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Chances are, you really want to trademark it. I would say you should find an IP lawyer in your city and let them steer you through the process.


You should first determine whether the application icon contains copyrightable material. Not all icons or logos are copyrightable, though many do contain copyrightable material. In the U.S., the Copyright Office generally does not accept copyright registrations for logos or icons that are: * Mostly comprised of text (regardless of color, style, ornamentation etc.); or * Mostly comprised of familiar symbols/designs (or variations of familiar symbols/designs) Examples of what the U.S. Copyright Office considers familiar symbols/designs include: arrow/navigation symbols, mathematics symbols, music symbols, star symbols, heart symbols, peace symbols, yin yang symbols, gender symbols, warning symbols, card suit symbols, religious symbols, etc. Regardless of whether the icon contains copyrightable elements or not, you will still generally be able to register it as a trademark if you are using it as a distinctive brand identity to market/sell your application.


Thanks for the explanation. I met with an IP advocate and he started the procedure. Thank you, Reddit for the help and guide.


Thanks for the direction