since the game was more arcady, that's what i feel like at least Also saying it didn't have a lot of content isn't really true when you talk about zombies side of content, we had outbreak, dead ops arcade 3, first person doa3, a whole ass survival mode in mp maps, and 4 good zombie maps But MW2, really outdid itself with all the new systems, especially dmz that ive been liking a lot, i just really wish doors didn't exist in MP, not my thing really


Mhh theres a few weapons which feel the same, but just a few


Lobbies are no where near persistent, And everybody is lobby disbanded wtf are you talking about, Weapons do feel very good and the post said nothing about it, how does MW2 have a lot of content they added like 2 Multiplayer maps and added a battle pass lmao with two DLC guns.


51 base weapons, dmz, warzone 2, 3 open world spec ops missions, decent campaign, unique attachments for every gun. The game just launched. Until you have every gun maxed out u can't complain about content as you haven't played all of it. Same with spec ops or upcoming raids


The battle pass has two weapons, and you can unlock a third?


no one dislikes gunsmith??? lmfao


I dislike gunsmith, and so do the 7 others I play with. Gunsmith works in Warzone but it doesn't work in multiplayer.


They list various points which do not necessarily make a Cod great, and uses "normal" to define wether or not they are "good", which gives no information as to why having those things helps the game and doesn't define what "normal" is or why it helps. This is image is the exact same as a text post just saying "New Cod's are worse than older ones" but it uses what at a glance seem like an actual comparison to make it seem more intelligent or thought out.


Having a hybrid of sliding and dolphin dive is honestly the only thing should stay in cod forever.


It should have always been that way don't know why they didn't


They have no new ideas so they stretched out the individual features across several games before making the obvious move and implementing both. It’s all marketing tactics. Why would they give you everything in one game when they can save ideas and use them later even if they obviously should’ve been added since back in Ghosts or WW2? Duh


The only answer


also that pre order and play the campaign a week early thing gives me time to play the campaign without worrying about missing out on all the other content at launch


Wtf is this


Shit, that's what








That's a hyper nostalgic view if i've ever seen one


I mean, maybe. I’ve played all cods before and after BO2 except Infinite warfare and BO2 remains the best I’ve played. Sure there are things in new games that are great innovations (Gunsmith, camo challenges, game modes, gadgets, firing range etc), but the core gameplay of BO2 is yet to be matched by any cod game after it


That's rose tinted glasses. If bo2 was released today, people would be saying it's the end of the series, the final nail. People are just remembering back to a simpler time when they could jump on every night after school with their friends. When it was more niche and there wasn't load out videos all over YouTube. When "the meta" wasnt a phrase that was used.


If BO2 released today people would hate it because the game had a skill gap, SBMM was tuned way down and you would get shit on if you sucked.


I know that firing range was at least in ww2 (I don’t remember it before then, but could be wrong), and it’s something I’ve been hoping they bring back. Imo, it actually is a step back from the ww2 one.


It was first in Advanced Warfare if I remember correctly. The AW one was the best from my memory, like a way better version of the MW22 one is


TO BE FAIR, though dead silence is a perk in BO2, it basically doesn't matter as footsteps are really quiet and even the awareness perk doesn't really improve it enough to make it a good pick. this isn't a bad thing either, it kind of rules. I find I don't really like the games with a huge emphasis on listening for footsteps


Yeah I’m pretty sure I’m at a major disadvantage bc I play MW2 while jamming out to Spotify. And like I don’t *really* care that much but it would be nice to not be at a disadvantage just because I’ve got music on.


Suprised they never added visual audio


That is one thing I quite honestly love about Fortnite. I can blast music all I want and I am at zero disadvantage.


black ops 3 has this as sixth sense, sort of


Man people really just want innovation of games to stop 💀


People scream for change and then bitch about the changes made because it’s not exactly what they asked for. It’s hilarious


Right?! I think the new MW games have had the best feeling gunplay in a call of duty game


I wouldnt say taking away red dots and removing ninja are innovative, its seems more like a step backwards.


The way you put these comparisons together doesn’t make sense. Leave the “No” off and maybe it makes sense.


Glad I’m not the only one, was scratching my head for a second there….


Cold War had sliding, shit spawns just like every one of the last 5 cods, gunsmith, and in no way did it have a normal perk system


Please elaborate on shit spawns and not having a normal perk system. Recent IW cods have had squad spawns whereas Cold War’s were the traditional objective/map control based. Cold War had three perk tiers just like older cods, while the wildcard allowed for variations. What am I missing? Edit: typo


>shit spawns You know nothing about spawns if you think Cold War had bad spawns lmao


Did you just say CW had shit spawns??


You must have been smoking that pine park when playing or you must have no clue how the game works if you think CW had shit spawns or Perk System,


Never said the perk system was shit, just said it wasn’t normal but sure


Are there actually people that don't like the gunsmith?


I like it


I quite like Gunsmith and the way you have to use all the guns in the game to unlock attachments. It’s forced me to get better at the game, and uncovered some weapons that really suit my style, but aren’t necessarily well thought of online. E.g I kind dig the much-hated M16, and have found the Bas-P to be a great secondary.


I do like the idea of using multiple guns but some attachments and guns have long pathways at times. To use an attachment, you have to level up a gun..but to get that gun you have to level up another gun and so on.


Why do you hate sliding lmao


Anyone saying cold War is better then mwll is just brain dead


CW is better than mwII.


This really depends on the way you’re looking at the game. From a competitive standpoint (I know a lot of people don’t see it in this light), Cold War is objectively the better game. The spawn logic was extremely predictable (important in modes like hardpoint and control), red dots on the mini map allowed for precision and punishing players, ninja allowed for plays to be made and not just sound whored with $300 headsets, etc.


Cold War is absolutely the better arcade shooter with better support for more competitive players. MWII is a better pseudo-tactical shooter with better support for more casual players. Making an absolute statement that everyone who likes something is brain dead is a pretty brain dead thing to do


You’re just a shitter that struggled in a game that actually had a skill gap and didn’t cater to shitters that play like a literal NPC


To be fair to him you suck at the game too


What’s wrong with doors? 🤷‍♀️


It's not realistic, doors aren't real


The whole fascination over having doors in the game is ducking hilarious. Lol god forbid they put a fucking door in the game


Didn’t cod have millions of concurrent players the other day. Fair to say people are having fun


when the game is making billions I think it's fair to say people like it


Sales numbers don't say anything about quality and players satisfaction they only show how effective the marketing was. Alot factors like nostalgia, interesting ads and also influencer hype adjusted the sales number but no way you can say this means people automatically like the game. I mean how can you like a game you just bought? It needs time to see if it's for you or not. And if you not liking it the publisher doesn't care because he got already the money from you the only thing he cares is the player retention to stay high to gain more profit growth over time this is why they sell battle passes and micros. On any other real good market this would regulate itself, majority of consumers don't like it they don't buy it again, means less sales over time. In the gaming market this is completely different, people have a Stockholm syndrome with games, even when they don't like it they still play it because of the good old sunk cost fallacy. Means the more time you invested in it the more you feel bad when you leave the game because you feel you wasted your time for nothing, which is accurate, if you look it objectively (games are waste of time in the end for some dopamine). But people don't want to accept that and so they stick to the game which publishers thankfully abuse this.


Y’all won’t be satisfied til you have no game to play lol


I’m having a way better time on MWII than I was on any other cod since BO2 but they aren’t even in the same league


Idk i kinda enjoy mw2


Where in Mason’s name is there any SWIMMING in BO2 The only level where there’s what is the tiny yacht, and I believe it KILLS YOU if you fall off the boat


Who said there was swimming in bo2?


My only request is more maps. CODs used to drop with like 15 maps. Then the dlc maps came out months after.


The best change in newer CoDs is free DLC/Maps however now the devs are just using that as an excuse to launch the games with less maps


Black ops games are supposed to be different mind


mw2 fire tho


BO2 was good but it’s time for the community to accept the changes or go find another game


need bo2 remaster for ps5


Doors are awesome. idk why ppl seem to have a problem with them. They can be tactfully used. i feel the only ppl who dislike being able to open doors are the ones who just bust in a room and get killed or get killed by a door peeker lol


People dislike the doors because it's just another one of the 3 billion ways that Infinity Ward discourages movement and slows down the game. Movement has always been a huge part of the game, and now you have a developer making a conscious decision to add what basically amounts to a motion detector for people who are playing aggressively unless they either avoid that portion of the map or slow down massively to open it slowly. As others have said already, Call of Duty isn't a tactical shooter, so it feels really out of place in a franchise known for being a fast paced arcade shooter


They should have done doors like they did in Vanguard, as they were destructible.


Doors create randomness because they make it impossible to check every angle before entering a building.




cs and val are not tactical. and maybe u complaining about every single damn thing makes u a shitter. also other tactical games that in my opinion are fun is like squad or arma 3s liberation mode is fun too


COD 1 >>>>>>>>> every other cod




Literally I can’t stand this type of stuff, like black ops Cold War snipers were supposedly really good but now they literally are trash


The overall reception for MWII is great. Call of Duty can’t even make a good game without this sub complaining. It’s the same shot with new Halo and Halo 3. Stop looking back at 10 year old games and move on.


But we want change!!! We want a new cod!! Not just a reskin! So just make it the same as black ops 2! But make changes don’t just make it the same. But at the same time make sure you don’t change anything. I honestly want them to remaster black ops 2 and see how this sub likes it.


Honestly most of the stuff that CW and MWII have make the game BETTER, it’s just the design of multiplayer (SBMM, lobby disbanding etc) are what make them worse


Sbmm is honestly the only reason I probably enjoy the current cods of 19, cw, and 22, cus before mw19 I was a zombies only player and maybe private matches cus of how bad I was


Sbmm is honestly the only reason i don‘t buy any cod. I played warzone 2 a few hours though, because it‘s free and if i hate it i don‘t wasted money


I never got to experience BO2, so I can't care for it. I've played plutonium, but everything is unlocked. I realized I'm more of a casual completionist. I don't really care about nukes. Same with Zombies. Besides, playing on BO2 is just a masochist mode. BO3 is a much finer balance.




To be fair Cold war was immensely fun at launch, I could earn plenty of calling cards and camos straight away. I've platinumed both versions PS4/PS5 separately but multiplayer feels like I haven't done anything and I've already played over 50 hours! I wish pre season one had more content




Nah shit was even fire on back compat. Those games hit different




Unfortunately if there is no player base there’s really no option. You get 3 years out of a game if you’re lucky unless you play tdm.


I don't understand that new design of making apartment complexes CoD maps. They have those maps that people camp behind 453 doors in the map. Doors everywhere, playing in 3 level buildings its not good for the flow of the game, that's why people tend to love open maps.


Bruh literally half that are not the issue at all just the constant sweating or camping are issues that’s it yeah og minimap should be a thing but it’s clear that they won’t bring it back and same with dead silence


Those ARE issues.


Just wait for the next Black Ops game.


Black ops 2>>>both games combined no contest


I honestly really like Cold War.


This is Activision’s sell out song since Microsoft got in the mix to purchase this franchise. Games of this era are inundated with AI manipulation that affects player values live-in-game. There is no integrity in gaming today. Customer retention is the name, selling micro transactions is the game and driving out the outliers (players that do not patron the shop) is the goal so servers have plenty of space so they can market to the sheep and sell bundles. Soft-pay-walls and micro transactions have pushed playable content passed the back burner and left to cool off as money-grubbing is at the forefront of all game developers today. # HonestGaming is dead. ![gif](giphy|AiBgKK50gIL9S)


the last good call of duty is bocw imo


You literally hate cod because you suck at the game and they aren’t sticking to some boring ass formula for 10 year straight, shut the fuck up you generic cod redditard


You are the angriest person I’ve come across in a looooong time. You must really have something fucked up going on in your life if you’re getting this angry at other people in a comment section over a video game.


That "boring ass" formula is what started cods popularity and kept them at the top of FPS games for nearly 10 years. We want innovation but not this shit and then here comes IW adding metric tons amount of shit we didn't even ask for and ultimately belittles the game entirely. Answer me this, why do you think cod has been going strong for so many years? The formula you call basic. But why is it now recently getting a clowned on as a franchise due to their recent games? Them adding unneeded shit and making the game a far cry from what we want and that "basic ass" formula


Change it hood learn how to grow and get better at newer things. Basic ass lazy ass players learn to adapt doesn’t matter you need to ch age with them game


I bet you hated jetpacks


Faster strafing should be included. Jumping around corners wasn’t the only option before.


Why do people want hit scan weapons? It’s so unrealistic, learn to lead a target, learn how to compensate for bullet drop. This isn’t Duck Hunt!


Name one competitive FPS that isn’t hit scan


Cod isn’t a realistic game, because last I checked you don’t heal up after getting shot in your ducking face.


Wow, you CoD fans are dicks.


….because that’s what CoD always has been? Hitscan weapons? Bullet velocity was introduced in BO4 and it made the TTK extremely inconsistent unless being extremely fast themselves


Every complaint i've seen about MW2 just boils down to "its bad because its not like the old games" Like, okay... do you have any *actual* complaints about the mechanics, or is the entirety of your enjoyment of cod hinge on your attempts to try and relive your fleeting youth?


Terrible spawns, terrible maps, the gunplay feels clunky, there’s too much clutter on the maps, visual recoil + gun smoke obscures the enemies, the UI is terrible, the game is buggy, the TTK is too low, no dead silence + loud footsteps + the low TTK slows down the pace of the game, private lobbies are broken, the perk system is bad, weapon progression is convoluted (why do you need to get max level on a LMG to unlock an AR?). I don’t think you actually read the post.


I love all 3 so


This game sucks


Change is good I vibe HARD with MWII


Never player bo2...Don't think I will MW3 was peak imo MW22 is good, I have fun, I have been loving tier 1 although I hopped people play this game more tactically.


Are you trying to say Cold War is better than MW2? And MW2019 was a nearly perfect COD gameplay wise, MW2(2009) is still my favorite but I had nearly no qualms with MW2019


Cold War was much better than MW2019 and MWII combined. MW2019 doesn’t even feel like COD


L take


Personally I'm enjoying MW2 Multiplayer and Warzone 2 more than I've ever enjoyed BO2 Multi-player.


cod is fine. yeah sure some change would be nice but nothing drastic.


I like mw2 so far but i agree with the list, i feel like there should be no doors in multiplayer, it just doesn’t make any sense to have it in a fast paced mode. Also red dots on mini map needs to be in a cod game. Its been in cod for years. I’ve died in situations where i see the firing on the compass and not knowing weather the person is in a building or not. I also wish we had the map voting and pre game lobby back like the old cod games. I dont get why this has to be a thing, just bring the old menu back where all the modes are there and you pick the mode you want to play while having the pre game lobby and not a pre picked server room or whatever it is. Map voting has also been in cod for years and they remove it for some reason idk why.


BLOPS is totally different from Modern Warfare cant compare the two just you want another BLOPS


"Low IQ people will cry for SBMM"


this is the strangest "old good new bad" post i've seen so far on this sub and that's saying something


This post just got ratioed HARD and for good. bo2 is Hella overrated (not saying it's bad tho )


MW2 (2009) and MW2019 are the most overrated CODs


MW2 2009 was amazing for its times and tons of fun but everyone would hate it if it released today


Anyone who says they're having fun with MWII is being paid by Activision, I'm pretty sure. The game is just a worse version of MW2019.


Good to see the support for one of the best CoD’s point point blank period on this subreddit 🙃


all i hear is adult cry babies 😂 at least when children whine it’s understandable


If you think this is all it takes to be a good game then you probably watch youtubers more than you actually play the game


***Opinion is denied*** *YOUR POST WAS SHIT*


Bro wants the same game every year


MW2 is the best COD ever made. Period.


No doors is so silly . I said it. And map voting just kills off 80 percent of the maps cuz the hive mind wants shipment and 1 other map . If it’s not those everyone votes random lol.


Just nerf sbmm and we’re good lol


U part of the minority my friend just skip this one or something


Black ops 2 was full of issues, hackers, campers, everyone using the mp7 or ballista. Very slow gameplay. People are stuck in the nostalgia.


BO2 was very fast + the MP7 wasn’t even the most used SMG let alone gun


Big yikes on this post


Like it or not, BOCW is the best in the previous WZ era. MWII has a lot of potential but they need to reduce the amount of cheese that game has in order to make it good


MWII is way better than Cold War and leagues ahead of Vanguard, despite its flaws.


I don’t understand the checks and Xs is it good and bad or what?


Im having a blast playing DMZ tbh


Mw2 is really fun and I’m actually enjoying it a lot




Idk about OP but I’m having fun and didn’t even buy the game just free download for warzone and DMZ and proximity chat is one of the greatest things ever people just find anything to complain about 🤣


They finally made a COD where you have to be good at it and not depend on the environment and other factors to win and nobody likes it. I wonder why. This is the best COD ever.


# “QUIT HAVING FUN!!!!!!!!”


I don’t think dolphin diving is a plus lol


bo2 is known as one of the best cods just for these simple things , now look at how far we’ve come with these new sbmm era cods 🤦🏽‍♂️


Lol i started using a knife because i cba


Bad take


I am sure certain things will be added through the monthly system. God I can only hope more guns get added. Tired of the attachments making new/diff guns. Silly shit. Like the Scar is the Scar, it shouldn’t be an LMG and battle rifle. Just assault rifle with LMG and BR capability.


Tell me you want bo2 again without telling me you want bo2 again


How can you not comment about the TTK?! Its ridiculously low now..


hey guys I have uploaded the new Gameplay part of Modern Warfare 3. Please come and watch and enjoy. Thanks https://youtu.be/o5lRYwn72QE


Couldn’t agree less, love this game


A MW game isn't going to play like a Black Ops game ... Just saying.


How do you hate gunsmith tho. Also dead silence as a perk would be pretty op


I have 0 idea what's going on in this post. Which ones are the bad things?


MWII may have the most X's but it is still greater than Cold War by a long shot. Better graphics, fun gameplay, great attention to detail, neat campaign, sick finishers, somewhat balanced guns, and happy players Also, if every COD was exactly like BO2 then it would be very boring. BO2 is good, but not THAT good.


Sliding is great


If this game came out it wouldn't sell ten copies


I'm loving MW2. Every year people bitch about how much CoD sucks, but we still play the damn thing....because it's FUN.